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September 23rd, 2005, 11:01 AM
My kitty :D


Kovu The Lion
October 8th, 2005, 06:54 PM
wow huge time elapse but I have a piccy of my kitty :) Just took it, Forgot all about him :(...


The fat cat Frisky! :D! 50 pounds ;) He's on a diet.. :3


October 8th, 2005, 08:21 PM
When i had a doggy in my apartament tree years ago


I could not keep it here because was hard to have time for him and we thinked better give him to our secretary that live in a house

October 14th, 2005, 07:45 AM
Here's an old pic of my kitty I found when I was cleaning my room. I think it was taken in 1996... He passed away a year and a half ago, but I still miss him very much...


October 14th, 2005, 10:15 AM
^I'm in love...

October 14th, 2005, 10:17 AM
With my kitty? XD I love my kitty... :p He was such a sweetheart.

unregistered user
October 14th, 2005, 10:17 AM
strange thing everytime i pet a cat :p
before his/her death
they'll run away :confused:
i don't know why.
mostly my cat is gone ;)

October 14th, 2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Fendi
strange thing everytime i pet a cat :p
before his/her death
they'll run away :confused:
i don't know why.

Cats do that... I think because they don't want their loved ones to find them dead... They try to hide... My aunt's cat did the same thing. When my cat was sick he tried to hide from us, because while he was sick, we didn't want to let him outside.

unregistered user
October 14th, 2005, 10:28 AM
and also sometime they act strange :p
very strange before he died or gone :p
like one moment..
2 week he's sleeping beside me :p

October 14th, 2005, 10:30 AM
LOL my cat Semlon must be the stranges cat on this planet...i mean look at him...look at him!! that position is not normal i mean damn! XD


and for your infromation no he dont just lie like that this time...he lies like that from time to time damn hes even sleeping like that somtimes...


.....my cat aint normal XD

unregistered user
October 14th, 2005, 10:31 AM
mostly my cat do dat:p
:lol: yeah it's cute:p
at one time he just 'lie down' :p
like human:p

October 14th, 2005, 01:03 PM
My lil dogie ^________^ :cheese:

October 14th, 2005, 08:35 PM
*lol* Shadow, my cat can lie in the most weirdest positions too, and sleep, I'll see if I got some pics somewhere of it ...

February 17th, 2006, 05:56 PM
I did a little editing. This thread conatianed severel merged threads about pets, so I madeb it into one general Lea pet thread, as we don't seem to have any others.

My sister just came home with our new dog. She is a small pure-bred German Shepard, 4 years of age. Her name is Sarah. As soon as a photo becomes available, I will post it.

February 17th, 2006, 06:40 PM
Cant wait to see the photos!!!!!!

Eva Janus
February 17th, 2006, 08:57 PM
If I had any pets, I'd take pics of them. :fini: But sadly, I have none. I shall own a cat one day when I'm out of this house, but until then, it's only imaginary pets. :Ooo:

February 18th, 2006, 01:39 AM
Here are some pics of my dog Bailey! He's only a year old. :D




Here's a pic of the horse that I ride at my stables. He isn't mine but I couldn't resit posting pics of him; he's so adorable! =D His name is Kincaid and he's a chestnut, throughbred.



February 18th, 2006, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by Roquivo
so I madeb it into one general Lea pet thread, as we don't seem to have any others.

there was offical pet thread before but it must gotten deleted durning something.

February 18th, 2006, 08:32 AM
I guess this is it STM, because I just saw that me and Boos did some merging in here :)

February 18th, 2006, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by BlueStef
My lil dogie ^________^ :cheese:

:lol: Did you put pegs in his/her fur? :p German Shepherds are beautiful dogs, I can't wait to see a pic of yours Roquivo. :)

Storm90, Bailey is adorable, such a gorgeous dog. The horse you ride is very nice also, love the colour.

Here's a slightly blurry pic of my gorgeous English Spot bunny, Hazel-rah, he's about a year and a half old. Looks kinda fat in this pic but he's not.

This is our cat Sparx, she's 9 years old this year.

And this is my brothers cat Kitty (Even though my brother doesn't live with us anymore) She's 14 this year.

February 18th, 2006, 01:05 PM
:D Wow, I love your pets.They're so cute (except for the fish...dunno if fish can be cute) So here's a pic of my siamese called Isis, the look on her face is sooo adorable, don't you think so?:D More to come
[img=http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/6401/dscn87359lk.jpg] (http://imageshack.us)

February 18th, 2006, 01:07 PM
You did something wrong with the link I think.
Better not use the IMG tags, quite a large pic :s


February 18th, 2006, 02:46 PM
Oh, sorry:alone:
Anyway, here's a photo of my 3 cats: Isis (you already know her) and Nephy (her real name is Nephtys which is the name of an Egyptian godess, but i alway call her Nephy:D ) and Sangha

February 18th, 2006, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Neola
:D Wow, I love your pets.They're so cute (except for the fish...dunno if fish can be cute) So here's a pic of my siamese called Isis, the look on her face is sooo adorable, don't you think so?:D More to come
[img=http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/6401/dscn87359lk.jpg] (http://imageshack.us)

Thanks Neola :)

And from what I can see of your Siamese (computer colours are a bit screwed at the moment) she looks very cute. gorgeous expression.

February 18th, 2006, 02:49 PM
ooow, love the black one :D Reminds me of Nathy's cat ^^

February 18th, 2006, 02:50 PM
*lol* You sure liked my cat, haha

This Land
February 18th, 2006, 02:52 PM
AWW cute pics everybody, Pets are so sweet and adorable.
Here are pics of the 2 family dogs of the house.

I Took these when they where sleeping.

Flossy (Female)

Flossy Again

Kale (Male)

Kale Again

February 18th, 2006, 02:53 PM
Haha, thank you Azerane and DJ:D
btw, beware of the black one, he's not always as cute as he seems tobe...:evilgrin:

February 18th, 2006, 02:59 PM
Wow, that sounds just like my cat o_O

haha ... It has to be the color *lol*

February 18th, 2006, 03:01 PM
Yeah, black cats are always mysterious:cheese:

February 18th, 2006, 03:03 PM
Mine has got some white spots though ... but looks like black is the dominant color on the outside, and inside, haha

falling asleep, haha:

and this is from the first day we got him, back in May (don't know if I posted this already, haha)

February 18th, 2006, 03:07 PM
Seriously! It's not fair :D I want a kitten! It's so cuuuuute! :D :D

February 18th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Awww...how cute...:emo: I don't even remember Sangha being so small and cute...

February 18th, 2006, 03:10 PM
I can't help myself, I got loads and loads of pictures of my animals, otherwhise I wouldn't have remembered, haha.

Maybe in 2 or 3 months we'll get a new kitten.
Depending on if this one will get better (he's sick now).

February 18th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Oh, I feel sorry for that. :( What's wrong with him?

February 18th, 2006, 03:20 PM
He's got FLUTD (just google for it, hard for me to explain in English :s )
It's something a kitten shouldn't really be getting.

Here is my rabbit "Sloefke" (means "slipper" in English)

And this one I had to give away 6 months ago, Spitsie ("pointy" in English)
I like the picture though, shows her colors nicely ^_^

February 18th, 2006, 03:27 PM
Aww, I know that disease it means "Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease" or something...That's not good...:( is it very painful for him?
Something else: Nat (^^) , I love your rabbit(s) the second one looks like my siamese cat:D Why did you have to give it away?

February 18th, 2006, 03:32 PM
*aaaaa* runs, Nath, Nathy, take your pick ... just "do *not* call me NAT"
Haha, I get shivers when I hear that *lol* :cheese:

Yeah, he's in a lot of pain ... Or was, the vet made it easy for him now, we'll have to wait till Sunday if he can really pull through.

Well, turned out, I'm allergic to hay / dried grass.
The stuff that goes in the rabbits cage.
And because the white one was such a digger, and made all dust fly through the room, I'd get allergic even more.
So we gave her to Bart's niece.
She gained a little weight, haha, but doing fine, so I'm happy ^_^

February 18th, 2006, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by nathalie
*aaaaa* runs, Nath, Nathy, take your pick ... just "do *not* call me NAT"
Haha, I get shivers when I hear that *lol* :cheese:

Yeah, he's in a lot of pain ... Or was, the vet made it easy for him now, we'll have to wait till Sunday if he can really pull through.

Well, turned out, I'm allergic to hay / dried grass.
The stuff that goes in the rabbits cage.
And because the white one was such a digger, and made all dust fly through the room, I'd get allergic even more.
So we gave her to Bart's niece.
She gained a little weight, haha, but doing fine, so I'm happy ^_^
Sorry Nat, won't call you Nat again, Nat :haha:
Well I hope your cat will get better soon :(
Btw, Are you able to see your rabbit at times?

February 18th, 2006, 03:41 PM
Yeah, she's only 10 minutes away, so that worked out perfectly fine :D

February 18th, 2006, 03:45 PM
Does she remember you when you come ta see her?

February 18th, 2006, 03:46 PM
Nope, haha :lol:

We had her for a little over a year, and never ever where we able to pick her up.
Now she's with them, and they can pick her up whenever they want o_O (that's not fair ... haha)

My other rabbit, the same, can't pick her up, and only comes to you when you shake around with the food box, haha

Lucy Lioness
February 18th, 2006, 03:54 PM
@ Azerane. Hazel-rah is cute. I named my rabbit Hazel, too, only she was a female. After the Watership Down books. I take it you are a fan as well? Hehe.

@ Nathalie. Which rabbit is the evil one? Hehe. Or is it both?

February 18th, 2006, 03:54 PM
:haha: Haha! isn't she thankful for the year you cared for her? :P
Hey, but shaking the food box is a trick that alway works with my cats:D

February 18th, 2006, 03:55 PM
*lol* I'd say she's very greatfull for that year, haha :lol:

@ Lucy ... Both + cat aswell, haha *lol*

February 18th, 2006, 04:00 PM
Haha...but mine aren't grateful, too. they seem to steal food from the kitchen or break out through the window whenever they can...:D

February 18th, 2006, 04:23 PM
And still you love them ... :emo: hehe



February 18th, 2006, 04:27 PM
Just beacause they're so sweet...:evilgrin:
Hey, my cat has the same white spot on his belly as yours!

February 18th, 2006, 04:29 PM
*lol* Where Bart is keeping his hand, there's a white stripe too (it's like they are connecting his legs) + underneath his chin is white too.

February 18th, 2006, 04:55 PM
My cat's got a few white hairs under his chin but not on his chest:D

February 18th, 2006, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
@ Azerane. Hazel-rah is cute. I named my rabbit Hazel, too, only she was a female. After the Watership Down books. I take it you are a fan as well? Hehe.

That's exactly the reason ;) I had considered calling him Blackberry, because oif his black spots, probably would've been a better name because it'd suit him better but Hazel-rah's a cool name... though I get strange looks from people sometimes when I tell them, hehe.

Nath, your cat has beautiful eyes, our black cat does too. And our black cat also has a few white flecks, she has a very faint ring of white hairs under her neck, you have to look really close but it's there. And also in certain lights her fur has a reddish tinge. She's beautiful, though she has the most annoying meow.

February 19th, 2006, 12:14 AM
Our dog Diza (jack russel) is black and white and my granny gets irritated on Dizas look sometimes 'cause half her face is black and the other half is white. All the whiskers and eyelashes on the black side is black while they're white on the other side. And for her spots on the feet it's the same but then the claws get different colors ... The two claws in the middle is white and the two on the sides is black. For the other 3 'paws' (do they have that word?) they are either black or white, if there's no spot there with another color ...

Btw, my hamster Timmy is dead, if I haven't told you yet... the only animals that lives in my room right now is the little dust family under my bed ... (as the swedish word for it is "Dust Rat")

Ain't they cute ... :Ooo:

February 20th, 2006, 08:03 AM
And did you know Kiara keeps her dead Hamster Timmey in the Frezer?

February 20th, 2006, 09:02 AM
you make it sound so cruel Tall ... We really can't bury him in the middle of the winter, so we have to put him there until the summer is here

February 20th, 2006, 10:14 AM
ooooo so that's what it was, I though you just wanted to keep him in the freezer for looks hahahaha.

February 20th, 2006, 11:58 AM
I told you that in the phone but maybe you don't remember it no ... x) It's not fun to have a hamster in the frezer either

February 20th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Kiara
you make it sound so cruel Tall ... We really can't bury him in the middle of the winter, so we have to put him there until the summer is here

Aww, that's sad that you can't bury him yet, I buried both my cat the day after he was put down and my rabbit as soon as I got home from being away. It was so hard to do, but it was sort of a way of saying goodbye, especially with my cat, as he was sedated when they put him down so I didn't really get to say goodbye to him, it's one thing that really bothers me.

edit: My cat Furry who had to be put down in 2004, he's so beautiful, I miss him still


February 22nd, 2006, 10:10 AM
I just remember I have a photo of Diza the Doggy with the half black face ... :

I don't think I loaded this pic up somewhere^^ I'm surprised she actually could sit still for some second xD

And I have a pic of Birdy Birdy too, I found her as newborn on the ground and we took her in (I know it was bad done but I felt kinda sorry for her ... )

My grandpa think it was a girl. We gave her food and she grew and lost her downy feathers and learnt how to fly between the lamp and bokcase ^^
Then she ate by herself and one day she left us and flew out through the window. My dad thought it felt so lonely when he came up the next day on the morning and it was so quiet 'cause she used to let out some sounds as someone came out in the livingroom and kitchen... I hope she's doing well out there now tho ^^ We had her for like 4 years ago

March 20th, 2006, 04:57 AM
A bit blurry since she doesn't stop moving, but this is my german Sheppard dog, Sierra. She is 4 years old, and very timid. We took her in after she was rescued from abusive owners, or so we are told.

This one is my cat Merlin. Believe it or not, he is not a kitten. He is a 1 & 1/2 year old tabby cat, born a dwarf. Kind of rare. He is also blind in one eye from a kitten-hood accident invloving a broken dresser drawer.

March 20th, 2006, 06:09 AM
Can't really see your dog, german shepherds are beautiful though.

And Merlin is adorable, he does look like a kitten :D Very nice.

March 20th, 2006, 06:46 AM
ahwww sutsh (sp) cute pets ^^

here is my kitty :3 his name is Semlon...

we first named him to Semlan becuse he was burn during that time when you eat this creamy fuilled buns (i think you say buns 0.o)

anyways when we discoverd he was a male we desided to give him a little more male name xP so we named him Semlon ^^


but something most have bin wrong in his birth....i mean come on....look at him 0.0

March 20th, 2006, 08:54 AM
Haha that's funny the way your cat sleeps Shadow. (Btw my banner has changed you know) XD

I have tons of pics of my bird Honey.


Aww... She's sleeping... XD


March 21st, 2006, 11:20 AM
OMG that is such a cutie parrot!!! I had a cat but he had to be put down. He was 16 but thats a pretty old age for a cat to get to normally!
Oh, I have four goldfish.. do they count as pets? Its not like I can pick them up and cuddle them *gasp water gasp*

unregistered user
March 21st, 2006, 11:44 AM
Kinda cute you know :idiot:

March 21st, 2006, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Dyani
OMG that is such a cutie parrot!!!

:lol: Thanks yeah I think she's cute I love birds. ^^

Originally posted by Dyani
I had a cat but he had to be put down. He was 16 but thats a pretty old age for a cat to get to normally!

And yeah I had a cat too who was so sweet and I miss him very much... He was 14 and had to be put down, he had cancer and had a tumor in his mouth so he couldn't eat. :( Poor thing... (This was almost two years ago and I still miss him all the time)

Originally posted by Dyani
Oh, I have four goldfish.. do they count as pets? Its not like I can pick them up and cuddle them *gasp water gasp*


March 22nd, 2006, 04:25 PM
A picture of my new cat. Her name is P.J.


March 22nd, 2006, 04:26 PM
Aww ^_^ I always wanted one in those colors.

March 22nd, 2006, 05:53 PM
Hey, that's a nice pic. I agree with Nathalie; good colors.

March 22nd, 2006, 11:02 PM
Sharifu, what sort of bird is Honey? She's a very nice looking bird.

And Fendi, what did you do to your poor kitty?!?!?! :p hehe, still cute though

LLS, your cat does have nice colours.=D

March 23rd, 2006, 01:09 AM
Wow lionloversam, your cat's colors are kind of close to my old cat's colors.

Originally posted by Azerane
Sharifu, what sort of bird is Honey? She's a very nice looking bird.

Thanks, she's a Moluccan Cockatoo. :)

March 26th, 2006, 07:27 PM
Well, I just thought I could post a few pics of my puppy...since I'm bored ;) Her name is Laylah and she's a Dalmatian (and a cute one at that, I tell you :P)

^That's her...sleeping (as most of the time :D)
^sleeping again ;P Ain't she cute?

^That's her and her sis (Laylah's on the right), the day we got her from the breeder. We had to drive 5 and a half hours, btw :S But she was worth it ;)

^So, that's a pic of me and her...that was so dificult to take since she wouldn't keep still ;)

March 26th, 2006, 07:30 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwww, the cuteness of that lil' dalmatian :D

you look cute yourself neola, too ;)

March 26th, 2006, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Daniel
awwwwwwwwwwwww, the cuteness of that lil' dalmatian :D

you look cute yourself neola, too ;)
Yeah, she's cute (and also bold as brass, I tell ya ;P) but me? haha:lol:
I know I look stupid on that pic but that was the only (!) one where she didn't turn her head in the wrong moment

March 26th, 2006, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Neola
Yeah, she's cute (and also bold as brass, I tell ya ;P) but me? haha:lol:

yes, you :p

and since me and roog have pretty much the same taste in this sort of thing, i think he'll agree too :p

March 27th, 2006, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Daniel
yes, you :p

and since me and roog have pretty much the same taste in this sort of thing, i think he'll agree too :p
Oh roog, yeah...haha:uhno: He hits on everything that is female, so I'm pretty sure he will agree :p Not that I would, but anyways...

March 27th, 2006, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Thanks, she's a Moluccan Cockatoo. :)

Ahh cool :)

And Neola, Laylah is just too cute *hugs her*

March 27th, 2006, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
Ahh cool :)

And Neola, Laylah is just too cute *hugs her*
Thank you :D
I could hug her all day.
And Sharifu, you have a very pretty bird there.I wish I had one too, but I already have cats...

March 27th, 2006, 08:30 AM
Thanks guys. :)

Originally posted by Neola
And Sharifu, you have a very pretty bird there.I wish I had one too, but I already have cats...

Haha, actually I had this bird while my cat was still alive. ;) It wasn't really a problem.

Cute dalmatian Neola!

March 27th, 2006, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu

Haha, actually I had this bird while my cat was still alive. ;) It wasn't really a problem.

Really? I've heard this works sometimes, but MY cats would be a real problem...I know them ;)

March 28th, 2006, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by Xanahti
This is my little sweetie: http://www.deviantart.com/view/4628556/ This was taken last winter, she doesn't got that much fur now, even if it's a LOT:evilgrin:
Did you say, LITTLE sweetie? :p She's soooo adorable!

March 28th, 2006, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Neola
Really? I've heard this works sometimes, but MY cats would be a real problem...I know them ;)

Well I think it was beacuse our birds were HUGE parrots. ;) If they were smaller birds it probably would of been a problem.

March 28th, 2006, 10:11 PM
thats my cat mouse
my other cat Diamond
This is my beloved puppy Roc-ee:hugs:
and my cute lil kitty, with ugly old me lol

March 29th, 2006, 02:40 AM
Lion~lover, none of your pics are showing up for me. :confused:

March 29th, 2006, 02:16 PM
yah me either :confused:

March 30th, 2006, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Well I think it was beacuse our birds were HUGE parrots. ;) If they were smaller birds it probably would of been a problem.
Well, MY cats wouldn't mind huge birds...maybe they'd be a bit difficult to swallow but as they even chase my dog, I'd say they wouldn't even fear parrots :D

Originally posted by Lion~lover
yah me either :confused:
You didn't host them anywhere, did ya? When I quote that previous post, I can see that there are no actual links...;)

unregistered user
March 30th, 2006, 04:29 PM
I guess you just pretend there's a picture over there huh? That's cool :D

March 30th, 2006, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Kreapz
I guess you just pretend there's a picture over there huh? That's cool :D
Aww...don't be so mean to her:alone:
I'm sure it wasn't intended...was it? ;)

March 31st, 2006, 02:42 AM
no:(....i dont get what i did wrong :confused: lol :idiot:

March 31st, 2006, 03:11 AM
Well, to post a picture online you need a image host. The one lots of people use here is http://www.photobucket.com Accounts are free. You start a account. Once you have a account, you upload your pictures. Then, you can post them here by using the url given to that picture. It is pretty easy to use.

March 31st, 2006, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by lionloversam
Well, to post a picture online you need a image host. The one lots of people use here is http://www.photobucket.com Accounts are free. You start a account. Once you have a account, you upload your pictures. Then, you can post them here by using the url given to that picture. It is pretty easy to use.
You don't even have to create an account (at least at http://www.imageshack.us, dunno what's up with photobucket...)
Just try it, it's easy!:D And I'm sure many people would love to see pics of your pets :browlift:

March 31st, 2006, 01:30 PM
Oooor *dun dun dun* www.tinypic.com

You click that link, upload a pic ... and *poof* there is a link, no gallery attached and no account attached.

March 31st, 2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by nathalie
Oooor *dun dun dun* www.tinypic.com

You click that link, upload a pic ... and *poof* there is a link, no gallery attached and no account attached.

Same thing with imageshack^^
I don't care which host you use though...;)

March 31st, 2006, 01:37 PM
Ow *lol* I never use Imageshack, so didn't knew that you didn't had any albums there.

March 31st, 2006, 11:43 PM
oh thanks :D

April 9th, 2006, 10:08 PM
We just got a new pet for the whole family at my house. What we got is a ten year old, white cocatoo. It's name is jack. We got it from the mother of the lady that gave me my cat.

April 9th, 2006, 11:55 PM
oooo. A cocatoo! I love them. =3

Here's my pets! But beware.. theres a lot of them. XD

1 Dog:
Chewey: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0428.JPG)

2 Cats:
Dusty: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_000_0356.JPG)
Ruben: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_Ruben2.jpg)

1 Dwarf Hamster:
Zoe: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0412.JPG)

5 Rats:
Aiden: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0600.JPG)
Koda: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0391.jpg)
Simon: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0725.JPG)
Molly: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0892.JPG)
Katie: [Pic Link] (http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM0736.JPG)

My mom also has 4 Corydora fish.. lol

April 10th, 2006, 12:52 AM
Cute pets The-Lioness, Ruben has beautiful eyes. That's such a gorgeous picture.

And lionloversam, are you able to take pics of your cockatoo to show us? I'd love to see some pics.

April 10th, 2006, 11:32 AM
ahww The-Lioness i love your pets, i want your life x3

April 12th, 2006, 07:23 AM
Well, I thought I'd better post in here, we put down our cat Kitty today, I'm really going to miss her, though I'm glad it's done, she was very ill and in a lot of pain.

So just some pics. Taken last year in September and October are these two. Sleeping on my bed.

Sleeping again on my dressing gown on my bean bag.

And this one is a pic of my cat Furry and also of Kitty(in the box) when they were kittens. They were brother and sister. I miss them both.

April 12th, 2006, 07:27 AM
Sorry to hear that Azerane :hugs:

April 12th, 2006, 09:07 AM
Thanks Nathalie :hugs:

Forgot to say, the reason she was sick was because she had heart failure, so there wasn't really anything they could do for her anyway.

unregistered user
April 12th, 2006, 11:29 AM
Remind me of my naughty cats ;). Mostly my cats run away when they really sick. My cats mostly run away of anything. Like circle of life, one cat lost we buy a new cat(s) :cheese:
and Sorry Azerane :hugs:

April 12th, 2006, 12:11 PM
I'd be even more sad if she'd dissapeared I think and didn't come back, she did go missing for a whole day though, which had us really worried, but after she came back we just thought she would have gone somewhere then not had the strength to make it back. That would've been awful because then I wouldn't have been able to say goodbye. But with both Kitty and my cat Furry, whenever they've been sick or injured they've come home and wanted to be with us.

Also I don't think I could get another cat straight away, to me it would just seem like I was moving on too quick and forgetting about her, I would like another cat at some stage. Though I know I won't be allowed to have one. I'm going to miss not having a cat around that I can cuddle, we have another cat but she doesn't really let you hold her so it's not quite the same.

April 13th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Ok... I just got back from my mom's house in Oregon and I got to stay with her during my Sprink Break. Here's some pictures of my mom and sister's new cat, Miss Kitty. (Yes that's what they named her) :p






She's a nice kitty... She's gotten a little more affectionate with me, and she's very nice and calm usually. She's never been mean. But she keeps to herself so much... And I know most cats do... She's nice, but she's nothing like my last cat Buddy... :( Not that I was expecting her to replace him but I miss Buddy a lot... He just loved to cuddle and I've never seen another cat like him.

April 13th, 2006, 12:09 PM
And these aren't our puppies, but my mom's neighbor, her Poodle had puppies, and they're SOOO cute, I tooks some pics. The look like they can be Labs, but their mom is a Poodle and their dad is part Chiwawa and Pomeranian. Funny, you wouldn't think the puppies would look like this with what their parents are... Anyways here's the pics of the adorable puppies:




This guy is so cute... You can see how small they are, those are my mom's hands in the pictures.


And here's a pic of the mommy:


April 13th, 2006, 01:12 PM
Your cat is pretty Sharifu ^^.And those pups sure are cute :D.

April 14th, 2006, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu

She's a nice kitty... She's gotten a little more affectionate with me, and she's very nice and calm usually. She's never been mean. But she keeps to herself so much... And I know most cats do... She's nice, but she's nothing like my last cat Buddy... :( Not that I was expecting her to replace him but I miss Buddy a lot... He just loved to cuddle and I've never seen another cat like him.

Such a beautiful cat. I understand what you mean about your cat Buddy, my cat Furry used to be like that too, he actually used to come to me a lot for a cuddle, instead of me just wanting to cuddle him and he just loved to be around people. Our other cat Sparx isn't like that at all and Kitty wasn't either.

April 16th, 2006, 06:40 AM
Here's a pic of my sisters dog in my beaniehttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v303/DrtFMX/Dcp_0382.jpg

I dont have any pics of my pets right now thoe

April 19th, 2006, 02:36 PM
Wow Sharifu, Miss Kitty sure is pretty. Really, she should become a cat-model :D
And those puppies are just cute! Are you sure they aren't Labs? I would have bet they are...:confused:
So, here are "a few" new pics of my cuties, couldn't resist posting them all :jejeje::
^Laylah, the day before yesterday, I think, during a walk=D
^That was today, in my garden. I know the pic's a little bright...but that makes her look like an angel ;)

^Now that was my old dog, Elaine.
She died at the age of six months, (accidently) poisoned. :tears:
She was so cute and adorable, she just didn't deserve to die...I miss her so much :( That pic was taken just a few days before she died

April 19th, 2006, 02:38 PM
And now I've got something special for you, I just found those in an old folder...
baby pics of my sweeties!Yay! -_-

^That was Isis, god she looks like an bat with those ears :emo:
^Nephtys, much brighter than she is today...

^ My little bat on my CD player, 10 weeks old:cheese:

-Nephy-baby...I want her to be like that again :(

^Isis & Nephtys, the cuddly egyptian godesses together:-)
^And that's how they look today (My goodness, look how much darker Nephtys has become!)

April 19th, 2006, 02:40 PM
They are not my pets, but since this is an animal thread ... *lol*

Last Monday we had a market over here, and with animal competitions, and right in front of our door, every year, there are little pony's, hehe

And these 2 were hugging *lol*

April 19th, 2006, 04:46 PM
Ooh I remember your cats Nathalie! Dij showed me.. I was all like *AWW* :D

Specially where your black cat is laying on that sock ;)

April 19th, 2006, 04:57 PM
Those pictures are here somewhere, haha.

He told me he'd use 1 of my cat on his phone, haha

April 19th, 2006, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha: Sweet...You mean I get to sleep inside now....:D

A girl!?!?!?...Oi!!.........Woot!, I got a lion King quote right......:D

This is a tad bit off topic, but you didn't get that quote right. They never said "A girl", they just said, "Girl?!" :D :evilgrin: :haha: :p

Neola, your cats are so cute!

I don't have any pics of my pets right now, but hopefully I'll get them soon. I have 8 pets weeeeeeeeeeeee. :cheese:

April 20th, 2006, 01:56 PM
Thanks Adrenaline:D
Hopefully we'll get to see some of your pets soon, I love pets!=D

So these were taken today:

^I couldn't believe it when I say Isis and Laylah on my couch...together! :wow: So I immediately took my camera to proove it. That situation lasted for about two more seconds :lol:
^in my garden...barking at me...

^I had to show that one...so that you believe me it's really my dog :lol:

April 20th, 2006, 09:16 PM
You are sooo lucky Neola! You have a dalmatian! Dalmatians pwn! Aww, she looks like a sweetie! And I love that picture of your dog and cat together on the couch! My goodness, you have adorable pets!

April 20th, 2006, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Adrenaline
You are sooo lucky Neola! You have a dalmatian! Dalmatians pwn! Aww, she looks like a sweetie! And I love that picture of your dog and cat together on the couch! My goodness, you have adorable pets!
Thank you, I really love my pets:D
And yeah, dalmatians rock! She's not always a sweetie though...
So, what kinda pets do you have?

April 20th, 2006, 10:41 PM
Really? Huh. Looks must be decieving because she sure looks like a sweetie. :p

I have:
*6 cats
*1 dog (golden lab)
*1 hamster

I wanted a ferret but nooooo. :( :lol:

April 20th, 2006, 10:54 PM
Hey, whaddhya mean "You are so lucky, Neola" ?
You have a lab there, woman!
and six cats...and a hamster!:D

April 21st, 2006, 03:53 AM
You're lucky because you have a dalmatian! :p And adorable cats!

Soon I shall steal the digital camera from my brothers and hopefully take pictures! XD

April 21st, 2006, 06:53 PM
Yes, steal it!:D
Anyway, I just noticed that I've totally forgotten my other cat, Sangha...here he is:

The photos were both taken in my bathtub

May 5th, 2006, 04:08 PM
Here is a picture of my family's cockatoo.


May 5th, 2006, 06:17 PM
Oh my gosh! I'm not the only one with a cockatoo!!! Cuuuuute! ^^

May 9th, 2006, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Neola
Hey, whaddhya mean "You are so lucky, Neola" ?
You have a lab there, woman!
and six cats...and a hamster!:D
I don't have a hamster anymore. She passed away last week. :( :tears:

May 9th, 2006, 02:18 PM
Adorable pets everyone! My cat just had kittens not to long ago and i'm trying to upload some picks of them.....

Adrenaline, awww sorry to hear about that :(

May 9th, 2006, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Adrenaline
I don't have a hamster anymore. She passed away last week. :( :tears:
I'm sorry for that, Adrenaline :(
How old was she? Hamsters don't live that long, I used to have one too.

May 10th, 2006, 07:47 PM
We adopted two kittens from an animal shelter a few weeks ago. They're Abyssinian mixes. We named them Jazz-purr and Kazz-purr:



Both together

EDIT: These pictures were from the animal shelter's website. I'll get new piccies eventually =).

May 10th, 2006, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Neola
I'm sorry for that, Adrenaline :(
How old was she? Hamsters don't live that long, I used to have one too.
She was 2. You're right, they don't live long. Thanks for caring. *hugs*

Ghalati, lucky, you have adorable pets!

May 11th, 2006, 03:39 PM
Well, hamsters dying at the age of 2 is no rarity...*hugs*

And those are two cute cats, Ghalati =D
Abyssinian is one of my fave breeds. :P

May 13th, 2006, 01:06 PM
Ok, and now some pics of our kitty cat, Sparx. She was subject to the blinding flash many times, the poor thing :p Though she didn't move because she was curled up in front of the fire, hehe. Made for easy photography, hehe.

Just a nice little shot.

:gasp:Scary eyes!!!!!

She's so cute.

EDIT: Those abyssian cross cats are gorgeous Aziri, I wouldn't mind an abyssian myself, though I prefer Somali's which are basically a long haired version of them.

May 13th, 2006, 01:38 PM
^I can't see any pics...:confused:

EDIT: Oh, now I see them...weird...
Anyway, that's such a cute cat...I love balck cats! :cheese:

And yeah, Somalis and Abessyinan are beautiful breeds. I myself can't decide which one I'd prefer, but well, I don't have to cause I have Siamese cats :p

May 20th, 2006, 09:01 PM

2 weeks old... yup it's one of four... they're going to be extremely tamed once it comes time to give them away... (we've been holding them since little less than one week old) ... [note: it is extremely recomended never to do that... {kitty will lose scent and mother may kill it...} we've raised cats before...]

May 20th, 2006, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Lion~lover

Adrenaline, awww sorry to hear about that :(
*hugs* Thanks for being there.

Oh my goodness. A-non-a-mus, that kitten is sooooo adorable!!

May 21st, 2006, 12:27 PM
Awww... cute kitten. I remember when my friend's cat had kittens last year, I wanted to steal them all, they were simply adorable.

May 23rd, 2006, 11:39 AM
Cute pets guys!!

Here's some picture of my dog Daisy.

She's an english springer spaniel.



Look its the easter bunny!!! xD

June 7th, 2006, 07:36 AM
Awww, such a nice dog you've got there Safila.

Here's a pic I took of my cat, I know I just posted pics of her... but I just couldn't resist :cheese: In this one she really does have scary eyes, hehe.


June 7th, 2006, 09:37 AM
Wow, her eyes look scary O_o
But she's really a cute cat...what's her name? :D

June 7th, 2006, 10:29 AM
Her name's Sparx :D She's... 9 I think, hehe.

June 7th, 2006, 11:02 AM
Wow, 9 years? I would have guessed less than one since she's so small (for a cat) O_o
And Sparx is a very cute name ^_^

June 9th, 2006, 02:35 PM
Nephtys sleeping...taken today
And that's Laylah with her head on my desk, that's what she always does because she isn't allowed to put her paws on tables...and she knows it :lol:

June 9th, 2006, 03:21 PM
Awww... you have the most gorgeous Dalmation, and your cat looks so happy sleeping there, hehe.

June 9th, 2006, 03:43 PM
Hehe thanks, she really is a cutie:cheese:

Here's another one...Laylah running around in my garden like crazy :lol:

EDIT: How could I forget Isis? :Ohno:
Taken outside...she was sitting at the window..yes the window's dirty ^^

June 23rd, 2006, 12:33 PM
I went outside today with my cam (to take a pic of my Brazil flag...posted in the World Cup thread btw) and guess what...I met my dog! :wow:

June 30th, 2006, 06:22 PM
Oh! Cool dalmation, Neola!

Here is one of my dog, Peanut!

http://x2.putfile.com/6/17215232893-thumb.jpg (http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=6/17215232893.jpg&s=x2)

And one of my rabbit, Pipkin! :slimey:

http://x2.putfile.com/6/17119333228-thumb.jpg (http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=6/17119333228.jpg&s=x2)

June 30th, 2006, 06:54 PM
I think I've posted some pictures of my babies in here before. I know I haven't posted any of this one though. :D This is Darwin and he's my bestest best friend. :D

June 30th, 2006, 09:17 PM
Aww! A rat! :irule: I like rats!

*pats Darwin*

July 2nd, 2006, 10:03 AM
Awww... if Darwin didn't have evil red eyes he would be so cute :p hehe. He is cute though.

And Frodo... I don't see any pictures... :(

July 3rd, 2006, 06:08 PM
Hmmm... Maybe Putfile was down at the moment?

Iffen you don't like "evil" red eyes, then, you might not like my rabbit! lol... But he doesn't look evil. But neither did Darwin!

July 3rd, 2006, 07:16 PM
Awwww he's not evil. :( He does have a high beady eye factor though. :lol: But I loves him. :D

July 3rd, 2006, 08:05 PM
Huh, I don't think I've posted pictures of my "new" cat here.


His name is Peter. My mom named him, haha. He loves that teddy bear too much to be healthy.

Yeah.. we kinda came across him in a weird way.. we live in apartments and stuff, so he came to my friend's window, and we went outside to try to get to give him so food. After like half an hour we finally got him, I fed him and was going to let him go (he was wearing a collar), but he wouldn't stop following me. XD; So my mom let him in the house for the night. I let him go the next morning, and left some food out for him. So a couple weeks later, we found him again.. and there was clearly something wrong with him. So we checked, and his collar was on WAY too tight, and it had rubbed all the fur away on his neck from him scratching and trying to get it off. So we took the collar off, and it was kind of like.. stuck to his skin a little. :/ And his neck was all cut up. My mom cleaned it and bandaged it up, and said he could stay with us until it healed, but.. she ended up getting attatched, and no one ever came looking for him (we checked), so we just kept him. XP

And yeah, his neck is completely healed now, the fur's grown back, all he has is a little tiny scar.


July 5th, 2006, 01:32 PM
Awww... Peter's so cute :)

I took a picture of my rabbit Hazel-rah yesterday, so now for you all to see...

Lt. Trevor
July 5th, 2006, 03:02 PM
I'll try to hunt down a picture of my dog Chester, my first pet who has already gone to the great beyond.

Oh, cute cat picture Neola! Yes I'm an animal lover. People think that I should be a vegetarian because I support the ASPCA and stuff like that, but I say "I fight for their rights, not for the US to become vegetarians."

July 5th, 2006, 09:58 PM
Azerane, that's such a cute rabbit! Hoorah for Watership Down names! (originally I was thinking of naming Pipkin Hazel-rah!)

July 9th, 2006, 06:55 AM
Me with my mom's new puppy, Bella.

STM holding Bella.

Bella wrapped up in a towel after having a bath. She's such a little cutie.

July 20th, 2006, 10:52 AM
I like to accuse my animals of being lazy freeloaders who need to get jobs...:D

He's been dead for over a year:

EDIT: Azerane, Your Rabbit looks like my Dog...=D

September 1st, 2006, 12:35 PM
Such a gorgeous puppy Sharifu. Love the coloured ears and scraggly fur :p

Hehe, and your dog looks like my rabbit! :p He also looks like a dog we used to have on the farm, he was called Prince and I believe he was a short-haired border collie. He looked much like your doggy. What was his name by the way?

And I took some nice pictures of my rabbit today, it was a beautiful day and decided to let him roam on the grass a bit, I don't get to let him run out often enough.
He's so cute!!! ^^

And another...

EDIT: And yeah, watership down names are cool... Though I probably should've called him Blackberry :p Would've suited him better, hehe

EDIT2: Photobucket shrank them!!!!:gasp: fixing now... ...or not, it won't fix :p But I guess they're still a good size to see him... if you wanna see a bigger pic just ask, hehe

September 24th, 2006, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Azerane
Such a gorgeous puppy Sharifu. Love the coloured ears and scraggly fur :p

Thank you! I like her scraggly fur too. :p Hehe.

And your bunny is cute, I like the second photo of him the best. :)

Here?s some photos of other Lea?s members pets. ;) I thought I?d post these pictures since they're on my camera.

Last June, STM and I went to Southern California to visit Fuzzy, and we got to meet his tiny kitten!

Here?s STM playing with the kitten.

And here?s me holding the kitten.

Fuzzy didn?t know the gender of the kitten yet, because it was so young. He told us its name was Annoying. :lol: (But I seriously don?t think he even named it at all, and that that was a joke.) ;) He doesn?t have the kitten anymore though. Soon after STM and I left, he had to move to New Jersey, so his room mate took the kitten.

And here?s a picture of STM?s dogs:

Venla is the dog on the left, and Harlequin is the dog on the right.

September 24th, 2006, 02:48 PM
(Sorry I had to double post, too many images)

And here?s a picture of my pet? While I was in Finland, STM bought me a cockatoo plushie. So when I got home, I showed my bird Honey that plushie, and I took a picture:



September 24th, 2006, 03:26 PM
I got my nymph parakeet, it's still too young (20 weeks) to let you know if it's a male or female, tho we still say HE ... He doesn't have a name yet <.<


September 24th, 2006, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Sharifu



Lol... I guess I should get own for honey.. she seems to like it ;)

September 25th, 2006, 12:49 AM
Aww... Such a cute parakeet Ciara! I love birds sooooo much! ^^

September 25th, 2006, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Ciara
I got my nymph parakeet, it's still too young (20 weeks) to let you know if it's a male or female, tho we still say HE ... He doesn't have a name yet <.<


Aww cute cockatiel... :) ...though one thing, The variety that your cockatiel is... from memory I -think- it's called lutino... I've read that the gender can't be visually determined. I believe that's because the cheek patches on the male are more yellow and defined with brighter orange spots, but because the bird is already yellow.. you can't tell...

Sharifu, that pic of your bird with the sulphur crested cockatoo plushie is cute! ^^

September 25th, 2006, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
Sharifu, that pic of your bird with the sulphur crested cockatoo plushie is cute! ^^

Aww thank you! I wish I could of gotten a moluccan cockatoo plushie though. I did find out that that company that made that plushie, makes plushies of moluccans too. (Since Honey is a moluccan cockatoo)

But they only had the sulphur crested cockatoo at that store when STM bought it. But it's ok, I like a lot of cockatoos hehe. I thought that plushie was the cutest thing when STM gave it to me. You should of heard me when I saw it... "Awwwwwwwww!" :p What a nice surprise. :love:

September 25th, 2006, 02:06 AM
omg! so cute everyone!!!! :wow:

September 25th, 2006, 02:23 AM
Ooo never noticed this thread 'till about now.


Me and Wolfgang, my sisters cat, about six years ago. His nick name is now Chunkertots...cuz he's about about 9 kg.s o.0


My late dog Angel, part Samoyed and Beagle.


My sister holing ((from bottom up)) Wolfgang, Poopy, Cinnamon. Cinnamon died one year later ((2003)) from kidney stones.Poppy is all that remains, Wolfgang's moved out with my sister.


And my current living animal, Poppy. She looks like satan's cat..and behaves like such.

September 25th, 2006, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
Aww cute cockatiel... :) ...though one thing, The variety that your cockatiel is... from memory I -think- it's called lutino... I've read that the gender can't be visually determined. I believe that's because the cheek patches on the male are more yellow and defined with brighter orange spots, but because the bird is already yellow.. you can't tell...

Yea they talked about colors when I bought it, but it was still not correct, 'cause humans are mixing so much nowadays that it's not possible any more to follow the nature colors for female or males.

October 22nd, 2006, 09:30 PM
Here's a picture my bird, on her new cage! ^^


I'm so glad I got that cage for her. It's great.

October 24th, 2006, 01:55 AM
Aww, that's a nice cage :) And Honey is such a nice bird as well :)

October 30th, 2006, 12:08 PM
My cat, taken just now.
Trying to sniffle at my camera.

December 4th, 2006, 10:00 PM
Poppy I (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/aroundthehousedecember001.jpg)
Poppy II (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/aroundthehousedecember007.jpg)
Poppy III (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/aroundthehousedecember008.jpg)

She is 7 years old, but it's not for certain. She was a stray and I automatically made her Birthday on July 4th.
When we found her she was crawling on her bel;ly on the highway, on the lines between the cars. She has some eye disorder, she's had it since we got her. She can see though, enought to get around. Her full name is Poppy Honkhorn StapleTooth Midget BeanToe Zacharko. She's my little squeedle lol, don't ask where that came from. [[It might keep you up at night.]]

Brego (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/aroundthehousedecember005.jpg)

My blackmoor fish, Brego. He's 2 years old and lives alone. I hope to get him some buddies and better housing soon.

December 4th, 2006, 10:59 PM
New pic of my birdy on his perch! ^^ Not really a new taken pic, it's months old, but it's new for you guys x)


(the flower under is kinda destroyed cuz he liked to chew on the leaf thing Oo)

December 4th, 2006, 11:08 PM
Wow....that's so cool Ciara. You have this grand luxury hotel for them!


December 4th, 2006, 11:12 PM
yup, he likes to fly in the livingroom and kitchen :D

Here he's pickin out my nosepin (a hobby) (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PB120079.jpg)
Here he's sleeping in front of the TV (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PB040019.jpg)
Here he's eatin on the kitchen desk (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290069.jpg)
He also like when you pet him on the head, around the neck and on the beak (his spine is sooooo tiny :O and the beak is like half cut down under the feathers!) (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/pp.jpg)

Must agree he succeeded great to look rather weird here :lol: (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PB070068.jpg)

December 5th, 2006, 12:43 AM
Hey how do you put a pic here that is saved in your files? XD I want to post my doggie up.

December 5th, 2006, 02:16 AM
you need to host the photo someplace in the web, such in photobucket.

Here we can post other people pets? (right now i don?t have any :( )
Here is the dogs of one friend of mine:
http://files.thpe.net/Thiago/IMG_1171.jpg His name is Zeus, I think he likes me because when im at this friend house i like to scratch him and play with him. When im scratiching him, and i stop and go away he folows me and keeps raising his paw (like if he was asking "keep scratching, it was so good)

http://files.thpe.net/Thiago/IMG_1179.jpg His name was hector (strange name for a dog but....) he is a very beautiful looking dog, but he was not lovely same as Zeus, he didnot enjoyed being scratched and also when i was playing with zeus he often came to disturb our play. He died by a violent alergical reaction withone bug that sucks blood from dogs (i don?t know the name in english)

December 5th, 2006, 03:44 AM
Ciara, are the birds very messy to put up with? I want one so bad after seeing your photos. They look like great pets. Can yours speak at all?


Hey Kimby, in order to get a file from your computer to the web you need a hosting site. I use www.photobucket.com - you will have to register // sign up. If you want to use a cheapy site without signing up, go to www.tinypic.com . There are many other sites, just ask around. If you uyse photobucket, it will store your photos and archive them like a scrapbook. If you use tinypic, it will not store them but only host them as long as you remeber their link. If you need any more help, just message me.


What breed of dog is Hector there? He looks so sweet. Is Zeus behind a child fence or is he outside? I couldn't tell lol. You have two awesome doggies.

December 5th, 2006, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Utora
Ciara, are the birds very messy to put up with? I want one so bad after seeing your photos. They look like great pets. Can yours speak at all?

Well I only have one bird, which is sad, cuz it gets lonely for him with no one to talk to but ... If you want a birdy (this is a nymphparakeet and they can be 30 cm, I think they're smaller than regular ones :thinks:), well then you can always buy one, they're great as company. But keep in mind they will be 25 years old, can bite VERY hard (I have two scars on my finger) and can be very chatty. My birdy (or let's say Charlie cuz that's what I say sometimes xD) either talks when I'm talking with him, playing music (he likes to sing with it xD) when it's quiet, and when it's not quiet, cuz he prolly likes to join in then (when it's lots of peeps talkin with each other, or if the TV is on :O ). So most of the time they're talking all the time, or mine at least, and then he's not talking with words yet (he's like 9 months or so but can copy sounds if you whistle melodys or stuff) but with squeakings and screamy noises that can be very loud and longtaken ... :eww: You can stand it sometimes tho :D When they're older they can talk if you teach them a lot (my bro teached him to say RP ...). If you have two birds it's funnier for the birds, but then they talk with each other you know, maybe more then than this ... I'd like to have one more ^^.

For cage, he has a cage, but I think it's better to let them be free so they can fly (just cover windows and mirrors, and remember it'll be small feathers everywhere >.<). My couldn't fly in the beginning, kept fly in to the wall and miss the landing places, started to bleed on the beak, but he can fly very good now and place the feet right while landing on small small things. They need lots of toys too, like bells and mirrors, but then it's risk they will start talk with themselfes, and he can be pissed at some things sometimes and attacks them xD Else they're like regular pets, need food and water and a clean up (you can either get a bath for the bird or put it in the sink or similar now and then, especially when they're bigger). And they need company and such a lot too ... If you're moving a lot, remember you have to take lots of things with you, and two cages, I have a traveling cage (hamster one else) when I'm moving, cuz my job requires a lot of moving to new citys where I live for a while and so ... Just so you know, it can be annoying to bring everything with you all the time ...

Noticed I had two of the same photo last :gasp: Here's the real one when he's petted:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/pp.jpg :D

Here he's on the bookcase on his first try to fly (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290060.jpg)
Here he's on the blindes or whatever they were called (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290055.jpg)
Here you cannot find him! Or can you? :thinks::lol: (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290063.jpg)
Here he's watchin TV (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290017.jpg) :D
Here he's on my finger (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA310131.jpg)
Here I went to buy him ^^ (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/P8170279.jpg)
This on is nice ^^ (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/P9010464.jpg)
And this one too xD (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/BirdyBath.jpg)
Here he's sleeping :zzz: (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PB190102.jpg)

December 5th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Utora
What breed of dog is Hector there? He looks so sweet. Is Zeus behind a child fence or is he outside? I couldn't tell lol. You have two awesome doggies. [/B]

Hector was an "akita" breed dog. You perceived that "detail" hehehehe I was trying to take a pic of him, but he won?t let me take because he was trying make me play with him, so he never stoped for the camera, so i had the idea of putting he back to his place (the little house where he sleeps) so he could stop for 1 minute and i take the picture. He is a very "eletrical" dog.

December 5th, 2006, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Ciara
Here you cannot find him! Or can you? :thinks::lol: (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/PA290063.jpg)

i found him :D

EDIT: Is that a bra on your sofa? :confused: :p

December 5th, 2006, 01:38 PM
uhm..you would mean that very huge white thing? :lol: No, that's a towel from the kitchen :p ... it wouldn't make sense else, I'm living with two guys. Or did, I don't live there at home anymore now xD

December 5th, 2006, 09:22 PM
Aww Ciara... I love all the pics of your cute little birdie! I think cockatiels are really cute! (But I think a lot of birds are cute hehe) You must definitely be a bird person and really love birds. (I love birds as well... I think I would always want a pet bird) :D I love that perch you have for your bird with all the toys on it. I would love to get one for my bird as well, but it would cost a lot of money, because it's for a big bird! (I have a moluccan cockatoo)

December 5th, 2006, 09:25 PM
well you can do like me and go ut and pick up a perch and so :D Just take a bigger one, I have seen your birdie and it seems to be very big :O

And thanks for liking my birdy ^^ I luv him, he's sitting with his head upsidedown against the bell now xD

December 5th, 2006, 09:30 PM
Thank for da advice. I will get to it soon ^^ I will probably us a cheap site..

December 10th, 2006, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Ciara
well you can do like me and go ut and pick up a perch and so :D Just take a bigger one, I have seen your birdie and it seems to be very big :O

And thanks for liking my birdy ^^ I luv him, he's sitting with his head upsidedown against the bell now xD

Bird perchs seem to cost a lot, well for a bird the size of mine... Here is how my big my bird is, you can tell how big she is compared to me.


Yeah my hair is messy... I just came home from work. :p

December 10th, 2006, 10:04 PM
yep, she's huge :O in that case it can be expensive, of course ...

January 17th, 2007, 10:42 AM
I took a lot of pictures of my pets when I was in Oregon during Christmas.

Here's a picture of Honey eating a candy cane.

And now she's eating Jello.

Here's some pictures of Bella and Miss Kitty. Bella's fur has grown longer as you can see from the pictures I posted of her from last summer compaired to these new pictures.


And here's a picture of them all in one photo, hehe.

January 17th, 2007, 11:11 AM
Howdy-hey, Sharifu! :cheese:

Great pictures. :-) Me thinks Honey is concocting a Jell-O Shooter! :D

January 19th, 2007, 07:06 PM
i have a recent pic of my birdy too :D (called Mr. Noise or Tommy Oo)


he landed on my head for a while when i talked with my bro :lol:

January 20th, 2007, 03:14 AM
You have such beautiful pets Sharifu, Honey is really cute eating that candy cane, pat's cockatiel, Petey, loves candy cane as well. Honey looks like such a sweet bird though I know if I ever met her I'd still be scared of that beak, hehe.

Such a cute cockatiel Ciara, they're such nice little birds, so happy and friendly. :)

January 20th, 2007, 07:13 PM
This is my birdy with his new hobby :lol: either attack the buttons or just walk on them to write something (yes its annoying when you're on MSN and he decides to send half finished written messages), or hunt to try catch my fingers when im writing XD

He also is about to learn how to use the mouse, but i think that will take a little longer :D

Then he might come and join us here on the forum XD He really likes to browse around here with my help and the blue colors ... :idiot:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/Picture25.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/Lea%20Stoof/Picture29.jpg

January 22nd, 2007, 08:29 PM
well i just tried to get a picture with my cat but she nearly killed me lol a will post one soon though :D

April 25th, 2007, 03:34 AM
:lol: Kiara, that's so cute with your bird, my bird would do the same thing. Birds are so curious about everything. :p

Here's Bella with short fur! :p


It was funny when my mom cut her fur, because then she was sad because she liked her long fur. :lol: But it will grow back. Either way I think she's cute. ^^

April 25th, 2007, 12:44 PM
My dogs playing...:)
Sorry it's so big....^^;

May 25th, 2007, 02:07 AM
Here's an old pic I found of me and my kitty... Sorry for the low quality. It's old and it's scanned. I could of been any age from 13 to 17 in that picture... (Yeah, at 13 I pretty much looked that old) :uhno:


But yeah I wanted to post it, because unfortunately I don't have many photos of my sweet kitty Buddy.

May 26th, 2007, 11:15 AM
That's such a cute photo Sharifu! Your cat looks adorable there, and you do too =P

I don't have any recent photo's of my dog really, but I should make some sooner or later, since she's got a really long fur right now.

May 29th, 2007, 06:00 AM
Wow, this thread has come a long way since I last visited. o.o Here is my pets now. =)

This here is my Dog Chewy. She is alaskan malamute mix.

My Cats (only 1 is actually mine, the rest are family cats)
Dusty - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM3498.JPG
Ruben - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM1264.JPG
Squirt - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM2283.JPG
Dinky - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM2327.JPG

My Female Beta - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM3470.JPG

The boy rats. From left to right: Simon, Rex, Aiden, Remy

The girl rats:
Molly right & mika left - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM3442~0.JPG
And Katie - http://www.cyberpawz.com/Coppermine/albums/userpics/10093/normal_HPIM3433~0.JPG

Sorry for all the links, but I promise all the pictures are small. I was afraid I would kill the page if I posted them all as images. XP

June 8th, 2007, 07:47 PM
You've got rats! That's awesome.:D I asked my dad for one but he was like, "Umno." :bleen:

Yesterday my mom let me get a Green Anole from Pets Mart. He only cost 7.99 USD, but the rest of his circus paraphernalia was 44.99 USD.

His name is SS-Obergruppenf?hrer Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich.


Reinhard Hiding (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/Reinhard2.png)

I forget what that red thing on their neck is called. I took a video of me petting him. You'll notice that trash on the floor - seconds before he'd lunged from his cage, to my trash and stuffed himself in my Taco Bell wrapper.

His dewlap? (http://s91.photobucket.com/albums/k306/Utora/?action=view&current=PICT0001.flv)

And my cat Poppy, sun bathing in the loft.

June 9th, 2007, 06:41 PM

Oh wow, how cool! I love Anoles =D I want to get one someday, but right now I have too many pets as it is. XP Maybe in a few years =P

June 11th, 2007, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
That's such a cute photo Sharifu! Your cat looks adorable there, and you do too =P

Aww thank you. :)

Here's a picture of Miss Kitty and her boyfriend. :p


September 13th, 2007, 06:51 PM
Hello thread, you've waiting 4 90 days huh?

September 27th, 2007, 11:14 AM
For 2 weeks now, we have a little kitty at my boyfriends house ^^



We also had a cat for a day (lol, sounds funny).
Little mix up...
A friend of my b/f got him a cat also, but my b/f totally forgot to cancel that when we got the ginger one.
So we had this one for a day, and luckely a friend of mine wanted to take him.

For some reason, it just went to sit on his back, and lay down eventually, lol.

And this is my evil kitty at my place ^^

September 27th, 2007, 11:47 AM
kittehs :D <3

this weekend, my friends kitteh was hidden in the bookcase XD Can you see her? (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a109/KiaraZ/LEA%20HALALELA/Teh%203%20Smart%20Stooges/Bookcase.jpg) x]