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View Full Version : Expressing love for Lea (Guntur/Fendi- Please read)

March 9th, 2016, 07:44 AM
Hope this doesn't come off to sappy...

I don't want to get into it too much, but the last 3-4 months of my life have been Hell. I have come to realize a lot of things about myself and people I called "friends" that are not pleasent to know.

I have to accept that I am not compatable with people in general. My combination of Asperger's Syndrome, Depression, OCD, Severe Social Anxiouty, and Emotional Imbalance Disorder is an incredibly toxic cocktail. I have realized that all my life, people have lied to me, pretending to like me and understand me, so not to hurt my feelings, when in reality, they are plain uncomfortable around me and wish they didn't have to deal with.

I can happily say that, although I am not very active here anymore (and not many are anyway), Lea has been the complete opposite since day one. I have always felt accepted, respected, and loved here. You guys know who I am, know about my issues and my breakdowns, and still treat me like a human being. You show me love, but are also not afraid to be honest when I need you to be.

One individual in particular has been my closest online friend for 12+ years now. He has always been there for me, ready to listen. Anytime I need him, I know I can reach out, and he is there. Knowing my financial situation, he occasionally surprises me with little gifts, which is always a nice uprise. He gives me advice, tells jokes to make me laugh when I am feeling down, and helped me though many rough times. He is also the guy who originally brought we to Lea when Fuzzy's historic "King of Pride Rock" forums shut down. I can honestly say that if it weren't for him, I'd have given up on the internet LONG ago.

This individual is the only person not born to my mother who I call me brother, and he is Guntur/Fendi. Fendi, there isn't enough text on the entire internet for me to express my gratitude for your friendship. You have been a lifeline to me, and I would trust you with my life. I love you, man.

March 9th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Awwwww, Thank you for your kind words man. :timoncrying2: I appreciate all of the rant and my doubts on you too, Since we both suffer similar illness except mine is much worst: Schizophrenic. For one I didn't have paranoia around you since I trust you and love you as a brother. About that gift, it's nothing man. I do have a lot of extra copies in my Humble Bundle inventory and why not giving you my extras that you didn't have at all? I mean my damn library is really huge and why not giving the video game that someone I really trust? I know you've been cut off since 2009 to 2015 but I am glad you are ready to listen to my rant since we befriend each other again on Steam. :D

Anyway, Thank you again brother, I appreciate all of the chat, rant, and shoulders that we could cry on. Thank you again. :cheese:

March 9th, 2016, 06:39 PM
Aww... that's so nice of you, Feral.. I mean Aurelian. I don't know you that well, but I can see that you're a very honest person and I like that. It's great to see what Lea means to other people here and I'm so glad the forum is back and running. I hope you'll continue to have a nice time here :)

March 9th, 2016, 06:57 PM
I remember the days, when members would give their shout-outs.

That's a really sweet thing of you to do/say!

March 9th, 2016, 10:45 PM
Love it. It's things like this that make me feel like the internet is an awesome thing. If only the internet could win like this all the time, it would be a much better world to live in.

March 13th, 2016, 01:20 AM
This thread made me happy =)

Fendi is indeed a nice guy, I totally agree with you.

March 14th, 2016, 07:15 AM
Thanks Thiago/James, Appreciate all the love man.

and I appreciate all the love you guys gave to me because I need it. :hugs: