Never heard of canned hunting? Neither have I, until a few minutes ago. Canned hunting is a sick "sport"(if it even is that) where some idiots, most of which don't even have very good hunting skills, shoot a captive exotic animal at close range. They don't care if the poor thing is endangered or not. All they want is money. Most of you probably don't know what canned hunting is, it is because these sickos don't want anyone to know about this. Well, now we do. Here's what a friend of mine wrote about what she saw in a video...

"You can remain totally anonyomous, I have seen video footage of canned hunts but had no idea how I could help end them until now. It is one of the most disturbing things you'll ever see - picture this. A group of hunters unloads from one truck, another group unloading two metal boxes from another. They open the first, which reveals a cage holding a nervous lioness. SHe's chained to the cage. The door is opened, she snarls, and runs until the chain goes tight. Bang. The lion trips up, but drags itself on, apparantly in horrendous pain (there is a large wound on one of the hind thighs.) Shot rings out again. The lion is hit in the ribs, but still does not fall. This time the shooter approaches as close as it can and shoots the lion in the neck from almost point-blank range. It flinches, falls, and lies still. It is placed back into the first cage, the second is opened. It shows a small gazelle. This one is not chained, but is shot the moment it leaves the cage, twice before it too, dies."

There is a petition that you can sign here to help stop this madness. You can even put yourself down as an anonymous, if you don't want to be known. I'm not forcing you to sign. This is for you to decide. I am just here to spread awareness.