December 19th, 2017, 10:15 PM
Shocked this was never mentioned here, in a TLK forum, but Rafiki has died.
Robert Guillame, the voice actor behind The Lion King's resident sage shamman, Rafiki, passed away about a month ago. His cause of his death was prostate cancer, continuing the trend of TLK stars dying of the dreaded "C"; First Madge "Sarabi" Sinclair to leukaemia in 1995, then Suzanne "Zira" Pleshette to lung cancer in 2008.
Robert Guillame, the voice actor behind The Lion King's resident sage shamman, Rafiki, passed away about a month ago. His cause of his death was prostate cancer, continuing the trend of TLK stars dying of the dreaded "C"; First Madge "Sarabi" Sinclair to leukaemia in 1995, then Suzanne "Zira" Pleshette to lung cancer in 2008.