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View Full Version : Happy Easter!

April 5th, 2015, 03:20 PM
I just wanted to wish you all a happy Easter!

Sooo.how do you celebrate Easter, if you celebrate it at all?

Today, we (my husband, my daughter and I) went to church. After this we had some nice lunch and then my daughter went of "egg-hunting". I think it's a German custom. We've hidden some chocolate eggs and chocolate Easter bunnies and my daughter had to find them. Since the weather is rather cold, we did that in our flat. She sure enjoyed it and she loves chocolate.
After this, she got some other small presents and now she's enjoying some quality time with her dad ;)

Tomorrow, we are going to visit my mother-in-law and celebrate a bit there.

April 5th, 2015, 05:38 PM
Aww that's so cute. I remember my parents used to do the same when I was a little kid :) (they also used to leave bunny pawprints all over the floor and stairs xD)

I don't usually go to church anymore, but last night I went with my family. It was nice, though, everyone with candles.
I think that today we'll go to my uncle's place to celebrate both Easter and his birthday. Then at night I'll watch Monty Python's Life of Brian xD

Happy Easter! :D

April 6th, 2015, 03:18 AM
Happy Easter Everyone! I didn't really do anything special. Just worked my regular 10:30 to 7:00 shift and then came home. Now I'm debating should I watch something on netflix or just go online, as of now seems like online has upper hand, but I'm sure I'll be checking something on netflix as well.

April 11th, 2015, 02:52 PM
I spent my easter far from home, enjoying the holiday... For easter egg, I just bought it after the easter and paid only a dollar for it! And it was delicious!