View Full Version : TLK Car

unregistered user
April 27th, 2005, 07:38 AM
My dad came and asked me last week if I wanted to paint a TLK picture on our car!! *crazy* We got about five cars (cars is the only thing he's thinking of), one from 1950 that is light blue, and I'm supposed to paint lions on it! Just because I'm reading about art in school and paint all the days, I can't paint that on a car, what is he thinking? And TLK! He want to drive around with an OLD car there's only 5 more of in this stupied country, with a TLK PICTURE on? What dou you think about that? :o
Am I going to paint a picture? On the door? Where? WHO?!
I already have done TLK figures in glass (you know you can paint with something that looks like glass when it's finished) and we got them in the front window.... But HELLO, I'm kind of hysteric here!
But you really think I should paint it? I'm not kiddin'! *going all crazy*

April 27th, 2005, 07:55 AM
You should take your dad up on the offer to paint one of the cars. Any Lion King-ness is a good thing! Don't be worried it will look cheesy. I know when I see a car that is creatively designed my head turns (in a good way ;) ).

unregistered user
April 27th, 2005, 09:16 AM
oh...well, I did understand so much, thank you;)

I'd like to paint something on the door or whatever ... But, is that really a good idea? It'll look okey, I've already sold many of my TLK pictures, but that's with a pencil ... That's just something else, I bet it will be harder to paint on the car.
But whatevere, what should I paint then? And where?

(still can't belive he's actually letting me do this!:o*

King Simba
April 27th, 2005, 11:58 AM
Whoa, cool. We have only one car between the 4 of us in the family and they'd never let me paint anything on the car we have now. My grandad used to have a 1960's Ford Anglia Deluxe which he just got shut earlier this year. This is cool though, too bad we only have one car which is the family car, heh. ;)

unregistered user
April 27th, 2005, 01:25 PM
cool, we got a 1950's Ford Something... Zephyr I think they spell it... Light blue....Just imagine that, LIGHT BLUE.... a little ockra yellow on that and then some lions, maybe an accacia tree, a little red warthog... I'll make it look like an artwork on wheel or even the swedish flag. I think I think I even will write The LionKing somewhere:p
Lucky we only use it on the summers and the other cars on the winter. We're like 9 people on 5 cars, one is my own and then my sisters got one there selfes, but my dad still own 3 cars that is his.

Well ... The people will not think anything about a hysterical TLK-fan owning that car;)

King Simba
April 27th, 2005, 02:27 PM
My grandad's car was light blue and white. Good thing to paint on. :p He sold it to someone down South in Brighton though. :hmm:

April 27th, 2005, 08:39 PM
Sweet! A rare 1950s car, and a chance to decorate it... If you can make it look good, go for it! Maybe you can even take it to car shows...

I love old cars, especially the 1950s, with the huge fins.

Lion King Stu
April 27th, 2005, 08:42 PM
It sounds like a really kool idea you should do it...but where to put a design...I don't know I'm affraid...where ever you do, do it I'm sure its going to look very koolsem :cheese:

April 27th, 2005, 10:12 PM
Wow that sounds fun...you should go further than just a couple of little pictures, do the whole thing up with Pride Rock and the jungle and everything! hehe

Take it on tours around the country and show it off....if you drive it past the Disney offices enough times they might notice and give you free Lion King stuff. Oh wait...this is Disney we're talking about...they'd probably sue you.

Make sure you keep us updated with photos anyway!


Wolfman Jack
April 27th, 2005, 10:51 PM
This is a great chance for you, so go on and take it. The thread caught my attention when you said your father would let you do this, but what really caught my eye was the car. A 50's Lincoln Zephyr, that's just awesome. But yeah take up this opportunity to show your talent, not only to yourself (since this would be your first time), but to the world. And if you do take this chance, go on farther than the door, that's a big car, and something just on the door might make it look a little incomplete, but tht's just my opinion.

April 28th, 2005, 02:14 AM

April 28th, 2005, 02:21 AM
Wow!! That is awesome!! Go for it!! I'm not sure what you could paint, there are so many options!!!

I saw a car in germany, the whole thing was painted in jungle theme and there was a leopard of something on the side, I will see if I can find the photo I took of it!

EDIT: Woohoo, I found the pic :D


unregistered user
April 28th, 2005, 10:32 AM
Okey, thank you everyone (I'm still open for things:p)
It looks like everyone want me to do this, but myself...I'm kind of nervous it will go wrong even if I'm VERY sure how to paint everything!
By the way, I didn't know the Zephyr was that rare in other countrys too! Well.... I just need to think what to paint then ... The hole PrideLand would be awesome;) I think I'll put Pride Rock on the left front door.... Jeez, I still think my dad is crazy;)

April 28th, 2005, 11:35 AM
well if your happy with doing it, then why not :cheese:
i think it would look pretty good :D

i remember a while ago they had some TLK Nascars ;)
they looked pretty nice =D


April 28th, 2005, 12:28 PM
Ahh....I remember when they had TLK everything...*ahem* anyway this is hardly the time to get sentimental. lol :-)

That jungle car looks great, shame the car itself doesnt look too healthy! :lol:

I think the main thing is to just make sure you plan everything well, e.g. using the right paints etc....if you do that theres much less chance of anything going wrong! You could have all the animals going to Pride Rock along one of the sides...anyway this is your project not mine... hehe

April 28th, 2005, 01:21 PM
This sounds like a good opportunity to me! You might discover that you have some serious talent when it comes to doing art on things other than paper ;)

I'd like to be able to give advice on what exactly you could put on the car, but i have no artistic talent at all, so i have no idea :p :lol:

I'm sure it'll work out fine though. You might worry about it a lot, but worrying will mean you are really careful, so you most likely wouldn't make any serious mistakes :cheese:

That TLK Nascar looks cool too! I never knew about that! :bleen:

April 28th, 2005, 03:37 PM
Wow! You should defenatly do it. I do like the whole Pridelands idea. hehe..to finish it off you should have a little Zazu antenna topper or something...which might be hard to find... Or just take a little pvc Zazu and drill a hole in his behind and Volia! Hmmm... *eyes her Blazer in the parking lot* ^^ If you do decide to do this...ya gotta show us pictures. =)

Wolfman Jack
April 28th, 2005, 06:35 PM
I wouldn't exactly say a Zephyr is rare here, but ones in good shape bring a bit of money. As for paint, the type really doesn't matter, just as long as you have a clearcoat put over it. You may also have to sand the panel down to do it, or atleast rough the surface up to get the paint to stay. None of that is very hard to do, but the clearcoat will have to be done at a body shop, unless you known somebody that can do it for you.

unregistered user
April 29th, 2005, 09:36 AM
I like that idea with a Zazu antenna. I can take one of my figures and put on there...! Hope dad likes it too^^

Simba '04
April 29th, 2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Simba_TLK

DODGE RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muwahahahahahahahaha :evilgrin: :cheese: :lol: ;)

I one time imagined painting my truck the TNSB theme just for fun :idiot:

April 30th, 2005, 12:24 AM
Everyone start painting their cars/bikes/children in TLK themes!

Uh oh...I smell TLK car conventions coming along...that's worrying...
If I had a car I'd be painting it right now...but, oh well, I dont. Just have to interfere with other people's car designs!

May 1st, 2005, 03:14 AM
Maybe you could throw in a few TLK 6 na chars. That'd be cool.
But watch out for car vandals.:curious:

Simba '04
May 1st, 2005, 04:09 AM
two cars in my subdivision were vandalized not too long ago and now I'm worried about my truck possibly being vandalized :(

unregistered user
May 1st, 2005, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by Simba '04
I one time imagined painting my truck the TNSB theme just for fun :idiot:

That'd be hilarious! :lol: :D :evilgrin:

Simba '04
May 2nd, 2005, 03:34 AM
what are you talking about? O.o...THAT WOULD BE AWESOME :cheese:

May 2nd, 2005, 05:44 PM
that TLK nascar looks wicked;)

unregistered user
May 2nd, 2005, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Simba '04
what are you talking about? O.o...THAT WOULD BE AWESOME :cheese:

That too! :cheese: Buwhahahahahaha! :evilgrin: ;)

unregistered user
May 7th, 2005, 02:16 PM
Heh. This reminds of an ancient website I found. I call it ancient only because I haven't been der fer some time....opinion I suppose.
I think that's a purty coolio thang he did. See, sumtin like dat would be nice. But all art is beautiful. I hope you send us a picture of your artwork!

May 7th, 2005, 03:53 PM
^ that's White Wolf's car if I'm not mistaken....;)

May 8th, 2005, 03:16 AM
yeah Lunarcat's right, it is white wolfs car.
I love her art!! She draws Scar so well.:evilgrin:

May 8th, 2005, 05:27 AM
^I don't mind the car, but I hate the bumperstickers.

May 12th, 2005, 09:38 PM
Cool car!

That TLK car convention is getting closer all the time...

P.S. Why did they make the Nala plastic figure so damn bulky? 'Tis really annoying!

unregistered user
May 14th, 2005, 12:38 AM
Yup a yup a yup!=) That would be White Wolf! Lol, It was the first ever TLK site I saw on-lion...:Ohno: ...er...um...on-line.:D

May 14th, 2005, 07:56 AM
Have you painted it yet?

May 15th, 2005, 11:51 PM
sweet! *evil grin*