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March 2nd, 2005, 11:55 PM
Okay, so here's the thing. I'm gonna ask my mom if I can get my own domain name, for a TLK website of course. But I have two questions...

1) What's a cheapest domain registering place that still works?
2) What's a good name for a TLK site..? It's just gonna be about TLK in general, with character profiles, movie info, fanfiction/art, etc. Any suggestions?

If this fits better in another subforum, feel free to move it :ayecapn:

March 3rd, 2005, 01:05 AM
ask prince simba, he's a genius at these things. www.princesimba.com ;)

March 3rd, 2005, 01:48 AM
*scuttles to ask* :nukasm:

March 4th, 2005, 08:14 AM

March 7th, 2005, 05:59 AM
If you don't plan to own and operate your own server in your home or office, you should look at a hosting package that includes domain name registration. There are lots of low cost companies that will host your website on their servers and provide the domain name service.

NetworkSolutions.com's hosting service and domain name start at $9.96 a month. The price of registering a domain name without webhosting is $34.99 for one year.

Value-Name.com's service costs $8.49 a month. I don't think they offer webhosting though.

Register.com offers its services for as low as $4.95 a month.

My friend uses name.com. Their service costs $6.99 a month. They have some cheep hosting packages too.

8.95domains.com offers its services for 8.95. Web hosting is an additional $4.95.

MyDomain.com - $8.50 per month.

GoDaddy.com has prices between $6.95 for .biz and $29.95 for .tv top level domains.

JaguarPC will hosts sites for $9.95. I'm building my site using my family's domain. My website isn't ready yet. Sorry! We use a Yahoo! Webhosts plan that costs $11.95 a month. Our plan doesn't have CGI or PHP access.

Yahoo! Geocities Pro is $8.95 a month.

Yahoo's domain name service without webhosting costs $4.98.

I'm kinda biased towards Yahoo! Small Business hosting. Sorry.

HostGator.com hosting and domain name registration costs $9.95.

Star Logic webhosting and domain name registration costs $9.95 a month.

I don't know of any other good webhosts or domain name services. Sorry.

I also can't think of a good name. SomboliaLion sounds cool.

I hope you mom will buy you a domain. :) Good luck.

Hope this helps.

March 7th, 2005, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
Yes, make sure you think about the name a lot, because once you've chosen it, I'm not sure, but I think you might have to pay some money to get it changed :( ...

SimbaTheLion is correct. With Yahoo! Small Business Webhosting, you will need to cancel your service and sign up for a new one. I don't know about other services.

Also, when you sign up, be sure you spell your domain name correctly, and tripple check the spelling before hitting the final "submit" button or link. You could use the word lion or pride in your domain.

You can always create a subdomain if you want. You can create, delete and rename subdomains as often as you want without paying your webhost or naming registar. I created a lionking and gaming subdomain under my parent's domain. I'll show you the websites when they are ready.


For a limited time, lypha.com offers cheap webhosting and a free domain name for 7.95 a month for a year. You and your mom might want to take a look at their webpage. They even have a 30 day money back guarentee.

March 8th, 2005, 01:48 AM
Thanks for your help, starionwolf. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna use HostGator, but I'm definately checking out Lypha! :)

And thanks for wishing me luck as well, my mom is - as far as I know - leaning towards "yes" ;)

March 8th, 2005, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by SomboliaTheLion
Thanks for your help, starionwolf. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna use HostGator, but I'm definately checking out Lypha! :)

And thanks for wishing me luck as well, my mom is - as far as I know - leaning towards "yes" ;)

You're welcome. Hmm, the domain name registration for HostGator.com costs an extra $15 a year. It looks like some of the hosting companies charge extra for domain name registration. Shop around and read the fine print and feature details carefully.

Hostgator offers some nice features for $9.95 a month. Also, you and your mom don't need to sign a contract. HostGator gives you tons of features that Yahoo! Hosting doesn't provide. Let me know if you need help testing your website or setting everything up.


I'm still looking for webhost servicess that have free or low cost domain name registration. Domain name registration might cost extra $9 - $20.

advancednetworkhosts.com has a service for $7.95 per month. If you and your mom subscribe to their service for one year, advancednetworkhosts.com will not charge your parents a domain name registration and setup fee.

Subscribe for two years and pay $6.95 per month.


hosting.aplus.net has a good deal on Unix hosting: A monthly payment of $5.95, $10 setup fee, and free domain name registration. It also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

You can search for a webhost at: http://www.hostreview.com/power_search.html

You need to scroll down the page until you see "Web Hosting Power Search."

Select the price range your parents are willing to pay and select domain registration. You can also select "No Setup Fee." Let your parents take a look at the search results and the websites that are in the search results. I haven't heard of any companies listed on hostreview.com.

I'll keep looking.

March 8th, 2005, 04:29 AM
Wow, thanks, you've been really helpful. :)

March 8th, 2005, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by SomboliaTheLion
Wow, thanks, you've been really helpful. :)

You're welcome. I should know this stuff since I'm studying for a bachelor's degree in computer science and information systems. :confused: But I don't know a lot about webhosting, just programming.

I did a little more searching.

The only companies that I found which provide free domain name registration are:

bluefishhosting.com is cheap at 7.95 per month or 6.95 per month if you sign up for a yearly contract. You get CGI-BIN Access and support for PHP 4.3.4. Your parents have a 30 day money back guarantee.

easyhost.com costs $8.25 a month and also comes with a money back guarantee.

Yahoo! Small Business Webhosting webhosting.yahoo.com/
$11.95 + a $25 setup fee if you aren't using Geocities. No CGI or PHP. You can't host your own Php forum on your Yahoo website with the starter plan.

Yahoo! Geocities Pro: $9 a month + $15 setup fee. No CGI or PHP access.

Remember, I'm biased towards Yahoo! Small Business :p

The other comapnies I looked at charge an extra $10 - $20 for domain name registration. Considering that the monthly prices of their services are about $8 a month, your parents could pay about $111 a year. $111 = (8 * 12) + $15 domain name registration.

If you and your parents choose easyhost.com, you'll pay $99 per year. The difference between these two services is only $12. Both signing up for a free domain name with hosting or registering a domain and buying a hosting service are good deals. The cheep hosts that I found have good features for under $15 a month. Most of the low cost services provide similar features, but differ in price, amount of webspace and bandwidth.

When shopping around, try not to decide a hosting service based only on the amount storage space alone. Also consider the amount of monthly bandwidth. Most of the providers I looked at provide at least 30 GB of bandwidth and 500 MB of space. I think 500 MB of space should be more than enough for your fansite. My site on Yahoo! is really tiny.

Do you, uh, Yahoo?


Prince Simba
March 10th, 2005, 04:43 AM
Actually, I've found something a bit cheaper for the average TLK fan.


Please. Check them out. $16 per year for their cheapest plan ( 150mb space, 3gb bandwidth, email, PHP, CGI ).
Works out to about $1.30 per month.

I've got an excellent plan from them.

March 10th, 2005, 05:00 AM
:gasp: 16 dollars a year? Woah! :eek:

March 10th, 2005, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Prince Simba
Actually, I've found something a bit cheaper for the average TLK fan.


Please. Check them out. $16 per year for their cheapest plan ( 150mb space, 3gb bandwidth, email, PHP, CGI ).
Works out to about $1.30 per month.

I've got an excellent plan from them.

I'll check them out too. I'm kinda stuck with Yahoo! Small Business hosting though. Thanks for the information though. :)

Hey Prince Simba, I was wondering where you were. Thanks for helping us out. sv1.us doesn't charge a setup fee either. Is domain name registration included? If not, then be prepared to spend $7.50 to $20 per year. That's not too bad. Have fun
Sombolia. :)

Let me know if you need help testing your site.

March 11th, 2005, 12:44 AM
Thanks starionwolf. :) I'll be sure to tell ya. My mom's gonna check out sv1 as soon as she gets home... and how can she can refuse? ;)

March 11th, 2005, 02:36 AM
Okay.. I got it!! =D Now I need to know how to edit my website.. :hehe:

March 11th, 2005, 05:14 AM
Your mom is so sweet. Yay! Congratulations.

If you use windows, you can use some nice programs. www.nvu.com has a nice, free editor. It works like a word processor. You can even edit the HTML code.

HTML Beauty is a good text editor.

1st Page is nice.

If you already have Netscape Navigator, Open Office, Microsoft Word, Front Page, you can use them to create HTML pages too. Netscape Composer in the Netscape suite is similar to NVU.

I think you can use an FTP program to upload your files. Don't forget to replace the index.html file. SV1.us might also offer a web interface. I know Yahoo! Web hosting does.

Prince Simba knows more about how to upload files onto an SV1.us server.

Let me know if you need any more help.


Prince Simba
March 11th, 2005, 05:43 AM
^ Yeah, there's a web interface.

But basically, there's a site that's all about using this web interface and is designed specifically for it.


Designed specially for DirectAdmin... that's sv1. And instructions on FTP and stuff are included there. You can also use MS Frontpage or their web interface to upload.

And Macromedia Dreamweaver seems to work fine with them. I've never had a problem, and I use Dreamweaver daily.

Good luck, Sombolia!

March 12th, 2005, 01:43 AM
Thanks you guys. You two are lifesavers :hugs: Or.. websavers.. er.. whatever. You guys rock :D :p

Prince Simba
March 12th, 2005, 04:16 AM
^ heh. no problem.

And just remember, your Mom rules. I have to pay for princesimba.com out of my own pocket... even though it's not that much :p

March 12th, 2005, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Thanks you guys. You two are lifesavers :hugs: Or.. websavers.. er.. whatever. You guys rock :D :p

You're thanking me? What did I do? :confused: I gave you a list of exensive webhosting services. Prince Simba suggested a cheap host.

Try using directories to sort your web pages. So that I won't confuse you, I won't talk about subdomains yet.

You can create a folder for TLK in general, character profiles, movie info, fanfiction/art.

You can create four folders to help organize your files.

Of course, your main index.html will still be in the root. Don't forget to create an index.html file in the subfolders and link the html files together.

Prince Simba, my mom is paying for my Yahoo! website. She rocks too.

Thanks for sharing the link to the Site-Helper too. Both of you are awsome!


March 12th, 2005, 07:01 AM
I'm thanking both of you. :)

March 14th, 2005, 11:10 PM
Do either of you know if SV1.us offers subdomains? I can't find any information about subdomains on their website.

Also, can I password protect directories?

My dad might switch hosting providers to sv1.us. Yay!


March 15th, 2005, 03:35 AM
I'm pretty sure you can make subdomains on sv1. ;)

March 15th, 2005, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I'm pretty sure you can make subdomains on sv1. ;)

Ok, thanks. I plan to make a lionking and game subdomain if my parents switch to hosting server.

If they use awstats, then I assume that I have some access to the raw log files. I heard that sv1.us is reliable and has been running for 7 years.

Thanks for the reply Sombolia.

May 18th, 2005, 08:15 PM
My dad registered with sv1.us. yay!

Update: Nevermind, sv1.us just emailed me some instructions. I'll need to wait a few days for the domain name to work.

Unfortunately, we mispelled the domain name opps. Once we have the right domain name, we need to find the control panel. I don't see cpanel. I think we need to wait until the domain name becomes active.

Can anyone help me with the control panel question? Thanks.

May 19th, 2005, 03:02 AM
sv1 hosting fix the problem. Thanks for the suggesting sv1.us Sombolia and Prince Simba! I'm going to host my site on my dad's domain. hehe

Now I need to create my own email account and subdomain. I need to remember to upload the files to the /public_html directory.
