First of all, my apologies to all christian who saw the title of this post, it's my fault after all to brought this whole nonsence here and offense the people that never treat me badly. However, If you're turely friends of mine or you want help me out regardless what I've done, please tell me what you think I should do.

ok, here's the deal. the movie laterly someone mentioned about, "the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe" is the same story that I read while very young. It's nothing surprise for you, but I was born in China and didn't recognize the title at first. It's very odd that I read this story.(I asked all my friends from China, and none of them read it) and now it's a great thing to me not because of the movie they will make out of it but what I reunited with, a invaluable memory. I wanted to read the book, look at those pictures, and enjoy as I did when I was a child.

After I found out, I surfed to some movie fan site to check what forks said about the movie. not long till I found myself encircled by what looked like some religious disscusion. Clearly there was somebody said that the story is a parallel to christianity, and someone said things like "leave the movie alone", "why should everything be religious?" and something more so that christians starting to defend their belief.

I'm fine with both. I don't like the idea to say things are parallel to others, but I don't mind people saying that either. However, I don't know what evil was keeping me staying on that thread till I saw the very post that changed my view of that story forever.

I'm feeling guilty even now to tell that again to whomever may read this post, but I figured that most of you are already known. what that freaking post said is that it described how the movie is parallel to christianity in a particular scene, the one that the lion Aslan offer himeself as sacrifice to save Edmund and to be killed on the Stone Table by the White Witch. the poster paralleled the Aslan with the Jesus Christ, Edmund with the Judas, and the White Witch to the Satan and such till everyone in this scene have a position in the bible and, of course, the sacrifice Aslan made became the passion of the christ. After hearing that, what firstly poped up in my mind was the shot from that movie bearing the same name that featured all of blood and unhumanly torture. Suddenly I realized just then, what had been ruined.

I bought the book the next day, and tried to find the old story I once read, the character I like. Their faces changed, espeically Aslan. That sad scene of the Stone Table now seems evil and unnatural so that I hate to read it anymore.

I do understand I'm talking about more or less just a childish story. But isn't it the same thing what somebody made this forum for, a stroy we love, we want to keep it forever? Now what's lost was lost, I can't find anyone to blame. I aways repect others' religions and share the wisdom come from them although I can't understand all of each. This made me even more angery and, then, sadder. I know that both won't solve anything and I'm writing now not out of any anger or desire to upset anyone. I just don't know why a good thing have to be turned bad like this. If you have patience to read this long, whining, mistaken post till here, I presume you wouldn't mind to give me your thoughts and advices. that's turely all that I can use and I ask for now, I thank you in advance.