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View Full Version : Episode 1 - Never Judge a Hyena By Its Spots

January 16th, 2016, 12:03 AM
Actually this is the first episodes, but it was aired after "The Rise of Makuu", so don't be confused, because I am already. I never understood the strange ordering of Disney series. Never mind. I try first to quickly summarize what happened in this episodes.

The episodes starts with Janja and his gang hunting a herd of gazelles in the Pride Lands. Of course the Lion Guard comes to its rescue. (You also don't want your lunch to be hunted :-P ). Kion is charging the Hyenas alone back into the Outlands. When he tries to roar, the tree trunk that connects pride- and outlands cannot support him anymore and he crashed into the river below. In the end he could swim at the shore on his own, but he ended up at the wrong side of the river.
Kion tries to get back to a place called "Flat Ridge Rock" and tries to meet with the rest of the Lion Guard. On his way back Kion needs to pass through the outlands gorge, where he meets a young female hyena Jasiri. Long story short: Kions forgets his doubts about Jasiri once they get to know each other. In contrast to Janja, Jasiri respects the Circle of Life and only takes the food she needs to survive. Together they traveled to the this Flat Ridge Rock thing to meet their finale challenge. Janja and his gang were creeping up on Jasiri, but Kions comes her rescue and together (with the help of the roar of the elders) they defeated the hyenas.

I must say, I like this episode a lot. The song "Sisi ni sawa" is definitely one of the better ones in the series, although the message is not new anymore. The thing that disturbs me most was the constant switching between scenes. It would be better to deepen the relationship between Kion and Jasiri in longer shots. Nevertheless, the landscapes are nicely drawn and you see a lot of the pride and outlands in this episodes (which you didn't saw in the movie, btw). From geographical point this series makes no sense. Even in TLK you had trouble to create a map of the TLK universe. I also missed a scene where Kion is crossing back over the river. But maybe I didn't see it.

One last thing: Do you like to have a topic about every episode, or should we try to compress the discussion in one thread?

January 16th, 2016, 08:33 AM
Alright, I saw this episode just now, and whoa, this one was very good! My favourite so far :D
Yeah, the message isn't really new, but it really was the best way to introduce the very first good hyena in the TLK universe. Speaking of which, Jasiri... I loved Jasiri so much! :cs_love: she was amazing! The Sisi ni Sawa song is still very well stuck in my head, and I found her Australian accent very amusing. She also can put up a good fight, her teaming up with Kion against Janja's clan was brilliant! And Kion got some pretty cool moves too x3

Watching this episode I was kind of expecting some cringeworthy moment, like in RotR or The Rise of Makuu, but at least for me there really was none this time, and just for once I don't want to care about little mistakes, I'm just happy that this episode delivered :simbabiggrin:

One last thing: Do you like to have a topic about every episode, or should we try to compress the discussion in one thread?

Hmm I think I would like to be able to discuss each episode separately as they come out, this is why I had suggested before to make a new sub-forum for The Lion Guard (similar to "The reading log" Kirauni made for TLK comics). I think that should keep things more organized :)

January 16th, 2016, 09:01 AM
I totally skipped what you two have said because I haven't seen this episode yet.

The Disney Junior website took "Return of the Roar" and "The Rise of Makuu" off their website. You can watch "Never Judge a Hyena by it's Spots", but only if you sign in with your television provider, which we do not have one. It's locked otherwise.

I might just break down and buy the season pass through Itunes or Google Play for $30. It's not that I don't think $30 is worth it for all those episodes, but I would rather put that money towards a DVD or Blu-ray release of the season, but Disney might not even release a full season on DVD of The Lion Guard anyways.

Petteri spent a long time trying to find the episode online for us to watch tonight. I was quite disappointed that we couldn't watch it tonight, I was looking forward to watching this episode for a few days now.

January 17th, 2016, 03:19 PM
I really enjoyed this episode too. I'm glad to see a likeable, friendly hyena! =D Jasiri was super awesome and I really hope we'll be seeing more of her in the series.

All the pretty animation as well! There are cringeworthy moments, yes (like Kion's walk cycle for example), but so much of the animation is looking so good <3

The Lion Guard is delivering so far. It's meeting and exceeding all my expectations and I'm so happyyy~ This is exactly the Lion King show I wanted as a child :kionhappy::cs_rockon_3::lalala:

January 18th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Yeah, I'm thrilled they finally gave good PR for hyenas and sort of made it a number one priority by making this episode one of the first ones right out of the gate, while most the old fans are watching still & before the newness wears off. Yay :D And Jasiri was cute. Great start! :3

This is also the first Lion Guard thing I've sat down & watched. I have to say, Bunga is not as terrible as I thought he'd be. He does not look half as blue in the show as he did in promo materials and I haven't watched enough for him to get annoying yet. Fuli on the other hand. Doesn't help either that her styling looks the least like original TLK art style. But someone on one of the other threads said a mouthful talking about characters in kid's shows breaking the fourth wall. I am SO happy this show doesn't do that, it seems so classy for a children's show to tell a story start to finish & I didn't even realize how rare it is anymore.

All & all I really like Kion. Although IDK, with all his crew listing off all the things Kion wouldn't have done wrong that they did, he sure could've given them a landmark they were all familiar with in the first place xD

Is there any place online I can find the one hour intro special for this show? Someone here said it wasn't on Disney Junior website anymore, as usual I'm super late.

January 18th, 2016, 05:36 PM
I've found several places to watch, but they require "free" sign up. I'm not really comfortable doing that. Also, where I usually watch series I can't find here has things mislabeled. Every video I've clicked that's supposed to be this episode is "Rise of Makuu". Getting really annoyed with that.

January 18th, 2016, 08:06 PM
I ended up buying the Season Pass on Google Play for $30. But the next day, Kanu sent me a link to a website where you can watch cartoons for free, and it seems stable, oh well. :p

Is there any place online I can find the one hour intro special for this show? Someone here said it wasn't on Disney Junior website anymore, as usual I'm super late.

This is the website Kanu gave me. Here's the link for "The Return of the Roar" (The Pilot Episode): http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Lion-Guard-Return-of-the-Roar/Movie?id=66780

And here is the first two episodes: http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Lion-Guard (And I assume future episodes will be there too)

Now, about the episode, "Never Judge a Hyena by it Spots", I liked this episode quite a bit. I've always liked the hyenas, even though they are usually the villains. But it's nice to see them in a good light too, and Jasiri is a cute character. I really like the song "Sisi ni sawa". I have listened to it quite a lot on the soundtrack, even before I saw the episode. One of the best songs in the series in my opinion.

I am really impressed with this show so far, it's gone past my expectations of what I thought this show was going to be. Like Kanu said, some of the animation (like the walk cycles) seem a little wonky sometimes, but other than that, I think it looks great. The facial expressions are animated nicely. And the backgrounds are beautiful. This is the kind of show I really wanted as a child too, instead of The Timon and Pumbaa show. It's nice to have a show that Timon and Pumbaa aren't the main stars. :p

But someone on one of the other threads said a mouthful talking about characters in kid's shows breaking the fourth wall. I am SO happy this show doesn't do that, it seems so classy for a children's show to tell a story start to finish & I didn't even realize how rare it is anymore.

I agree! I have seen other Disney Junior shows break the fourth wall, and I am very glad they decided not to do that with this show. For that reason, I feel this show can be more entertaining to older audiences as well.

January 29th, 2016, 09:43 PM
I knew it was the right thing to do to skim these threads looking for links for places to watch the show :P I couldn't find this episode anywhere, especially since there seems to be some confusion in all the labeling with people referring to it as episode 1. I'm guessing, that on the actual air date for the show Jan 15th, they showed this first before repeating The Rise of Makuu. I suppose we'll find out the official order in time.

I'm also trying to work out, are the hyenas cubs? Or adults? Jasiri seems more like a cub, but she's about the same size as Janja and he seems like an adult. Then they're all only a tiny bit bigger than Kion, whereas in the movie the hyenas are so much bigger than cub Simba and Nala. So I'm just not sure what's going on in that regard.

I must say that I really enjoyed this episode. Jasiri is a very likeable character, she's got spunk and is quick to make friends with Kion. Not to mention she has some serious moves. I loved the Sisi Ni Sawa song, it has a really great sound and is a fantastic message. In fact the whole episode sends a great message. The facial expressions are still gorgeous, Kion especially is very expressive. I was also surprised at the level of action in the fight scene, for a Disney Junior show, Pat and I didn't expect quite so much actual fighting. I think the show has quite a good balance in that regard so far. Also, that Zebra character :lol:

Edit: Also... does Kion end up with a crush on Jasiri? That's how it seems to me :p

February 3rd, 2016, 04:32 AM
Are we allowed to discuss episodes for a while after they aired? I'm super behind, just watched the first four plus the movie back to back this weekend while visiting my parents.

So far, this is my favorite episoide. So well done, plenty of action and THIS SONG WHAT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKjsfZVIBug How? How is it so catchy? Also, I thought the animation in this song was particularly impressive, love the little spin Kion does at the pool.

Edit: Also... does Kion end up with a crush on Jasiri? That's how it seems to me :p

Haha, oh man, okay, so I'm not the only one who got that vibe. I mean, just watch the video and look at the way he looks at her after she says she's all about the Circle of Life. xD I really, honestly, am not the "shipping" type. Especially for a show aimed at little kids. But dang...they are stinkin' adorable. x3

And, honestly, who can watch this and not fall in love with Jasiri. You can hardly blame Kion. ;P

All joking aside though, like you all, I really loved that they informed kids that hyenas are not all evil. Also, thanks to some fanart on DA (http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sisi-Ni-Feliforma-585126587), I am now singing "sisi ni sawa we are feliforms" in my head when I sing this. xD If the rest of the series lives up to this quality of song/animation/plot then I say it's a definite win. And I agree with Kanu: THIS is the show I wanted as a kid after I saw The Lion King. For that, despite whatever continuity craziness we will have to figure out once Kovu & co make their appearance, makes this show a win in my book. Already heaps more enjoyable than the Timon and Pumbaa series.

February 3rd, 2016, 04:53 AM
Here's a little "behind the scenes" video about this episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa6UZJeDJJU :D

February 3rd, 2016, 05:12 AM
I'm also trying to work out, are the hyenas cubs? Or adults? Jasiri seems more like a cub, but she's about the same size as Janja and he seems like an adult. Then they're all only a tiny bit bigger than Kion, whereas in the movie the hyenas are so much bigger than cub Simba and Nala. So I'm just not sure what's going on in that regard.

It's hard to say, but if anything I think they're teenagers/adolescents. But still the characters' sizes are a bit odd in this show, Kion looks big alongside Simba in comparison to cub Simba's size with Mufasa. Also, look at Pumbaa's size compared to Kion. Pumbaa could carry cub Simba on his snout easily to save him from the desert, but in TLG Kion looks too big for Pumbaa.

I don't know if it's a mistake or if it could work assuming they're all teenagers, but at least it works in the show and doesn't really look weird, so it doesn't really bother me, hehe

February 3rd, 2016, 05:48 AM
I like the teenagers theory. It makes more sense too with Kiara's attitude toward being Queen, though still doesn't explain where Kion was in TLK2...*shrug* Oh well. I'm sure the fans will figure it all out. xD

February 3rd, 2016, 10:19 AM
Are we allowed to discuss episodes for a while after they aired? I'm super behind, just watched the first four plus the movie back to back this weekend while visiting my parents.

Absolutely :D

So far, this is my favorite episoide. So well done, plenty of action and THIS SONG WHAT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKjsfZVIBug How? How is it so catchy? Also, I thought the animation in this song was particularly impressive, love the little spin Kion does at the pool.

Yes, the song! I have had it in my head on loop ever since I saw it. I think Pat is getting a little sick of me singing it, haha! :D I love, love, love it :cheese:

Haha, oh man, okay, so I'm not the only one who got that vibe. I mean, just watch the video and look at the way he looks at her after she says she's all about the Circle of Life. xD I really, honestly, am not the "shipping" type. Especially for a show aimed at little kids. But dang...they are stinkin' adorable. x3

Oh good, I'm glad someone else saw it too. :) You know, I must be out of the loop these days because it was in the comments of the YouTube video for that song that I first saw the term "ship" and I had to google it to work out what they meant :lol:

I guess the hyenas could be teenagers, that does make sense too with their sizing. Jasiri certainly seems more like a teenage type. I personally don't mind that they've just shoved Kion into the middle of TLK2. It makes sense with the time jump in TLK2 at this age, it's more the adult part that doesn't fit in. Put perhaps Kion and the guard go off somewhere during that whole Act of the movie :p

February 11th, 2016, 10:26 PM
I totally skipped what you two have said because I haven't seen this episode yet.

The Disney Junior website took "Return of the Roar" and "The Rise of Makuu" off their website. You can watch "Never Judge a Hyena by it's Spots", but only if you sign in with your television provider, which we do not have one. It's locked otherwise.

I might just break down and buy the season pass through Itunes or Google Play for $30. It's not that I don't think $30 is worth it for all those episodes, but I would rather put that money towards a DVD or Blu-ray release of the season, but Disney might not even release a full season on DVD of The Lion Guard anyways.

Petteri spent a long time trying to find the episode online for us to watch tonight. I was quite disappointed that we couldn't watch it tonight, I was looking forward to watching this episode for a few days now.

Shar, no need to buy anything. You can find the episodes all over YouTube.

This is by far my favorite episode so far. I loved Jasiri from the first time I saw her. Sisi Ni Sawa is already on my I-pod.

February 12th, 2016, 08:20 PM
Shar, no need to buy anything. You can find the episodes all over YouTube.

I guess you didn't read all the posts in this thread. :p It's a little late for this suggestion, as I already bought a season pass on Google Play. But no, the episode was not available on YouTube the first day it came out. It might be now, but it's been almost a month since this episode premiered. And I as mentioned earlier, the Kiss Cartoon website is a good place for watching The Lion Guard. http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Lion-Guard (Thanks to Kanu for letting me know about that website!) What I like about watching the episodes on there, is they come out very fast, usually within a few hours after being shown on TV. (And the video is high quality) Even with Google Play, I paid for a season pass, but the episode doesn't seem to be released on there until the next day. I just like watching the new episode on Friday, because Petteri and I both have the day off from work on Friday, but we have to work on Saturday. Would rather watch it on Friday together, then Saturday night after we get off from work when we're both tired.

April 10th, 2016, 10:49 PM
Very belated thank you for the link to the first "movie"!

This is still my favorite episode for fairly obvious reasons, lol. The ship comments make me gleeful; when this whole series first came out and everyone was b'awwwing about it messing up their fan theories, my own pet fan theory is Kopa & Asante (old school semi-canon) ran off and found a joint territory--would've been so much more impressive than Kiara's Outlanders schtick.

Anyway.... so I saw this episode while everyone's fan chronologies were crumbling into a puddle of tears like LA LA LA, I just change their names and my pet fan theory is still valid LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

So I am all for a Kion & Jasiri ship of some form or fashion becoming canon-ish. Where are they in SP? Jasiri reconnected at some point and they all went off to trail-blaze their own story-book shared kingdom.

I TROT ALONG HAPPILY. Very happily indeed.