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View Full Version : The Lion King Fandom -- A first operational look!

May 16th, 2005, 08:16 PM
Hey ya'll I have been working hard on my newest project, in fact day in and day out for a few weeks now (just ask woes)

Its called The Lion King Fandom and I'm ready to open it to the TLK Public!

I kinda got the idea after I realized that it would be nice to have a place where fan art can be archived right along side with fan fiction. Pretty much the TLK art megastore =P (for all mediums in-fact) moreover, I'm aiming for the DeviantArt of the TLK world.

*light comes on* in fact, I think I can make it to where even avatars, banners, wallpaper, and music videos can be uploaded and displayed.

Not such a bad idea since there is a Pride Point currency system in effect. You can pay someone in Pride Points for making a banner, avatar, or fan art/fic for you.. or not.. the choice is yours and the authors (this is a feature to come really soon! *see the changes log for the first release that I will post very soon)

So yeah.. The dA of the TLK world is the goal, and I'm really trying hard to put together all the proper coding to keep it running efficiently.

Please have a look:

The Lion King Fandom (http://tlkob.com/fandom)

Here is the change log for the first TLK public release, it has ideas and what is going to be implimented very soon!

The Lion King Fandom
Version 1.0 -- Public Release *wee*

About it
The Lion King Fandom is a streamlined, fast, 100% FuzzyLKD coded Lion King fan art and fan fiction archive. This project has been in development for a few weeks now, of massive coding in fact! (just ask Woes, he hears me go nuts sometimes when my code is not working right for me)

Current Features

Integrated with the Prideland Passport (same as The Lion King Domain) login system and database. So if you are a Lion King Domain member, you have no need to register a new account at the Lion King Fandom.
Unlimited Categories for all members
Unlimited Files per user category
Unlimited upload space (no quota for members)
1MB maximum file size for upload
No size (dimensions) restrictions
Comment System for members and guest
Pride Point reward system for members who want to contribute to a work by donating for viewings, comments.
100% hand written code by FuzzyLKD, which means, I can change, edit, add anything I want, or whatever you suggest!
Many others, and many more to come

Engines/Systems in need of placement

Favorite Engine
Be able to add/remove members and/or their works to your favorites section of the member page.

Profile Engine
Be able to edit/create/view members profiles. Included will be a statement viewed on the category listing page created by the author.

Alert Engine
Alerts when a users send comments/contribute pride points to a work.

Private Message Engine
Speaks for itself really =P.

Art Trade Category Engine
A Category just intended for works people dedicate to you, the works will show up on your Art Trade Category as well as the person who sent it, you must approve/validate them before they show up.

Art Request Engine
A request engine where other users of the fandom can request art and set an ammount of pride points aside for the artist if they agree to complete the art. This may cause problems for users who accept a request to draw for another member but only to collect the pride points and then not do the request.

Work Search Engine
A search engine for looking up work by title of the work

Small streamlined Message Board - not in depth
A message board without advanced features.

A better file upload system
The original system is a bit clouded but it works.

Work Edit Engine
Yeah so you can add a file to the Fandom, but what if you want to change the name of the work or whatever!

Ideas to implement

Flexable arrangement of your own categories
Display the date submitted for a fandom work
more uses for pride points
add a work directly from the members page
delete a category directly from the members page
custom category images
move a work to another category / merge categories
a rating system with pride point rewards
needs to be subdomained to http://fandom.tlkob.com/ (i need to make sure i programmed all the links acordingly, and i know i didnt!)
a new Prideland Passport registration page so it can be done either at The Lion King Domain or directly on The Lion King Fandom (or any passport site for that matter)
add a guide on how to use the site
member avatar support

End of Log
Version 1.0 -- Public Release *wee*

And please, have a look, and some categories .. some works .. and give me ideas I will add them to this live log and if I impliment them I will give you credit!

And one more thing.. untill I can make everything work from the Member page, heres kinda a guide.. *adds adding a guide to the site to the list above!*

Register or Login:
If you have a Lion King Domain account you already have a passport account, you can use that information to login here too. If you dont have a Prideland Passport (even if you do) click the Passport Login link at the top of any page on The Lion King Fadom site (if you have an account you can login) then click Get Passport at the bottom of the form, it will take you to Lion King Domain register page, go ahead and register and find your way back to the site and login!

Add a Category:
Once you login you will be taken directly to the Member Page (you can get here from anywhere on the site from the top navigation bar, you can also close your passport there). From the member page just click Add Category. You can also click View my Fandom from the Member Page and it will take you to your public listing of categories, you wont have any.. but since you're logged in as you, you will have a button at the bottm (green circle with a pencil in it) this button will also allow you to add categories. Notice: your category will be added then close the popup and referch your listing page, it will then appear. You can also edit and delete categories with the icons that show up next to the categories.

Add a File (called a work) to the Fandom:
At this time you cannot do that from you Member Page.. but I'm going to work on that right after I finish this post. However you can still add a file!. From the member page click View my Fandom and click into a category at the bottom is the same icon used to add a category.. click that and add away!

Ok thats enought talking from me for now! I hope you all enjoy I have put so much work into this site, and its only the beggining!! The possibilities are endless, and thats where you come in!! Gimmie some ideas and I'll add 'em.. after all this is for all of you TLK peoples and stuffs!! (muhahahahaha I love being one of those!!)

LKD Out!

Simba '04
May 16th, 2005, 10:03 PM
whoa O.o, thats a lot of work LKD!!! Sounds really cool :cheese:, I'm definitely going to have to try it out ;)

King Simba
May 16th, 2005, 10:07 PM
Awesomeness, LKD. :wow: Gonna have to try this out sometime. ;) :cheese:

May 17th, 2005, 06:43 AM
You can count on me joining in.:evilgrin:

unregistered user
May 17th, 2005, 11:22 AM
Im here :D

May 17th, 2005, 11:24 AM
*cheers* :P *weeeeeeeeee*

May 17th, 2005, 11:27 AM
BTW forgot to mention, this site/project is dedicated too a good freind of mine, you know him here as Kovu!! *cheers KOVU!!* *hip hip horrayy!*

May 17th, 2005, 01:05 PM
*doesn't know what he has done to deserve this* :confused:
But, thanks mate! I'm honored. :hugs:
And excellent work on the site. :cheese:

May 18th, 2005, 03:18 AM
Awesome! :wow:

It's like TLKFAA, only more open-ended, which is awesome! ;)

unregistered user
May 18th, 2005, 10:17 AM
kovu the master :hugs::wow:
peace :D

May 29th, 2005, 04:44 PM
Awesome!!! I might join!!! :cheese:

unregistered user
June 3rd, 2005, 02:08 PM
Wow, you've got quite the workload, LKD. Your schematics are VERY impressive, IMS.

A congratulatory to your dedication, Kovu! ;)

June 6th, 2005, 04:40 AM
The Lion King Fandom (http://tlkob.com/fandom)
The DeviantArt of the TLK World

Well it seems everything is nearly ready on this site, I made a lot of changes recently, added some new features, improved others... etc.. heres the new log.

The Lion King Fandom
Version 1.0 -- Revision 1
5 Jun 05

About it
Code is all still authentic.


Category type added: Animations - filetypes allowed: GIF, SWF: For those who make animations in flash, or as gifs.
Category type added: Banners - filetypes allowed: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG: Post your old (TLK) banners and keep an archive, show em off too! ^^
Category type added: Avatars- filetypes allowed: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG: Just like banners
Category type added: Wallpaper- filetypes allowed: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG: Upload your TLK wallpapers
Category type added: Movies/Films- filetypes allowed: WMV, AVI, MPEG: upload your tlk films-- remember 1MB max per file
Category type added: Icons- filetypes allowed: GIF, ICO: Made some icons (emoticons) post theme here and keep a running gallery.
Category type added: Wildlife- filetypes allowed: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG: TLK related animal wild life gallery can be made, but.. try and keep it to photos you took.

Revised- Main Page: New Layout: Added last 5 added function, 5 most popular (by pp earned), and favorites (by most ammount of people who have it as a favorite). Side bars created with member information and fandom information.
Revised- Member Page: New Layout/Features: Easy to use for adding/deleting/editing (still much to be done here, but its coming along!)
Revised- Main Page: New Layout: Added last 5 added function, 5 most popular (by pp earned), and favorites (by most ammount of people who have it as a favorite). Side bars created with member information and fandom information.
Revised- Member View: New Layout: Far -FAR- better way to look at a mermbers page
Revised- Category View: New Layout: Far -FAR- better way to look at a members category, you can no go back to their main page from here.
Revised- File View: New Layout: Far -FAR- better way to look at a mermbers file, no more popup, and comments etc are handeled on this new page rather than the category view. yopu can now backup to the category or users main page from here.

New Feature- Categories: Image for category: now it is possible to have a 100x100 image for a new category (will work on editing this later - but you can do it when you make a cat.)

Engines/Systems (still) in need of placement

Favorite Engine *planing stages*
Be able to add/remove members and/or their works to your favorites section of the member page.

Profile Engine *been worked on*
Be able to edit/create/view members profiles. Included will be a statement viewed on the category listing page created by the author.

Alert Engine
Alerts when a users send comments/contribute pride points to a work.

Private Message Engine
Speaks for itself really =P.

Art Trade Category Engine
A Category just intended for works people dedicate to you, the works will show up on your Art Trade Category as well as the person who sent it, you must approve/validate them before they show up.

Art Request Engine
A request engine where other users of the fandom can request art and set an ammount of pride points aside for the artist if they agree to complete the art. This may cause problems for users who accept a request to draw for another member but only to collect the pride points and then not do the request.

Work Search Engine
A search engine for looking up work by title of the work

Small streamlined Message Board - not in depth
A message board without advanced features.

DONE: A better file upload system

Work Edit Engine *in serious need*
Yeah so you can add a file to the Fandom, but what if you want to change the name of the work or whatever!

Ideas to implement

Flexable arrangement of your own categories *planning stages*
Display the date submitted for a fandom work *in serious need*
more uses for pride points *got a lot of good ideas*
DONE: add a work directly from the members page
DONE: delete a category directly from the members page
DONE: custom category images
move a work to another category / merge categories
SLASHED: a rating system with pride point rewards
needs to be subdomained to http://fandom.tlkob.com/ (i need to make sure i programmed all the links acordingly, and i know i didnt!)
DONE: a new Prideland Passport registration page so it can be done either at The Lion King Domain or directly on The Lion King Fandom (or any passport site for that matter)
add a guide on how to use the site
DONE: member avatar support *just need to make it so you can change it!*

End of Log
Version 1.0 -- Revision 1

Have a look at my fandom:

unregistered user
June 6th, 2005, 05:01 AM
awesome.. yay to LKD..

Prince Simba
June 6th, 2005, 03:24 PM
Heh. At least you have an idea of where you're going... *is still considering what to do with ps.com* :lol:

:gasp: Too much organization!

One day 'twill happen. LKD will be the ultimate uber l33tness (more than it already is) and some day...

LKD > All

Well... I can't quite say that

(LKD = Lea) > All

June 7th, 2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Prince Simba
Heh. At least you have an idea of where you're going... *is still considering what to do with ps.com* :lol:

:gasp: Too much organization!

One day 'twill happen. LKD will be the ultimate uber l33tness (more than it already is) and some day...

LKD > All

Well... I can't quite say that

(LKD = Lea) > All

:evilgrin: no tahts comedy.. never could I alone match Lea mate!! no possible way!! thanks mate :hugs:

But just an update.. there is a gang of changes at The Fandom... its looking ever so *sweet* *weeeeeeeee*

Princess Nala
June 7th, 2005, 04:49 PM
I joined up at LKF. :)

Prince Simba
June 7th, 2005, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by SimbaLKD
:evilgrin: no tahts comedy.. never could I alone match Lea mate!! no possible way!! thanks mate :hugs:

But just an update.. there is a gang of changes at The Fandom... its looking ever so *sweet* *weeeeeeeee*

thats right, mate. i should go for stand-up-and-get-shot comedy... where i'm the one getting shot at, of course. because i'm not that funny :eww:

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 01:54 AM
fo real bro.. the site gettin better:hugs: