View Full Version : The Royal Wedding

April 29th, 2011, 07:29 AM
There's too much hype on the Royal Wedding of Prince William of Wales and Duke of Cambridge.

Our beloved Prince wedding would be today! So who's gonna watch this and what do you think about the marriage? I had a dream about royal wedding yesterday, :lol: kinda obvious and we all will be pray on our beloved Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge for everlasting life, prosperity and love.

King Simba
April 29th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Leor and I are gonna go to London and crash it. :p Nah, just kidding, of course. The only reason we're going down to London today is because Leor goes home tomorrow. :(

I may watch parts of the wedding on TV, but really, I'm quite fed up of hearing all the hype about it now. Being British, news, merchandise and banners about the Royal Wedding are everywhere, and after a while it just gets old and boring... xP

Some people have even decorated their houses up for the occasion. Needless to say my home isn't one of those. :hehe:

But yes, congratulations to William and Kate on the marriage. I thought I needed to add that in here, even though my congratulatory wish doesn't mean much considering I never had an invite to the wedding. :lol:

April 29th, 2011, 09:42 AM
Trust me, wedding-fever is running rampant in America too. :haha: It's a bit weird.

I don't think I'll watch. Well, I'll probably be asleep, for one. :p

April 29th, 2011, 09:53 AM
watching the event on TV right now with KS :lol:

April 29th, 2011, 09:53 AM
All the young and middle age women household are watching this. Yes I am talking about my mother and my 18 years old niece. :woe:

I do hope there will be a snapshot of Kate Middleton wedding dress. ;)

April 29th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Yeah, my mom's gonna be watching it in the morning, I'll bet. :p

edit: Ok, I lied. I'm totally watching it now. :lol:

King Simba
April 29th, 2011, 11:08 AM
I've just been watching it, but now all they seem to be doing is singing hymns and such... but at least I could sit there and see them get married. :p

I do hope there will be a snapshot of Kate Middleton wedding dress. ;)
My mum told me they'll most likely do a replica of her wedding dress.

Lion King Stu
April 29th, 2011, 11:42 AM
I missed the begining bit of the wedding since I was out doing work in the garden of all things, so I missed the vows part. Ah well sure the BBC and Sky will be showing it all on a repeat for the rest of this weekend anyway so I doubt I missed too much :lol:

I could of been picked to do the guard at the wedding, assuming people noticed all the personel lining the streets outside the church running back to the palace. In a way a little disapointed we got overlooked at Yeovilton, not everyday there is a royal wedding and say that you were there.

Ah well, good luck to the both of them even if he was wearing a mixed uniform and wearing the Irish guard uniform instead of the RAF one considering that is where he is working now.

April 29th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I've just been watching it, but now all they seem to be doing is singing hymns and such... but at least I could sit there and see them get married. :p

My mum told me they'll most likely do a replica of her wedding dress.

People said that it's either a replica or inspired by Grace Kelly wedding dress!
Hah, I want that dress to be part of my wedding. ;p

April 29th, 2011, 01:17 PM
Didn't watch it, didn't want to - though I did have to wake up at 3:30 am EST to program the VCR (remember those? archaic technology!) to tape it for my aunt.
I don't get what the hype was about...to me, it was kinda like watching two hood ornaments get married.

Ah well, health and happiness to them both!

April 29th, 2011, 02:20 PM
I watched it because... well, it's a historic event and just because I could :p I'm normally not that interested in the ongoings of the royals, but it's not often that there is a royal wedding.

I watched the whole spectacle live, but I thought it was very magnificent and beautiful. It's obvious that William and Kate are very much in love too, so that was very sweet to see ^^

Wide Eyed Wanderer
April 29th, 2011, 03:20 PM
I want to marry Pippa...

:nalarawr: :lol:

April 29th, 2011, 04:14 PM
If I turn on the TV today, it will only be to play video games. I will be outdoors much of the day. It is beautiful out. First day of the year I am wearing shorts.

I am BEYOND sick of hearing about the wedding.

You guys know that William is a "prince" and "duke" in respectful title only, right? The Royal Family doesn't actually have power over anything. They command respect, but that's about it.

Lion King Stu
April 29th, 2011, 04:21 PM
Careful Feral, talking about my boss and her family here ;)

April 29th, 2011, 04:22 PM
"that William"? Hah. :lol: You don't want to see him when he's a king. :p

LOL Stu......

Glad I'm Australian. :p [offrandomjokesandthoughts]

April 29th, 2011, 06:51 PM
I used to have such a crush on William :lol:
Back in the days, when I was 12 or so ... haha

I really liked the dress she was wearing, but I would have thought it would have been a little bit more "none less boring" hehe, I didn't like the dress completely, but it was nice ^^

My dad asked to tape it all from the BBC, I wonder why, haha.

April 29th, 2011, 06:58 PM
I used to have such a crush on William :lol:
Back in the days, when I was 12 or so ... haha

Until today. :lol: some of my female relatives and friends lament about him getting married. Nonetheless some of 'em turn their attention to Prince Harry. :lol:

April 29th, 2011, 09:04 PM
William is very handsome. ;) They both are haha.

And I was right, when I woke up my mom was watching a repeat of the wedding. :lol: I watched some with her, it was fun.

April 29th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Harry was never my type, lol, but I must say, he looks much better then when he was younger, and now he looks good too ^^ hehe