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View Full Version : Favorite LION KING inspired production

Kiara Serengeti
May 27th, 2005, 04:11 PM
Of all the LION KING related productions\creations, which is your fave? For me I'd have to say all the TLK books...

May 27th, 2005, 05:22 PM
It's quite clearly the IMAX

May 27th, 2005, 06:02 PM
IMAX for me. I just love films at the IMAX, especially The Matrix Revolutions! The Final Showdown was Spectacular!

Prince Simba
May 27th, 2005, 06:44 PM

It's by far the best. i don't think TLK on Ice will get many votes. imo, it sounds kinda creepy.

May 27th, 2005, 07:13 PM
i never saw it

imagine the stampede! Major cock up if someoene falls over :D

May 27th, 2005, 07:55 PM

May 27th, 2005, 08:38 PM

The IMAX was great, but nothing compares to the weight of a profesional live performance.

May 27th, 2005, 08:57 PM
lets see ...

Imax, they didn't had that over here ...
On Ice, didn't had that over here ...
Musical, don't have that over here ...

Not much choice left *lol*

May 27th, 2005, 10:08 PM
Aww Nathalie...Americans get everything eh?
I am still desperate to see the stage show but I haven't had the chance yet...I'd also love to see it on IMAX but I doubt it's on anywhere in the UK.

So I suppose I'll just have to vote for the merchandise for now!

May 27th, 2005, 10:35 PM
I wasn't overly crazy about the IMAX...to me, I just looked like the regular TLK, only magnified ten-fold...nothing overly special about that (giant size does not a creative production make). The only part really worth seeing IMAXized was the stampede scene...at least in my opinion.

I'm not a fan of ice shows, particularly Disney ice shows.

The merchandise is cool, but it's mostly chatchki crap that eventually just collect dust while they sit there and look pretty...

I'd say I have to go with TLKoB. Like Shatara said, nothing compares to an actual live performance...particularly an actual live performance that brings more cultural and plotline concepts than the original story.

May 27th, 2005, 11:33 PM
I saw TLKoB when I was 8 or something, but I don't remember anything from that, so I chose "haven't seen any".

May 28th, 2005, 12:25 AM
Hands down...TLKoB, The way that animals were represented through motion, the kickass costumes that taymor designed, the actions the actors performed to perpetuate the actual movie.....the music was some of the best ive ever heared....can't wait for it to come back to San Francisco. saw it once in NYC, and twice in SF....it would be a crime to compare the acting, they were both soo awesome:kovusmile

May 28th, 2005, 06:37 AM
I did see The Legend of The Lion King.

And hopefully somewhere in the end of this year, beginning of next year, the musical in Holland.
It'll be in Dutch of course, but you can't have everything *lol*

May 28th, 2005, 04:20 PM
except of one scene definately TLKoB! I've seen it 5 times by now and I'm always sooo fascinated again and again! :D

June 2nd, 2005, 05:52 AM
TLKOB without a doubt. I'm sure everyone would vote for it if they've seen it live on stage.

But I've never even heard of TLK on ice! Does it still exist and can anyone tell me where it plays? Sounds interesting and really challenging to perform.

Fear The Paw
June 3rd, 2005, 03:27 PM
I missed seeing the Imax version. But I saw TLKOB about10 days a go it was assome

Lucy Lioness
June 3rd, 2005, 04:41 PM
I haven't seen TLK on ice - I have seen Aladdin on Ice though! :D I haven't seen the IMAX either. I will vote for TLKoB because it was so fantastic! I saw it in London.

June 3rd, 2005, 04:49 PM
TLK on IMAX was neat, but I would have to go with TLKoB. I saw it twice... Once in San Francisco, and once in Sacramento, just a few weeks ago, with STM! =D We had really good orchestra seats, 8 rows from the stage, and practically dead center. And he payed for almost both tickets, and they weren't cheap either. (We got them on Ebay) Anyways it was great to see it again with such great seats so close to the stage, and seeing it with him. :love: I will try to see TLKoB again this September with Lion_King_300 and hopefully Starlioness in Portland Oregon... And I want to see it when it comes to San Jose next year, I live in San Jose! I want to try to get a lot of my friends to go! :D

2 Die FR
June 5th, 2005, 09:12 PM
TLKoB. Paws down, no questions asked.

Although...I regret not being able to see tlk in Imax...By the time I became a fan I was a little too late. Ah well.