I was born into a Lutheran family so I was raised that way. My whole family is Lutheran. I almost find that to be a bit of a problem though, because lets just say that I wanted to change my denomination (not that I do, just using myself as an example) because I didn't agree with what the lutheran church stood for, it'd be hard because I'd have my whole lutheran family not being able to understand why and possibly not supporting me in my decision, even though they should value my opinion. Does is make sense what I'm trying to say? I'm not sure if it does or not.

I don't really understand why different christian demoninations argue so much over things, I mean yes, people believe slightly different things but we still believe in the same god so there's not really anything to argue about. And you can't mush all the different denominations together because then not everybody would be getting their needs met, which is why there are different denominations to support that.

I think Tigris of Gaul mentioned something about calling a person evil even if they think they're doing the right thing... People believe different things, everybody has been brought up differently so that influences their opinion on what is wrong and what is right. So basically a person who disagrees with what Hitler did could call him evil for everything that he did, but there may be another person out there who understands the reasons why he was doing it and agree with him, and he wouldn't think him evil. It is all a matter of opinion and how you view it. But because most people disagreed with what hitler did it was classed as being wrong and he was labled evil.