View Full Version : Watch lion cubs on live stream (Gaia Zoo Netherlands)

June 19th, 2016, 08:28 PM
On June 6, 3 lion cubs were born in this zoo.

You can actually watch them online through their live-stream.
You don't always see anything, most of the time, a lion is directly in front of the camera, lol.

Click on "binnen" (for inside) and "buiten" (for outside).


June 22nd, 2016, 07:57 AM
I see lions! :D And the breathing body of one very close lion :p

June 22nd, 2016, 07:59 AM
There's a bunch of them outside right now, hehe (grown ups off course).

Haha yeah, it is a shame the mother always seems to be "on" the camera.

July 16th, 2016, 05:35 PM
Awwww, how cute! :3 The first time I watched them, one of the cubs fell down onto his side. :lol: