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May 8th, 2005, 02:58 AM
Hi. Since a few people on this forum know a lot about The Lion King merchandise, I'm asking my question here.

Does anyone have some 1995 lithographs? I didn't know that these lithos existed. Here's a link to some lithos I found. I'm thinking of bidding on a few lithos on eBay.


NEW "The Circle of Life" I didn't know that Disney made a Collectors Plate.

Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa litho. I never saw this before.

I have also seen some items with the title WDCC. What is WDCC? I saw a small sculpture of Simba. Unfortnately, I lost the URL.

I also found a Tenth Anniversary watch

Are the Upper Deck Reel Cards real?

Or Embossed Foil Cards?

Thermography Insert Card in a 1994 SkyBox set?

Someone please tell me if these items are real. I don't want to send a US postal order for nothing. :D

Also, should I pay $1.30 for shipping insurance?

Bye and thanks for reading this post.

May 8th, 2005, 03:37 AM
Hey Starionwolf,

Yes those are are all real!

I personally own the collectors plate, 10th anniversary watch (it's a womens/kids watch I believe, the wristband is narrow) , four of the lithos on the mouseandmore webpage, and the embossed foil cards.

I have heard of those Upper Deck cards before, and I get the sense that they are VERY rare... I mean the actual frames of film WOW I would like to get those.

I've been collecting TLK stuff off Ebay for a long time now and I've never really had problems at all with people trying to sell merchandise that was not legitimate or copied... though I had one bad experience recently with a gentleman that sold me a copy of the Lion King show at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom - I thought it was licensed and produced by Disney - It was a very poorly shot and edited home VIDEO of the show he took with his family!!!

So beware of cases like that, be sure to ask the sellers any questions you might have about the item they will be more than happy to answer them.

As far as the lithos go, there are about 3 different companies that produce TLK lithos, and they each have their own sets (Suncoast, for example). You can tell the different companies apart by the labeling of the title on the litho. The one with Timon Pumbaa Nala and Simba is a lot rarer than the other ones I think because their company may have stopped producing them or made a more limited number of that particular litho, it's been a long time since I've seen that one hit the market.

Hope this helps ya, good that you're trying to be careful on Ebay... I've been scammed before for $400 on TLKOB tickets so I'm glad you're taking the proper precautions.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


May 8th, 2005, 03:43 AM
Sorry I forgot,

WDCC stands for "Walt Disney Classics Collection" and that title is reserved for special collectibles that mostly were released in limited editions. If you get something direct from WDCC, you've got a quality product there.


I actually very rarely purchase insurance (but I'm kinda cheap too) ;) but I will if what I bought is particularly valuable, or could easily be broken in transit. I've only had to complain once about the product I received in over 100 Ebay transactions so the odds are in your favor that it'll work out - and repeatedly purchasing insurance/delivery confirmation can add up. It's your preference but I don't recommend it unless the item is very expensive or fragile.

Simba '04
May 8th, 2005, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by starionwolf
...Or Embossed Foil Cards?

Thermography Insert Card in a 1994 SkyBox set?

I can confirm those are real ;), I need that Nala one! :idiot:

dont' worry about shipping insurance, really don't need it ;)

May 9th, 2005, 03:28 AM
Sorry to hear that you lost $400 Lion_King_300. :(

Thanks for the information everyone. I thought some people are trying to rip-off sincere buyers. I don't think I'll spend more than #30 on Lion King memorabilia. I didn't know that Disney made or license these artistic items.

One thing I want is a Lion King 1 1/2 Adjustable Baseball Cap. I haven't seen that before.


May 9th, 2005, 05:01 AM
Yeah, it was really really depressing. :(

Now that I brought it up, I might as well tell everyone about it... here goes...

I had already seen TLKOB once with a few of my friends and I was just so astounded by it I convinced a few more of my relatives and friends to go... I bid on a lot of four tickets off Ebay for $375. They were very good ORCH seats too, and he also provided a picture of the tickets which made it look totally real.

It actually was a legitimate auction, and I bid on it but got outbid at the last second. He then e-mailed me and said that the bidder had backed out, and that If I wanted the tickets it would be a done deal.

Since he was overseas in London at the time and the show was in about a week, he told me I needed to send a Western Union money-gram (this should have TOTALLY tipped me off, you can't get your money back from these once the receiving party collects) but I totally trusted him.

He pretended to be very gracious and told me how to do the money transfer and treated me very professionally and gave me the FedEx "delivery confirmation" code which I later found out was bogus.

So, fast forward to the day of the show. I have everyone over at my house and the tickets are scheduled to show up at my doorstep that afternoon. We wait and wait and nothing... we call Fed-Ex and they tell us that there's no shipment coming to my address anytime in the foreseeable future. Reality sets in... I got scammed.

My dad's friend that was DYING to see TLKOB calls Ticketmaster to see if we can reprint the tickets, but no luck - we need to have the original credit card #. The scammer's name/alias was one "George Messliere" of London, and his name wasn't on file anywhere.

As a last resort, I went with my aunt, my sister and myself to the Paramount with PRINTED copies of the tickets that he had posted on Ebay. I wasn't expecting to even be let into the theatre with those, I was prepared for the worst.

The Bar codes didn't scan in the computer, but they didn't even do anything, they let us right through! Was it too good to be true??? Were the tickets for real??? We were all so happy that were going to see TLKOB!

When we got to our seats in the balcony, we were greeted by theater attendants that questioned us about our tickets. Turns out that there was a group coming in that had the REAL tickets for our seats, and we were almost arrested on the spot for fraud.

I explained the situation to the manager, but we were pretty much kicked out of the theater just minutes before showtime.

What "George" did is he copied someone's auction, copied the picture of the tickets, copied the seat numbers, dates and times and tried to pass it along as his own. I don't know how many people he scammed but I sure was one of them. He could have ran away with thousands of dollars.

That night was one of the most depressing moments of my life. There we were, so close, we could practically hear Rafiki's opening call and then we were booted from the premises.

My Aunt was so comforting to me, I didn't want her to but she gave me a little money to help pay for the scam. I promised her next time TLKOB came to the northwest I'd buy her the best ticket I could find. I hadn't cried in about a year but I was bawling my eyes out that night. That's how much TLKOB and my family meant to me, I just totally wanted them to experience it and enjoy it as much as I did.

So it was an expensive lesson. $400 is a lot, but I realized that family and friends are a lot more important. For the happy ending I already bought my Aunt a ticket to the Portland engagement and we're going down to see it together, probably bring a few more people down too. It'll be a blast!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my true story and I hope everyone got something out of it, I know I did!


May 9th, 2005, 05:51 AM
Yeah, thanks for sharing your story. Sorry to hear that you went through all that trouble.

Your story is kinda sad, but I'm glad everyone was safe at the end. Have fun in Portland Maine or Oregon. Wait, I don't think Portland, Maine is showing the musical. lol

I'm going to buy my tickets for The Lion King Musical from TicketMaster.

I haven't seen this poster of Simba and Nala before on the internet:

It's only $9.99 USD. I might buy it soon. :)

I won some cheap items on eBay because no one out bid me. I got a Lion King Chicago T-Shirt for about $3.


May 9th, 2005, 06:11 AM
Thanks for sharing your story, Lion_King_300. TLKoB is a great family show with some valuable lessons. It just saddens me that there are people that wish to ruin this experience for others. :(

Those items you listed all sound familiar -- I've seen them on eBay before and I know some people who own them.

Simba '04
May 9th, 2005, 07:09 PM
that is why I won't bid on something unless they accept paypal ;)

May 9th, 2005, 10:07 PM
Yup those are all real! ;)

personally, if you have a nice printer, photographic paper and can take screenshots on your computer, i wouldn't waste my money on lithos but that's just me :p

May 10th, 2005, 03:15 AM
Ok, thanks for the info. I need to use money orders to buy things. I want my own bank account. lol

I might buy a poster too. Wait, I think I already said that. Or maybe I was talking to someone else.

I haven't seen this Julie Taymor The Lion King Photograph Rare Trade Card


unregistered user
May 16th, 2005, 11:35 PM
heh, hello.. echh.. you don't learn polish..? <-- it was correct..? :]

May 17th, 2005, 05:36 AM
Your English is good.

Siemanko. Co słychać? Przepraszam,Nie m?wię po Polski.

Miło było Cię poznać. Do zobaczenia!

unregistered user
May 17th, 2005, 07:51 AM
woah.. super =D my english is good..? thanks! I like english but I don't learn english every time.. echh.. :(

May 17th, 2005, 01:29 PM
I'm sorry you lost money...

I use money order only with 100% feedback and if it is in the USA. I have always done well with Ebay.

May 18th, 2005, 04:29 AM
I like English too.

I use money orders too. I'm trying not to buy from Canada or Southeast Asia.

Has anyone heard of the Lion King Phone Card Set made by Tele Asia?

I found a $35 autograph photo of Moira Kelly (Adult Nala) I don't know I should spend $35 for a photo. Hmm


I need a job so I can buy some hand painted cels that cost $1,200 USD. lol

May 27th, 2005, 04:33 AM
I have not seen this Lion King adventure litho before.

May 27th, 2005, 06:17 AM
The ultra-rare boxed set of the Lion King: Six New Adventures recently popped up on Ebay and I was very lucky to grab it for about $20! I didn't realize until recently that the characters in these volumes are what a lot of TLK fan-fic writers base their stories off of so I can't wait to start reading them, should be coming in the mail any day now. :cheese:

(now I don't have to bug starlioness into searching through her closet to find it!)

here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7974791502

Keep a look out, maybe they'll appear again.

Also, I've been meaning to ask, what are everyone's screen names on Ebay? I noticed that on some rare items I'm usually in a bidding war with a certain few bidders every time especially this person named "simba_bb". Is that anyone here on Lea?

May 28th, 2005, 03:38 AM
Great ebay buy lion_king_300. I never really thought about searching there to see how much they sell for. I just read the scanned versions online but it would be kinda nice to have the physical version too.

My ebay SN is 'jvgillow' -- not very inventive

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 02:48 PM
has anyone else seen this lion king mug before?

May 29th, 2005, 03:01 PM
Heh: I love the "How cool will U look with this at work?" Yeah...

Haven't seen it before.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 03:02 PM
neither have i it looks stupid with Simba and Nala floating in the sky lol

June 1st, 2005, 05:15 AM
I haven't heard of Six New Adventures or the mug. There are lots of stuff on eBay that I have never seen before.

June 1st, 2005, 07:04 AM
I got 6NA for 6 bucks a few years ago. I freaked out when I saw it on there because I knew they were rare and hard to find. I still feel like the poor guy I got it from got ripped off. Oh well. he should have researched his item to see how much it was going for before he set the buy it now option so low. :evilgrin:

June 2nd, 2005, 05:47 AM
Yes, that's what's great about Ebay, what may be give-away junk to one person may be a hidden treasure to another...

I'm just waiting for someone to post the rare scar plush (the recalled one) with a buy it now at $5 or something so I can pounce on it, most people know this is really rare though and start it around 20-30 bucks.

Something else that makes me laugh about Ebay is when for example the large 30" Hasbro Simba plush gets a bid at $8.99 and there's another identical one ending a few hours later at $1.99 and it has NO bids, c'mon people do you WANT to pay more for your stuff???


Next on my Ebay wish list: TLKOB Nala and Simba masks and a TLK snowglobe (gonna wait and see if they go down a little in price)

June 2nd, 2005, 08:57 PM
I know what you mean Lion_King_300. I found some nice stuff on eBay. I'll look for some stuffed animals by Hasbro. $2 for a 30 inch stuffed animal is a good deal. :) I almost spent $13 on a litho but I found another one for 4.50. lol

June 3rd, 2005, 01:10 AM
The recalled Scar with the plastic head? If that's the one you mean, I see them quite a bit on there actually.