Universal is about to give out some details of JPIV before the summer is over hopefully!!!

and also I found this...

(3/25/05) After being missing for so long that I forgot it was ever there, the large Mountie hat has returned to the top of Ripsaw Falls. The T-Rex and Jurassic Park Jeeps from USF have also been moved over to IOA. Check it out and other photos at IOACentral.
(10/11/04) Want to see photos of HHN 14? Then check out our latest venture... Screamscape.NET, featuring photos from HHN 14 and the Bill & Ted show.

2006 - Lagoon Night Show - (5/11/05) According to the latest update at Jim Hill Media, he states towards the end that IOA may be planning on adding a new nighttime spectacular show.

icon_STOP4912007 - New Jurassic Park Attraction - Rumor - (7/27/05) While I have nothing to back this latest rumor up, one source suggests that Universal was quite happy with Premier Rides coaster system used for the Mummy last year and they may have tempted them again to try a Jurassic Park Jeep version of Premier?s latest ride... The Italian Job Stunt Track for Premier Parks. Like Mummy, the ride could start with a slow tour of the jungle before you get attacked by a large dino like a T-Rex, followed by a launch into a high speed escape through the jungle. It sounds like a good idea... if it wasn?t so similar to Revenge of the Mummy next door.
(7/25/05) The buzz is getting so loud it?s almost mind numbing, but in addition to rumors, I?ve heard from a good source that a new attraction is now locked into place for 2007. The only odd thing is that we?re hearing quite a few reports about where this new attraction may be placed, which mean it could be quite large. The land between the River Adventure and Flying Unicorn is an obvious choice for another Jurassic Park themed attraction (it?s where the balloons were sighted) but we?ve also heard that it may make use of the former Triceratops Encounter area as well as have an impact on Camp Jurassic as well. More as we find out.
(7/20/05) It?s been awhile since we?ve heard anything newsworthy about this side of the park, but the latest buzz from the natives of the Jurassic Park jungle is that a new attraction could be announced for the area by the end of the year. There was also an unconfirmed claim about seeing another skyline height check balloon flying over the JP area of the park a few weeks ago. Again, the old standby rumors that have been flying around for years have come back again... such as the old Jeep Tour and even the Helicoptours simulator ride that would have used the same ride system as Disney?s Soarin. But those are concepts from years ago and somehow I think they may try something new this time around if these rumors are true. Stay tuned!
(3/16/05) Is a new ride in development for the Jurassic Park area of the park or is the rumor mill simply working overtime? The latest rumors claim that people spotted skyline check balloons rising into the sky from the Jurassic Park area in early March.
(2/9/05) Either this is the rumor that wont die or there really may be something in the works after all. Once again the story about a B&M Flying coaster themed to fit the Jurassic Park area has returned. The details this time claim that the Pteradon Flyers will be removed to make room and allow airspace for the new coaster to fly over Camp Jurassic instead. The ride will also take up the space formerly used by the Triceratops Encounter. For now, lets keep our eyes peeled and see what happens.
(12/31/04) This may just be a returning echo of an old rumor coming back, but it sounded good then and may still be a good idea now. The latest buzz to hit our mailbox was about a B&M Flyer coaster themed to a Pteradon Attack. A couple of years back this rumor hit before about adding this kind of ride inside of a large aviary / birdcage for the beasts, but nothing ever came of it. I guess we?ll have to wait until mid 2005 to see if any construction starts in the old Tike or Camp Jurassic areas. The only problem is that so far NBC haven?t tried to spoil their new parks division with any major capital for major new ride projects yet, so we?re still waiting to see if they are willing to invest this kind of money or not.
(11/3/04) With all the fuss over the past couple of days about the possible return of the old JP Jeep Ride concept, we?ve been sent a link to a website that has concept artwork of the old concept as well as a few other items from back when IOA was still just a dream.
(11/1/04) Screamscape has received another unverified rumor claiming that something may be in the works for the Jurassic Park area for 2006. The timing of this also makes sense since 2006 or 2007 is likely to be when the JP4 film is released. Our tipster also claims that many of the talented people who brought the Spider-man ride to life are working on this project and left us with a final tease, ?JEEPers?! At this point we?ll have to wait and see if this evolves into something real.
(8/9/04) We?ve heard a minor rumor claiming that an attraction in the works for 2007 may be placed in Jurassic Park on the site of the closed Triceratops Encounter.
which means they are making a even BIGGER Jp ride!

also this...

July 21, 2005 Universal Studios JP4 Speculation
# Is the JP4 ball rolling? A few tiny tidbits of info have surfaced over the last few days (and weeks -- see the previous story), probably most interestingly from Matt, who reports a tour guide at Universal Studios Hollywood said this week JP4 "would be back in 2006 [to film at the studio]", and they were already booking sets. On the other side of the country at Universal Studios Orlando, meanwhile, Screamscape.com echoes the previous rumor that a new JP ride is in the works. "There was also an unconfirmed claim about seeing another skyline height check balloon flying over the JP area of the park a few weeks ago," the site says. So, still nothing definite, but it sure sounds like something is going on.... (Thanks 'raptor1982') Comment on this story (25 comments)

July 1, 2005 JP4 Announcement Coming This Summer?
So it's been a pretty slow first half of the year in terms of JP4 news. In fact, what little there's been has been depressing, scary, and overall not very encouraging. But according to a source, we might be getting some JP4 news very soon. "You can expect a big JP announcement blitz before the end of the summer/this autumn at the latest," says 'BRI', the same guy who alerted DJP3P to the imminent AICN script review back in August. "Universal is planning on getting their act together for JP4 very soon," he says. "This announcement will coincide with the announcement of a new BIG Jurassic Park attraction at Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure. These plans of course may change (as they usually do!) but it sounds like things are coming together!" Looks like there may be a ray of light at the end of the tunnel after all...
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News Bites
So what else has been goin on? Not much, honestly. Here's a few news bites of note:

* FX guru Dennis Muren tells Comingsoon.net he's "dino'ed out" when asked if he'd be working on JP4, though he wasn't involved in JP3...
* The UK and Germany of all places will be getting a new JP DVD box set in August called "Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Collection" that reportedly will contain a bonus 4th disc. Update: Amazon.co.uk is now accepting pre-orders for the set, which does not contain any new content but includes the "Beyond JP" disc and pretty neat looking packaging.
* An unfortunate note: The rise of Lucas' Revenge of the Sith has officially bumped the late great JP off the Top 10 All-time Box Office list.
I'll keep you updated if I can find anything else!