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Thread: Love Life

  1. #781
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    I guess cause most people's (in some age range - that's why we have all those age permitions, that never work, but that's another thing) life includes sex

    It's psychology...some or many people just like love and sex scenes, cause in real life you can't really see how that looks like, unless you have like a mirror on your ceiling which does sound pervy

    Gazelle...well...I dunno bout others...but I always have someone to family, my friends, my boyfriend..."love is all around" me ( and I'm at a really low point in my love life right now...decision overdue, changes to be made... )

  2. #782
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    @LionRoar... your advice is really good thanks! Yeah he told me he is gay, and unless hes not telling me the truth.. I also don't know why I get so jealous of him.. perhaps its because I've spent five years arguing with her and several times shes ended up yelling at me that why would he like me anyway when I'm so fat and ugly compared to her?
    Sorry, I actually only just remembered that..

    @A-non-a-mus... ah well.. I can't change his sexuality and it is his choice in the matter. In the beginning of my depression over this, I would agree he is a fool, but now I'm just kinda.. half numb, half accepting of it. Meh, its what he chooses.

    @Nathalie... nah.. theres nowt I can do about it so why worry? I know thats what I should be thinking half the time, but the other half of the time, my brain is screaming at me and yes, I do love him as a friend and I always will be there for him. It just annoys me how much I still care for him that could be translated another way.

    @Gazelle... I'd find it rather unsettling to have something similar to my love life in a movie :S and sex scenes should really not be put into movies. Love is not sex. But lets not get onto that subject
    YAY! Oh I'm so happy for ya Gazelle!

  3. #783
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    @LionRoar... your advice is really good thanks! Yeah he told me he is gay, and unless hes not telling me the truth.. I also don't know why I get so jealous of him.. perhaps its because I've spent five years arguing with her and several times shes ended up yelling at me that why would he like me anyway when I'm so fat and ugly compared to her?
    Sorry, I actually only just remembered that..
    Well, I think you already know the answer, don't you? He would like you because you are a good person, not like her. As you say, inner beauty is more important. And I agree with that.
    Anyway, you should try to avoid getting into those kind of arguments that are useless and they just harm people.

  4. #784
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    There's a reason why romance is the most popular genre- it sells, m'dear, and that's pretty much all there is to it.
    Ha, well yes. i suppost it tis mostlikely the best selling genre since forever.

    All, best of luck to you and your new lady friend!
    okay...then. Thanks. Haven't seen anyone in awhile since my 2 extremely bad last relationships. So i'm hopeing this works out. Thanks.

    Originally posted by Zaya
    Gazelle...well...I dunno bout others...but I always have someone to family, my friends, my boyfriend..."love is all around" me ( and I'm at a really low point in my love life right now...decision overdue, changes to be made... )
    Yes, well, i was aiming for love in a mutual status of love'rs', and not the generalization. But yes, love, as in all loved ones, is of course a main thing in life.

    Ugh, low points suck. i'm so glad to be getting away from my last two plane crashes of relationships and very excited to (almost) be in a new one. Best of luck to you in finding happiness, in WHATEVER form it may come in.

    Originally posted by Dyani
    @Gazelle... I'd find it rather unsettling to have something similar to my love life in a movie :S and sex scenes should really not be put into movies. Love is not sex. But lets not get onto that subject
    Yes i agree. although i think the kinds of people i see are usally a bit crazier than the people you see in movies. Yes, and what's with the sex? Why are we talking about sex all of the sudden? it's like middle school all over again! Someone says something bout makeup work, and someone else turns around asking "What about sex?!?!"

    YAY! Oh I'm so happy for ya Gazelle!
    Uhh... Okay, then. Thanks...? i didn't mean to bring it up as a big... Anyway... *sigh* yeah. Moving on...

    Oh, actully i think that's about it. Sorry, i have an obsession with long post and making sure i anwser and talk to everyone.

  5. #785
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    Awww...thank you Gaz! And hope this new "flying thing" of yours will avoid crashes

  6. #786
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    ((...i think i'm a little too obsessed with the smiliey no?))

    So... *sigh*

    TALK people!

  7. #787
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    My love life includes alot of backstabbing, and girls going out with me just for the sake of having a boyfriend, or using me to make some ex of their jealous. None of them were the type that you can talk to and they will understand either.
    I did have one fantastic relationship with a childhood friend of mine... but that was destroyed by a friend of hers that hates me to hell and back. And now even the friendship has pretty much disintegrated.
    So ever since then whenever some girl has an interest in me at school I either avoid them until they lose interest or just tell them I'm not interested in having any kind of relationship. Which is a lie. (I think it's an awesome smiley)

  8. #788
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Lately I have been having dreams of me and Sharifu meeting again after so long time. Those dreams have felt so realistic and great. Everytime I wake up I try to go back to sleep just to keep dreaming. I know that it's gonna be only 9 days till it happens but lately time have passed so slowly and it's really getting difficult to wait...
    Man I really miss cuddling up with my adorable Fu'ey and to fall asleep at her side, but I do know it's gonna be soon.

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  9. #789
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    Originally posted by Takeru
    My love life includes alot of backstabbing, and girls going out with me just for the sake of having a boyfriend, or using me to make some ex of their jealous. None of them were the type that you can talk to and they will understand either.
    I did have one fantastic relationship with a childhood friend of mine... but that was destroyed by a friend of hers that hates me to hell and back. And now even the friendship has pretty much disintegrated.
    So ever since then whenever some girl has an interest in me at school I either avoid them until they lose interest or just tell them I'm not interested in having any kind of relationship. Which is a lie.
    Aww...that sucks. i know so many people like that, and have actully had experiances like that, sadly. Yup. it not just guys that people pull that **** off with...

    (I think it's an awesome smiley)
    Yay! ... heh

    Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
    Lately I have been having dreams of me and Sharifu meeting again after so long time. Those dreams have felt so realistic and great. Everytime I wake up I try to go back to sleep just to keep dreaming. I know that it's gonna be only 9 days till it happens but lately time have passed so slowly and it's really getting difficult to wait...
    Man I really miss cuddling up with my adorable Fu'ey and to fall asleep at her side, but I do know it's gonna be soon.
    *shudders* i HATE having dreams about exs. Espicially mine... *again, shudder*

    Aww...guys...i screwed up -cries!!!- i'm gonna rant about it next time i post though, cause i already made this kinda long and i hate doing that so yeah...

  10. #790
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gazelle

    *shudders* i HATE having dreams about exs. Espicially mine... *again, shudder*
    exes? eh.... she isn't my ex tho... not sure what you ment by that or if it had anything to do with my post, but me and Sharifu are being still deeply in love and even more deep then ever

    but yeah I would hate having dreams of exes too... but I don't really dream of my exes so that's good

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  11. #791
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    No, i got that, i was just through it out there... sorry to confuse you. That's just what it made me think of, since i'm not dating anyone at the moment (not anymore atleast) and i can't relate. heh... yeah...

  12. #792
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    Aw no Gazelle! You mentioned before about maybe seeing someone.. what happened??

  13. #793
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    Yeah, what happened? "Plain crash" again

  14. #794
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    Yeah. i did. But i um...
    i really ****ed(forlackofabetterwordthatstressesthisenough) that up.

    We were talking about past relationships, my least favorite subject in the world to talk about on a frickin DATE, and at first she was mad because i wouldn't talk about it, and then when we actully DiD talk about it she got really *sigh*

    She called me 'an emo depressed little freak' said 'f*** this' started to leave, stopped to taunt me more, then left.

    i mean, in all due time knowing this now, i know i would have found out that she is a rude person and wouldn't want to go any farther anyway, but it kinda hurts that all my relationships end on that subject... Eh.

    Thanks for asking (that's not sarcasim by the way, really i like people who care)

  15. #795
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    Thats a darn pity.. I'm sure you're a wonderful person to get to know properly! That horrible gal! How dare she say that! can I rip her a new mouth?

  16. #796
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Zaya
    It's psychology...some or many people just like love and sex scenes, cause in real life you can't really see how that looks like, unless you have like a mirror on your ceiling which does sound pervy
    Who needs a mirror ?!

    The lights are off - aren't they?

    Agreeing to some, passionate scenes can be left out, however why spoil the imagination, and to some extent like Zaya said; broadening one's perception.

    ♩ "Summer's going fast, nights growing colder.
    Children growing up, old friends growing older.
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer.
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger." ♩

  17. #797
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    Are they? What about dimmed light or television one But yeah, some passionate scenes should be left out...especially those who are so unreal it hurts! But some of you guys should see European movies...They're like totally full of it!

    Gaz, sorry to hear about your date...well...I guess everyone wants to talk about previous relationships to some maybe you should think of shortening "stories" about it and not telling the things they don't wanna hear ...some just expect you'd tell them everything...I hate that

  18. #798
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Well my love life has reached his top right now, im the 7th heaven and i won't ever get down again! ^_^ Im in love, and he's in love with me and yea i gues we're going out now x3 just love him so much, JM <3

    Gaz, sorry about your date aswell. Maybe a next date will fix all? ;3 you never know.

    and STM,,, no comment =P

  19. #799
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    Gazelle: I'm really sorry for you, but look, now you know what kind of person she really is...Isn't it better to find out before you are in a relationship with someone? I'm sure there will be someone you can tell absolutely everything about your past relationships and so on, without her taunting you or something...

    Amy: I'm so happy for you, that's great news
    I really hope it'll work out for you two.
    One it your Badminton teacher's son or...someone else...err, sorry if that's a stupid question

    As for my love life: Haha.

  20. #800
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    Originally posted by Neola

    As for my love life: Haha.
    Can I laugh at it, too?...

    And mine...I can only describe as a Tragic-Comedy...

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