Technically I'm not doing it right now, but I know many of you will be pleased to know that I'm finally catching up with Doctor Who, and I mean really catching up. All the way back from 2005. Since although I'm a fan of the original Doctors I hadn't actually watched any of the new series at all until the last season of Peter Capaldi, who I absolutely loved by the way. Now I know a lot of people loved David Tennant as the Doctor so after they all appeared on Netflix I decided I needed to watch them all to make a fair choice on who I loved. I'm currently one episode away from the end of David Tennant's first season. Only 7 more seasons to go I think to be caught up, lol. But I am loving it, the only thing I'm not loving is that at the end of the each episode is the preview for the next one and it always gives away so much :P

Kanu, I could watch kittens play all day I lose so much time playing with our girl and just watching her. Not sure I ever mentioned but we ended up naming her Jasiri