View Full Version : Fendi Visiting his old hometown (Pride Rock)

October 2nd, 2015, 02:06 PM
Hey guys, on 10th of October/Next Saturday I'm going to head back to my childhood town, I kinda planned this like last week just to visit the beautiful place. I've been looking at the Google Street View on the area that I remember and it brings me to tears. I obviously going to take a lot of pictures on my old house, A famosa, couple of churches, Mosque, and historic site down there that I didn't have the time to visit when I was a child. So I will go down there as a visitor and tourist. I will try my best to enter my old home and take a lot of pictures in there. :D

October 4th, 2015, 07:01 PM
I hope you like it and share fotos with us.

October 10th, 2015, 07:34 PM
Here's one of the few pictures


A Famosa, an old Portuguese fortress dated back in the 16th century, still standing and British Stamford Raffles managed to save the iconic entrance.

Have You Ever Seen the Rain? The busker sang this song to the crowd and I feel like I was living in a beautiful sunshine home that I'm dream off since I moved here in the Capital City
This is a factory outlet store that was open during the launch of this mall, I'm glad it still here and I mocked my father because the store is still here.

I was having a friendly date with my childhood friend of mine (HE) eating at the coffee shop, not romantic but it was a good view and I do hope that I could come back here with a proper Honeymoon with the woman I loved, or as an extra? Busking at the side of the river singing and jamming. ;)

October 10th, 2015, 07:39 PM
Nice pictures. Could you please probide some additional info? Perhaps what we see and why you took the photo? That would be great!

October 10th, 2015, 07:44 PM
Done, I already edit my post because I didn't know which picture I tag :lol:


Dutch Christ's Church, at Stadhuys, Malacca. It's a Dutch reformed Protestant church back 18th century, this building is 300 years old, untouched by the British Colonial era.



Old Dutch Graveyard. one of the treasure in Malacca, few are buried here, including Killed in Action in Naning War (Before Naning was annexed by Malacca British). What sad that there's one infant buried here. May God have mercy on the Dutch and British Malaccan citizen. especially the baby who died 1 year after he/she was born.