Originally posted by Utora
Speaking of 16, StE said that when you get to 16, it really doesn't feel all too great, it just comes and goes. Thinking back now, I prefer to use Lt. Dans phrase,
"Oh nose." :woeisme:
I believe in marriage before sex. We could go way down, deep deep down, but most of you know I'm Christian so that should sum it up :cheese:
I like Roog's comment hahaha, about the honeymoon. I don't think there was anything wrong with his comment, cuz that's USUALY what happens at a honneymoon. :Ooo: Moving on.
But I think that being married isn't just to share things Dan, in a selfish way anyways. You share eachother, which is good enough for me when I find the one I love. But your also bound to eachother, forever.
FYI, Did you know that Ramsees the 2nd had 8 wives and over 100 children. So, let's just say, no matter what happens, have lots of babies and be happy. :D :cheese:
I have to agree with Utora. Well said, Utora :D