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View Full Version : Assassin's Creed (Unity) anyone?

November 12th, 2014, 08:27 AM
Hey there!

Are there any gamers here? Okay, okay. I know that Guntur probably is the biggest gamer around. So I thought I'd ask you about this. Assassin's Creed Unity has just been released. Do you plan on buying/playing the game? As for me, I've enjoyed AC, ACII, Brotherhood, Revelations and ACIII very much. Tough I've not finished ACIII yet due to a lack of time. I wasn't really interested in Black Flag when it came out and I'm not sure if I want to play a pirates AC. ACIII had enough pirates in it. At least for me. But not Unity has been released and I wonder if it's worth a try? So maybe some of you can let me know what you think. Many people on Steam were angry because it seems to be filled with bugs. And of course you need uplay to run the game. I hate uplay since it made my AC: Revelations crash on startup and I needed months to fix it. But I guess I'd have to live with it. However, my computer is probably to old for Unity. We'll see. For now, I'm interested in your thoughts.

Do you play the new part of the Assassin's creed series or have you ever played one of the old ones?

November 12th, 2014, 02:11 PM
I'm a huge fan of the other Assassin's Creed games - I did enjoy AC, The Ezio Trilogy, and AC Black Flag to some extent. I'm not sure why, but I'm not much a fan of ACIII...probably because there's just not enough stealth in it for my taste and I ended up feeling less like an assassin and more like a thug with a tomahawk.

Unfortunately, Assassin's Creed Unity is not available for PS3 and PS3 is the only gaming platform available to me at the moment. I plan to purchase AC Unity as soon as I get my hands on my own PS4 or a better gaming PC, but when that'll happen is anyone's guess. *shrugs*
At least I have AC Rogue to look forward to.


November 12th, 2014, 11:08 PM
I really love the Co op gameplay that they shown to us like a couple of month before, Yeah, AC:U is really heavy duty for PS3 or even my PC. It just one of the game that introduce a new video game generation in term of power and usage.

*pssttt* They put DRM on top of DRM on Unity and forced people to use uPlay so uh.... PC user, I'd say that avoid this until they fix it for our liking.

November 13th, 2014, 05:54 AM
Unfortunately, Assassin's Creed Unity is not available for PS3 and PS3 is the only gaming platform available to me at the moment. I plan to purchase AC Unity as soon as I get my hands on my own PS4 or a better gaming PC, but when that'll happen is anyone's guess. *shrugs*

I'm with Dare there. :lol:

I love AC, but only have older generation platforms.
Maybe that'll change this Christmas. ;)

But I'm excited!

First I gotta break in Gauntlet Legends....

November 13th, 2014, 12:49 PM
Hmmm there's a few PS4 Xbox One bundle right now if you follow IGN news, and especially in this coming Autumn Sale/Black Friday.

November 13th, 2014, 01:33 PM
*pssttt* They put DRM on top of DRM on Unity and forced people to use uPlay so uh.... PC user, I'd say that avoid this until they fix it for our liking.

Ah, thanks for the heads up.
Things like that are one of the reasons why I haven't been much of a PC gamer later.

November 13th, 2014, 10:09 PM
Ah, thanks for the heads up.
Things like that are one of the reasons why I haven't been much of a PC gamer later.

Well you could try Linux gaming in this coming time. ;)

Yeah, I always avoid any extra DRM related like that happened with Sim City, Diablo 3, and latest ubisoft product. I know a lot of high class gamers going to pick up the best platform for a game, like PS4 as you mention earlier. ;)

November 14th, 2014, 06:53 AM
Oh I love AC series, but as I just finished third one about 3 months ago and have only played 2h of Liberation on PS Vita means that I probably wont get Unity any time soon. Also ACIV is the only game I have on PS4 currently, but I still have about 10 games left to finish on PS3 before I'm moving on to PS4 which I have had since Last Christmas. Co-Op sounds interesting though, but another thing on that is regions as when I played Brotherhood online with my brother on EU servers from US the lag was horrible.

November 14th, 2014, 02:53 PM
On a semi-related note, the reviews and memes have started already.
Does anyone know how accurate this particular gem is?


November 17th, 2014, 02:35 PM
I didn't know these meme or understand about it. I think it's pretty accurate.

I think the bigger meme for Assassin's Creed is the glitches they had during launch, which is funny but irrelevant since it's a known issue.

I'm sure people who bought it right now have the issues fixed by now.

November 17th, 2014, 03:27 PM
As far as I know the note is quite accurate. Sad, but true. In order to open certain cecst, you need to run an an app or something like that. At least that's what some let's Players said on their reviews. And you can buy certain weapons with REAL Money which is... not my thing. I mean after spending from 50-80$ on the game, I don't want to spend any more money just to get 100% out of the game...

Thank you all for your comments on this! Right now my computer is far from being able to play AC:Unity... It's not up to the "Next-Gen-Games" at all. So I'll probably try out Black Flag first (perhaps there'll be a special offer on steam. Who knows?) and Rogue. But first, I have to complete AC:III.

November 17th, 2014, 04:10 PM
Yeah Microtransaction is a plague in the video game at the moment, no matter if the game free or not. They just want extra cash for everything that could squeeze our money.

Oh, AC stuff was on discount for 75% on certain retailers last week, sadly it's gone now. :(

November 18th, 2014, 03:40 AM
safe for far cry series on steam. Though when it comes to AC I don't think I really have any AC games I don't already have plus I don't really care to play AC on PC where the sales usually are.

February 10th, 2015, 02:04 PM
Finally managed to drag myself away from DA:I to start playing AC Rogue.
Now it's settled - I'm definitely going to have to purchase a next-gen gaming system sometime within the next 4 months, just for AC Unity. :D
I'm going to wait for the price to drop a bit though...from what I understand, there are still a lot of bugs.

February 10th, 2015, 02:08 PM
Did they fixed all the stuff in the game? like the massive glitches on the face and other noticeable bugs.

I'm glad you guys have free season pass for this game. :cheese:

February 11th, 2015, 03:57 AM
MY PS3 and PS4 are both busted. PS4 broke 1st of January, just 12 days after warranty and only played it maybe 4-5h in that time frame so most likely had defective model begin with. My PS3 which is first gen with backwards compatibility and 4USB outlets got yellow light of death though that is acceptable as I have had it for over 7 years. Just took it to repairs yesterday and should be repaired in next few days. Anyways, as of now I have been playing my PS Vita so I might give AC Liberation a try. Still gotta beat AC4 before I will get unity though and as my PS4 is busted and I'm not in a hurry to repair it, so it might be a while before AC: Unity will happen.

March 9th, 2015, 02:22 PM
Hey Guys, Assassin's Creed Rogue has released last week, I mean late last week. Anyone grab that game yet on Steam?

June 2nd, 2015, 07:29 PM
Heads up, Assassin's Creed Unity is having 50% off in Steam until Thursday.

March 25th, 2017, 06:33 PM
Soooooo, it's a couple years later and I've FINALLY gotten around to starting AC: Unity.

I don't know why, but for some reason this game doesn't feel like Assassin's Creed to me. Maybe because I've spent more time chasing down purse thieves and/or breaking up street fights than I have doing actual assassination missions, or maybe it's the lack of modern day plot...or maybe it's just 'cause I haven't played an AC game in while (thank you for distracting me, Skyrim & Fallout 4).

Whatever the reason, I'm really not feeling this game and it's like I'm playing this more out of obligation than actual enjoyment. Then again, I've only completed the first 30%, so maybe things will get better. We'll see.

It is now August, 2017. I hate this game. Hate.

June 30th, 2018, 11:03 AM
There was a little comeback for the series, People said Origin is good and go "Back to Root". I believe others will agree on this one, while I'm not a big stealth gamer but Odyssey and the Greek background with large combat is a go to for me.

I also bought Assassin's Creed Chronicles, I am yet to play India and Russia game.

August 9th, 2018, 10:07 PM
Assassin's Creed Odyssey...

Speaking as someone who has loved/studied Classical civ for most of her life, there are no emojis that can adequately express my excitement.


No seriously, when I saw the trailer I tried to get out of my computer chair too quickly and ended up flipping it.

August 11th, 2018, 10:17 AM
I only see Odyssey as another Shadow of War game, which is stealth but combat, which I love to be honest. Can't wait to get my hands on this one. :cheese:

July 24th, 2019, 02:54 AM
So I've finally played Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
AC Odyssey is another game that didn't feel like an AC game to me, buuuuut I'm going to ignore that purely because I am a Classical Civ/Mythology fangirl and all I wanna do is run around Ancient Greece, geek out over history and art, and Spartan kick annoying dudes off of cliffs. This game allows me to do all of those things.

So yeah, I'm sorry that I don't have a more in-depth review about gameplay and the like... I'm too busy fangirling about the setting.
I haven't completed all of the DLC yet, so maybe once that's done I'll step back and take some time to form an opinion other than "OMG GIANT STATUES SO PRETTY"!

I will say this - I found the antagonist(s) to be very annoying and had a lot of fun hunting them down one by one.
Also, I have absolutely zero interest in the modern day storyline now. My interest started to wane after AC3, but now I'm completely lost. I hear there are comics that are supposed to clear some things up (or at lease bring a resolution to some items), but I have neither the time more patience to read them.

February 15th, 2020, 10:40 PM
So I've finally played Assassin's Creed Odyssey.AC Odyssey is another game that didn't feel like an AC game to me, buuuuut I'm going to ignore that purely because I am a Classical Civ/Mythology fangirl and all I wanna do is run around Ancient Greece, geek out over history and art, and Spartan kick annoying dudes off of cliffs. This game allows me to do all of those things.So yeah, I'm sorry that I don't have a more in-depth review about gameplay and the like... I'm too busy fangirling about the setting.I haven't completed all of the DLC yet, so maybe once that's done I'll step back and take some time to form an opinion other than "OMG GIANT STATUES SO PRETTY"!:oI will say this - I found the antagonist(s) to be very annoying and had a lot of fun hunting them down one by one.:evilgrin:Also, I have absolutely zero interest in the modern day storyline now. My interest started to wane after AC3, but now I'm completely lost. I hear there are comics that are supposed to clear some things up (or at lease bring a resolution to some items), but I have neither the time more patience to read them. :(I'm waiting for Assassin's Creed in manner in the Asian region, or maybe drop in Persia during Xerxes or Cyrus era. That would probably look like Prince of Persia but I'm all for historical period games that can fuse between Fiction and history.