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February 11th, 2005, 01:24 AM
I don't believe that much really, that a sin is a sin. It's just my belief of course, but if God is so all knowing then God has to take things in context.

I just cannot except that God sets the same punishment for someone who steals food to feed his family and to the guy who killed his best friend for drug money.

I just think people try to take the bible way to much word for word. It's supposed to be a guide to life, not an endless list of nearly impossible standards promoting doom and gloom for those that don't follow them to a T.

February 11th, 2005, 01:48 AM
Hence the whole reason for the atonment Kintaru. It was through this act that we are able to repent and be forgiven of our sins. As for if the Bible is truly the word of God, I guess it can't really be proven. But for those who are really wondering, I will refer you to James (wish I could remember the chapter and verse), it basically says if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God. I can assure you, that if you pray earnestly, from the bottom of your heart, and truly believe that you will get an answer, you will recieve one in time. Just remember, it may not always be an answer you want to hear. I can't tell you what to do with your life, I can only tell you what I believe and hope that you at least think about it.
Anyway, I believe the Bible to be correct as long as it is translated correctly, though I can not know of that for sure. The book I know is absolutely true is the Book of Mormon. This book was translated straight from the gold plates by a young (14 I believe) Joseph Smith, a boy with only a grade school education. If you have ever seen at least a verse of this book, you would know that it could never have been made up by Joseph. That's just what I believe, I am not asking you to share this same belief with me.

February 11th, 2005, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc

And please don't make jokes about Christianity, I don't see anyone doing such things to your beliefs.

It could be worse. At least Christianity hasn't been picked apart, cheapened, and formed into various online fads...as my beliefs have been.

February 11th, 2005, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Rafiki '03
I think my sister is right there is only one righteous book and only one God. that is what the bible says. And God did choose 40 men to write the Bible and I know that God told the men what to say. The bible says this... but how are you going to persuade people that don't think that the Bible is absolute truth? You can't convince a non-christian that your belief is right and justified, just because a book says so...

February 11th, 2005, 03:32 AM
Speakin' of brains, I heard they taste like Jello-O and wobbles like tofu. Anyone ever tried any?;)

February 11th, 2005, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by Xinithian
The bible says this... but how are you going to persuade people that don't think that the Bible is absolute truth? You can't convince a non-christian that your belief is right and justified, just because a book says so...
Quite true. That's why I don't believe in proselytizing ("join us or you're going to hell!"). Let people pick their own fate.

unregistered user
February 11th, 2005, 06:36 AM
That's just the thing Xinithian, it's not supposed to be proven. It's a test of faith.

And Wicked, I am sorry that that is happening to your beliefs. But don't accuse me of doing such, or anyone on this thread, of that, for no one has done so thus far that I know of.

February 11th, 2005, 06:41 AM
I think she meant that her beliefs have been picked apart, cheapened, and formed into fads by society, the media, and other religions, not by anyone here

February 11th, 2005, 06:47 AM
The Principia Discordia wasn't meant to be taken seriously (I think), and their 5th commandment is basically "Don't believe anything you read" (which then includes the Principia Discordia itself).

unregistered user
February 11th, 2005, 07:27 AM
Hmm.. if you don't believe anything you read, because the book tells you to, then should you not believe it?

Don't think ont hat too much, your head is liable to implode :idiot:

February 11th, 2005, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Rafiki '03
Like stalking wolf said if your parents said dont take a cookie and you still did, that is a sin. Even if it is a tiny little sin it is considered just as bad as a big sin to God.

So I guess stealing a cookie would be equal to that of stealing a life? Sinning is a product of the conscience, so I would believe the seriousness of the sin is also a product of the conscience. That is why I agree with the Catholic view of Venial and Mortal Sin.

February 11th, 2005, 09:18 AM
I guess I would agree with Roog...:hmm: A cookie may cost a dollar or so, but what is the cost of a life? :hmm: I wouldn't trade a child for a cookie nor a cookie for a child... it is unequal. I would not think that God views the cookie and the life as equal. Do cookies go to heaven? Will they char and melt in the Pilsbury Oven of hell? :hmm:

February 11th, 2005, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by nafklt
Speakin' of brains, I heard they taste like Jello-O and wobbles like tofu. Anyone ever tried any?;)

Can't say that I have...to my knowledge, the consumption of human parts here is still illegal.

Originally posted by Ravoc
But don't accuse me of doing such, or anyone on this thread, of that, for no one has done so thus far that I know of.

Um...thus far I don't believe I have accused anyone here of anything, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Originally posted by pntbll248
I think she meant that her beliefs have been picked apart, cheapened, and formed into fads by society, the media, and other religions, not by anyone here

You pretty much nailed on the head what I intended to say. Thanks!

February 11th, 2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Kintaru
I don't believe that much really, that a sin is a sin. It's just my belief of course, but if God is so all knowing then God has to take things in context.

I just cannot except that God sets the same punishment for someone who steals food to feed his family and to the guy who killed his best friend for drug money.

ok, here's the thing on that, now in the bible it says that Jesus wipes ALL sins away from those that accept him... ok?... he's also the only way into heaven.. with me so far?.. good..

now let's add apoint value to sins just for now

1 point = value of sins done

murder = 100 points
steal cookie = 1 point
grand theft = 50 points

now lets have three people.. person one kills three people and stole fourteen cookies and comitted one grand theft in the course of his life... person two kills four and steals one cookie in his life... person three only stole one cookie his whole life...

person one's total sin value: 364
person two: 401
person three: 1

there you have it... person two and on are evil arn't they... look at that score! :ew:

onto the rest... it says those who accept Jesus are wiped clean of sin.. in other words they now equil zero zip nada...

person one has accepted christ we'll say...

so now the score stands

1: 364 + Jesus = 0!
2: 401
3: 1

only two places to go.. heaven or hell... now add the fact that Jesus is the only way into heaven.... the rest go to hell...


person one: 364 + Jesus = 0 = YAY! Into heaven he goes
Person two: 401 ... into hell.. no Jesus, no heaven
Person three: 1 .. nice person.. oh well ... no Jesus.. into hell with that person...

so what's the differance had I put the score sheet as:

murder = 1 point
grand theft = 1 point
steal cookie = 1 point

person one: 18
persin two: 5
person three: 1

differance?.. nope.. not at all... see the end result is the exact same..

Person one: 18 + Jesus = 0 = off to heaven
Person two: 5 ... no Jesus.. off to hell
Person three: 1 ... no Jesus... off to hell

see?... there IS NO worse hell for those with higher scores, there IS NO betterr heaven...

it's simply who has the 'pass' ... like a ticket booth the pass is Jesus...

you have a pass, go on through, yup, a pass go ahead, up you have no pass, either go get one or go to hell (literaly :lol: )

*whew,* do you all got that now?!?

it doesn't matter if your score is 1 or 1,000,000 ... if you have christ you have heaven, if not, off to hell...

like say your score is money, and you're going to the movies... the ticket guy doen't look at your wallet to go see the movie does he?!? NO! He needs to see your ticket... no ticket = no movie... see?

that's how God looks at sins... so you see, it makes NO differance if they have different values or all equil one

February 11th, 2005, 08:44 PM
Mathematical Christianity!

Great explanation, A-non.

February 11th, 2005, 08:59 PM
thanks =D

unregistered user
February 11th, 2005, 10:16 PM
Algebra of Christianity! :lol::p

That'd be an interesting school subject.;)

Simba '04
February 11th, 2005, 10:45 PM
that rocked A-non-a-mus :wow:, great job :cheese:!!!

February 11th, 2005, 10:54 PM
What about people who never have the opportunity to hear about Jesus A-non-a-mus? What if someone is raised to believe that killing and stealing are ok to do? Does God condem them for something that is not their fault? This is the reason I support missionary work, to give everyone an equal chance to hear about my religion. So they can at least hear it, and then decide whether they are willing to accept or reject it. After you die and are ressurected, I believe you will go to one of 4 places:
Celestial Kingdom
The highest of the three degrees or kingdoms of glory in heaven, where one is in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The glory of the celestial kingdom is compared to the glory of the sun in the scriptures.
Terrestrial Kingdom
The middle degree or kingdom of the three degrees of glory in heaven. In the scriptures, the glory of the terrestrial kingdom is compared to the glory of the moon.
Telestial Kingdom
The lowest of the three degrees or kingdoms of glory in heaven. The scriptures compare the glory of the telestial kingdom to the glory of the stars
Outer Darkness aka Hell
The permanent habitation of Satan and those who follow him and who have knowingly rejected and denied the influence of righteousness, goodness, and God their Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
You will be judged and then you will be placed into one of these three kingdoms. I can't think of the exact requirements right now, but you can probably find them on www.lds.org

February 12th, 2005, 05:40 AM
Accepting Jesus has nothing to do with commiting sins. But that was fun to read, Anon.:cheese:

February 14th, 2005, 05:39 AM

February 14th, 2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by TakaTiger
Puh... religon... i hate Organized Religon (no offence to neone here)
Non taken i'm a christian but i don't actually believe in any of it.
anyway religon is the biggest cause of war.
but my mums side of the family is scandinavian, italian, and germany.
right back.
But my dads side is all english i think...

February 14th, 2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by RAMMSTEIN

anyway religon is the biggest cause of war.

I think Ignorance, Intolerance, and Greed are the biggest causes of war.

February 14th, 2005, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Muruwa
What about people who never have the opportunity to hear about Jesus A-non-a-mus? What if someone is raised to believe that killing and stealing are ok to do? Does God condem them for something that is not their fault? This is the reason I support missionary work, to give everyone an equal chance to hear about my religion. So they can at least hear it, and then decide whether they are willing to accept or reject it. After you die and are ressurected, I believe you will go to one of 4 places:
Celestial Kingdom
The highest of the three degrees or kingdoms of glory in heaven, where one is in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The glory of the celestial kingdom is compared to the glory of the sun in the scriptures.
Terrestrial Kingdom
The middle degree or kingdom of the three degrees of glory in heaven. In the scriptures, the glory of the terrestrial kingdom is compared to the glory of the moon.
Telestial Kingdom
The lowest of the three degrees or kingdoms of glory in heaven. The scriptures compare the glory of the telestial kingdom to the glory of the stars
Outer Darkness aka Hell
The permanent habitation of Satan and those who follow him and who have knowingly rejected and denied the influence of righteousness, goodness, and God their Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
You will be judged and then you will be placed into one of these three kingdoms. I can't think of the exact requirements right now, but you can probably find them on www.lds.org

I belive we've already went over this part... ... but I'll say it again...

This part's a little unknown... but for the most part, if one were on one side of the door and someone knocked on the other side, who wouldn' hear that?... ... kind of like that picture above is showing.... everyone (even deaf) can hear, but it's all depends on who opens it... in other words, everyone will know... but again.. that's so far only speculation... cause, again it's unclear..

the many heavens thaing though... where doesit say that in the bible?... cause it speaks of only one from what I've ever heard, and that's the second Jerusalem... which is a cube 12,000 stadia (approx: 1,400 miles/ 2,200 kilometers) in lenth width and hight.. and it's walls are 144 cubits thick (approx. 200 feet/ 65 meters)

it never says anything to my knowledge of there being more than one of these... (the verses that go over this is Rev. 21: 16-21 )

it also state in Rev 21: 1 then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

so it does say there's going to be another, but this is AFTER the judgement... and note thet it says heaven as in only one..

February 14th, 2005, 08:26 PM
Roman Catholic

but i have not been a good Roman Catholic since i don't go to church alot (more like last time i went to one was 2 years ago) but i still put my faith in god that forsure ...

February 14th, 2005, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
I think Ignorance, Intolerance, and Greed are the biggest causes of war.

That needed repeated

I completely agree.

Such a gloomy topic :p

February 15th, 2005, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
the many heavens thaing though... where doesit say that in the bible?
John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
1 Corinthians 15:40-42 "There are also clelestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption."
And finally (you probably won't take this one seriously) a vision given to Joseph Smith and Sydney Rigdon recorded in a book call the Doctrine and Covenants 76:70-71 "These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun, even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is writtten of as being typical.
And again, we saw the terrestrial world, and behold and lo, these are they who are of the terrestrial, whose glory differs from that of the church of the Firstborn who have received the fulness of the Father, even as that of the moon differs from the sun in the firmament."
I am, by no means, and expert on this. I hope that is enough evidence for you to understand why I believe the way I do.

February 15th, 2005, 01:54 AM
I'm a non-practicing Jew but we're sorta Baptist Christian too. It really makes no sense but we believe in God and stuff.

February 15th, 2005, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by pntbll248
That needed repeated

I completely agree.

Such a gloomy topic :p

I know....if only Flowers, Fluffy Puppies, and Candy Hearts were the main causes of war.......:D

February 15th, 2005, 04:14 AM

Well we do have huge massive bombs called "Daisy Cutters"...

But fluffy puppies
and candy hearts...
We have yet to find a military use for.

February 15th, 2005, 04:26 AM
I got a candy heart today that said : "I hate my hair"

Perfection at work there...

I think fluffy puppies could get me to start a war; I'm a major cat activist. Haha, j/k I don't hate dogs, I just prefer cats to anything.

February 15th, 2005, 04:47 AM
Mmmmmmmm....Candy Heeeaaaaartttssss......:D

Mmmmmmmm.....Fluffy Puppies.....:D

February 15th, 2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
I know....if only Flowers, Fluffy Puppies, and Candy Hearts were the main causes of war.......:D

I don't suppose you've seen the Month Python sketch of The World's Funniest Joke, but for some reason that really reminded me of it. :thinks:

February 15th, 2005, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Muruwa
I am, by no means, and expert on this. I hope that is enough evidence for you to understand why I believe the way I do.

yes, I see you point.... hmmm.. I'll have to look into that.... though, the many mantions thing, I'd say that in all those miles that the new jerusilim is, seems enough space for many mantions... the other verse though, I'll have to study on... I'm no expert either one that part, mainly prophecy and such in Revelations and daniel is where I've mostly spent my time studying...

February 16th, 2005, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by Nephilim
I don't suppose you've seen the Month Python sketch of The World's Funniest Joke, but for some reason that really reminded me of it. :thinks:

:D...Never seen it.....:D

unregistered user
February 21st, 2005, 09:36 PM
Awesome job there Anon on explaining sin from God's perspective.

As for the different worlds and such... Corinthians is showing the difference between Earthly beauty and Heavenly beauty. Like the sun is beautiful in a different way than the moon or other planets or stars are etc... my faith stands on the Bible, I don't believe in additional books outside of it. To each there own though Muruwa, I hope you don't take offense from this, I didn't mean it to be so.


Originally posted by Wicked
Um...thus far I don't believe I have accused anyone here of anything, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was just stating a fact.

February 21st, 2005, 10:02 PM
I am Born Again Christian, but I am not one to go preaching on the web.

February 22nd, 2005, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
my faith stands on the Bible, I don't believe in additional books outside of it. To each there own though Muruwa, I hope you don't take offense from this, I didn't mean it to be so.
No offense taken ;) Everyone has a right to believe in what they want. I'd be making a hypocrite of myself if I told you that you had to believe in all of the books that I do.

February 22nd, 2005, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Awesome job there Anon on explaining sin from God's perspective.

But what is God's Perspective?...If it's the Bible then God's Perspective is based on one's (or a religion's) perspective on the situation. Hence the fact that Catholicism teaches that there is Venial and Mortal Sin. And since perspective changes from individual to individual and group to group....then does that mean God's perspective can also do the same when it comes to interpretation?

February 22nd, 2005, 01:30 PM
People have discussed these topics ever since mankind came to exist. You'd think we would have understood it by now. :p

February 22nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
I think Ignorance, Intolerance, and Greed are the biggest causes of war.

I'm with you there

unregistered user
February 22nd, 2005, 05:22 PM
Roog, you're talking about people's perspective of God, not God's perspective of people ;)

February 22nd, 2005, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Roog, you're talking about people's perspective of God, not God's perspective of people ;)

Yeah, but then that means we do not know God's Perspective..:cheese:

unregistered user
February 23rd, 2005, 02:14 AM
Well according to my faith, God loves us all, but he hates the sin that is in us. Thus he sent messengers and eventually his own son to save us all from Hell so that we could join him in heaven where he wants us to be.

February 23rd, 2005, 02:30 AM
Wait, if Jesus was a sacrifice for all of our sins, then why would you go to hell if you didn't believe in Jesus as the messiah? Wouldn't that sacrifice also be for EVERYBODY, regardless if you wanted to thank Jesus or not?

unregistered user
February 23rd, 2005, 02:32 AM
No, he gave us free will. We have the free will in ourselves to choose if we want it or not. He's not going to force heaven onto anyone.

unregistered user
March 10th, 2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
I think Ignorance, Intolerance, and Greed are the biggest causes of war.

You forgot the chief driving force--politics. Indeed, religion does play a big role in wars (mainly on the defensive side nowadays) . The government is the Juggernaut of War, plain & simple.

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 01:45 AM
I'm a Wiccan. So is my friend. But I was bapitized by an Ispiscable curch. I'ts a christian church. I have ingnored the fact that I was bapitised from since I found out. I am not really a Wiccan as more of a believer of Shamanism.

Tigris Of Gaul
August 25th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Voodoo, mon.

unregistered user
August 26th, 2005, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Tigris Of Gaul
Voodoo, mon.

Not really voodoo.

Melody of Scar
August 27th, 2005, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Marimbawizard
Not really voodoo.

How do you know? =/

unregistered user
August 27th, 2005, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by Melody of Scar
How do you know? =/

Since when has Rafiki done voodoo??(Somebody whispers in his hear.)...Oh!

Melody of Scar
August 27th, 2005, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by Marimbawizard
Since when has Rafiki done voodoo??(Somebody whispers in his hear.)...Oh!

But he said nothing about Rafi...

*gives up*

August 27th, 2005, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by SoniqueX
You forgot the chief driving force--politics. Indeed, religion does play a big role in wars (mainly on the defensive side nowadays) . The government is the Juggernaut of War, plain & simple.

For Sure...as George Washington once said..."Government is a neccesary evil".

unregistered user
August 27th, 2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Tigris Of Gaul
Voodoo, mon.

Okay, I'll make it simpler. I belive in Tradtional Shamanism, (Such as the TLKOB version of Rafiki. Even though a Songoma is usally a female.) In my belief it is un-...Well not really un-Holy. (Cause I don't belive in christianity.)....Okay I'm a Wiccan. SO is my girlfriend. Look up "What is Wicca?" On the internet. It is simply a form of nature magyk. ....Actually now that I think about I'm more of a South African Shaman type. Even though I'm not African American. (Black.) But yes still. I do not believe in voodoo. I belive that voodoo is BLACK MAGYK! And black magyk is evil..A sin. Other words Black Magyk is BAD!!

Tigris Of Gaul
August 28th, 2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Marimbawizard
Okay, I'll make it simpler. I belive in Tradtional Shamanism, (Such as the TLKOB version of Rafiki. Even though a Songoma is usally a female.) In my belief it is un-...Well not really un-Holy. (Cause I don't belive in christianity.)....Okay I'm a Wiccan. SO is my girlfriend. Look up "What is Wicca?" On the internet. It is simply a form of nature magyk. ....Actually now that I think about I'm more of a South African Shaman type. Even though I'm not African American. (Black.) But yes still. I do not believe in voodoo. I belive that voodoo is BLACK MAGYK! And black magyk is evil..A sin. Other words Black Magyk is BAD!!

You had better watch your words or I will hex joo, mon.

In all seriousness, though, Wiccan and other religions based on nature are interesting and they've existed in some form a long time ago before all -New Age- religions such as christianity, islam and yada-yada.

Belief in nature's balance sounds more smart anyway than "if you're not a good boy you'll go to hell where you will burn burn burrrrrrrrrn for all eternity! Muah haha! .. even though God loves all his children." *snickers*

But, alas. Don't get agitated now. Chill. :evilgrin: