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unregistered user
February 19th, 2005, 03:52 AM
Would anybody know of HTML here? I'm learning about it, little by little, but I want to speed up the process a little bit. If ya'll know any, please feel free to post any advice ya got here.:) Oh, and sites are nice and helpful too.:cheese: Thanks for taking time and readin' this guys.:hugs:

~ Jj

(Aka. Prince of Nature.)

February 19th, 2005, 03:59 AM
OH, man HTML that's my area... don't know any other computer language... but HTML!

go get the trial version of a software called "Amiasoft SiteAid" (http://www.download.com/Amiasoft-SiteAid/3000-2048_4-10194831.html?tag=lst-0-1) -- very simple HTML editor, automatically inserts code instead of typing it. Great for learning what the basic tags are and what does what.

Suggestion for HTML page design -- use tables.

Other than that, just search google when you can't figure out how to do a certain thing in HTML.

http://griffinparty.8m.com <--- my site made using only HTML and notepad.... and SiteAid which is really just glorified notepad

unregistered user
February 19th, 2005, 04:05 AM
Thanks dude.:)

Does it contain any malicious files of any sort?:confused:

Ya sure I don't need to take any classes to learn HTML?:lol::p


February 19th, 2005, 04:08 AM
Does it contain any malicious files of any sort?
No, and I was quite overjoyed at that fact.

unregistered user
February 19th, 2005, 04:16 AM
Great!:cheese: thanks DS!=D

King Simba
February 19th, 2005, 10:53 AM
I used to have a website which involved a lot of HTML. If ya need any help, I may be able to help ya out there. =)

Also, HTML Goodies (http://www.htmlgoodies.com) and HTML Basix (http://www.htmlbasix.com) are so good sites to learn from.

February 19th, 2005, 11:38 AM
And when you know a little bit about it, and wanna make your site little bit more different, you can use this site: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/

February 19th, 2005, 03:32 PM
Lissa explains is a very helpful site. A word of advice, use CSS instead of IE's typical Tags. For example, on my site, i wanted the background to be fixed, so I originally started with under <BG Style="Fixed"> Or whatever it was, until I found out that that wasnt compatible with Firefox. (The greatest browser on the planet). So I wound up learning some CSS, which was beneficial in the long run. So, I'm pretty good with HTML, you can look at my website, made entirely with notepad. My Website (http://www.lionking.org/~simbatlk1/) So, 2 words of advice,

1)Don't use Frontpage, (it's terrible and will only cause problems) In addition, you will have much more sense of accomplishment if you do your site in notepad instead of an HTML Drag and Drop Editor.

2)Use CSS if possible.

If ya have any questions, feel free to ask.


King Simba
February 19th, 2005, 03:39 PM
Nice site there. Btw, I added a comment to your guestbook. ;)

February 19th, 2005, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
Nice site there. Btw, I added a comment to your guestbook. ;)

Thanks KS :cheese: :cheese:

February 19th, 2005, 04:45 PM
Macromedia Dreamweaver is a great program for any webpage design. You can also find tutorials from the most basic html stuff to advanced javascript and other stuff at their website.

February 19th, 2005, 09:28 PM
I know HTML, but I have no time to teach it to others.

I would also like to add that adding JavaScript or stuff from that Dynamic Drive website isn't that good idea. Those things don't work on everyone's computers and so they can't access the webpage.

February 20th, 2005, 08:50 PM
Thanks a lot guys!!:cheese: I'll be sure to contact you all if I have any questions. Thanks again!!:hugs::hugs:


Um, which webhost would you recommend? I mean...for webspace and such...

King Simba
February 20th, 2005, 08:55 PM
http://www.topcities.com is free and has 150mb of space.
http://www.free-webhosts.com/ is a good place to find free webhosts.


February 20th, 2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Kenyi
Thanks a lot guys!!:cheese: I'll be sure to contact you all if I have any questions. Thanks again!!:hugs::hugs:


Um, which webhost would you recommend? I mean...for webspace and such...
I have liked Freeservers www.freeservers.com

They let you have 50 meg, I think, and you get an address like http://griffinparty.8m.com

You get one week w/o ads, but then they put them on. There are different styles you can choose, though.

King Simba
February 20th, 2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
From friends I've heard that geocities is really bad, so don't choose that to be your webhost =) ...
I call it geo****ies. :bleen: :lol:

February 20th, 2005, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
I call it geo****ies. :bleen: :lol: You're not the only one :bleen:

February 20th, 2005, 09:58 PM
If you're site is going to be TLK related, I'd contact Brian Tiemann at Lionking.org. That's where my site is hosted, free of ads, and now the server is fast. It's allright for normal HTML, but if you are wishing to host large downloads, I would recommend hosting them on another server.

February 20th, 2005, 10:15 PM
Edit: Rats, double Post. Sorry guys.

Prince Simba
February 21st, 2005, 04:40 AM
If you're looking for a host and are willing to pay a tiny bit, but not too much, go look at SV1 Hosting (http://www.sv1.us). I'm hosted by them and I can't find a single thing to complain about. I have a gig of space, 25 gigs of bandwidth, 175 emails, 10 mysql databases all for $30 (USD) per year. that works out to $2.50 per month, which is an awesome rate.

February 22nd, 2005, 01:42 PM
Omega Webhost is the best out there IMO.

5000 MB Quota (Disk Space)
50000 MB Bandwidth
Latest CURRENT Version of cPanel
Latest Version of Fantastico
All cPanel Features Enabled and Unlimited

Had some problems recently, but it seems to be up and running again. Sometimes has downtime problems, none recently that I know of. You only get a sub-sub domain name. Ad-free.

Free. Just post 50 times in http://www.board.o-wh.com/index.php?

I think that should cover it. ;)

February 22nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
I have 1 one Freewebs, and Geocities. Haven't had any problems yet with Geocities. Maybe I souldn't speak to loud *lol*

February 22nd, 2005, 02:12 PM
Never used geocities :(

Another great webhost is www.funpic.org. They had my phpBB forum before I switched to the new forum software and moved to LKD's server, but they really weren't that bad. Unmetered Space and Bandwidth as long as you don't abuse the system. General, honest use is allowed and they cover the space requirements, just don't use it to 2 gigs of pictures or abuse it in any other way. Horrid URL though, mine was http://majilisi.ma.funpic.org/phpbb/index.php

April 25th, 2007, 06:54 PM
I guess I could put this here.

I'm trying to help a friend in HTML right now. I know only basic HTML, nothing ellaborate.

They want to make a login / account system on their website. What do I need to create that? Some form of a database? Php and MySQL involved? I have 'no' idea, literally, and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

is the site.