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Thread: The Love Life Thread

  1. #41
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I admire all of you so much!

    I know I could never do it ...

    I've been seeing mine every weekend for the past 8 weeks, and this weekend I'm home alone, not seeing him, and I already can't bare it :s
    I really don't know how you all manage to do it.

    I guess, since I'm just a loner, no friends around or anything, I hang on more to him, which I really shouldn't, 'cause it's a beautiful day outside, and I'm sitting inside, sobbing, that I won't get to see him till next weekend.

    That's how I feel, and then usualy I read your storys, and I feel bad that I only haven't seen him for 2 weeks or so.

    But as said, I guess if I would have more of a life, it would be different and I probably wouldn't care so much not seeing him.

    But hey, I'm weird like that

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  2. #42
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    @KS, when I first read your post, admittedly it made me angry. How dare you be upset when you only have to wait two months.
    I apologise. When I posted that message, it was just 3 hours or so since we both parted ways, so it was just initial thoughts at the time I guess. It really isn't that bad, and I'm not saying that it is. The last time it was more uncertain because we didn't have a date planned to see each other again. For some reason this time it feels just as difficult as last time, because even though we have a date planned in just 2 months time, I feel as if I'm more attached to him than I was last summer. At least now we have a date planned, and 2 months is really nothing compared to the 9 months we were separated before, and of course the time you and Pat have been separated. It's double the 9 months Emilio and I were separated. I hope it goes quickly for you both... you deserve nothing more than some lovely quality time together, and I'm sure you'll get that in no time.

    When it comes to long visits, it's kind of tricky with Emilio because of college commitments. He could only stay 12 days this time because of the time he has in between college. I'll be staying over a month in Mexico because it'll be the summer holidays for him, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to stay there so long. Long visits may come in the future (like for example when Emilio is doing his social service, I may be able to stay in Mexico for quite some time), but for the time being I'm just content with what we have now.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  3. #43
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Nath, don't be silly Only getting to see him on weekends must be hard as well. Just because weekly seperation, doesn't mean it's easier, it's just a different kind of seperation. Plus saying goodbye at the end of every weekend must be horrible...

    And KS, out of everything I said, you only quoted that bit Now I feel like a horrible unfeeling monster xD You have absolutely no need to apologise, it's just hard to handle, it gets me thinking that maybe I could have visited sooner and maybe we didn't have to wait so long between visits and maybe I could have worked more to make the money quicker, but what's done is done. It just makes me jealous. It's not you're fault, and there really is no need to apologise. I think it's good that you have a date planned, for me, when I buy my ticket, it gives me something solid and measurable to look forward to, rather than just 'the end of july'. It's like it's actually happening then.

    In regards to your length of stays, I forgot Leor was in college, that explains a lot. Pat and I were originally visiting around that. The only reason why I can visit for 6 months now, is because I'm no longer at Uni and we figured why not make the most of the cost of the flight etc by extending the stay. It's great that you get to stay for a month
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  4. #44
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    It's harder for me, becuase I have nothing to do during the week, or no one to go out with and such.
    (I have a sister, but ... we're not on the same level, haha)
    I try to find things to keep me busy during the week, but I'm not doing so well the past weeks eather :s so it's really hard lately.

    It's easier on him, because he's never bored ... he's working today at a friends house, and he has a huge garden, and now with this sunny weather that needs a lot of attention too (he grows veggy's, which we'll be selling at a local market in august, which is fun, I helped out last year too) and I'm not so much of a gardner, I usually just hang around his garden or lay on the grass or make dinner when it's time for that, so this weekend I would mostly just be in his way, lol. (which I really don't mind though )

    I knew in advance summer would be hard, but I don't mind just sitting around there just so I get to talk to him anyways, I do help a little though, but the bugs freak me out and then I give up

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  5. #45
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    But it's really not that clear-cut, thank you hollywood for the years of deception
    Haha, indeed I pretty much spent the rest of that day just thinking and thinking and thinking... It's a very big, very important decision, so I wanted to be sure that I made the right choice. Especially since we're still so young. We still have no clue when the actual wedding will take place, but it won't be for another few years Getting engaged early is one thing, but somehow actually getting married at a very young age doesn't sit well with me. Though maybe we should estimate a date for in a few years so that we can invite all our Lea friends, haha :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    Also, your avatar has been staring at me, taunting me with the stule of the artist who drew it and I can't figure it out. Yet I want to say va-kasi? Though I didn't think they'd drawn for years...
    My avatar is made by myself If you meant my signature, it's drawn by Shi from the Aro'kai board ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    @KS, when I first read your post, admittedly it made me angry. How dare you be upset when you only have to wait two months. And yet I know it's only jealousy that drives that feeling. Because I know, that no matter how long the seperation, it is always near unbearable.
    Everything is relative; in a long distance relationship you get "used to" a certain time span after a while. A couple of months between visits, a couple of weeks, a few days, a whole year... It's when that "norm" suddenly changes that things turn especially upsetting and frustrating. For example if Nath can't see her boyfriend this weekend. A week might seem like nothing compared to what some of the rest of us go through, but we all have our own points of reference and our own realities. All we want is to spend as much time as we possibly can with our loved ones, so when our carefully laid out plans fail, things gets very hard... And hearing about how others are together or don't have to spend as much time apart as you doesn't exactly make things easier. So from that perspective, I completely understand your feelings there That's when I think it's a good thing to have this lovely forum to go to, because I know that there are so many people here who understand what I go through every time I and Adam have to separate. As for the rest of that post, I couldn't agree more :3 I really, really hope that you'll get to book your tickets soon. And once you get there you'll have a whole six months together, which is awesome

    And KS (and Leor), I'm so sorry to hear that you've already had to part ways. I could've sworn it was only a week since he got here D= Here's hoping again that these next two months will pass quickly for you! And that the visit after that will be in less time that nine months |
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  6. #46
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    Everything is relative; in a long distance relationship you get "used to" a certain time span after a while. A couple of months between visits, a couple of weeks, a few days, a whole year... It's when that "norm" suddenly changes that things turn especially upsetting and frustrating. For example if Nath can't see her boyfriend this weekend.
    That's true though.
    Last year I saw him every weekend.
    We were apart for 3 months, and I saw him 3 times during that period.
    Since February we're back together, and I saw him again almost every weekend.

    3 months ago, it was supposed to be every other weekend, but due to some events, for the past 8 weeks it was every weekend.
    The pattern is suddenly messed up after 2 months.

    I'm home alone now 3 days, and these long weekends are the ones I look forward too the most, since it means I get to spend an extra day with him.

    So that's another reason now, why I'm more upset then other weekends I didn't get to see him.

    Also, it takes me "only" 1,5 hours to get to him by bus/train, and it just "frustrating" too, that he's just so close, and yet I can't see him.

    Well, as mentioned before, if I had something to do during weekends or evenings, or have friends to hang out with, I know I wouldn't be feeling like this.
    And I'm feeling really depressed again for the past days, so that ain't helping eather, so again due to that, I just miss him alot more right now.

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  7. #47
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear Tara that you and Leor are separated again. Thought 2 months should go pretty fast especially as winter is over. As winter made me feel like time was going very slow... darn dark winters in Finland... well don't have to go though those anymore. In general it is very calming feeling to know that me and Audra don't have to separate anymore. Our shortest separation was 3.5 months and longest 8.5 months, which is nothing compared to the separations that some of you guys have had, but as said it's not only the length that makes it hard but also the amount of time you get to keep in touch. I think for us the hardest separation was when I was in military and that was only 6 months, but first 2 months I didn't really have chance to get on too much and I only had 3 weekends off during that time. Also the amount of time I would have had to stay in military was unknown so I know it was extremely hard for Audra to bear with the time apart. I'm so glad I got the 6 month service and also the kind of position in military where I had rather a lot of time off and also not as many camps away from base and decent amount of weekends off at least I wasn't in base ever more than 2 weeks in a row.

    Now me and Audra have been living together for 6 months and today actually been married exactly 5 months and I do feel very satisfied where my life is at the moment. Yeah I still miss my family and friends at the time, but I'm in happy position in that way that all my friends and family are very understanding about the situation. I still remember the day I knew that it was my last day in Finland... saying bye to every single one of my friends and my immediate family was very hard... pretty much like going through saying good bye to your love for multiple times a day... I think what made it harder was that I am very close to my friends, heck I think my friends know me better than my family, especially during the teenage years I spent way more time with them than with my family and they were like a second family for me. So yeah that was extremely hard to say good bye to everyone, but in the end I know I made the right choice. Because I really think after being separated for as many times as we had been and spending as much money on seeing each others and putting out lives on hold. I don't think we would of been able to bear with that for much longer. It was just getting in the point where the long distance relationship is just getting to you every single day... I couldn't really even see my friends without asking them if it's possible for me to be on at this and this time so I can talk with Audra a little while and all that.

    So yeah I know I said it many times on old Lea, but I do recommend everyone to work on the ultimate goal and to be able to move in with the one permanently as meeting up time to time can't be the solution in a long run. I'm very happy that Anna and Adam have been able to get very close this ultimate goal of being together as you guys are now engaged and pretty much living together. As for KS and Leor, for you it might be a little too early to really jump the gun and really know what to do, but I would still talk about it as knowing what the ultimate goal is, who is going to move and what not, makes it a lot easier for the relationship, at least you would know what you work towards. For Bec and Patrick. You guys been in long distance relationship for almost as long as me and Audra were... very soon you guys have been for even longer than we have and I really know how extremely hard it is to be separated for so darn long it is starting to consume your life. You guys have had separations twice as long as our longest ever was and I know your flights are almost double the price of ours or even triple if you think of the cheapest flights I ever bought... for you guys I really admire as I don't think many people could go for such a long period of time apart without going insane, especially as I know, you guys still have no certain plans for the future. I really hope that after the next visit you guys have some point and direction on how you guys want to spend the rest of your lives as I can already see it's getting way hard for you guys to handle the distance in between.
    For Nathalie, I know how often people do think an hour or two is not a long distance or doesn't really make it hard to see each other, but in some cases it makes it even harder to plan how to see each other as people are not as willing to arrange their plans around the other in order to see each others. I hope that you too can find a solution that benefits both of you two.

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  8. #48
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    He just called me to say he's going to pick me up tomorrow morning, we're going to some plant-fair first, which is about 15 minutes away from my place, and then I'll be going home with him till Monday morning.

    Sorry guys, but I'm so happy right now *blush*

    His mom will be coming though, she doesn't like me So I'm kind of scared about that (I've always wanted to know what she thought about us getting back together)

    But I guess that can't spoil the fun?

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  9. #49
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Well, that's great news! Glad to hear it, Nath |
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  10. #50
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    My avatar is made by myself If you meant my signature, it's drawn by Shi from the Aro'kai board ^^
    And that's exaclty what I meant, your signature! I know I wrote that the first time I wrote the post

    Quote Originally Posted by Simba The Mighty View Post
    So yeah I know I said it many times on old Lea, but I do recommend everyone to work on the ultimate goal and to be able to move in with the one permanently as meeting up time to time can't be the solution in a long run. I'm very happy that Anna and Adam have been able to get very close this ultimate goal of being together as you guys are now engaged and pretty much living together. As for KS and Leor, for you it might be a little too early to really jump the gun and really know what to do, but I would still talk about it as knowing what the ultimate goal is, who is going to move and what not, makes it a lot easier for the relationship, at least you would know what you work towards. For Bec and Patrick. You guys been in long distance relationship for almost as long as me and Audra were... very soon you guys have been for even longer than we have and I really know how extremely hard it is to be separated for so darn long it is starting to consume your life. You guys have had separations twice as long as our longest ever was and I know your flights are almost double the price of ours or even triple if you think of the cheapest flights I ever bought... for you guys I really admire as I don't think many people could go for such a long period of time apart without going insane, especially as I know, you guys still have no certain plans for the future. I really hope that after the next visit you guys have some point and direction on how you guys want to spend the rest of your lives as I can already see it's getting way hard for you guys to handle the distance in between. .
    I hate you... you made me cry... But you are right, and we are planning on trying to really work out a solution when I'm over there, because it's getting to the point where neither of us want to be doing this anymore, because it's simply too hard and we need to work out a solution. So that's definitely on the list of planned activities for while I'm there.

    Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
    He just called me to say he's going to pick me up tomorrow morning, we're going to some plant-fair first, which is about 15 minutes away from my place, and then I'll be going home with him till Monday morning.

    Sorry guys, but I'm so happy right now *blush*

    His mom will be coming though, she doesn't like me So I'm kind of scared about that (I've always wanted to know what she thought about us getting back together)

    But I guess that can't spoil the fun?
    That's really exciting, and a very nice surprise I hope you have a lot of fun. Sorry to hear that you don't get along with his mum, all you can do is simply be nice and try to ignore anything mean she might say. Hopefully your boyfriend will stick up for you! But no, don't let her spoil your fun!
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  11. #51
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    That's great Nathalie. I'm happy things are picking up for you. I know it sounds cliché, but see? Everything is alright in the end. Sorry about your boyfriend's mum, I know getting along with parents can be quite difficult at times. I have some trouble having conversations with some of Leor's family because of the language barrier. But like Azzy said, just enjoy yourself, and don't let her spoil the fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simba The Mighty View Post
    As for KS and Leor, for you it might be a little too early to really jump the gun and really know what to do, but I would still talk about it as knowing what the ultimate goal is, who is going to move and what not, makes it a lot easier for the relationship, at least you would know what you work towards.
    Well, we have been throwing quite a few ideas around. I did say to Leor just recently that we'll have to start talking soon about what will happen with regards to moving and such, and he made a few suggestions. He did say I could stay there for quite some time while he does his social service in just under 2 years time, and if I learnt some spanish, I could possibly work with him there. Otherwise, for official plans to move... we really have no idea yet. We have been discussing it but we haven't finalised anything as such yet, probably because it's a little too early like you said.

    I think the best time to start making decisions about moving is when Leor has completed his dentistry and social service. Then we can see about the job situation and see what will happen from there. I told him that I don't want the distance to be like this forever (of course, none of us do) and that we should work something out in the future so we don't have to go through so many painful goodbyes again.

    There is one thing though... one of us will have to leave our family behind. That will need to be talked about too.

    Also, the advantage is Leor can speak English, but my spanish is severely limited. He also has a career in the pipeline, which could make it easier for him to move to England if he decided on doing that. I could (and I would) learn spanish if I needed to, but what comes to it is the safety part as well. Mexico is a country which isn't so safe, with the drug cartels, wars and whatnot. England on the other hand is much safer, but I guess the catch to it is it's much more expensive. =/ Hmm... what to do? I have a feeling this will be a difficult decision when we decide to finalise it.

    I seem to be rambling on a bit here, so I'll stop... xP

    Well, I just thought some of you may want to know why Leor hasn't returned home yet. Apparently one of the pilots on his flight back to Houston fell ill and had to be taken to hospital, which meant they had to divert to Newark. On the flight information page it said they had to refuel, but my guess is they had to refuel with another pilot. But as a result of this delay (there was also a delay from London too apparently) he ended up missing his flight to El Paso, which means he'll have to fly on the next available flight in the morning. Luckily they put him up in a hotel for the night, so he can get some rest. Then again, if he's still on British time, that could be difficult. I was very worried when I checked the flight status on the Houston airport website and it said "Redirected", but I'm glad everything is fine and he is down safely on the ground. I just hope his flight to El Paso goes smoothly tomorrow and that he'll be back home in no time. I feel sorry for him because he's had a long enough journey as it is, and he's alone too. I wish I could've kept him some company.

    Hopefully this won't happen during my flight to Atlanta at the end of June. I get quite nervous flying as it is, so anything like this to happen to me would be very worrying. But I'm sure it'll be fine, I won't let this put me off... xP

    Well, I'll end this post with the last picture of Leor and I taken at the airport just before he had to go through security:

    It wasn't a very nice time to take a photo, but I wanted one last photo of us together before he had to go. We obviously weren't so happy so there's not many smiles on here, but I still think it's a nice photo. Emilio still looks wonderful even without a smile.

    But yes, I prefer "hello" better.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  12. #52
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Separation is always hard, even if the separation will "only" be for a couple months, or eight months or even more... Saying good bye at the airport was always the worst. Even the night before that was always extremely hard. When those hard times come, saying good bye at the airport and then missing each other so much, just remember, eventually you will be together and not be separated by distance anymore. (Unless you break up, but hopefully that wouldn't happen. But I think eventually all long distance relationships become "normal" relationships because the distance just gets harder and harder to deal with the longer it lasts) Just a couple years ago, I had absolutely no idea when Petteri would move here. We knew he was planning to move here, but how and when? At the time, to me, it just seemed like a day that would never come, it just seemed so far away. And it seemed impossible for Petteri and I to be able to save up as much money as he originally planned to before moving, because we would have to be separated forever to be able to save up that much money. (And in the end he moved with much less money saved up) I know having someone move so far away from their friends, family and their home country is really hard, but so is being apart... Long distance relationships are hard, but if you both truly love each other, it will work out in the end, and eventually you will not have to go through separation like that anymore. If that is what you really want, you will eventually make it happen, even if at the time that idea seems impossible. It happened for us, so I just want to give some hope to the other couples here... I am really happy Petteri and I don't have to go through that anymore.
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  13. #53
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Thanks guys

    Well, it's not like she's mean to me or anything (off course, I don't know what she says about me behind my back, lol) but I don't know, we just don't quite get along.

    But it was fun yesterday, I'm not much into flowers and stuff, as mentioned before, but I like that fact that he lets me pick out the colors and such

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  14. #54
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    Well hate to bring the thread down but here it goes.

    I am officaly a monster, for a fiew months now i have been getting serious with a friend of mine, she is everything i ever wanted in a girl friend, but i didnt feel anything spechial but i wanted to so badly......and we got very serious....but not a single time did i feel or think" Oh yes iv missed being with her so much, or talking to her" not a single of these "true love" feelings...whenver i get serious with someone i point something out thats wrong with them, senseless stuff like , they laugh ugly , or they sound funny while speaking English or WHATVER, whatever excuse i can find to break it off and run away.

    but this time it would be different , this time i was going to stick with it, because if i dont get over this got damn self mechanism to not get hurt il never find love.

    and i didnt find anything wrong with the other person....but...i simply didnt love em...but they had so strong feelings for me and the longer it went on the stronger she felt....but i kept going without saying anything becouse i wanted to see if i would feel anything...and i wanted to so badly...more then anything in the entire world...

    then it got to the point where i didnt want to say anything , becouse she was so fragile...and we got so close on a level without the love , but telling her how i really felt would crush her so how could i ?....

    and all this becouse i tried to force out love....i dont understand she is absulutly everhting i want with a girl friend EVERYTHING! so why dont i love her?....
    Eather way....iv been feeling like crap latley, and everything has been bulding up among with other things, so i told her today....and she is crushed....

    im a monster....and im seriously starting to doupt if there really is anyone out there for me...not due to lack of people...but my in-ability to love.

  15. #55
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Now, Shads, remember you are still young and there is still a whole lot of life ahead of you. Don't start thinking that you're incapable of love or that there isn't anyone out there for you, because that isn't going to make you feel any better and it isn't true

    I believe that telling her the truth, heartbreaking as it is, was the right thing to do. It sounds like you were both living a lie, and no one should be doing that...

    What I've found is that love tends to show up when you least expect it to; when I stopped looking, love came around. And you can't choose who you fall in love with, however much you want to. However perfect and wonderful they are, if you don't love them you don't love them and there is sadly nothing we can really do about that :/ As for running from flaws, I had for example decided that my boyfriend would not be a smoker - if he was I'd turn him down, no matter what. Buut... y'know... xD Luckily Adam gave up smoking though, otherwise I don't quite know how this would have lasted, haha (so in the long run, really bad habits will probably need changing). But my point is that when you find someone you really truly fall for, you can overlook some of those flaws simply because you love them that much. Maybe you haven't met that person yet?

    Either way, I really hope you'll feel better soon We need to have a good proper chat sometime soon too. It's been far too long... D: |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
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  16. #56
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Shadow, I don't think you can make yourself love someone, even if they seem perfect for you. Like Kanu said, you don't usually find love, it happens when you least expect it and you don't choose the people you fall in love with.

    I'm sorry you and your friend are having a hard time because of this.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
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  17. #57
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    aw shadow that suck sending good vibes your way

    KS, i know the feeling that you're having right now.. when Gunner and I said goodbye we thought it would only be two months but it has turned out that now we will not see each other for 8 months due to his family I posted a bit about it on old lea, how his parents have completely disowned him for wanting to move to vancouver. its a long hard road, but we're working on it. we've been together a year and 2 months, and I applied to a university just an hour and a half away from him. If I get accepted into the university, i'll only go for a year before transferring and Blair will move with me back to Vancouver after the year, and if I don't get accepted Blair will move to Vancouver at the end of August. So there is an end in sight, but in a year we'll have only seen each other 8 days. Our longest visit has been 2 weeks, with our shortest being one. It's a 4000 mile move for Blair, and he's still only 17, but he believes it to be the right thing, we've talked about it a lot and I am so lucky to have him , that he is willing to move to end this distance even though its scary. His parents don't support him so when he moves here at 17 (or 18 if next year) he'll be supporting himself with no financial support.

    Azerane I can't imagine how frustrating and hard it must be..

    Avatar drawn by Azerane - thank you! :3

  18. #58
    Senior Member Leorgathar's Avatar
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    Wow, this thread has been quite busy while I was on my way back to Mexico, there's so much to catch up to I'll be a bit short of words, but I gave a read to everyone's posts at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    Everything is relative; in a long distance relationship you get "used to" a certain time span after a while. A couple of months between visits, a couple of weeks, a few days, a whole year... It's when that "norm" suddenly changes that things turn especially upsetting and frustrating. For example if Nath can't see her boyfriend this weekend. A week might seem like nothing compared to what some of the rest of us go through, but we all have our own points of reference and our own realities. All we want is to spend as much time as we possibly can with our loved ones, so when our carefully laid out plans fail, things gets very hard... And hearing about how others are together or don't have to spend as much time apart as you doesn't exactly make things easier.
    I gotta give you credit for that, it's so true and it makes a lot of sense.
    Tara and I are still the newest Lea couple, and we have met for only the second time now. Before planning this 2-week meeting, we had been planning for our second meeting to be on last winter. The news about me not being able to go then was really upsetting for both of us, and the wait had to be extended for 9 months instead. And this April we finally were together again, but 2 weeks feel short compared to the 5 weeks we spent together last year, so having been together at last after so long and then suddenly having to do more waiting isn't really amusing. But well, we're both quite new into this, as I said, there are still many joys and hardships to face in the future.
    As of me, I'll have myself occupied during these 2 months, there's a lot to do in so little time, patients and speeches to prepare. I can't help but think of Tara coming here after all of that really rewarding

    Quote Originally Posted by Simba The Mighty
    As for KS and Leor, for you it might be a little too early to really jump the gun and really know what to do, but I would still talk about it as knowing what the ultimate goal is, who is going to move and what not, makes it a lot easier for the relationship, at least you would know what you work towards.
    STM, man, your speech-post was very heartwarming to read, gotta say
    As for me and KS's future, we have talked about it some times, and I agree with you it's something convenient to analyze what we can do to reach the goal of being permanently together, even if we're just in earlier stages in our relationship than the others here.
    There are pros and cons about living in one another's countries, like those KS mentioned in her post. I have also suggested before that it'd be ideal if we both could move to El Paso Tx or close to there, since people speak English, it's a lot safer, and it has close relationships with Mexico, but I don't know how possible would it be for both of us to move to US, since none of us is currently a US citizen. Perhaps I would have to become first before her, but I don't know.

    "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
    - Hamlet

    Lea users I've met in person: King Simba(x7), This Land(x2), KanuTGL(x2) and Lion King Stu(x1)

  19. #59
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leorgathar View Post
    I have also suggested before that it'd be ideal if we both could move to El Paso Tx or close to there, since people speak English, it's a lot safer, and it has close relationships with Mexico, but I don't know how possible would it be for both of us to move to US, since none of us is currently a US citizen. Perhaps I would have to become first before her, but I don't know.
    Since I have done quite a bit of research about U.S. immigration in the past few years, that idea seems kind of complicated and a long process. I mean you have a while before you finish college right? And then once you graduate, if you get a work visa for a job in the U.S., and you are in the living and working in the U.S., it will be another 5 years before you can become a U.S. citizen. And only once you are a U.S. citizen can you petition a fiance or marriage visa for Tara. That in itself could take some time. Hopefully less then a year (but sometimes it can take longer, I'm glad it only took a little over 5 months for Petteri to get his visa) but that seems like a long wait. Of course your idea is possible, I don't want to say you shouldn't do that if in the future you guys want to do that. I just thought I'd mention it since I have done so much research about immigration to the U.S. through marriage. Not that you are necessarily thinking about marriage now, but it seems that is really the only way to be together permanently in the U.S., unless Tara is able to get some kind of work visa as well, but they seem hard to get, the employer will have to apply for it for you if they want you, plus the chances of that job also being near to you where you live as well are so small.

    As for more immigration news, Petteri finally got a letter in the from USCIS (The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) today, saying that his adjustment of status (green card) interview was canceled, as we requested. It didn't mention a new date for the rescheduled interview, but the in the letter they will send him a separate notice later saying when his rescheduled interview date will be. At least we can now go on our honeymoon to Hawaii without having to worry about that.

    Oh, and I'd thought I'd mention, tomorrow our 6th anniversary! Although Petteri and I don't really have any plans, I guess now that we have a wedding anniversary date, we weren't sure about celebrating both. But I don't see why not. I've been wanting to draw a picture for the occasion, but I have been working a lot and have so much to do before we go to Hawaii next week, but we'll see, maybe I'll have time for it, I don't know... At least we'll probably go out to dinner tomorrow.
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  20. #60
    ~Flattering Child~ Nalas's Avatar
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    Well, I guess I'll share a cute story with ya'll;

    Last month, I met this guy named Eric. We met at the college we're currently attending. Long story short, I think he likes me. xD After a few aquatints, one day (after greeting me), he out of nowhere asks, "Can I get a hug?" o.O Of course, I was like, "....Sure!", even though I thought it was a bit awkward. Today, I saw him this morning before the both of us departed for classes. I was sitting at a table outside (since it was very nice out), and I saw him coming for me at the corner of my eye. He then playfully "attacks" my sides, and tickles them a little bit. It was very unexpected, but cute at the same time!

    We both seem to have the same personality, which is cool! We have a blast talking to each other, and he's very sweet! I'm not quite ready for a relationship yet, but he'd probably come as a consideration.

    Just wanted to share!

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