Yes, that's what happend in a little conversation with me and a girl named Ashleigh. She and I have been friends for a little while...until recently. :mad: I can't believe her......I'm such an idiot...she was friends with Caitlin and "RuThIe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"....and she said "Oh, they're telling rumors about me, so they're mean to me." Yeah, sure, Poop Butt. And now, she's friends with Caitlin and The Name That Cannot Be Spoketh ("R**h**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). Thank goodness she's going to a different school next year with Caitlin. (I've hit the Jackpot!!! wo0+z!) And T.N.T.C.B.S. said she's going too, to see if she likes it. If she does, she'll stay. If not, she comes back here. Oh please, I don't want her back!!! I'll bring my yearbook sometime and scan it and you guys can see butt head Caitlin and Ashleigh. I bet Ashleigh played a trick on me....too bad I told her all the crap T.N.T.C.B.S. did to me.... :growl: