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February 11th, 2005, 06:31 AM
Malaika sat by the waters edge in the mist of the waterfall, the water just soaking into his mane. Nothing seemed to be going right. They had been at the cave longer than expected. He didn't want to go himself but he knew the risks if simbaji came with him. They had to leave today. He walked away from the waters edge to pace wondering what he should do. He knew it would be up to the cub to decide. Malaika loved him so much that he would blame himself if anything ever happened to the cub. With a sigh he walked back into the cave and laid down next to simbaji. Carefully he placed his paw over him and cuddled close. He whispered into the cubs ear.

"I love you."

February 14th, 2005, 06:23 AM
Time seemed to stand still. simbaji's thoughts had wandered from memory to memory during the lengthened stay in the cave he and the others had found themselves in. So many journeys, so many memories. He had met good friends and bad company alike and seen more places than many might in their entire lifetime. simba's tail flicked idly from side to side as he fell deeper into reflection, his tail briefly stirring up the otherwise and largely undisturbed dirt that blanketed most of the cave's floor. The sounds of the water that flowed not far from where he was sitting muted out nearly all the other sounds now. So deep was his concentration that he hadn't even realized that Malaika had gotten up and moved to the edge of the waters near the entrance.

It was difficult for him to put into words the thoughts that filled his mind. To be honest he was glad since not all of them were pleasant and would surely cause concern for anyone mindful of his well-being. Still, he couldn't help but allow himself this moments rest. How many more like them there would be was anyone's guess. He was not immortal though and one day these moments would set. He often wondered what that alone would be like. Would his time be brief and brilliant like the rise of the sun as it finally and triumphantly breaks over a mountain ridge? Or would it be like the end of the day, filled with a vast choice of hues and colors offered by some great painter's pallette only to slowly dim until the last embers were nothing more than a wish one might make upon a shooting star? He was certain the lands already knew; and one day, so would he.

But he was immortal, or so it seemed. At least to an extent. Without even blinking or moving his head or gaze to his paws he knew what he would see - the paws of a cub. He had seen friends come and go, empires and prides rise and fall, and even the seasons change more times than he spent thinking to remember yet still his paws were those of a cub, his face and body too were those of a cub. And yet for all his youth that somehow seemed bereft to leave him he still felt the wetness of a single tear stain his muzzle; for inside his heart and soul were the joys and sorrows of a lifetime and perhaps more. Why was he like this? What wonder of nature or mystery had sought to grace him with this gift and curse alike? There must be some purpose. He must have some purpose. But what?

He tried to understand the many events he'd seen or been privy to hearing of over the course of his life that surrounded this singular mystery - even tried at times to talk to others of it. Always he came up empty of a solution, always he was left no closer to many insights, only more questions. Of course there had been many clues that he'd come across but none of them fit into a picture that made sense. A mandril intent on killing him after already boasting of killing his family, marks that had been found in various places including one that he'd discovered had been used as a lookout to spy on the place he'd come to call the pridelands. There were also his flashbacks of his life with his original family from memories that seemed to be all but hidden from his recolection - a seemingly innoculous event in some circumstances but substantial when coupled with what had triggered his memory's re-emergence. No, there was more than chance or coincidence at work. It was only a matter of time before all the pieces fell into place and the tapestry that had been created by these threads would be revealed.

Were such a time close at hand he would not know. The introspections he'd found himself given too were dispersed like the dew on the savanah plains at the rise of the sun as the cub felt a weight press up against him. He actually startled at Malaika's actions - moreso because he had been oblivious to his motions the whole time more than anything. The weight of the older lion's paw rested over him and at last felt himself relax. He wasn't sure how to respond, though inside he knew he still loved him too. To what extent the recent events that tarnished that bond and his memories would allow him to ultimately express that emotion was left to be discovered however. For now though he was content enought to have the company he did. And as his breif-moment's refletions receeded back into the depths of his mind like the wanning tides of the sea he watched in both wonder and fear as one particular thought faded at last from his comprehension - he was certain the lands already knew what his fate was to be; and one day, so would he.

February 27th, 2005, 11:34 AM
Malaika nuzzled the cub lightly hopeing to wake him.

"Simbaji." He whispered. "We need to go now."

They had been in the cave longer than he had wanted. A lot of things were pulling at him. The fact that the humans never returned for one. He had always thought the humans were after the lands. The more he thought about it the more he wanted the answer. It was almost light out and he wanted to leave soon.

February 27th, 2005, 03:22 PM
The cub heard Malaika's voice, calling him. It was time to go. Wake up? Had he fallen asleep? He couldn't even remember. If so his sleep was left with no membrance of dreams, only the reflections that had beset him.

Raising somewhat shakily to his paws, simba arched and stretched his body and muscles this way and that. Perhaps he had fallen asleep. At least, regardless of what had happened, he'd had the chance to rest.

There was still a long way to go, as Malaika constantly assured him, but he now could make the journey a little easier. The pace and trails, though tough and forelorn as they might be, was ready to be met now with eager paws.

A drink of water first though, he thought, as he licked his parched lips. Something to eat was probably more than their graces would offer and so he would not ask. He'd gone without something to eat for long periods of time. But water, that he wanted. And fortunately there was plenty of it for now.

Ok, just had to get a drink of water is all.

March 6th, 2005, 09:37 PM
Malaika stood up slowly stretching. It took him longer than he expected to get up since he nearly fell back asleep. He looked at simbaji from the cave entrance and thought how pure and innocent the cub looked totaly oblivious to his past. Only once had he gone looking and had came across a lion who wanted to take over the pridelands. It was because of Malaika that another cub had been killed. Or nearly kiled. She was brought into the pride lands when Malaiak had found her.

It hurt to think about it again but how could he not. Everybody had their own past and it wasn't very good to go looking for some ones past lest you yourself are prepared for the consequences.

Malaika shook the thoughts from his head. His own past wasn't a very pleasant one. He still couldn't understand why he could talk with the earth. Once they reached the valley pride homelands he thought all would become clear.

He smiled to himself thinking of the good times they had had together. He hoped some day they could be together forever.

March 11th, 2005, 02:40 PM
simba wasted no time at all. While not eager to travel great distances non-stop, he knew that Malaika was behind on where he wanted them to be. It was also nice that he had gotten a little time to rest and so was now ready to take on another good portion of the journey they were making back into the territory that Malaika had first called home.

No sooner had Malaika stretched than he himself was poised at the entrance to the cave, the sounds of the waterfall that offered both cover and rest alike beating upon the rocks, sending splashes of water on the entrance at times. He wondered about Roshaun, if he'd find them again. He hoped so. One of the best parts he loved about journeys was the chance to meet people who lived very far away from where he did.


The cub smiled with as he taunted somewhat playfully.

March 11th, 2005, 08:25 PM
with a smile and a snort

"you just try to keep up."

As Malaika passes the cub he lick the cubs fur in the oposite direction and laughs.

"now you look like a savanaha hedge hog."

April 26th, 2005, 09:36 AM
Mizani yawned, showing her huge cannines. Being alone sure was boring.
No one to talk to and know one to listen to. She wished her sister was here but she had gone her seperate way on a different path. She soon began to doze on her tree branch.

She was woken up seconds later by the sound of laughter. Groggly lifting her head, Mizani could spot a lion and cub.
"odd" She muttered to herself as she climbed down from the acacia.
Wondering what to do, her curiosity got the better of her and she headed of in the direction of the lions.

uh, this going to continue or not?:confused:

April 26th, 2005, 07:50 PM
Malaika padded out of the jungle to the south. It seemed like a long time since they could actually see the light. The brightness hurt Malaika's eyes only momentarily. The southern grasslands stretched furhter than the eye could see. The sun looked to have climbed to its peak meaning mid day was approaching.

Malaika looked back to see if the cub was following. He smiled as he thought bout the good times they had together back in the Mizaati Mara, before he had to return to his homeland, The land in which they were now journeying to. It seemed that maybe they had left the jungle too soon. What Malaika thought would take days turned into Months. Mt. Kilimanjaro was on the other side of the contenent. To him it wouldn't seem far. He had traveled there many times before but always alone. Now that there is someone else with him it would either slow the journey down and just enjoy what he could before entering the heartlands, no a place of danger, or he could carry the cub and try the journey non stop. It usually left him exsausted. Only time would tell.

April 27th, 2005, 06:39 AM
Mizani lowered her head as the lion and cub strolled by, unaware of her presence. She had folowed them now for what seemed an eternity, as they seemed to be headed towards a kingdom that her father had once told her about when she was but a cub, but sadly she had forgoten its name. Perhaps I should introduce myself she thought to herself while grooming her paw.


The tree branch in which she had been resting on had given way and she tumbled down the hill and landed on her belly with her nose touching that of the young cub!

May 2nd, 2005, 02:43 PM
The morning had seemed normal, the same as any other. Only the never-ending expanse of distance taunting and following as they travelled. He had been many places before and some further than even he really knew, but where they were now was anyone's guess. Slowly winding their way through the land and quite unawares of anything else but the morning dew and unchanging scenery suddenly he heard something. His ears twitched and his head turned to follow the sound just in time to find himself nose to nose with someone he'd never seen before! The sudden excitement of commotion left him stunned for a brief second as he wasn't sure what to say or do. Quickly he backed up a step and blinked his eyes as he spoke.

You scared me!

Where'd you come from and who are you?

May 3rd, 2005, 06:17 AM
Mizani sooned realized the awkwardness of the situation and decided it best to introduce herself before an unwanted fight broke out.

"um hi!" Mizani grined, staring at the bewildered little cub infront of her. "I'm Mizani, whats your name?"

May 3rd, 2005, 07:50 AM
simba paused a moment, not sure what to make of everything. Not wanting to miss a beat he replied with a cautious smile.

simba, though some of my friends call me simbaji

He didn't want to mention anything of the Mizaati Mara Pride just yet. They were a long ways from home, and while unlikely as it may be that there would be those who had heard of the Pride, he also knew that he didn't want to be caught so quickly and unguarded from the safety of his home should he run into others who might have less-kind ideas about an encounter with him.

And while it was more than likely more his paranoia at this point that led him to be so cautious and suspicious, he thought that if nothing else it would be better to err on the side of safety. So for now he would see where things went. In all likelyhood the encounter was a chance one that would leave them parted sooner than not. Though, he had to admit he was curious as to where this other had come and what else might come of it.

May 3rd, 2005, 08:10 AM
The older lion's ears perked when he heard the crack and looked back to see another cub. He listened as the two talked but was ready to take action. Since she was not looking at Malaika he quickly hid in the tall grass near-by and crept around the two for a better position to hear. He would not let simba get hurt nor would he just sit and do nothing but he would let simba talk untill he gave word things were ok. To Malaika it didn't seem ok.

To find a cub of all creatures following them without Malaika knowing made him even more cautious. If he couldn't detect that they were being followed by the cub then who was to say they wern't being followed by more. Malaika strugled with himself not knowing weather to step forward and protect or hide and see if more came before stepping out to protect simba. He decided to wait for the latter. If this cub was alone then where had it come from. The more Malaika thought about it the more it didn't make sence. Where they even on the right track to Mt. Kilimanjaro? Where they off course. Perhaps Malaika made a bad judgement call in direction. No they were on the right course. Just he didn't expect to run into anyone for another couple miles. This cub seemed to have come from near-by. Malaika didn't know about the prides of the west. He only knew about the prides that once resided in the east.

The only pride left in the east isn't even a pride anymore. Malaika, being the soul survivor of the war that wiped them out, was no longer in charge of anything. The only lions in the east now were rouges that wanted to kill Malaika. Ever since the great war, between his grandfathers Kilimanjaro and Chaos, the rouge's wanted revenge.

May 3rd, 2005, 10:56 AM
Mizani licked her shoulder of some grime and soon began to look around her for the older lion. Mizani stuck her nose up in the air to catch the lions scent. Sure enough she found his scent trail lead to a patch of tall grass. Mizani could not see the lion but she suspected he was concealed somewhere in the grass. To answer your second question, I been traveling for a many months since I left my fathers pride. Where is your friend?

Note to the both of you that I am not a cub but a young lioness.:browlift:

May 3rd, 2005, 03:46 PM
OOC: I would like to take this time to inform you about Malaika's militaristic past.

Malaika knows how to hide and very well. He has survived many battles and with the ability to cover his scent as well. I thought I had mentioned that to you when I told you about malaika's pride in the heartlands. I will post Malaika's info if you didn't read it in the bio thread.

Name: Malaika
Age: 6
Species: Lion
Pride: Mizaati Mara / Heart
Description: A warrior lion with a firey red mane that usually cvers his scared face. The scar crosses between his eyes from the top of his right to the bottom of his left. His sky blue eyes are hardly ever seen if ever they are shown with an outline of black. The black rings around his eyes show a dark past.

Born prince of the Heartland lion pride. Malaika's Family was well known throughout Africa. The pride itself had been the mane pride in the Pride Wars. Malaika lost his father to humans who had enveloped the land. Trained by his uncle he bacame a great warrior. When his uncle died he fought in the first of the Poacher wars and then left the pride. The scar in which crosses his face reminds him of the price he would have to pay if the humans had ever found him, death.

Ndugu, a cheetah, had found him half dead in the desert. Taking him back to the mizaati Mara,Ndugu saved him from certin death. Malaika remaind there and and told his tail to all who would hear. he was then mated to a white lioness, The Princess Kida. He also adopted her daughter and son. Imbali and Akaro. Imbali did have another father at the time, a human by the name Fernando. Fernando after a while told Imbali that she needed a father like Malaika to watch over her.

After a while Malaika became a banner knight for the Mizaati Mara and had to leave on a quest back to his homeland. The lioness he had placed in charge, Hurul_ayni, had been captured by the humans. He sent every one out to gather the prides that had fought with his family during the Pride Wars as he, himself, went back to the Mizaati Mara to seek help there.

Upon his return he and Kida had broken up. The reason has been forgoten. Malaika fell in love with simba/simbaji and stayed with him for a while untill he left for the war.

Malaika fought hard against the humans. In the final hour of the last battle Malaika was about to be killed but a lioness's shadow took out the final human. They both had gone over the cliff edge.

Malaika awoke with no memory and thought of only one word. Mizaati Mara. He ran back to the mizaati only to find he couldn't remeber anyone. He had attacked simba/simbaji and fled to a cave with in the eastern jungle. He had fallen in love with simba/simbaji's son Elemental fox. while talking one day a strange creature had come upone them asking for protection. Another right behind him asked for us to hand him over. As the creature tried to leave he was killed on the spot. We attacked the killer but was interupted by simba/simbaji. simba/simbaji kept a war from breaking out by talking to the creature as Malaika and Elemental fox waited to tell there side of the story.

Elemental fox decided to end his life that sam day. He took his fathers claw and slit his own throat there in front of us both. In a fit of rage Malaika tried to take the body to burry it but simba/simbaji wouldn't have it. Malaika threw down the Mizaati Mara banner not knowing where he had gotten it and fled.

Imbali, a full grown lioness, helped Malaika regain his memory. Malaika then went back to simba/simbaji and tried to work things out. Everything is better now but still in shaddy area's.

One last thing. Malaika see's any lion/ess under the prime age as still being a cub...even if you are a young lioness. I would be greatfull if you could edit the post. If you have any douts about posting dealing with my character then please pm me. I don't want to sound mean but I pretty much live as this character. It's my second life. Thank you for reading this.

May 9th, 2005, 01:46 PM
simba had been so caught up in the rush of the moment with Mizani that he hadn't realized that he was facing the lioness alone - a fact that was brough to his attention as she questioned his whereabouts. With a glance to either side of him he too could not see Malaika anywhere. Not sure where he was, but having faith that he wasn't too far, he looked back to Mizani to answer.

I'm not sure, he was here a minute ago. His name's Malaika. Are you traveling with someone too?

He didn't want to sound too intrusive but thought prudence wise considering the potential vunerability he had found himself prey to. He tried not to seem overly worried nor did he let his concerns show on his face too much. He didn't want to give the appearance of weakness, not out here and not under these circumstances. Africa thrived but not to those who could not weather the inhospitable environment.

ooc: sorry for taking a bit to reply, this last week has been a huge stretch on me.

May 10th, 2005, 06:25 AM
The more Malaika waited the more he thought that simbaji's life might be in danger. on a spur of the moment the older lion leapt out of the grasses and in front of the cub. He dug his claws into the ground ready to attack if need be. With a slight growl he spoke to the young lioness.

"Who sent you?"

Malaika tightened his stance ready for anything.

"Why are you following us?"

May 10th, 2005, 07:48 AM
Mizani was taken aback by the large lion that now loomed over her.
"What? who? what are you talking about! No one sent me, I am a free lioness looking for a pride to join"

Mizani, still slightly confused continued.
"and to answer your question Simbaji, I travel with no one, for my sister was meant to leave the pride with me."
She paused
"But unfortunatly she lost her life in a hunting aciendent, so I travel alone."
Mizani looked down at her paws feeling un-comfortable talking about her sister.
"To answer your question lion I only want company.
Is that a crime?"

May 11th, 2005, 05:34 AM
"You can never tell."

Malaika replied with a scowl.

"Have you seen any other rouges in this area?"

It was a legitamate question. If he couldn't find out where she was from or who was with her then he would ask about other rouges. He knew that his presence wasn't welcome in a lot of places since his father and uncle on the pride wars.

May 11th, 2005, 06:18 AM
"No, you two are the lions around for miles"

~odd silence~

"Well, um sorry about me being a bit rude before, I don't like talking about my sister."

May 11th, 2005, 09:42 AM
The older lion was still a bit wear about the whole thing.

"So then. Where are you from?" Malaika asked as he laid down next to Simbaji still as protective as ever.

May 11th, 2005, 10:11 AM
"I come from my fathers lands, not far from the Pridelands." Mizani said, looking out at the horizon.

"His lands don't have a name, because he never named them.
He thought that he had no right to name it as it belonged to the great king's."

Mizani smiled
"Some of the pride lioness's thought he was mad."
"Only mother and I believed him..."

Snapping out of her trance Mizani faced the old lion.
"Is that enough infomation for you, or do you need to hear my life story?" Mizani laughed.

May 19th, 2005, 07:11 AM
simba watched Malaika's movements with little diversion of his attention from Mizani - save for the few moments when the older lion spoke. Aside from that he was intent on understanding more of this lionesses past, her present, what it was that had brought her here. Granted, sometimes meetings were random and chance at best, but that didn't mean they were all like that.

Mad. Something stirred at those words.

No.. no, sorry if we made it sound bad or something, it's just that bumping into you the way we did was.. unexpected.

ooc: not one of my best replies, but i've been out of the loop longer than i meant

May 20th, 2005, 07:13 AM
Mizani noticed that the old lion had a cautious glint in his eyes and the cub seemed to be daydreaming.

Mizani's stomach grumbled.
"Hey, by any chance have you two seen any herds around lately?"

May 20th, 2005, 01:01 PM
The thought of eating another animal repulsed Malaika. though he didn't let it show.

"No, we've only come from the jungle and havn't been out here in the onpen for very long.

He thought to himself that when he got the chance he would eat some grass and not worry about anything else.

May 21st, 2005, 07:16 AM
Mizani frowned, a little dissapointed.
She perked her head up trying to locate a herd.
A black line was all that was vivible of a herd of wildebeast in the distance.

"How good are you at hunting lion?"
Mizani asked, unaware of the Malaikas dislike of eating other animals.

"No offense but I doubt the cub has any experience in the field"

May 22nd, 2005, 05:43 AM
occ: don't you guys mind i join in?

May 22nd, 2005, 06:34 AM
ooc: it'd be great to have you! : )

May 22nd, 2005, 06:07 PM
A fairly young lioness seemed to find her traveling days across these mystical landscape that few roamed. It seemed so void and empty of any life forms, just random herds and flocks of birds. The light colored lioness seemed to have a mixture of tawny and gold within' her fur, ebon mitts dancing freely on the soft emerald blades of grass. A unusual but brilliant sight to see. The sun created a wonderous glow on the rouge's coat, shimmering brown orbs darted around the terrian seeing nothing for miles. At least what she thought she could see. Method was tired of walking for miles, in search for her own destiny. Who was she? Where was she? All these questions kept ringing in her head was really making her paranoid, aggressive, and confused. She barely crept out of being a teen lioness, now a very young adult.

With a flop she came to rest her body upon the soil, the swaying grasses provided a symphony of sound to delight the ears of the weary wanderer. So there she lay, resting her body, her tail flicking this way and that as she drifted into and out of her slumber. Voices were heard faintly in the distance. Eyes half closed started to open half way to peer around the area. Slowly she raised her form up, gliding like a snake in the wavering weeds to rest her eyes on a small group that had clustered up togather. Swirling tassle swished softly, her steps easing up on them in a a slow stealth manner. The curious fae only wanted to watch there movements and reactions. For the most part she was never caught or detected durring these times... surely she wouldn't be now. She wasn't one to be tampered with, very frightened and aggressive, not to mention sarcastic could this newcomer be.

ooc: Quick reply... sorry. >.>

May 22nd, 2005, 11:37 PM
Name: Titus
Age: 15
Species: Lion
Pride: N/A
Description: A lion with a golden blondeish like hair, white like fur, blue eye color

May 23rd, 2005, 12:50 AM
ooc: before i post a reply, Titus, is your age in human years/teenage age or lion age/end of prime?

p.s. welcome : )

May 23rd, 2005, 12:59 AM
"I... uh... am not a hunter. I know nothing of hunting."

Malaika didn't know what to say. least of all how to say it. After all he was raised on how to live off of everything but meat. His own uncle didn't even know that he never ate meat and so never said anything. Still his stomache was starting to rumble a bit.

"Per... perhaps you... you could... um... hunt us up some... ah... food while... while... I uh... secure the... um... area?"

Malaika felt like an idiot. When he was hungery in the pride lands all he had to do was travel into the jungle to the east now he didn't have that luxury.

May 23rd, 2005, 03:51 AM
simba cocked his head as he altered his gaze slightly to intercept Malaika's. The calm breeze that flowed over the area where they all three sat ruffled the grasses and even less so the furrow of his brow as he looked upon the older lion with curiosity. How could he claim to not know nothing of hunting? Having fought in two wars that he had watched him leave for and having claimed the skills he did left Malaika in no position to claim no knowledge of hunting.

In retrospect he also balked a little at the lionesses assumption that he had no experience himself. Not that he blamed her. He was a cub afterall and quickly dismissed any sign of disapproval. She couldn't possibly know of the past he'd lived or what he'd had to deal with and so could not hold it against her. It was strange though, and only in times found far and few between did he give it more than a passing thought. His size was that of a cub. His heart, mind and spirit all holding the strength of youth. Yet the many seasons he'd seen, the many tragedies, they all told a different story. To be sure he had his own secrets to unlock in his own life. For now though, hunger called and he couldn't agree more with the sentiment the lioness proffered and quickly turned back to her to offer his help.

I'll go with you if you want? My dad told me he doesn't want me hunting when I'm this small but I'm good at exploring.

May 23rd, 2005, 06:47 AM
"Okay then" Mizani smiled kindly.
She turned to Malaika.
"And if successful you we'll come find you or you find us...." Mizani paused.
"I'm sorry but I don't know your name"

unregistered user
May 23rd, 2005, 03:12 PM
OFF:I think I'm ready to join now....mwuahahahaha

ON:Off amidst the lands lurked a lioness. She too was out for her morning catch.

[I'd post more, but simbaji or Malaika...could you fill me in?]

May 23rd, 2005, 11:59 PM
occ: it suppossed to be human years so, ya i'm going to start off as 15

May 24th, 2005, 12:08 AM
in midst of the east of the lands there was a teenaged lion who was searching for years to find the murder of his family. He searched for about 2 years and never completed his goal. He heared something in the west, it sounded like talking of some sort so he ran to to see what it was.

May 24th, 2005, 12:17 AM
ooc: oops heheh i was going to type more but i guess this won't be bad.

as he looked he saw a lioness a cub and lion, he thinks it just a mirage but, soon as he was about to walk and continue on, he was so dehidrated that he couldn't open his eyes and his mouth was so dry it was like a dessert in his mouth."water...where is....wat..er" then he dropped and fell onconious from the heat of the day.

May 24th, 2005, 01:01 AM
Malaika sat up taller and in his politest offered a small bow.

"I am Malaika Heart Mizaati. Former ruler of the Heartland lion pride, warrior and story teller for the Mizaati Mara pride and Mate to her crown prince. Whom, my dear, might you be?"

May 24th, 2005, 01:06 AM
OOC: The story thus far...which will be writen into my African tail's series.... goes as thus.

Me and Simba are on a journey to the Heartlands and then to the north into pride valley where Malaika's true family was, the valley pride. also where the great pride wars of theeast was fought. There Malaika is to find the truth about his family. That they posess the power of the land. while at the same time being on the lookout for rouges of the eastern prides whom of which doesn't like the Heartland pride for the simple fact of the great pride wars. And Malaika's great uncle Chaos is behind the great poacher wars that took place a few seasons ago in which cost Malaika his memory and hurt those around him. after time he was able to gain his meory back. he swore to always protect simba and so when he received a final message from his father, Shujaa, to return to the heartlands he allowed simba to follow. where are at the point where we just met mizani and havn't realized that a lioness near-by has fainted.

May 24th, 2005, 01:21 AM
"Mizani" She smiled bowing her head as a geusture of courtesy.
"Pleased to meet you both, Simbaji and Malaika" She paused breifly

"now about that hunt..."
Mizani's finely tuned hearing alerted her to an animal lurking somewhere in the grass.
She whirled around
"Who is there?"

I'm talking about Titus's char:uhno:

May 24th, 2005, 03:35 AM
Titus wakes and trys to get back on his feet. As soon as he got to his feet he walks slowly out of the grass not knowing that someone is there. as soon he walked out of the grass he colapsed again. Panting and panting he tried to breath slow so he can continue what he was doing, but he feels so dehydrated that he can't stop panting and he fainted once more.

May 24th, 2005, 03:45 AM
ooc: let put my profile on one more time there's something i forgot to add.

Name: Titus
Age: 15
Species: Lion
Pride: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Fur: White
Tail Tuft color: Blonde
Hair Color(Main): Blonde
Other: Grey single triangles on both sides of cheeks(pointed end pointing down)

May 24th, 2005, 07:05 AM
Mizani gasped as the lion lay unconcious before them.
She cautiously walked over to the lion and gentley patted his head.

He didn't move except for his slow breathing.

"er, Malaika? little help here?"

May 24th, 2005, 10:08 PM
Titus looks up with fuzziness in his eye's "wat...er.....i need......water".
and trys to stay awake cus if he fainted again he may never wake up.

May 25th, 2005, 04:55 AM
With a quick sigh of thankfullness for the interuption Malaika got up with a stern look and raced over to the lions side.

"We must get this poor creature out of the sun. There should be a waterhole to the south of here. It's a few hours walk but we must make haste."

With all his strength Malaika lifted the lion onto his back and lokoed back at the other two.

"I need you two to fallow closely and make sure no one will try to ambush us. This may be a trap but I'm not going to let anyone die. I've seen to many die. Lets move."

May 25th, 2005, 07:44 AM
Mizani looked behind her, realising what Malaika said could have some truth in it.
She looked at Simbaji.
"Guess hunting will have to wait" She sighed

unregistered user
May 25th, 2005, 05:48 PM
ON: Vala sat quietly by the waterhole and lapped it up gently. The heat was exhausting, and she didn't plan at all to stay out all day and turn roasty toasty in it's grasp.

OFF: I'm thinking I meet Mala and Titus at the water hole while I'm lappin' it all up?
For the FAQ

Name: Utora
Age: 10
Species: Lioness
Pride: Has none
Eye Color: Red
Fur: Tan
Tail Tuft color: Black
Hair Color(Mane): Has a little tuft of mane, [brown]

May 25th, 2005, 06:16 PM
simba nodded to Mizani. Most of his guard had been let down by now. The akward chance meeting hadn't turned out so bad afterall and Mizani seemed pretty nice. He did have to admit though that it seemed strange how he and Malaika had traveled so long and far without meeting any others to all of a sudden come upon not only Mizani, but now this other rogue. Even as he began to follow Malaika and Mizani he knew somewhere in the back of his mind that it could be dangerous to become too comfortable with situations that warrented caution, even in the best of turnabouts, on such short notice. Still, things seemed well enough and even though hunger still sought his small form, a drink of water before going off to hunt didn't sound all that bad either.

ooc: welcome aboard : )

unregistered user
May 25th, 2005, 06:23 PM
OFF: Just be careful that I don't sink yer boat now that I'm aboard! mwahahahahaha

May 25th, 2005, 11:28 PM
ooc: you know what, what my avatar looks like i'm thinking insted of 15 make that 17 in human years.

May 26th, 2005, 05:28 AM
Malaika huffed under the weight of the half concious lion. Ocasionaly he would look back at Simbaji and Mizani to make sure they were keeping close by. He didn't want to have to drop the lion and kill anyone. He didn't want to but he would if he had too.

"Keep up. We're not far now."

He called back at the others as he tried to pick up his own pace.

May 26th, 2005, 08:24 AM
Mizani gazed out in front of her. The water hole was not far off and she could see the herds taking a drink.
She licked her lips.

"Any chance that we could hunt while at the water hole, Malaika?"

May 27th, 2005, 12:13 AM
The young rouge was more confused then ever. What the heck was actually going on? She was more confused then what she was before. After viewing a poorly looking teenage leonine fall several times. Was he ill? Or just zapped by the dreadful heat that swamped the entire land around them, every now a soft cool breeze would pass gracefully. Method's eyes scanned closely, she was more curious of the minority group that seemed to grow by the second. Her entire frame slunk lowly into the dangerous weeds of death, following them from a safe distance. She kept surveying them, ebon lips seemed to switch into a small haunting smirk.

May 27th, 2005, 12:40 AM
simba followed the group as they made their way towards their destination, at least the one that was most immediate for now. As he watched the older ones talk and make conversations as they may, as grown-ups often do, he started to let his path diverge slightly, letting the distance widen ever so slightly from the others. He wasn't going to wander off all by himself, but that didn't mean that he couldn't give himself a little berth to explore the trailways they were on.

May 27th, 2005, 01:53 AM
Malaika's stopped just short of the waterhole and carefully laid the lion down. Something didn't feel right to him.

"Mizani, take care of this lion. Someone's out there. I don't know if there friendly but I will find them."

He looked around for simbaji but didn't see him. Cursing himself he turned back to Mizani again.

"Where's simbaji?"

May 27th, 2005, 06:32 AM
Mizani was confused by Malaikas question and she turned around, to find that indeed Simbaji was gone.

"he was here a minute a go....."
She sniffed the ground trying to find his scent.

"from what I can smell he hasn't gone far"
She looked at the unconcious lion.

"I'll look after the lion and you go find Simbaji. If there is something out there then Simbaji won't be safe alone" Mizani muttered, padding over to the lion.

May 27th, 2005, 01:53 PM
Titus, even though he was half concious, knew something is wrong and doesn't feel right sence it start to fel more bad, he started thinking about the situtation and tried to resolve it and fix it, but he is so weak he couldn't possibly do anything, he thought he was done.

May 28th, 2005, 12:36 AM
Malaika paced back and forth sizing up the situation. part of him thought that he should seek out the danger and neutralize it while the other thought but what about simbaji? He had to make a quick decision. perhaps it was best that he actually take control of the situation and seek out that trouble since simbaji may be in danger.

"Mizani, if simbaji shows up keep him here while I search the tall grass for anything suspicious. When I come back and ONLY only when I com back may you hunt for food. in the mean time watch for simbaji and help this poor lion."

With that he leapt into the tall grass and stopped a few meters away. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the world around him hoping the earth would give him some hint as to where, if there were, any danger might be. Listening intently he heard the sound of a heartbeat. Not his own but of anothers. It was calm and smooth, the sound of your heart beat when hiding silently waiting to strike your prey. In a deep menacing voice he spoke.

"I know your out there. I can feel your heartbeat. I'm not here to tell you what's going to happen. You already know the out come. I leave you with a choice. Either come out of hiding or I hunt YOU down and we'll take things from there. I leave this choice to you."

May 28th, 2005, 02:28 AM
Mizani nodded in agreement as Malaika dissapeared into in the grass.

She strolled over to the lion and gently licked a bit of dirt off his face.
She splashed some water in his face hoping to wake him up.

May 28th, 2005, 05:47 AM
Titus finaly conious from the splashes if water. "Where am I and who bought me here?" he layed ther for i min. so he can gain his strength.

May 28th, 2005, 05:52 AM
Mizani jumped back a little, suprised at the lions quick recovery.

"you are at a water hole and a... friend of mine brought you here"

Mizani thought it wise not to give out to much infomation on Malaika, Simbaji or herself.
Besides, she had answered all of the lions questions so far. Now to ask some of her own.

"are you alright?"

May 28th, 2005, 06:10 AM
"a little." Titus know's something is'nt right he think that she thinks he's in impostor or something. Titus trys to keep his cool and play along. He sits up and drinks from the water hole.

May 28th, 2005, 06:15 AM
Mizani watched the lion drink while looking out for Malaika or Simbaji, or a herd she could hunt from later.

"so where you from?" Mizani asked casually.

May 28th, 2005, 02:49 PM
simba hadn't realized that, despite his having tried to stay close, apparently he had wandered further from the group than he had intended. He hadn't even recalled the sounds of the others getting fainter as the distance between them grew. Of course he had been so focused on his own surroundings that it probably wouldn't have been hard. Ironic that even while trying to keep so keen a watch on other aspects of where he was going that he could miss other signs and sounds. Such behaviors had landed him in plenty of trouble in the past before. It was almost like a mix of not being able to hold one's attention for too long on any one given thing and over-focusing on others.

Stopping where he was at he tried to take stock of where he was at. The wall of amber blades that so well secluded lions and others when they needed cover for one reason or another seemed to taunt and betray his needs now. He could see no one. He looked from side to side. Nothing. Nothing but the endless expanse of tall grass. He dared to try and perch on his hind paws a moment to get a better view but to no avail. Briefly he considered calling out to the others but thought better of it. Malaika had warned of the dangers of being out here and he was certainly no stranger to knowing how perilous things could get for an unguarded cub in the wild. Still, he had to think of something.

Try as he might he could come up with no plan to end his situation quickly. With that the only thing he could think of to do was to sit and wait for now. All his efforts would have to be focused on listening for friend or foe alike. Moving or any other activity that could give his position away would have to wait until it were his only option left. With any luck he could hear the others. He kept his breathing soft and even, his eyes trainned all but futily on the area around him. For now he could only wait, and hope.

May 28th, 2005, 04:18 PM
Titus finishes drinking from the water hole and starts to feel his heart drop into sadness what this lioness said he didn't cry because of it Titus just stared at his reflection in the water of the water hole next to the shore. "I'm not from any where, you see, i have no one, my family and the pride i stayed with died when i was cub, I was the only survivor."

May 29th, 2005, 02:48 AM
Mizani felt guilty for bringing it up
"sorry I didn't know"

May 29th, 2005, 03:13 AM
Titus sighs "i might as well tell you what happened" Titus takes a deep breath and starts talking" My father was a great king my family had all the fame and glory i of course was going to take his place when his ruling was over, tell one day, an evil pride came, the leader captured my father the leader asked him to jion him and his pride, my father refused, without a warning the leader killed him, i loved my father, and the leader killed my mother and sisters they wiped out the whole pride, i was the only one who lived. When i got stronger then that day i challenged the leader to a fight, i of course failed, i didn't left any marks on him, but he gave me this" Titus shows the marks on his cheeks.

May 29th, 2005, 03:19 AM
Mizani shuddered at the lions gruesome tale.

"thats awful!" Mizani exclaimed

"how exactly did he give you those?" Mizani asked poking the triangles on his cheeks, with her nose.

May 29th, 2005, 03:26 AM
"he put some sticky substance that i had no clue what it was, then he clubbed me over the head and i fainted, and when time past i felt the substance on my cheeks and it turned hard as a rock and i tryed to rip them off but it stucked really good againest my face so, i ripped as hard as i could and they came off and that's how i got the grey marks"

May 29th, 2005, 03:29 AM
Mizani licked his cheek.

"doesn't taste like anything I've ever encountered before"
She washed her tongue in the water.

"so whats your name?"

May 29th, 2005, 03:31 AM
"The names........Titus"

May 29th, 2005, 03:35 AM
"thats a nice name" she smiled.

"reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell me about"

"my names Mizani"

May 29th, 2005, 03:39 AM
"Nice to meet you" Titus bows for gratitude and plessure.

May 29th, 2005, 04:52 AM
"so Titus, are you hungry?"

May 29th, 2005, 05:02 AM
"Yes i'm starved i havn't had anything for a while"

May 29th, 2005, 05:06 AM
"well we can hunt when my friend gets back, but he will be gone quite a while"
She looked at the herds hungrily

"Lets go hunting while he's gone. If he catches us we'll just say we went scouting"

May 29th, 2005, 05:11 AM
"Fine by me, i'm right behind you" Titus follows where ever Mizani goes.

May 29th, 2005, 05:15 AM
"Okay then" Mizani grinned

"Think you can keep up?" she laughed bounding off in the direction of the herds.

May 29th, 2005, 05:16 AM
Titus grins at Mizani"Are you kidding i can keep up" He runs in the direction to where Mizani went. Titus finaly catches up with Mizani and he's running right beside her"you thought that i was not going to keep up" Titus grins.

May 29th, 2005, 05:41 AM
"well your a fast runner but how well can you hunt?" Mizani smirked.

May 29th, 2005, 05:44 AM
"I guess we have to find when we get there, now won't we"Titus smirked back.

May 29th, 2005, 05:46 AM
They arived at a hill positioned above the herds.
"what do you like, gazelle or antelope?" Mizani asked Titus licking her lips.

May 29th, 2005, 05:49 AM
"it doesn't matter to me as long as i get the first kill" Titus concintrates on the gazelle.

May 29th, 2005, 05:53 AM
"fine by me" She said.
"so you'll lead?"

May 29th, 2005, 05:58 AM
"i guess i'll lead, follow me." Titus creeps slowly to the gazelle watching every foot step the gazelle took. the gazelle was grazing then the gazelles head when't up and he stopped about a couple of min. the gazelles head when't back down to graze again. Titus creep closer and closer and he stopped, he was finaly in range for a pounce and a attack ."Got ya where i want ya".

May 29th, 2005, 06:01 AM
Mizani filed out behind Titus, then padded her way over to the other side of the gazelle Titus have chosen.
She waited for Titus to make the first move.

May 29th, 2005, 06:06 AM
the gazelle runs from danger" oh great" Titus runs after the gazelle. the gazelle was just going every where, the gazelle jumped in very high grass to get away Titus jumps right in grass flying every where and Titus head popped out and his mouth was full of grass even grass was sticking out of his mouth.

May 29th, 2005, 06:12 AM
Mizani pursued the gazelle with eagerness. Adrenalin pumping through her veins she lunged at the gazelles throat.
Tackling it to the ground she made the bite clean and swift and in a few seconds the hunt was over.

She released her grip on the gazelle and laughed when she saw Titus with a mouthful of grass.

"great hunter of grass I see" Mizani smirked, but it her expression quickly changed.
She could smell another lion around somewhere, who was defintley not Malaika, Simbaji or Titus.

"you wait here Titus, I think some else is near by" and with that she broke into a run towards the waterhole.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 10:48 AM
A lioness was nearby her name was Karifu ,she looked just like Nala but with darker fur and brown eyes,she was alone as she had no pride

May 29th, 2005, 10:56 AM
When Mizani arrived at the waterhole noticed a tan coloured lioness there.

"who are you?" Mizani asked politely appearing out of the brush.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 10:58 AM
she spun around
"hi my name is Karifu and i'm new around here sorry if i disturbed you or if you don't want be around here,i have no pride at all"
Karifu smiled at Mizani

May 29th, 2005, 11:01 AM
"Sorry to hear that" Mizani said, walking down further.
"and no you weren't disturbing me at all. In fact I just made a kill. are you hungry?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:02 AM
Karifu :starved thanks
for not being angry at me,everyone is so nasty to me,but you are like a freind to me
she smiled and thought how nice this lioness was

May 29th, 2005, 11:07 AM
"angry? why would I be angry?" Mizani smiled taking a seat besides Karifu.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:08 AM
Karifu :because everyone else hates me because i'm queit
she sighs

May 29th, 2005, 11:11 AM
"theres nothing wrong with being quiet" Mizani complained.
"In fact I'm used to being quiet"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:13 AM
Karifu :i kept telling them there's nothing wrong with being queit theywas just mean to me

May 29th, 2005, 11:16 AM
"sadly there are lions like that" Mizani sighed.
"lets go over to the kill and you can tell me more about yourself" Mizani grinned.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:19 AM
Karifu :ok leys go

May 29th, 2005, 11:39 AM
"so.." Mizani started
"where you from?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:40 AM
Karifu :far away from the pride alnds called the strife lands

May 29th, 2005, 11:41 AM
"the strife lands? never heard of them. where abouts are they?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:46 AM
they are quite far away and it has a mythical rock in the shape of a lion"says Karifu

May 29th, 2005, 11:49 AM
"why are they called the Strife lands?" Mizani asked with great curiosity.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:53 AM
Karifu "because everyone is mean there and it has no life there"

May 29th, 2005, 11:54 AM
"what did you hunt then?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 11:57 AM
Karifu :we had to hunt bugs ,the other lionesses ate their own cubs,i would never do that ,they ate mine though

May 29th, 2005, 12:01 PM
"thats awful and barbaric!" Mizani exclaimed

"I've never had cubs but one day perhaps I might, though I've never given it much thought..." Mizani looked back at Karifu.

"well maybe you'll have more cubs in the future" She smiled reasurringly.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:02 PM
Karifu :i hope so,my cub was so loving,his name was Zinto,my poor baby gone

May 29th, 2005, 12:19 PM
"Zinto is a nice name" She smiled.
"maybe you could call your next one Neema?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:19 PM
Karifu:thats a brill name ,so do you have a pride?

May 29th, 2005, 12:26 PM
"well, you can't really call it a pride. I am traveling with a lion called Malaika and a cub called Simbaji. I have also recently met a lion called Titus. hes nice and hes also guarding my kill"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:28 PM
Karifu:im all alone,i used to have a sister.......but she died.

May 29th, 2005, 12:30 PM
"me to. mine died in a hunting aciedent" Mizani flattened her ears.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:34 PM
Karifu:mine got murdered

May 29th, 2005, 12:36 PM

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:37 PM
Karifu:yes *she looks very upset*

May 29th, 2005, 12:42 PM
"sorry to hear that" Mizani frowned.
She could spot Titus in the distance still spiting out grass.

"Lets go eat" she grinned running forward.

ooc: I got to go to bed now Shenzi so goodnight:D

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 12:43 PM
Karifu:stated eating*thakns for everything my freind

see ya Mizani :cheese:

May 29th, 2005, 01:28 PM
Malaika waited for a responce but none ever came. Slowly he crept forward into the grasses picking up on a scent. It was faint at first but it smelled familar. As he got closer he lost the scent and was soon up wind. Malaika moved into a pounce position he didn't want to hurt anyone so a pounce would sufice. The only problem would be if it was a cub. The way he pounces unless he knows its a cub he pounces in a high arch. He claws dug into the ground softly not making any noise as he geared himself up for the pounce.

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 03:17 PM
Karifu heard someone stalking she pricked up her ears,a gust of wind gushed past her,she turned her head around ,but she saw nothing.

May 29th, 2005, 05:49 PM
Titus spits the grass out of his mouth " i was so close to have that gazelle this close"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 06:58 PM
Karifu:*looks over at him*nice try your much better hunter than i am *she gigles*

May 29th, 2005, 07:37 PM
looks over at her "now who are you?"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 08:07 PM
Karifu:my name is Karifu hi

May 29th, 2005, 08:49 PM
"I heard of that name before, the names Titus"

Opera Ghost
May 29th, 2005, 08:51 PM
Karifu:nice to meet you Titus :cheese: :

May 30th, 2005, 01:58 AM
"I think you'd better go wash your mouth out Titus" Mizani laughed

May 30th, 2005, 03:56 AM
OOC: Before i continue I must warn every one that what goes on is being writen down most of which will be placed in an actual book. The series is called African tail's. If you don't want to to have your character, in this thread, to be in the book, in which you will be acknoledged, then please pm me.

Malaika waited paitently before leaping throught the grass and overtop of simbaji. With a look of shock and bewilderment he landed akwardly and rolled a few feet away

May 30th, 2005, 05:09 AM
"I think your right" Titus washes his mouth with water at the water hole.

May 30th, 2005, 06:08 AM
"great hunting skills Titus" Mizani grinned licked a bit of dirt off his muzzle.
"who did you learn them from?"

Opera Ghost
May 30th, 2005, 07:51 AM
Karifu:*smiled*yeah thats some good skills mate :cheese: *

May 30th, 2005, 08:06 AM
The cub's few moments of contemplation of his circumstances abruptly came to an end when, without warning, he watched a large lion leap from out of nowhere and sail over him. Startled, he quickly backed up a few paces before noticing that the lion was in fact Malaika. He grinned a little as he watched the less then graceful landing.

Not one of your better landings I take it?
Where are the others?

May 30th, 2005, 03:03 PM
"I did, i learned it myself, i'm still trying to get it down"

May 30th, 2005, 07:36 PM
OOC: I'm sorry for the major delay. I've been sick recently... I'll do this quick post to catch up.


The young predator remained steady and calm as she listened to the older males voice rise from the swaying grasslands. He was hunting and seeking for her presence, trying to see her visible. Silence overcasted the area where she remained seated like a vicious viper. Was he really expecting her to move? A soft sneer was released... yet it wasn't audible enough to hear.

Deviously the fae's eyes lowered as she viewed the lone cub coming into view, infact he was at a short distance from where she waited. One quick leap from the weeds onto the youngster would've been simple. But her designs were far and different. Besides, who wanted to face a rugged mascu'? Before she knew it the leonine pounced up from nowhere, landing near the smaller lion. She missed her chance to make any body movement. Although her scent was strong in the area, which she knew.... she didn't want to be taken as a threat. Slowly she slinked from the weeds, her front frame stepping out, but the hind remaining in the grass.

"Umm... hello there..."

Her voice was delicate to the ears, it was clearly shown that the loner mean't no harm to anyone. Her attention was fully focused on the two. She didn't really care about the others.... they were in the distance, less to worry with. Who knew if they were a aggressive group, she kept enough distance to flee if this was the case. But the lioness wasn't planning on cowering, she was a shady, sarcastic character... but pleasent in some instances.

Opera Ghost
May 30th, 2005, 09:00 PM
Karifu said to Mizani "all i can hunt is ants,they look like pros compared to what i can do"

May 31st, 2005, 01:09 AM
Malaika slowly got up and shook the dirt from his mane and loked first at simbaji then at the newcomer. Slowly he made his way over and stood between her and simba.

"So you are the one sneeking about."

His voice was gruff and dominant but showed no sign of hostility. The he was still able to attach or defend from the position he was in.

May 31st, 2005, 02:16 AM
simba startled at the sudden appearance of this new lioness, the bemused look on his face quickly finding itself redrawn to that of concern and curiosity alike. His view was just as quickly obscured however when Malaika swiftly put himself between him and the lioness. Erring on the side of curiosity he peeked around to get a better view again, somehow not sensing any immediate danger.

Hi there

May 31st, 2005, 04:42 AM
Method's petite structure jerked backwards, unsure of the dominate males movements. Round ears tensed slightly before erecting forward to listen to the two speak. Scanning irisis's peered towards the ruggish mascu' that stood in the way of her vision to the youngster, until noting how he peeked around the larger frame infront of himself.

"Hello.. young one."

Her eyes trailed back towards the flamed mane leo.

"Sneaking? I wouldn't call it sneaking... I rather call it... surveying."

May 31st, 2005, 06:06 AM

Malaika snarled slightly. He was too worried about being out in the southern plains. He wanted more than anything to press on with his journey but knew with every animal they met they would eventualy come across one who wasn't friendly.

"Who are you? Whats your pride? Who sent you? Was it the Rouges of the east?"

Malaika knew only a little about the eastern rouges. He knew they were eing led by some one from the east but had never heard of whom it was. All the while he thought about it he kept his eyes ever watchfull, not only on the lioness nut everywhere else. Making sure no one would be coming to attack, yet the earth was calm and quiet. It Malaika's blood run cold. Could it be posible that no one else was coming or were they past his ability to sense them.

May 31st, 2005, 06:32 AM
Mizani ate her fill from the carcass and began to groom herself.
She suddenly realised that she didn't know where Simbaji and Malaika were.
She prayed for Simbajis safety, hoping that Malaika had found him unharmed. But for her praying wasn't enough.

"Listen Titus, you stay here with Karifu and I'll find Malaika and Simbaji"

She got up, feeling a little tired from the hunt and headed towards a group of trees not far ahead.

May 31st, 2005, 06:46 AM
"alright.........wait.........."Titus feels somethin is wrong "Something's not right, I think a rouge is near by"

May 31st, 2005, 06:53 AM
Mizani set off. Pacing herself becsuse she was tired from the hunt.

May 31st, 2005, 06:57 AM
"I just can't sit here and do nothing, I need to check this out, Karifu come with me, i have a feeling we have company" Titus follows Mizani's path Titus thought to himself "that scent, why does it smell familiar?".

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 08:04 AM
Karifu :right behind you*she trots over to catch up wih him*i smell danger

May 31st, 2005, 08:18 AM
Mizani looked behind her.
"I thought I told you two to stay put?" she smirked, slightly glad that she wouldn't have to go alone.

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:18 AM
Karifu: oh sorry what can i do?

May 31st, 2005, 09:21 AM
"oh well" Mizani sighs.
"I guess its better we all go together since theres someone out there"

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:24 AM
Karifu:yeah,ok i agree

May 31st, 2005, 09:26 AM
"we'll leave the carcass for the scavengers" Mizani nodded noticing vultures circling in the sky.
"I can always catch something later for the others"

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:32 AM
Karifu:*nods*i so agree ,i hope they don't come bugging us,i hate vultures

May 31st, 2005, 09:37 AM
"don't worry, they'll be thinking of their stomachs rather then us" Mizani shruged.

"besides we probably have something or someone more important to worry about then Vultures"

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:43 AM
Karifu:yeah your right,what shall we do now?

May 31st, 2005, 09:45 AM
"find Malaika and Simbaji" Mizani ordered.

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:47 AM
Karifu:right now why,are we under attack?

May 31st, 2005, 09:52 AM
"no, don't be silly Karifu" Mizani grinned.
"we just need to find them before dark"

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 09:54 AM
Karifu*feels relived*oh ok we had better get searching then.

May 31st, 2005, 09:56 AM
"and when we find them, best let me go first or Malaika might attack" Mizani added, thinking of how Malaikas reaction if she appeared with two unknown lions.

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 10:23 AM
Karifu: ok,i will stay behind and keep up though

May 31st, 2005, 03:28 PM
"alright" Titus stays behind as well

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 03:40 PM
Karifu:hey what was that noise?

May 31st, 2005, 03:46 PM
Titus feels something is bad way bad "I believe this is very bad"

Opera Ghost
May 31st, 2005, 04:07 PM
Kafiru*gets scared*what....going on?

June 1st, 2005, 09:22 AM
Mizani sniffed the air.

"I don't smell anyone Titus and we're almost there, so just keep a look out for anything suspicious or out of place"
She looked at Karifu

"you to Karifu" she said.

June 1st, 2005, 01:23 PM
OOC: I'm waiting for methodic to reply so we don't get ahead here.

June 1st, 2005, 03:35 PM
The tawny lea was very confused as the aflamed mascu' started babbling. His visage distorting into different worried expressions.

"Spying? What are you talking about!?!?"

Her voice rised a bit, small snarls being released within' her tone.

"I'm not with any 'eastern' rouges!"

Ebon lip curled as her pearly ivored canines were more visible.

"And I dont have to tell you anything more!"

Her caution level bounced by his sudden demanding statement. The smaller feline was somewhat frightened of the larger framed lion, but she wasn't daring to back down. Swirling ears keenly remained on the surroundings. The other predators that lurked weren't audible nor did the winds give off their scent as they came closer in the direction where the three were.

"You really shouldn't press your luck.... How the heck am I so sure you aren't tryin' to pursue me."

It was obvious that she was just as paranoid as Malaika. The young lioness couldn't even give him a correct anwser on who she was or where she was going, she didn't even know herself.

June 1st, 2005, 09:30 PM
Titus thought to himself again"That smell, is it what i think it is, no it can't be, i'm just imagining things, forget about" Titus looks for anything suspicious.

June 2nd, 2005, 05:34 AM
Feeling the situation was about to get out of control he restrained himself and retorted.

"Why would I be following you for. Unless you know my family you don't have what I want."

With a sigh he spoke with a domonent tone.

"The least you could do is give me your name. I'll even give you mine if it makes you feel better. I am Malaika Heart Mizaati. Former ruler of the Heartland lion pride from the shadows of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Banner knight and story teller to the Mizaati Mara pride, and am on a pilgramage back to my home land in search of something long forgotten."

June 2nd, 2005, 12:08 PM
"Famillar?" Mizani stopted and turned around to face Titus.

"Famillar in what way?" She asked, quickly looking behind her to try and spot the others.

June 2nd, 2005, 02:37 PM
simba watched the scene errupt before him. Both sides were justified in their feelings yet through it all he seemed to not share the same intensity in his own thoughts on things either way. Malaika was by nature paranoid about others in these parts and had gruesome dealings in at least two wars that he knew of. Still, he wished that every chance to meet someone new didn't have to be instantly tainted with suspicion. Granted he was looking at things from a perspective of luxury compared to Malaika in this situation. Were a few things different he too would be just as suspicious.

As for the lioness holdinger her ground he really didn't know what her story was or much else. All he knew was that he had a feeling that things didn't need to be as strained as they were becomming and so equated that with having nothing to worry about at the moment with the lioness. He wanted to try and help calm things - which usually more correctly translated at times that he would end up sticking his nose into things that weren't his business - and so stepped out further from behind Malaika and tried to get closer.

I don't think we've met either, my name's simba.

He didn't want to go into much more detail than that for many reasons. For now, politeness and simple courtesies would have to be his only position, his only hope.

unregistered user
June 2nd, 2005, 11:18 PM
Utora was strolling on through her every day life, when she caught the high mood from the lions across from her in the brush.

"And I dont have to tell you anything more!"

She perked her ears at such anger and smiled, then stalking through the brush deciding to pass it on.

"Why would I be following you for. Unless you know my family you don't have what I want."

The excitement of just confronting other lions was enough to make Utora turn back and head to the conversation. she walked in amongst them.

"Ahaha. What a bunch of whiners!" She laughed happily, not trying to arouse anything, but, it was just a little funny.

June 3rd, 2005, 12:33 AM
Malaika droppes his high and mighty attitude and looks sideways at the unwelcome newcomer. Not wanting to waste his time arguing and not wanting to say anything more, especialy to the univited guest, he turs around and picks simbaji up gently by the scruff of the neck and padds off towards the east. He noticed the smal group of lions approaching from the south and just kept going. At least the other lion was fine so Malaika didn't feel guilty about just abandening them. He was on a mission and did want to waste any more time dealing with the rouges of the south. In his mind he felt like he would be better off accidentally running into the eastern rouges and not having strange creatures jump in in the middle of an interigation and call him a whinner. As he walked he thought about how he could have just slashed the creature and not given a second thought. After all he didn't trust rouges very well. Certinly not one who would interut a conversation with remark like that.

Malaika sighed silently as he made his way through the high grass. The grass pulled slightly at his fur, like the wind, forcing it back and against his body. His mane just hung there partialy blockig his view but he couldn't push it out of his way since simbaji was still in his muzzle.

June 3rd, 2005, 09:17 AM
Mizani noticed two lions, that she was aure was them.
"MALAIKA!" Mizani bellowed as she bolted into a run, not taking note of the two other lioness's.

June 3rd, 2005, 10:49 PM
Method didn't have a chance to reply back towards the rouge nor the young cub that seemed tamed and gentle, showing greatness with his tone and method, with such a short sentence. The two's interaction was something that she wasn't able to come in contact with. It was clear that the mascu' was just as pararnoid and confused.

How dare this lioness prance into the conversation and disturb them? A low grumbling scowl was released as she slunk away from the laughing lea.

"Whinners? Perhapes it's easy to say when one hasn't endured anything in life..."

She spatted the words of distaste towards the newcomer. It wasn't like the lonely lioness to pad off in a different direction without continuing her conversation with those she just started to speak to. She raced after the elder lion, trying to push the grass out of her view. She gained some ground to be up behind Mizani. Attempting to carry out the conversation once more.

"Well, Mizani.... it's a pleasure to meet you... and you to, Simbaji. I'm sorry for acting out of line... but I didn't understand what your deal was. As for I, I'm Method.... to be honest I really cant recall where I came from. I do recall coming from a pride called Killic Pride. But I have no clue on anything else, everything seems so blank. I've never heard of your pride... nor any of you."

Her voice and actions showed true virtue, there was no lies that lurked within' her brown orbs. Her stride started to slow down as she heard other voices coming closer towards them. Mizani's name was shouted out by a lioness, she stopped in her tracks as she listened and carefully kept watch.

ooc: quick post. -.-

June 4th, 2005, 02:35 AM
OOC: it Malaika Mizaati. Mizani is the lioness running up behind Malaika.

unregistered user
June 4th, 2005, 02:56 AM
[Utora cocked her head and watched the two trail off.]

"Huh. Interesting."

[She decided to follow them none the less, just for the entertainment]

June 4th, 2005, 03:48 AM
Mizani noticed that the other lioness was following them.
"do you want something?" She asked stopping.

unregistered user
June 4th, 2005, 04:44 AM
[Utora stopped and perked her ears]

"Need-No. Want-yes." [She smiled and stopped beside the lioness.]

June 4th, 2005, 07:48 AM
"Want?" Mizani asked
"as in you want help? She asked curiously, looking behind her for Titus and Karifu.

unregistered user
June 4th, 2005, 02:19 PM
Utora smiled and looked back to the lions behind her, then to Mizani.
"Well, more of I want to hang with you guys!"
[She flicked her tail and hoped for a good reply.]

June 4th, 2005, 03:18 PM
simba could do nothing more than dangle from the grip Malaika held him by. It didn't hurt, but it also left him prone to the natural instincts to just wait until being put down to do much. He heard voices talking about him and tried to look from time to time.

June 4th, 2005, 03:28 PM
Malaika stopped when the lioness caught up with him. His mood haddn't changed for the better. Carefully he sat simbaji down and stared at the lioness with skeptical eyes.

"Its not suprizing that you havnt heard of my pride, my pride is gone everyone and just about every other pride that once lived in the east. It was the great pride wars that killed off half of them. The rest were killed hepling to protect my families lands from the humans. Thats where we're heading now."

June 4th, 2005, 04:17 PM
Titus Bolted towards Mizani " Is every thing alright?"

June 5th, 2005, 02:31 AM
"yeah, everythings fine" Mizani said.
"so where you from?" Mizani asked the lioness beside her.

unregistered user
June 5th, 2005, 04:59 AM
"Eh. Why does it matter......won't really change what I am now...will it?"

Utora looked to the male lion with the cub, and thenback to Mizani. She was surprised to see a white lion, and stood starring at them all.

June 5th, 2005, 05:03 AM
"it makes all the difference for some of us" Mizani said, cautiously.
"what is your name then?" she asked, deciding that she wasn't going to get a straight answer to her first question.

June 5th, 2005, 05:47 AM
As simba was sat down he stayed close to Malaika's side. In some ways he felt it ironic that he was acting so dependant, so out of his element. In truth he was to some extents on both counts; he was in a strange land with no knowledge of their destination or intentions and he was traveling with someone who did. Deciding discretion to be the better part of valor at this point he decided to just sit where he was sat, curling his tail around his paws as he let the adults work out their issues.

June 5th, 2005, 06:31 AM
Method tried not to pay attention to the others that closed the entire area. There was to many to greet and so little time. It seemed like everyone was confused and trying to get to know everyone. Silence fell on the loner. It was very visible that Malaika wanted to get back to his destination, it was clear. She herself had nothing to live for really... just wondering around aimlessly.

"I see... so what are you planning to do when you arrive back to your homelands?"

Her eyes scanned from Mizani to the ivored lion and the other spunky mouthed fae. Eyes shifting downwards to the well mannered cub, he seemed far more older then what he was.... this truly amazed the youthful lioness. Curiously she observed them all, feeling out of place to just be in such a minority crowd.

June 5th, 2005, 07:17 AM
Malaika looked back at the other group and sighted not wanting to tell the lioness what he sought after yet he he should but there was always the chance she could be just like the rouges of the east. The sought to harness the secret of the Heartland/valley pride.

Malaika didn't know what it was all he knew was that he was to go in search of this secret.

"It's nothing entirely important." The lion managed. He hid the truth from the lioness well.

"I usually visit my familes lands once a year and decided to bring simbaji here along with me."

June 5th, 2005, 09:43 PM
Titus whispers something to Mizani "I think she's hiding something"

unregistered user
June 6th, 2005, 01:39 AM
Utora looked to Mizani in the daylight, as the wind settled between them.

"My name is Utora. I do not bring trouble in my being here, though, I can create enough of it if i desire."

Her eyes squinted with a thought that ran through her mind, as she then stood in a gallant pose and flicked her tail lightly.

June 6th, 2005, 06:52 AM
This made Mizani even more worried.
"do you want to cause any trouble?" She asked, wary of the fact that what Titus said could be true.

June 6th, 2005, 04:58 PM
"No not at all i just think she's up to something"looks back at the Utora"Let's play along and we'll be fine" Titus thinks it might be risky but he goes for it.

June 7th, 2005, 03:07 AM
Method's curiousity was pricked. The leo almost had the young lioness believing in his story, but she wasn't for sure if he was telling her the truth. His eyes seemed so trustworthy and so did his tone. Method wasn't one to judge, she judged to many in her small year and its costed her grief. Besides, he seemed to cover up the story very well.

"Oh! I see..."

Her voice lightened to a exciting high. Perhapes this was a new start for the youngster, a journey, maybe?

"You wouldn't mind if I tagged along with you? I wouldn't take up to much room... I'm just trying to find myself.."

Her voice faded. As silence crept on her again she recalled him saying something to her previously, his words ringing in her head. ( a pilgramage back to my home land in search of something long forgotten ) Maybe he mean't his family? Who knew... she wasn't for sure. She decided to let it slide and watch how everything played out.

June 7th, 2005, 03:12 AM
Malaika nodded slightly.

"As long as you don't cause any problems."

Malaika looked down at simbaji and then back up at the lioness.

"So what brings you out here? most prides are either from the west or the east. Occasionaly them may come here but that's few far and inbetween. Surely theres more to it than trying to find yourself."

June 7th, 2005, 03:24 AM
Method couldn't help but to laugh lightly.

"Well... to be honest.... it is about trying to find myself. I have no clue who I even am. Much less where I came from. I can only recall my name and the pride I once belonged in. I've been in search for the lands but never found them... or anything else."

Method glanced towards the group that chattered to themselves. Eyes shifting back towards the cub and lion.

"Dont worry about 'me' causing any trouble. I'm known for it... but I know when to behave."

She said jokingly, trying to break the newbie idea.

June 7th, 2005, 03:38 AM
With a shake of his head he just forced the idea away but then thought it wise to infor the lioness of what did lie ahead.

"You won't be as much trouble as the rouges that we are going to come across. We must tred carefully." He looks down at simbaji fixing his gaze at the top of the cubs head hoping to look into his eyes again. The soft gentle eyes of some one whom always loved him.

"Though I must keep simbaji safe."

June 7th, 2005, 03:48 AM
"Rouges? What do you mean exactly?... Are they going to be a problem in the future as we continue this journey to your homelands?"

She was curious on what all was occuring. The tides seem to change a bit, she listened carefully as he shared some information with her.

June 7th, 2005, 03:59 AM
"The rouges of the east are what is left of the pride wars long ago. My father and uncle fought on one side against my great uncle, Chaos. It was a battle over power and in the end my uncle chaos was burried in a rock slide and those who whose pride was destroied hated my Father and uncle for it. During the poacher wars they cleared out of the east while the humans advanced upon the heartland pride. The prides from the pride wars came to help one last time against the humans and i am all that is left from that war. So those rouges are going to be after me and all who follow. They still crave power and want the secret that my family possesed. I don't what it is but I intend to find out. For now We are just going to visit the heartlands at the base of kilimanjaro."

June 7th, 2005, 08:40 PM
"Thats so tragic.."

She refered to his pride dying.

"I'm very sorry for what has happened... I could only think of the pain that you went through."

Method was very curious about the secret that he or his old lands, pride held. Whatever it was... it must have been big enough for these rouges to follow.

"So when are you planning to leave? Now?... Or a little later on?"

She awaited, trying not to pop so many questions. She knew it was tragic just to think back on the past.

June 8th, 2005, 07:37 AM
Mizani decided that Utora had given her enough infomation. She looked at Titus then back at Utora.

"so.." Mizani said casually.

"we're traveling to that lions homelands" She smiled pointing towards Malaika.

"you want to come?"
Mizani grinned at Titus's shocked expression.

June 9th, 2005, 04:30 AM
Titus was surprised what Mizani just said, about 10 seconds, he smiled and nods at Mizani. Titus walks up to Utora "By the way, the names Titus."

June 10th, 2005, 06:28 AM
"and I'm Mizani" She grinned, while looking out for Karifu.

Opera Ghost
June 11th, 2005, 10:31 AM
Karifu walks up to Mizani ,
Karifu:i'm here now
She looks around and sees a vultur above her head,

June 11th, 2005, 10:33 AM
"ugh, vultures" Mizani spat.
"hope they enjoyed my kill" She said.

((note, that Utora has left Lea, so we'll have to pretend that we never met her))

Opera Ghost
June 11th, 2005, 10:43 AM
Karifu:i hate vultures,they are stupid dumb scavengers
She sighed and looked into a nearby water puddle

June 11th, 2005, 10:45 AM
"Well then you two..." Mizani smilled.
"Lets go join Malaika and Simbaji" She grinned, swishing her tail lightly.

Opera Ghost
June 11th, 2005, 10:47 AM
Karifu:yeah lets go

June 11th, 2005, 10:50 AM
After placing her paw down on the ground she paused.
"If either of you want to turn back and not join us on our jouney then your welcome to leave" she said, just incase.

Opera Ghost
June 11th, 2005, 10:51 AM
Karifu:um i wanna come ,yeah im sure,uh hu yeah,

June 11th, 2005, 10:53 AM
"great" Mizani smiled knowing that her and Karifu would become good friends in time.

"and you Titus?" She asked politely.

June 11th, 2005, 01:42 PM
"That would be cool, i could use a little adventure"

June 11th, 2005, 01:43 PM
"Okay, adventurers!" Mizani grinned.

June 11th, 2005, 02:11 PM
ooc: sorry for being gone so long. i don't have time to post right now but i will tonight!

unregistered user
June 13th, 2005, 01:35 AM
[I'm back in the game: care if I return?]

June 13th, 2005, 02:29 PM
ooc: fine by me : )


simba listened to the others talk about the journey ahead and briefly glanced up at Malaika, not knowing that the older lion had secretly been hoping for him to do so. Their gazes locked for a moment but the banter and needs of the moment quickly redrew their sights back to the others who had once again gathered. He thought of how this group so chanced upon were so willing to help, even if just for the journey alone and yet there was a time in his life when he had purposed to undertake a journey of his own and every bit as potentially hazardous yet had kept the others of the Pride at bay - even those he most cared for. Circumstances were different then of course and now it was Malaika's turn to venture into the unknown. This time at least he'd have others who would do well at his side. And as the conversation drew to a close with agreement on their intents he flicked his tail anxiously, ready to get underway.

June 14th, 2005, 04:11 AM
"What about you Utora?" Mizani asked.
"Feel up for an adventure?"

June 14th, 2005, 01:12 PM
Malaika looked around at everyone and sighed inwardly. He had not expectaed so many to join his little rabble. What had once started out as a journey with Malaika and simba soon turned into a band of misfits rouges. each of thenm ggod in what they do. Though Malaika couldn't see the ways of the warrior with-in any of them. they could hunt but when faced with your own kind that wasn't enough.

Malaika's ears twitched slightly and listened all around him. For some reason he thought he could hear another lion somewhere but his mind just told him there was already lions here and that there was no need to worry. Sure enough the older lion couldn't even pick up any other scents other than the ones of the new group.

Little did anyone know of the lion watching the events from afar. With a quick low growl he turned and raced off silently into the east to inform the other rouges of Malaika's return.

unregistered user
June 14th, 2005, 10:52 PM
[Utora looked over to Mizani and smiled] "Certinly am heh" [she looked about in eagerness and readyiness for an adventure]

June 15th, 2005, 05:45 AM
simba watched as the rouge swiftly began to make his journey once more into the intrepid wild. He'd figured that all the talking that needed to be done had been taken care of and wasn't sure what to say, only that he was more than anxious to get underway himself.

The floor of the savannah teased at his paws, shifting from dry, cracked earth to semi-rich soil. The grasses were just as playfull though spirited more secrecy and cunning as their myriad blades blended in with each of the groups pelts - though to varrying degrees. Surely there was an adventure to be had, but to be sure as much a chance for danger to find them.

June 15th, 2005, 06:35 AM
((uh, Simbaji didn't the ROGUE just run off, not MALAIKA?))

Mizani grined a broad smile, but heard a rustle not far from them.
She turned in the direction of the noise but there was nothing there.

Mizani shook her head and dismissed the thought of a spy.

"Must be my imagination" Mizani muttered to herself.

June 15th, 2005, 01:21 PM
ooc: lol, I missed that. hehe, everyone watch as the cub takes off with the rogue then (grins) leave all the talking adults behind =P

June 17th, 2005, 09:09 AM
ooc: Cool, just slot yourself in when it seems apropriate:D

June 17th, 2005, 01:21 PM
Malaika turned and slowly made his way out east away from the now setting sun. It was slowly becoming early evening and he wanted to cover some distance before being able to sleep again. Unconciously as he walked he got closer to the jungle. He didn't care as long as he knew it would take him the destination he needed to go.

The ground felt hard beneith his paws which at this point didn't bother him. He had traveled the harsh grounds in his own kingdom many times. It hurt his paws then for some time since they had been soft and sensitive but now they were hardened and were used to it. As he neared the jungles edge the ground grew softer. He let his own guard down long enough to enjoy the feeling of the gentle moist earth forces itself up between his paw pads and claws. The tip of his tail swished slowly back and forth while it slunk close to the ground yet Malaika kept it from touching the ground. Even though he loved the feel he didn't want to get his tail dirty.

The older lion looked back to see if everyone was following him then turned around and just kept walking.

June 17th, 2005, 01:24 PM
ooc: Yay! Now i get to follow him? : ) I'll post ic when I get back later this afternoon, muaha!

June 17th, 2005, 02:09 PM
Mizani followed wearily behind Malaika. How long they had been traveling for?
She had not bothered to keep track.
Mizani looked behind her to see Utora and Karifu bringing up the rear. She looked to Titus for any indication they were going to stop soon but the lion seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

June 19th, 2005, 02:02 AM
Titus didn't noticed they where almost to thier destenation, he just couldn't believe the that day when he was a cub, he would of killed the leader of the rouges if he had the chance, it was like a nightmare to him, his parents death, the assaination of his sisters, and the whole pride, that was day he will never forget.

As soon he was done with his thoughts, he noticed Mizani was staring right to him smiling,walking right beside him."what......is there something wrong?"

June 19th, 2005, 03:31 AM
Malaika stoppd and looked back at the almost set sun before looking around. A whole day had been wasted and they weren't even anywhere near where he had hoped to be. With a sigh he sat down and sniffed the wind catching nothing more than the group he had come to encounter. He waited for simba to settle near him.

Opera Ghost
June 21st, 2005, 04:25 PM
Karifu looked up to the sky and sighed ,she was very tired,she trotted over to a river and drank:thirsty:

June 22nd, 2005, 07:08 AM
"No, I just wanted to know when we stop" Mizani said still smilling.

She followed Karifu over to the river and lapped up a few mouthfuls of water.

"Hey Karifu" She said, since she hadn't spoken to one of her newest friends since they had started walking.

June 22nd, 2005, 07:32 AM
titus watches Mizani and thoughts about how loving and cute she is, he never seen a lioness so pure and loving.

titus follows Mizani and sits right beside her, he drinks from the river as well,as he was done, Titus looks at Mizani one more time, Titus blushes he doesn't mean to show it but, it shows.

June 22nd, 2005, 10:25 AM
Mizani diverted her attention from Karifu to look at Titus who seemed to be blushing.

"Is something wrong Titus?" She asked in a worried tone placing her paw on his.

June 22nd, 2005, 01:15 PM
Malaika sighed and laid his head down on his paws watching the rest of the small group with little to no intrest. He just laid there silently slowly drifting off to sleep. Yet with-in his mind came the thoughts of simba. Thinking about the past only made him cry and so a single tear rolled down the side of his cheek but made no noise lest anyone was to look over they wouldn't see that he was showing weakness. He knew he would be able to hide it from everyone except one, simba.

June 22nd, 2005, 05:17 PM
Titus shakes his head"Nothing it's nothing" Titus looks over the lion of a main that looked like the color of a bonfire. "Miznai who's he, he hasn't talk to us sence I joined the group" looking straight at him.

June 24th, 2005, 06:31 AM
"Thats Malaika" Mizani said sleeply, rolling on her back.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" She yawned, nudging him over to Malaika.

June 24th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Malaika looked up at the stars from his paws and paid no attention to what was being said. He thought only about the travel ahead and simba. He closed his eyes but didn't go to sleep though he wanted to there was just something that kept him awake. Occasionaly he would look at simba, which made him want to just hold the little cub, and thought more about how he was going to protect him.

Opera Ghost
June 25th, 2005, 08:00 AM
Karifu looks at Titius and smiled she want back over to Mizani

June 25th, 2005, 08:02 AM
"whats up Karifu?" Mizani asked, rolling on her side to face her friend.

Opera Ghost
June 25th, 2005, 08:07 AM
karifu stretches and smiles "i'm fine thanks Mizani"

June 25th, 2005, 08:36 AM
Mizani smilled and nodded.
"Do you know anything about where we're going?" She asked.

Opera Ghost
June 25th, 2005, 08:55 AM
Karifu:um...well...not really

June 25th, 2005, 09:50 AM
"I heard we're seeking out Malaika's old pride" Mizani said, twitching her tail.

Mizani stared over at Titus and Malaika.

"by the way Karifu..." Mizani started, in a hushed whisper.

"Titus is acting really weird, do you think theres something troubling him?"

Opera Ghost
June 25th, 2005, 01:14 PM
karifu:i noticed him acting a lttle weird,dunno why though,maybe there is something on his mind

June 25th, 2005, 01:17 PM
"yea, maybe"

Mizani rested her head on the ground to catch up on some rest. She'd ask Titus about his bothers later.

Opera Ghost
June 25th, 2005, 01:19 PM
Karifu left up a tree and took a nap,she suddnely had bad thoughts about her family she woke up panting it was just a dream

June 26th, 2005, 06:12 AM
Mizani opened her eyes feeling rested at last. She drank some water, as she noticed it was getting dark.

June 26th, 2005, 06:40 AM
Titus lays next to a tree and puts his head down between his front arms horazontal and falls asleep

June 26th, 2005, 11:29 AM
Mizani laughed softly when she saw Titus's sleeping position.
She smiled as she thought how cute he looked with his mane draped over his eyes.

Wait a minute, where did that come from? she thought to herself.

Mizani decided she was just tired and she setteled herself down into the grass, but noticed that Karifu in the tree above her seemed distressed.

"everything okay?" She asked.