I think Fendi started this thread on Lea 2.0. Well, I'm bringing it back.
I personally love poetry because I find it fascinating what emotion and images people can pack into such few words. =)

Anyway, this is the thread for you to share poetry you've written! You can either give a link, or just post the whole thing.

Here are some of mine. The links go to my deviantArt account.

untitled I
Creationism <-- Religion warning!
los angeles, bury me <-- Kinda morbid. Not sure what I was on when I wrote that one.
house of <-- I never did come up with a suitable title for this one.
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy <-- No more late night Stanley Kubrick binges for me. Kudos if you can tell what other movie of his inspired me. (;