Just thought I'd say it here, I decided to uninstall FH on my desktop computer because it kept crashing at times when I left the computer. I think the problem was with my graphics card, so I uninstalled that and everything seems to be fine now. With all the errors and that, I'm just giving it up as a bad idea. Call me a pushover, but that's how I feel. But at least it works alright on my netbook...

Except for one little thing, which is where my next question comes in. At various times in the game, I keep getting a "bad token" error which then takes me back to the log-in page. It happens more when I go through a portal to another setting, so I was wondering if there was any way to correct this?

Maybe it's something simple as installing the new patch, I don't know... xD

Otherwise apart from a bit of lagging here and there, the game is working great for me, and the next time I'm on my netbook, I'll install this new Lea map. Fingers crossed I won't encounter any more problems.