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June 27th, 2005, 05:23 PM
"Why should I..." Shakou answered Titus panthing, "you can die..." the black lion added and once more dived on the other lion, this time he got a firm grip on the lions neck, and with a swift jolt. You could hear a small crack, and Shakou dropped the now dead lion to the ground. "I told you I would send you to hell.." Shakou said looking down at the dead lion body....

June 27th, 2005, 05:25 PM
Sengalo couldn't believe how murderous Shakou was. "What is he..." he said, perplexed to himself. Sengalo now knew something new about this lion, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to know it or not.

June 27th, 2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
"Why should I..." Shakou answered Titus panthing, "you can die..." the black lion added and once more dived on the other lion, this time he got a firm grip on the lions neck, and with a swift jolt. You could hear a small crack, and Shakou dropped the now dead lion to the ground. "I told you I would send you to hell.." Shakou said looking down at the dead lion body....

EDIT:OKay I'm confused who did Shakou just kill.

June 27th, 2005, 05:31 PM
((The Lion who made you unconisous, no one was RPing him and since he was just standing there well...)):evilgrin:

June 27th, 2005, 05:31 PM
((I think it's the lion that attacked Karifu. Beaten to it!XP))

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 05:32 PM
yeah yeah i named him Darkness

June 27th, 2005, 05:33 PM
{Thanks for telling me you two}

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 05:34 PM
back to the story :bleen:
karifu:you ok kid *to scout*

June 27th, 2005, 05:35 PM
Titus looked behind him to make sure that Scout was ok

June 27th, 2005, 05:38 PM
A few moments later. You hear Scout mumbling to himself he's still out cold but you hear him. Suddenly he opens his eyes. He rubs his head he forgot all about what happened thanks to hitting the rock so hard.

ALl he knew was his head hurt really bad. He rubbed his head again.

Scout: WHA? What Happened? He tries to lift his head but he was in so much pain he finally just put his head back down.

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 05:39 PM
karifu:you got attacked

June 27th, 2005, 05:40 PM
"he's hurt very badly we got to take him home, do you where Scout lives?"

June 27th, 2005, 05:43 PM
Shakou looked over at the now awake Scout. "I saved the cub's life..." Shakou said to himself, "Not again..." the black lion murmured with a sigh. "Why did I have to interfere.... I knew the lion didn't have a change.." Shakou said to himself with groan before looking back at Scout before his gaze travelled over to Sengalo, who seemd frighten about him, the black lion's eyes narrowed...

June 27th, 2005, 05:47 PM
Due to his head trauma Scout was starting to fade fast. If they were going to save him they had to do something quick.

June 27th, 2005, 05:50 PM
Sengalo almost jumped when Shakou looked over at him. He regained his composure and looked at the ground, then back up, averting his gaze somewhere else. He saw how badly injured Scout had becomed. Strangely, he didn't feel much sympathy.

June 27th, 2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Katse
Sengalo almost jumped when Shakou looked over at him. He regained his composure and looked at the ground, then back up, averting his gaze somewhere else. He saw how badly injured Scout had becomed. Strangely, he didn't feel much sympathy.

Shakou could see the strangely unaffected look in Sengalo's face and a smirk appeard on his face. "It was his own fault... hadn't he been soo reckless then this hadn't happen to him" Shakou said as he came up by Sengalo's side, looking at the fadeing Scout with a stern face...

((That is not soo strange for me Katse ;) ))

June 27th, 2005, 05:59 PM
((Sengalo is just twisted like that. You know what? I just saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday again. Do you see anything familiar in that movie having to do with the both of them. Sengalo and Shakou, I mean.))

Sengalo simply nodded as he heard Shakou. He thought exactly the same thing.

June 27th, 2005, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((Sengalo is just twisted like that. You know what? I just saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday again. Do you see anything familiar in that movie having to do with the both of them. Sengalo and Shakou, I mean.))

Sengalo simply nodded as he heard Shakou. He thought exactly the same thing.

((Well I haven't seen the movie yet, but I know the characters, well yeah you have right there is something that is familiar, Sengalo and Shakou remind me of Anakin and Palpatine weird..Oo(if that was what you where think off:p) ))

Shakou turned to Sengalo, "As long as you don't let your confidence and courage take over.. things like this will never happen to you.." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo...

June 27th, 2005, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
(( Sengalo and Shakou remind me of Anakin and Palpatine weird..Oo(if that was what you where think off:P) ))

((My point, exactly. It sort of creeped me out.O.o))

Sengalo looked up at Shakou, nodding as he understood. He turned back to the situation of the cub, curious if, by some miracle, Scout would live, though he found it highly unlikely.

June 27th, 2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((My point, exactly. It sort of creeped me out.O.o))

Sengalo looked up at Shakou, nodding as he understood. He turned back to the situation of the cub, curious if, by some miracle, Scout would live, though he found it highly unlikely.

((yeah *shudders* but when I come to think off it, this can get fun:evilgrin: ))

"If that cub survive, then I would say he has been extremely lucky.." Shakou said and sat down, "..but then again, if he dosen't make it even I would think he passed too soon but I won't feel pity.." the black lion added as he surveyed the situvation, "Remeber this: Disgretion is the better part off valor.." Shakou said looking at Sengalo with a strait face...

June 27th, 2005, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((Sengalo is just twisted like that. You know what? I just saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday again. Do you see anything familiar in that movie having to do with the both of them. Sengalo and Shakou, I mean.))

Sengalo simply nodded as he heard Shakou. He thought exactly the same thing.

As a Mariacle Scout opens his eyes and stats talking to the 2 lions who seemed to be happy about it.

Scout: I tried. I really did.If taking my own life means that Karifu doesn't have to lose her's then I'm satisfied. I did what I did for a friend now it may have been the wrong thing to do but right now I could care less. Right now I feel if I have to die right now in this very spot that's okay. Why? Because one of my friends gets to live that's why. Because I tried everything that I could do in order to make sure Karifu was safe. That even though I was small I was brave enough to help stop him. I couldn't save my parents from those hyenas so it's only neccessary to risk my life for a friend. Since my parents risked their life for me.

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:21 PM
karifu:and i thank you greatly scout :hugs:is there anything i can do,i have an idea

June 27th, 2005, 06:26 PM
"Titus sits right next to Scout and a lion that he doesn't know" oh i think we haven't met the names Titus " refering to Karifu "is there's anything i could do for ya as well Scout?"

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:27 PM
"my name is Karifu"

June 27th, 2005, 06:32 PM
" That's a nice name, i heard it from somewhere"

June 27th, 2005, 06:33 PM
Scout's head starts to feel a little better. He was almost 85 percent cure.

He tried to get up but since everything was spinning around in circles when he tried he just fell back down again.

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:33 PM
"you ok kid"*to scout *?

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Titus
" That's a nice name, i heard it from somewhere"
"thanks,where did you here it from before?"

June 27th, 2005, 06:34 PM
"I heard it from my father he told my brother about the same age as i'm now, that there was a cub not far from where the pride a was with and the the outlanders came and killed my pride and family I watched my brother slaughtered my father" Titus closes his eyes and one tear fell from his face.

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Titus
"I think it's best if we take him somewhere to relax, what's the best place to relax?"
"the water hole"?

June 27th, 2005, 06:38 PM
Scout looked up at Shakou after he found out all that happened.

Scout: I know it might not mean a lot coming from me. And maybe u hate me I don't know. But whoever you are Thank You for killing that lion that was attacking my friend.

June 27th, 2005, 06:39 PM
"that won't be a bad idea" Titus puts Scout on his back incase if walks he may clapse again "alright let's go"Titus heads for the water hole.

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:40 PM
karifu:yeah lets just go to the water hole!

yay over 600 posts

June 27th, 2005, 06:41 PM
Shakou raised a brow at the cub, "Well that was nothing, but try and stay out of trouble for now on kid.." Shakou said with a strait face, ".. cuz next time I might not be the one saveing your life.." the black lion added as a smirk appeard on his face he then turned back to Sengalo...

June 27th, 2005, 06:43 PM
"Shakou, thanks i kind of mis judge u, and i'm sorry"

June 27th, 2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
Shakou raised a brow at the cub, "Well that was nothing, but try and stay out of trouble for now on kid.." Shakou said with a strait face, ".. cuz next time I might not be the one saveing your life.." the black lion added as a smirk appeard on his face he then turned back to Sengalo...

Scout: Don't worry I will. I may never even leave home after all this is through.

He let's out a weak chuckle as he lies down and rests on Titus's back.

June 27th, 2005, 06:46 PM
Sengalo didn't speak. He had nothing to say. He simply sat in his spot, watching the group head towards the water hole.

June 27th, 2005, 06:46 PM
"So.....where do you guys live?"

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 06:48 PM
"i don't live anywhere i may leave soon though"

June 27th, 2005, 06:49 PM
Scout: Well I live up there on Pride Rock. I used to be alone up there but then this cub over here Kopa offered if I wanted to stay with them and I said yes.

June 27th, 2005, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Titus
"Shakou, thanks i kind of mis judge u, and i'm sorry"

Shakou gave off a cheeky smile, "Well apology accepted.." the black lion answered with a smile as he watched the mob leave, "That Titus better watch his back.." Shakou said low as he passed Sengalo and sat down not far from him. "Ignorant fools.. the both of them" Shakou said to himself with a slite laugh....

June 27th, 2005, 06:55 PM
"you live there, if only i could live there, you see the pridelands look exactly like where i live except the pridelands are bigger then where i live" "I also have a few lions tell me why i got so white" Titus laughs a little.

June 27th, 2005, 06:58 PM
{Shakou and Sengalo have the whole evil villian thing down pat. Not too many scare me but good job you two have succeded. *writes verbal note to self about never be stuck alone when Shakou and Sengalo are around}

Finally they arrive at the watering hole.

June 27th, 2005, 06:59 PM
Sengalo's eyes followed Shakou as he walked off in another direction. He turned back around and layed down in his spot, in deep thought. He was thinking about Shakou's strange stunt against the attacker. From Sengalo's point of view, Shakou didn't seem to be a normal lion. Sengalo glanced back at him, then down at his own paws. He unsheethed his claws, quietly scratching at the ground. 'What power he has...' Sengalo thought to himself, 'if he could total one male in nothing flat, then imagine what he could do to an entire pride. It's surreal...'

June 27th, 2005, 07:03 PM
((Thanks, Simba22. Then I just have one thing to say to you: Bruhahahahahah!......*Cough*If you think Sengalo's bad, then you probably would be more afraid of my character, Demon-->http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Katse/DemonModel.jpg! He's the evillest of all evil among my characters.))

June 27th, 2005, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((Thanks, Simba22. Then I just have one thing to say to you: Bruhahahahahah!......*Cough*If you think Sengalo's bad, then you probably would be more afraid of my character, Demon-->http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Katse/DemonModel.jpg! He's the evillest of all evil among my characters.))

[Good god!:eek: *Dies of fright*

June 27th, 2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Katse
Sengalo's eyes followed Shakou as he walked off in another direction. He turned back around and layed down in his spot, in deep thought. He was thinking about Shakou's strange stunt against the attacker. From Sengalo's point of view, Shakou didn't seem to be a normal lion. Sengalo glanced back at him, then down at his own paws. He unsheethed his claws, quietly scratching at the ground. 'What power he has...' Sengalo thought to himself, 'if he could total one male in nothing flat, then imagine what he could do to an entire pride. It's surreal...'

((Well then I advice you not to read the first story I had Shakou in if this scare you... Way tha go Katse, love that char:evilgrin: He makes me laugh :lol: ))

Shakou looked back at Sengalo who lay on the ground to the black lion the teen seemd to be thinking. "You'll soon know Sengalo... very soon all your questions will be answered.." Shakou said to himself. "Umm could you exuse me..." the black lion said looking at Sengalo before heading out into the now evening savanna....

June 27th, 2005, 07:11 PM
Titus set's Scout down off of his back set's him under a tree next to the shore of the water hole " and besides, i have traveled many days to reach this place"

Opera Ghost
June 27th, 2005, 07:14 PM
karifu:feeling any better scout?

June 27th, 2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
[Good god!:eek: *Dies of fright*

((Bruahahahaha! Demon strikes again!
Demon: *checks another off People-He-Scared-To-Death List* D***, I'm good!:jejeje:
I say the same as Avalon. If how he looks is scary, then you won't want to read my story "Two As One". Even though I haven't written it yet.>.>' It gets pretty demented in there.))

Sengalo's ears twitched as he heard Shakou. He simply shrugged to himself and went back to his thinking.((Don't hurt yourself, Sengalo.))

((Thanks, Avalon!:wicked: ))

June 27th, 2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((Bruahahahaha! Demon strikes again!
Demon: *checks another off People-He-Scared-To-Death List* D***, I'm good!:jejeje:
I say the same as Avalon. If how he looks is scary, then you won't want to read my story "Two As One". Even though I haven't written it yet.>.>' It gets pretty demented in there.))

Sengalo's ears twitched as he heard Shakou. He simply shrugged to himself and went back to his thinking.((Don't hurt yourself, Sengalo.))

((Thanks, Avalon!:wicked: ))

((No problem Katse all for a friend and I SO wanna read your story when it's finished:D and you know what story I am talking about;) :evilgrin: ))

Shakou crouched down into the evening grass following the sent of a lioness he has smelled as he stood with Sengalo. As the black lion approches, a smirk appear on his face as he can see a young lioness by a small pond of water. The lioness drinks timid unawear that she is being watch, "Well Hello there miss..." a voice suddenly say behind the lioness, and the female turn quickly startled. "He-hello.." she says stuttering to Shakou that stand before her. "I was wondering if you might be so kind and help me with some thing..." Shakou said in a timid voice, ".. well I am lost you see and I can't find out where north is.." Shakou said looking at the lioness with a humbel smile. "Well if I rember correctly it's supposed to be that way.." the lioness point out as she passes Shakou. "Well mister... sir??" the lioness turns and finds that the strange black lion is gone, she walks over to a tree, "Sir..i found north for you..", "And thank you.. for helping me..." a voice say from the leaf litter of the tree above the lioness. The female look up and can see the black lion looking down at her with a grin, her eyes get vide of fear and she slowly back away. "What are you..." the lioness say with fear, "That is none of your consern my dear... oh and here is your reward.." Shakou say and dives out of the tree with a snarl at the lioness. The female dosen't even get to scream before the black lion had his caine teeth sunk into her neck. Licking off the blood on his maw he leaves the corps of the dead lioness behind, it's eyes wide open of fear. Shakou on the other hand head back to where he had left Sengalo behind....

June 27th, 2005, 07:36 PM
"Are u feeling ok kid"Titus consered about Scout

June 27th, 2005, 07:37 PM
((You bet I know.XP I have so many stories I should be working on!))

Sengalo's thoughts led him to Scout and what he had done for Karifu. "He was stupid to take on that lion," he said to himself. Then, he began to think what might've happened if he had done the same for his mother so long ago. Would she still be alive? Would he have died instead of her? Sengalo shook the thoughts out of his head. "It makes no difference," he said to himself. He still would've been abandoned, or worse, dead.

June 27th, 2005, 08:07 PM
Comming out of the grass and back to the spot where he had left Sengalo. "Hello again..." Shakou said and streached his muscles but the unknowingly exposeing his blood drench claws. And with a yawn he showed the unormal long fangs and that his mouth where coverd in blood. "So you haven't gotten eaten while I was gone.." Shakou said in a jokeing tone looking at Sengalo smileing..

June 27th, 2005, 08:14 PM
Sengalo's ear swiveled back as he heard Shakou approach, followed by his head. He didn't laugh this time at the joke. He calmly looked down at the blood stained claws, his eyebrows raising, but he wasn't scared. "And I suppose you found something to eat," he asked emotionlessly. He noticed the strangely long fangs of the black lion. It was all the more to convince Sengalo's theory of Shakou not being an average lion.

June 27th, 2005, 08:18 PM
Shakou looked at Sengalo still with the smile, "Well yeah.. you can say soo, there is still something left.. but I left it for the bussard.." Shakou said looking back the way he had come. The savanna was slowly turning into night, "..if you are quick enough perhaps there'll be something left for you.." the black lion said with a small semi yawn, felxing his claws..

June 27th, 2005, 08:52 PM
"Nah," Sengalo replied, passing up the offer, "I'm actually not hungry anymore." He paused, looking down at his claws. "Maybe the excitement of today robbed my of my appetite..." He looked to the ground again, at his claws. "Shakou..." he finally spoke up, looking back up at the lion, "about what happened earlier...with that lion that you killed... What...How did you manage to kill him so.... quickly?" He paused. By the sound of his voice, he was both curious and uncertain. "I...I've never seen anything like it...."

June 27th, 2005, 09:00 PM
Shakou turned to Sengalo, quite surprised at the question, "Well first off... see these" Shakou said and grinned at him exposeing the fangs into full length, "but anyway.. everyone can do something like that.." Shakou added turning to the savanna before him. "The neck my dear friend.." Shakou said after a slite pause, "break the neck.. and your opponent is dead before it could gasp... it's only a frim hold and a slite turn and when you hear a slite crack like the snapp of twig you can let go.." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo, "So you where impressed... I can teach you how to do it.. and perhaps even more than that.." Shakou said and got to his feet and walked over to Sengalo sitting down next to him...

June 27th, 2005, 09:23 PM
Sengalo was amazed at how long Shakou's fangs were, now that he could see them so close. "Y...You can," Sengalo asked in awe.

June 27th, 2005, 09:49 PM
((This is beginning to remind me of something...:evilgrin: I soo wanna quote a thing!!! ))

Shakou looked down at Sengalo who was in amazement, with a calm smile. "Yeah I can teach you..." Shakou said turning birefly to the savanna befor back to Sengalo. "And if you found that amazing I have many more tricks up my sleeve.." Shakou said as he turned to the now riseing moon. "What could you have interests in learning... I'll teach you that break neck attack.. but anything ells.." Shakou asked as he turned from the moon back to Sengalo...

June 27th, 2005, 10:20 PM
Sengalo thought it over for a moment. If he let Shakou teach him, he would possibly never find himself in anything like the problems he went through ever again. He could be more than what he was. He wouldn't need to run from his troubles anymore. He made up his mind. "Everything," he simply stated as he looked calmly back up at Shakou, though there was curiousity shown in the young adolescent's eyes.

June 27th, 2005, 10:30 PM
"Well let the training begin.." Shakou said looking down at the teen. "Come follow me.." Shakou said and walked out into the savanna, "It'll be best to do it at night.." Shakou said as he walked, "but for these things I am going to teach you, you'll need pacihents(sp???)" Shakou said turning briefly to Sengalo before back to the savanna ahead off him. "Ah here we are.." Shakou said as the two lions had ended up in a shrub forest. "Are you ready too begin... this can take time.." Shakou said looking at Sengalo....

June 27th, 2005, 10:34 PM
Sengalo stood up and followed Shakou out into the night savannah. He tilted his head slightly as they arrived at the throng of bushes. He looked up at Shakou, ready for it to begin.

June 27th, 2005, 10:39 PM
Shakou looked at Sengalo before back at the forest around them. "Well do you see that twig.." Shakou said and pointed at a twig with a thickness of a wrist. "Well place your mouth on it and bite down as hard as you can, and push it forward, no matter if it get painfull don't let go..." Shakou said looking at Sengalo....

June 27th, 2005, 10:59 PM
Sengalo nodded as he saw the twig. At the task he had to do, he cocked an eyebrow for a second. He had to snap a twig? He looked back up at Shakou and understood. He nodded again and trotted over to the stick. He did as he was told and clamped the piece of wood between his jaws, biting as hard as a lion his age could and using the maneuvure Shakou explained to him. He performed it until the stick snapped, but it wasn't in two pieces. It was broken down the middle, but still attached. Sengalo lifted his head, the mangled stick still in his mouth.

June 27th, 2005, 11:11 PM
Shakou kept on watching, "That was well done, for a first timer..." Shakou and came up to Sengalo, "...at least your jaw muscels are strong there is no doubt about that.." Shakou said with a smile, "Well now you are ready to acctually advance to the more harder stuff.." Shakou said as he looked at Sengalo through the corner of his eye. Just wait here, and I'll be right back, and with that the black lion disappeard into the forest. It took him only five minutes, and he returned with an small antilope walking in fromt of him. "How I want you to do almost the same thing as you did to that twig but you'll be praticeing on this dikdik. The antilope just sat there as if it was in a trance. "Don't worry it won't feel anything if it is pity you are worried about.." Shakou said. "But before you start let me give you a tip, tilt your head slitely forward and then to the right, it makes it go faster.." Shakou said and stepped a few steps backwards from Sengalo and the small antilope...

((EDIT: Well I gotta go now.. see ya all tomorrow)):cheese:

June 27th, 2005, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Titus
"Are u feeling ok kid"Titus consered about Scout

Scout couldn't answer. Again he was having his nightmare about his parents and he's talking to his sleep about his parents.

Scout: [Talking in his sleep] No, Mom Dad NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Get away from them you stupid hyenas.

He twitches angrily in his sleep a cold shiver goes down Scout's spine.

Scout: I said leave them alone you morons.

Scout is foaming at the mouth in his sleep.

He starts digging his claws into the ground angrily.

Scout: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mom Dad. You stupid Hyenas what did they ever do to you?

June 28th, 2005, 02:53 AM
Sengalo looked down at the small dikdik in front of him. He lifted an eyebrow, suprised at how it didn't simply run off. He nodded to Shakou's advice. Then, he grabbed the small creature in his jowls, his claws clutching it. He focused all his strength into his jaws, easily peircing the skin and blood dripped from the neck onto Sengalo's maw. He gave a small growl as he did as he was told, clamping down even harder on the dikdik. Then, the neck snapped, just as Shakou had told him. Sengalo dropped the now dead animal to the ground, blood stained his muzzle. Sengalo smirked in wicked content to himself as he looked down at the mangled, fragile creature. There was something about what he had just done to it that gave him a sort of twisted pride, that he accomplished something, for once. If he felt this good about himself for killing such a tiny antelope, then just imagine how much better he would feel to take on something much bigger. With Shakou teaching Sengalo, the possibilities for the young lion seemed endless...
((Wicked I am))

June 28th, 2005, 06:29 AM
((ooc: In don't get where I am right now. Can some one help me?))

June 28th, 2005, 06:53 AM
((Umm read your last post and find out..=) ))

Shakou sat in the backround with a contended smirk on his face seeing Sengalo getting down the dikdik soo fast amazed him slitely. "Well done my young apprenticed, your a very fast learner.." Shakou said comming up by his side. "You probably wonder why the creature did just run off...??" Shakou asked passing around the now dead antilope. "Well that is one of the other tricks I have, but that will be the last I'll teach you.." Shakou said with a pause, ".. I could acctually commanded the antilope to attack you if wanted..." the black lion added with a smile. "You may eat your kill if you are hungry... no one is going to steal it except nature.." Shakou said as he sat down next to Sengalo. "Later I think I'll let you advance to the last task... this is the most difficult not just physically but also mentally considering moral..." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo, "..but you'll do fine, I'll break in if something goes amiss.." the black lion added and gave Sengalo a pat on the shoulder as he looked down at the blood coverd dikdik and the blood drenchd ground...

((Wicked you are yes...))

June 28th, 2005, 07:01 AM
((ooc: Well you see everyone has moved on or somewhere else and I don't know where I am))

June 28th, 2005, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Mizani
((ooc: Well you see everyone has moved on or somewhere else and I don't know where I am))

((One group, Titus and the rest are curretly at the waterhole, Shakou(me) and Sengalo is hanging around in a shrub forest far away...))

June 28th, 2005, 04:19 PM
At being praised by Shakou, Sengalo's grin became slightly wider. He was curious about how Shakou was able to control the dikdik. He was anxious to learn all this lion knew. Given permission to feast upon the dikdik, Sengalo crouched down and began to rip at the small antelope's flesh, consuming the meat in minutes. This was the first meal he had ever had since his crossing of the desert, so he was very satisfied when he finished, even if the meal was small in size. He stood upright when he finished, licking the fresh blood from his lips. At the thought of being Shakou's apprentice, Sengalo had mixed feelings, but was beginning to lose them. Sengalo normally wasn't the kind to take orders from anyone else. Now, however, he was more than happy to be under the teachings of this powerful lion. Sengalo hoped to make something of himself. With Shakou, perhaps he would.

June 28th, 2005, 04:31 PM
Shakou sat not far away keeping watch letting the teen feast on his kill, "He sure is powerfull... like his father before him.." Shakou said to himself with a smirk. As the lion finished his feast Shakou stood up and walked over to him. "Well your finished.. great" Shakou said as he turned. "Well come on... the last part of this training is to begin.." Shakou said and lead Sengalo out of the shrub forest and out into the still night time savanna. Shakou suddenly halted sniffing the air, "Ah.. perfect.." the lion wispered to himself before turning back to Sengalo, "Come it's this way.." Shakou said and kept on leading the teen through the moonlit savanna. "Look there..." Shakou said and let Sengalo peer out between the tall grass. Not far from where the males stood where a female lioness with a small cub happingly playing around it's mother. "Can you see them...??" Shakou asked, ".. well here ends your breaking neck training.." Shakou said turning to Sengalo. Looking at the lioness in the distance. "I want you to kill her... and the cub, you have to tackle the real thing. If you're ever to master it..." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo, before looking at the lioness still playing around with her child...

((Holy Moly I am EVIL!!!:gasp: :jejeje: :p))

June 28th, 2005, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
Shakou sat not far away keeping watch letting the teen feast on his kill, "He sure is powerfull... like his father before him.." Shakou said to himself with a smirk. As the lion finished his feast Shakou stood up and walked over to him. "Well your finished.. great" Shakou said as he turned. "Well come on... the last part of this training is to begin.." Shakou said and lead Sengalo out of the shrub forest and out into the still night time savanna. Shakou suddenly halted sniffing the air, "Ah.. perfect.." the lion wispered to himself before turning back to Sengalo, "Come it's this way.." Shakou said and kept on leading the teen through the moonlit savanna. "Look there..." Shakou said and let Sengalo peer out between the tall grass. Not far from where the males stood where a female lioness with a small cub happingly playing around it's mother. "Can you see them...??" Shakou asked, ".. well here ends your breaking neck training.." Shakou said turning to Sengalo. Looking at the lioness in the distance. "I want you to kill her... and the cub, you have to tackle the real thing. If you're ever to master it..." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo, before looking at the lioness still playing around with her child...

((Holy Moly I am EVIL!!!:gasp: :jejeje: :p))

[:eek: I hope you're not like this in non RP'S.:gasp: Just kidding!:cheese:]

June 28th, 2005, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
[:eek: I hope you're not like this in non RP'S.:gasp: Just kidding!:cheese:]

((Nah don't you worry I am not:cheese: , but with that last post I suprised even my self:gasp: :p))

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:06 PM
are we at the water hole ?

June 28th, 2005, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Shenzi hyena
are we at the water hole ?

[Scout Kopa You And the two others are at the water hole yes. But Sengalo and Shakou are far away]

June 28th, 2005, 05:11 PM
(( i know i'm there at the water hole))

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:14 PM
ok thanks guys ;)
Karifu had a drink of water than hopped up a tree and had a snooze ,she then awoke and leaped of the tree and layed down beside scout & kopa

June 28th, 2005, 05:16 PM
Sengalo looked out to see the lioness with her cub. When he was told what he had to do, he became hesitant. He looked up at Shakou, then back at the two in the distance. The different sides of Sengalo's mind began to argue with one another. 'You can't do that! They never did anything to you!'
'It has to be done. Do you want to be worth something or not?'
'You'll be doing unto to them what happened to you and your mother those many months ago! You'll become what you hate the most!'
'Those hyenas had no good reason. You do!'
'It's murder!'
'Just think of them as Sesate and her mother, Amber. You remember what she did to you! The betrayal!? They could be no different!'
Sengalo shook the arguement from his head. He already found himself stalking up to the pair, not making a noise, his peircing green eyes fixed on them. They had no idea as to what was about to happen to them. "It has to be done," he said emotionlessly to himself. Sengalo got in a good range to lunge at them both, but thought of another idea. He completely blew his cover by standing at his full height and walking into the lioness's view. "Oh, hello," she said to him, slightly suprised, "what are you doing ou---" Before she could finish, Sengalo charged at her, swinging a paw hard across her face. The cub shrieked in terror. The lioness fell to the ground, her head in a whirl. Far too dizzy to stand on her own feet again, all she could do was snarl madly up at Sengalo, who stood before her. He looked down at her, no sign of sympathy on his face. The lioness was about to say something, but missed her chance. Sengalo viciously grabbed her throat, biting into it with great force. Her blood began to flow as she choked for air. Sengalo added more force, a low growl escaping him. The cub stood huddled in the distance and screamed again as it heard the snap of it's mother's neck. Sengalo dropped the lioness to the ground, turning around to face the cub, his eyes like daggers. He slowly advanced towards the cowering ball of fur. The defenseless cub backed up until it found itself cornered against a rock. It stared up at Sengalo, it's eyes wide as can be. "W-w-why..." it feebly asked up to the adolescent. Sengalo didn't say a word. In a flash, Sengalo grabbed the cub by the neck, his jaw pressure easily snapping the cub's neck bones out of alignment. The cub fell from Sengalo's jowls to the ground, completely limp.
Sengalo looked down upon the body. One side of Sengalo could not believe what he had just committed. The look on the cub's face would stay in his memory for all time. The other, however, didn't care. Sengalo's face was emotionless, though inside, he was mourning. The mixed emotions of sick pride and guilt vexed Sengalo. He didn't know what to do. There was no return for him now.
((Wow. I had to think twice about that post. Sorry, if this is too nasty for you guys. I feel bad for the lioness and her cub now...))

June 28th, 2005, 05:18 PM
Titus feels Scouts head with his paw " He's getting cold" Titus doesn't know what to do, if he should take him back to his home or just wait for something to happen.

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:21 PM
karifu:maybe we could rkae him to that mokey doctor rafiki to check Scout out

June 28th, 2005, 05:22 PM
"who's he i never heard of him before"

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:27 PM
"a mystic monkey lives in an acient tree"

June 28th, 2005, 05:29 PM
"alright, let's go" Titus picks up Scout and puts him, on his back, and heads to that mokey doctor rafiki place Karifu was talking about.

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:34 PM
"it's not that far away ,i think its near the dessert"

June 28th, 2005, 05:38 PM
"Alright we bettter hurry i'm not going to let this cub die on me, if did, i don't know what to do." Titus runs to what Karifu says.

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 05:40 PM
they see the tree up ahead and Karifu hears the monkey singing his little monkey tune thing
"can you hear that titus?"

June 28th, 2005, 05:42 PM
"Ya i can, I don't want to know what he is singing"

June 28th, 2005, 05:42 PM
Shakou watched the scene that played out before him still hideing in the grass. As Sengalo had finished his dirty work Shakou came into view, "I told you it would be difficult... but congratulations you have passed.." Shakou said stopping before the teen looking down at the young lion. Shakou touched the cub with his paw his face had not a single sign of emotion, as the blood of the two victims coverd the ground. "We'll call this enough for one night..." Shakou said eyeing Sengalo. "I am proud of you my friend, most others backout when they come to this part of the training.." Shakou said as he walked away from the scene leaveing the mangeld bodies behind to the scavengers. "You learned this faster than your father could ever manage.." the black lion said eyeing Sengalo, "I can teach you something that won't kill your victim it's soul pourpos is to wound and cause pain.." Shakou said, "... but if you don't want to do this anymore I clearly understand..." Shakou said as he saw the conflicting look in Sengalo's face...

((I told you I was EVIL:gasp:, but that was a good post Katse :evilgrin:, and yea I kinda feel a bit of remorse here too...:(, to be honest I seriously thought Sengalo was going to back out, but now I learned something new about the character...^^))

June 28th, 2005, 06:07 PM
((Bwaha! We're so evil!:jejeje: ))
Sengalo lifted his head as he heard Shakou nearing him. Sengalo kept silent the entire time the black lion spoke. He stared at the ground, at his blood covered paws. He envisioned his mother's death again. He skook his head, now visualizing the cruelest of ways of a possible death for Sesate and that entire family. He then spoke in a sly tone, "who said anything about backing out...?" He looked back up at Shakou, a malevolent smirk spread across his blood stained maw.

June 28th, 2005, 06:17 PM
((Yeah we're a great team of Evilness :evilgrin: Mehehehe!!!!!!!))

Shakou smirked back at the teen. "You will become great one day Sengalo... more powerfull than you can ever imagine, but just with the proper guidens.." Shakou said as the black lion and the teen walked through the long savanna grass, "This other attack I am to teach you need no training..." Shakou said with a slite pause, "There is only one thing you need to remeber, just attack don't give your opponent a change and when it stops moveing you leave before they manage to get up, and if they don't move you have most likely killed him..." Shakou said looking at Sengalo with a wicked smile...

((That attack sounds perhaps familiar to you Katse, let me give you a hint, gorge, and vampires...;) :p))

June 28th, 2005, 06:19 PM
Scout still was lying there dreaming about how the hyenas got his parents. He kept on screaming in his sleep. Just then a new Nightmare began. A nightmare that Scout had never had before.

It began with the five lions laughing and having a good time.

Scout and Kopa were playing Tag in his dream.

Scout: Tag you're it Kopa.

Just then he heard something in the bushes. He didn't know what it was. Suddenly a lion that looked alot like Sengleo jumped out of the bushes. He killed all 4 of them and as Scout watched in horror at this lion blood everywhere he spelled out Scout in blood. Sengleo came closer to Scout dripping fangs with a evil smile on his face.


He wakes up to see all five of friends looking at him. Scout's eyes were real wide and he looked like he was about to cry.

Something about these lions made him feel very scared. He didn't really know who they were. But if that dream was any indication. Scout knew who they were. Nothing But Trouble.

{ Sorry about using that if anyone was angry about me using their characters in my dream please forgive me if you're angry or it was a bit too violent}

Opera Ghost
June 28th, 2005, 06:23 PM
cool now its getting sppoky ,just like the thunder and lightning outside here

June 28th, 2005, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
((That attack sounds perhaps familiar to you Katse, let me give you a hint, gorge, and vampires...;) :p))

((It did seem a bit similar, didn't it? Haha! Funny...:p..... Haha! Cool post, Simba22! I didn't mind you using Sengalo. It was spookily awesome!))
Sengalo listened intently to Shakou as they walked along. He looked ahead of himself, into the dark savannah. The feeling of power Sengalo felt when he murdered the lioness and cub made Sengalo proud of himself. Even if it was a horrible crime he had committed, Sengalo didn't care. He was making something of himself and he liked it.
((I think I used my creative juices in the attack post.XP))

June 28th, 2005, 06:46 PM
((Nah Katse I'll get you back on track XP))

Shakou kept watch over Sengalo, seeing the contended face of the teen, the black lion grinned. "Do you want to learn how to mind control.." Shakou said looking at Sengalo through the corner of his eye, the black lions words seemd to be comming out of the blue. "You remeber what I did to that dikdik you first killed.." Shakou said, "I can teach how to do that... and you'll be able to recrute other who normally would be against you to command too do your every wish.." the black lion said with a smirk, "...imagine all the power you'll have, not to mention over free will and life it slef.." Shakou said nearly wispereing into Sengalo's ear...

June 28th, 2005, 07:39 PM
At what he just heard, Sengalo's brow raised. "You can do that...," he questioned up to Shakou. He looked back ahead, amazed. Whether Sengalo had ever thought mind control to be a real thing or not, he always thought that it was an ability one was born with, not learned.
((....Nope.... still not that creative.:thinks: I think I need food... That's it.))

June 28th, 2005, 07:54 PM
((Well go and get food then XD))

Shakou turned to Sengalo, "I can teach you.. but it won't be easy..." Shakou said, "Unless.." the black lion says in a thought full voice. Walking a few steps a head before turning back to Sengalo, "To learn something like that take years.. but there is one way to teach you it fast... but I must warn you.. it will be painfull.." the black lion said turning to Sengalo with a conserned look...

June 29th, 2005, 02:08 AM
((ooc: I remember where I am now:D I following Kopa towards Priderock!))

As Subira walked next to Kopa, they passed a baobab tree, she heard a monkey singing.

"Who lives in there?" she asked Kopa.

June 29th, 2005, 02:15 AM
While Rafiki is looking over him. It looks like he is getting worse from the shock of his dream he had.

Opera Ghost
June 29th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Karifu says to Rafki
"he's going to be ok isn't he "
She starts to look worried
"it can't be that serious ...can it "?

June 29th, 2005, 12:11 PM
Rafiki looks on concerned. By the way Scout looked he was fine until something scared him so much that he didn't know how ok he was going to be.

But Scout had enough energy to say one word before collapsing into another coma.

Scout:[weakly] Sengalo!

Opera Ghost
June 29th, 2005, 12:13 PM
Karifu: i will get Sengalo for this he doen't know what i can do,he eyes turn red and her body tranforms..............

June 29th, 2005, 12:29 PM
Rafiki couldn't do much of anything. Rafiki then thought of something.

He opens Scout's mouth and pours in some concocction he made to make you feel better.

Scout opens his eyes weakly.

He starts to twitch probably still in shock.

Scout: [Weakly] Sengalo, I had a dream he killed all of them and then he spelled out Scout in blood and he was coming after me. Something about him about the way he looks about the way he smiles about the way he acts he's going to end up killing us all.

Scout starts crying.

Opera Ghost
June 29th, 2005, 12:32 PM
you didn't know i was transforming

Karifus body lifted into the air and it lit up ,her eyes burning,destiny had took place,this is the day she was to be her normal self,she become 5 times bigger than she was before,and she had some special pwers,she fall to the ground,this was no longer karifu.....evalition had begun

haha i'm getting scared

June 29th, 2005, 12:42 PM
Scout starts twitching again and falls into a deep sleep.

Opera Ghost
June 29th, 2005, 12:46 PM
She roars ,she was a mind reader,and had special healing powers ,when she got a wound i healed quicker than you can say rawl/random/,she has another power but not tellin....

Karifu :my name is no longer karifu it was not really karifu,i am oh,well you guys won't wanna know,but yay im cool now,yay ,oh well....,guess its best for me to leave

June 29th, 2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Avalon
Shakou turned to Sengalo, "I can teach you.. but it won't be easy..." Shakou said, "Unless.." the black lion says in a thought full voice. Walking a few steps a head before turning back to Sengalo, "To learn something like that take years.. but there is one way to teach you it fast... but I must warn you.. it will be painfull.." the black lion said turning to Sengalo with a conserned look...

((Ooh! I think I know what it is!))
At the sound of what Shakou told Sengalo, he halted in his tracks. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Painful...." he repeated, in a questioning tone, "what do you mean...?" Sengalo, indeed, had no idea as to what Shakou was talking about, but he was almost willing to do whatever it took.
((Bwaha! Looks like Sengalo's in trouble!!!))

June 29th, 2005, 04:25 PM
((:eek: someone is going to kill Sengalo, not if I can stop it :grrr: I hope..I don't want to Sengalo die again :tears: ))

Shakou walked a few steps towards the teen. "You have to trust me on this.." the black lion said and raised his paw as if he was to slash out after Sengalo. "This is your last chance to back out... after this there is no return.." Shakou said the look on Sengalo's face gave it away. "Fine.. just relax.." Shakou said the litterally rammed his paw strait into Sengalo's chest, a black void engulfed the young lion for just a few seconds before it went rewind back to Shakou paw and the black lion withdrew the paw from Sengalo's chest cluching some black slimy subtance..

((Well Shakou have used that attack before... but never to help anyone Oo))

June 29th, 2005, 04:35 PM
((Sengalo's such a trouble maker! Let's see... if he dies in this roleplay then that'll be....*counts*... three times...! I don't think I really want him to die, anyways.))
Sengalo's eyes widened slightly as Shakou raised his paw. He had to admit, he was a bit scared. As Shakou thrusted his paw into Sengalo's maneless chest, he let a mix of a scream and a roar. When Shakou withdrew his paw from Sengalo, he fell to the ground, panting very hard. He struggled to his feet, fear, suprise, and anger all at the same time on his face. "What the H*** did you do to me..." he asked up to the black lion, his voice shaky through his pants and almost in a snarl.

June 29th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Shakou didin't look at Sengalo the black lion eyed his clenced paw, "I removed something from you..." Shakou said and opend the clenched paw letting the thick slimy black substance slowly slide out of his paw and fall to the ground. The black lion turned to Sengalo, "That was the fast way... you have know learned it..." Shakou said as he eyed the teen with a stern face, "Those where my three secrets.." the black lion said with a harsh voice, "This black substance on the other hand.. is a part of you needed to remove inorder for you to learn it..." Shakou said looking down at the shiney black slime on the on the ground...

((YAY he isn't going to die:cheese: :hmm: I only remebering him die twice... where dose the third come from :thinks: ))

June 29th, 2005, 05:05 PM
((I mean it would've been the third time he died if he dies in this RP))
Sengalo staggered to his feet, still panting, but it slowing down. He looked disgusted at the ooze on the ground, thinking, 'that came from me...?!' He stared long at the black substance, wondering what on earth it could be.

June 29th, 2005, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Katse
((I mean it would've been the third time he died if he dies in this RP))
Sengalo staggered to his feet, still panting, but it slowing down. He looked disgusted at the ooze on the ground, thinking, 'that came from me...?!' He stared long at the black substance, wondering what on earth it could be.

((Oh...DANG IT stupid me:woeisme: ))

"Yes it came from you..." Shakou said looking down at the slime on the ground, "I had to remove it, or ells it would have killed you in the process of learning that ability.." Shakou said turning birefly to Sengalo before back at the black pulp, "It's a parasite.. that live inside of you.. how it got there I have no idea but it's dangerous.." Shakou said walking forward towards Sengalo, looking back at the pulp. "But don't worried it's dead now.. it can't survive without a host.." Shakou said stopping beside Sengalo looking at the ground...

June 29th, 2005, 06:01 PM
((Don't worry about it, bud.^_^))
Sengalo's expression changed from confusion to slight shock as it was explained to him. He narrowed his eyes at the strange thing on the ground. "A parasite..." he repeated to himself in almost a whisper. All this seemed so strange to Sengalo. It was difficult trying to make sense of it all. Then he looked back up at Shakou. "So... it's over with..." he asked in a thoughtful tone, "is the anything else I must do...?"

June 29th, 2005, 06:08 PM
((Weeeee:D ))

Shakou looked at the teen with a sigh.." No there is nothing ells... it's over.." Shakou said and began to walk away, "But be carefull, cuz those you may have regared as friends could now easily have become your enemies.." Shakou said turning back to Sengalo before resuming his walk through the savanna, "I did as I was told..I found him and taut him... what more do you ask of me.." the black lion said to himself as he kept on walking through the savanna...

June 29th, 2005, 06:19 PM
Sengalo watched as Shakou disappeared into the tall grass on the grass land. He bowed his head slightly in a 'thank you,' then began walking in another direction. He contemplated over the last bit of advice Shakou told to him. He looked calmly out onto the savannah. Was that the last he would see of that mysterious, yet powerful black lion or would it just be a small while before their pathes would cross again? Sengalo didn't let the thoughts bring him down. He was now a more powerful lion, himself, and didn't fear to be on his own anymore. He could very well defend himself and maybe even more. Sengalo walked aimlessly throughout the savannah, not even knowing he was nearing the same water hole the others had been at earlier.

June 29th, 2005, 06:34 PM
Shakou kept on heading in the opposite direction mumbleing to himself. "I taut him, but I only hope he'll be alright... something is amiss.." the black lion mumbled to himself in a worried voice. He had never felt worried for anyone before, no one. The black lion shook the feelings off, "He'll be alright.. he can take care of himself now.." Shakou said to himself, "... but this Titus worries me...." the black lion added with a sigh as he laid down in the grass where he had come looking at the sky...

((This is a suprise Shakou has feelings... that was new Oo))

((Edit: Just little message to all those I Rp with I'll be leaveing for a few days, I am going up into the moutain/forest to watch and film the Peregrin Falcon with chicks, soo I won't have the internett for a few days well that was just to inform you all...:cheese: ))

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
Katai doesn't hear Titus since he is busy padding a long with Shine and Twilight. He may talk to Titus later though.

Katai continues to pad along with Shine and Twilight after catching up with them both.
((meh took me 10 mins to find this post...darn u other rpers :lol:))

Twilight and Shine both stopped and looked at Katai waiting for him to catch up.

"The waterholes just ahead of us" she said motioning with her head "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get there if we go at normal pace" she smiled "Have you been there before?" she questioned "Or is this your first time".

Twilight smirked while listening to Shine but tried to hide it and looked away for a moment. He looked at the direction of the waterhole and looked back.
"Think we should head off hes caught up now" he smirked

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Lion King Stu
((meh took me 10 mins to find this post...darn u other rpers :lol:))

Twilight and Shine both stopped and looked at Katai waiting for him to catch up.

"The waterholes just ahead of us" she said motioning with her head "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get there if we go at normal pace" she smiled "Have you been there before?" she questioned "Or is this your first time".

Twilight smirked while listening to Shine but tried to hide it and looked away for a moment. He looked at the direction of the waterhole and looked back.
"Think we should head off hes caught up now" he smirked
Katai gives Twilight and Shine a puzzled look, "Who were you asking?" he asks them, "Were you asking me?" he looks at Shine.

June 29th, 2005, 08:51 PM
((Someone answered! Whew, for a second I thought Avalon and I scared everyone off with our dementedness! That's a relief!
That sounds awesome, Avalon! You're really lucky! Hope you have fun! I'd also like to say that I won't be around over the weekend. I'm heading out of town for Independence Day.))

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 08:54 PM
"No I was asking the air around us" Shine smirked "Of course I meant you silly; Twilight's lived here since he was brought here as a cub like me" She said with a slight laugh "He knows these pridelands better off than I do...sure he knows one or two places I don't know of as well" she smirked looking over at Twilight.

"You could say that" Twilight smirked "But I ain't saying where" he laughed

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:03 PM
"Well, sorry...I was just a bit confused. I shouldn't have really tagged along back there... but I was kinda disturbed. Anyway, forget it." Katai smirks a little to them both, "I know nothing of these lands..."

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:06 PM
"You'll soon learn the ropes of these pridelands I guarantee it" Twilight smirked "Sure helped me a week or so back" he laughed remembereing when he was chased by the animals.

"Yeah you were lucky" Shine replied looking at Twilight "Anyway yeah you will get a good idea of whats where soon enough"Shine said looking back over at Katai.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:16 PM
"Well, are you gonna show me? Or is it gonna turn out a complete waste of time...?" Katai jokes.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:19 PM
"I don't know now if ya talk like that" Shine smirks "Yeah of course come on" she laughed and padded off ahead of Twilight and Katai before looking back at them "You gonna come or just watch me walk" she smirked sticking her tounge at them both.

"Yeah better do as she orders" Twilight laughed and padded slowly allowing Katai to catch up.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:21 PM
"Do what the females order I say..." Katai smirks and pads after Twilight and Shine making sure he keeps up this time.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:27 PM
"Yeah make mroe sense than us lions do" Twilight joked.

A few minutes later Shine arrived at the waterhole closely followed by Twilight.
"Well here it is" Shine smiled "The waterhole...not much but we got it at least" she smirked sitting down beside it "Sleep, swim, clean do what ever you want here".

"Yeah like playing is one of them as well" Twilight said after Shine finished talking before he sat in the shade of a close tree.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:29 PM
"Do you guys like the water?" Katai grins to Twilight and Shine, "I learnt this a lot on my travels... the water actually cools you down especially when it's hot and dry like today."

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:36 PM
"Yeah of course" Twilight replied "Just need a lie down" he smirked laying his head on his paws "Didn't get much rest last night" he smiled.

"Yeah I knew that been doing it for years" Shine replied placing her front paws in the water before dropping her head down taking a drink.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:37 PM
"Hmm, well, isn't anyone gonna actually have a little swim? I don't wanna feel shown up..." Katai blushes a little in embarassment.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:40 PM
"Give me a few minutes will ya" Twilight laughed streatching out across the ground letting out a tired yawn before laying his head on his paws again before looking over at Katai smirking.

"Yeah of course I will" Shine smirked looking back to Katai and laughed noticing his embarresment "Don't be embarresed" she smirked.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:42 PM
"Well, you see, I'm not too confident yet around others seeing as I've been alone most of my life..." Katai smirks before walking further towards the water's edge.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:48 PM
"Yeah well I see your point" Shine smiled and padded a little into the waterhole till it reached the top of her legs before smiling back at Katai "Come on in" she smirked.

"Yeah get in" Twilight replied smirking as he lay in the shade of his tree before laughing soflty "Thats a order from that lioness" he smirked

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 09:51 PM
"And I take orders from the lioness..." Katai smirks up to Twilight before diving into the water whole. After he reaches the surface, his mane covers all of his face, "...that's the only problem of swimming - the manes." He laughs a little.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 09:55 PM
"Yeah well theres always a downside" Shine smirked and wadded over to Katai and pawed away some of Katai's mane away from his eyes "Better?" she smiled.

"Yeah thats why I rarely dive under the water" Twilight laughed "You could end up swimming anywere in there" he smirked looking down at Shine and Katai in the waterhole.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 10:29 PM
((Just to say handing Shine back to Shadow again ^^ just thought I say now))

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 11:02 PM
"Yeah, that's a lot better." Katai smirks to Shine, "And yeah, Twilight's kinda right... but I find it more fun swimming in deeper water."

(Alright then. =))

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 11:19 PM
"Yeah well swimming with a plasterd mane is never fun" Twilight laughed looking down at Katai "I should know" he laughed a little more.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 11:21 PM
"Well, why don't you bother jumping in? Scared of getting wet?" Katai smirks and says this in a teasing type of voice.

Lion King Stu
June 29th, 2005, 11:37 PM
"No of course not" Twilight replied "Just tired and well got some stuff on my mind ya know" he smirked "Rather get it sorted out now than later; I will join ya eventually though" he smiled.

King Simba
June 29th, 2005, 11:38 PM
"Hmm, alright then..." Katai smirks, wandering what Twilight is thinking about. He begins to float on his back, looking up to the clouds.

June 30th, 2005, 12:35 AM
When Scout wakes up he looks like a total wreck. He felt sick to his stomach and his head felt like he was carrying around 200 pounds on it.

Scout looks around everything still spinning. He gets up using all his strength and walks over to the front of the cave and collapses there. He tries to pull himself back up again. Using all his strenth again he walks down Pride Rock even though he felt so sick he wanted to see his friends.

June 30th, 2005, 02:34 AM
((sorry guys i was gone for about a day so right now will be the time to rp but first, can someone tell me what happened, i'm a little lost))

June 30th, 2005, 02:55 AM
((Well, let's see... From when you last posted, a bit's happened. Sengalo's completely evillish now, but him and Shakou aren't together right now. Scout had a nightmare that Sengalo killed everyone, so Karifu turns out to be this magical being.... thing... and is going to go after Sengalo. Sengalo doesn't know that yet, though. Scout seems to end up back at Pride Rock and KS's and LKS's are at a water hole, enjoying themselves. Hope that clears things up!^^))

June 30th, 2005, 03:59 AM
Subira noticed Scout groggily walking down Pride rocks steps.

"Should you really be out here kid?" She asked.

June 30th, 2005, 11:33 AM
Scout:[groggily and weakly] Just out here to have a little fun. I just want to make sure my are o................. he collapses midsentence, from his head still spinning.

June 30th, 2005, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
"Hmm, alright then..." Katai smirks, wandering what Twilight is thinking about. He begins to float on his back, looking up to the clouds.

"oh your scared" Shine said laughing and then dived under the water"

as she did she swimed under Katai and grabed his tail as she pulled him down under the water then herself came up whit a huge laugh on her face

June 30th, 2005, 12:24 PM
Subira rushed over to Scout and picked him up by the nape of his neck.

"You going back to the cave buddy" She said.

June 30th, 2005, 12:32 PM
Titus arrives at the base of pride rock wondering if Scout is alright, Titus spots Subira and runs to her. " Is Scout ok, I was concerened about him from that brutal beating he had."

June 30th, 2005, 12:47 PM
Subira put Scout down.
"He just needs some rest" She said, picking him up again and walking up to the cave.

June 30th, 2005, 12:52 PM
Titus walks beside Subira "I just can't beleive he did that, you know, Scout is just like me when i was his age, you see my parents died by the outlanders also the pride i stayed with i was the only surivior.

June 30th, 2005, 12:55 PM
Subira mumbled something that sounded like "sorry to hear that" because with Scout in her mouth, proper speech was basically impossible.

She set Scout down at the dark but cool end of the cave.

June 30th, 2005, 12:59 PM
"By around Scouts age i found the outlanders that killed my pride and family and i changed the leader of that pride and the putlanders started to make a path for the leader to get through and the leader.......was my brother Rueiko, I of course failed, then he gave me this." Titus points to the marks on his cheeks.

June 30th, 2005, 01:02 PM
Subira didn't like talking about family and she merely nodded.

June 30th, 2005, 01:04 PM
Titus notices that expression on Subira"sorry if barged in like this, i didn't mean any harm, i just needed a place to stay"

June 30th, 2005, 01:14 PM
"Heck, fine by me" She grinned.

"I haven't even met the King yet"

June 30th, 2005, 01:19 PM
Thanks......oh i forgot, i think we haven't met, my name is Titus." Titus bows for graditude and kindness.

June 30th, 2005, 01:29 PM
Subira grinned.
"No need to get formal Titus" She smirked even though she was used to it.

"Names Subira" She said

June 30th, 2005, 02:33 PM
3 hours later ..................................

Scout gets up. He's feeling great. No longer is his head hurting or his stomach or any part of his body.

Scout runs off out of the cave to go find his friends and thank this Titus guy for helping take care of him.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:23 PM
Twilight lay there thinking when he heard the splash and looked over to see Shine pull Katai under the water bringing a smirk to his face.
"Well thats one way of cooling down I guess" Twilight replied smirking down at Shine and Katai.

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 10:24 PM
Just as Shine pulls Katai underwater, Katai smirks and splashes Shine back, "Hey...watch it. You'll end up drowning someone." he laughs a little.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:30 PM
"Well if you do you got a nice lioness to revive ya" Twilight laughed looking over at Katai in the water.
Twilight rolled onto his back and stretched his legs in the air and rolled slightly on his back from side to side before rolling onto his front again and shaking his mane.
"Well thats sorted out the tightness in my back" he smirked

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 10:31 PM
"Well, why don't you come in then?" Katai pulls himself from out the water before sneaking up behind Twilight and pushing him in, "Get in!" he smirks before diving back in himself.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:33 PM
Twilight fell into the water on his back and floated slightly smirking over at Katai.
"Well I was about to come in" he laughed "Oh well looks like you saved me the hastle fur ball" he smirked rolling onto his front.

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 10:34 PM
"Haha, it's not natural for lions to swim but hey, nothing wrong in being a bit different." Katai smirks before floating on his back.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:38 PM
"Not natural" Twilight replied smirked looking over at Katai "I've done this since I was brought here....just shame that sorta changed when Scar took over" he said shivering slightly before looking back up at the sky again "Thats when things like this sorta came to a end".

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 10:39 PM
"Well, see, since I've been alone these past few years I really haven't had chance to socialise with other animals or do anything like this. I kinda had a boring life actually..."

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:42 PM
"Well thats gonna change from now on I guarantee" Twilight replied looking over at Katai "Always something happening...I'm sure your gonna attract some intrest around here" he smirked.

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 10:44 PM
"You told me that the first time I arrived here... yes, I am interested. And I am interested in a lioness." Katai smirks over to Twilight, "I'm not one of those lions who are interested in other males..."

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:48 PM
"Nothing wrong with them" Twilight smirked "We don't have any...I don't think....we may have the one couple" he said looking up at the sky "Either way I ain't one of them" he said rolling over in the water onto his front.

June 30th, 2005, 10:54 PM
"Shine hade calmed down a little and lisen to the conversation"

well...you could almost ghess you and Shadow was Twilight

"she said jokingly but she then also looked up as her smile disepeard in wunder"

where do you think Shadow hade gone to Twilight ....you think he is ok ?

she said thinking of the old times when they where cubs and there was only Shadow her and Twilight.....

June 30th, 2005, 10:59 PM
Sengalo had fallen asleep under a tree. He finally woke up, stretching himself and letting out a yawn. If he hadn't felt how much more refreshed than he did before, he would've thought that the last many hours had been nothing but a strange dream. He shook himself awake and began casually walking through the now lit grass land.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 10:59 PM
"To be honest Shine I have no idea where he is" Twilight replied confused "If I know him properly then he is never to far away from these pridelands".
He rolled onto his back once again thinking of Shadow for a moment.
"I like to think hes ok...hes our friend afteral" he said looking back at Shine "He'll be back I know it....but when...I don't know...."he said trailing off sighing "Hope he does come back"

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 11:01 PM
"Who are you talking about?" Katai looks at Shine and Twilight with a puzzled look on his face.

Lion King Stu
June 30th, 2005, 11:06 PM
"Shadow" Twilight replied looking at Katai "He was a friend of ours when we were cubs" he said thinking back smiling slightly "Hes been gone for quite a while....he just went one day and sorta didn't come back...didn't even say bye or where he was going" he sighed.
"Well at least he didn't to me anyway" he said looking up once more "Hes a panthe....I mean a white eyed panther" Twilight said correcting himself in mid sentence.

July 1st, 2005, 12:58 AM
( I'm totally lost here, youre realy fast dudes....so do somebody could tell me what's happening and where Kopa is supposed to be?. Thanks :S )

July 1st, 2005, 01:04 AM
((Well.... With the group you were in, it's now skipped to morning with Scout, Subira, and Titus at Pride Rock. I suppose that could mean Kopa would be there, too. Another group, Katai, Twilight, and Shine are hanging out at a water hole. Sengalo's just roaming around and Shakou is no where to be seen right now. Hope that helps!^^))

July 1st, 2005, 01:49 AM
Scout walks up to Kopa.

Scout: Hey Kopa what's up? Long time no see buddy.

July 1st, 2005, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Katse
((Well.... With the group you were in, it's now skipped to morning with Scout, Subira, and Titus at Pride Rock. I suppose that could mean Kopa would be there, too. Another group, Katai, Twilight, and Shine are hanging out at a water hole. Sengalo's just roaming around and Shakou is no where to be seen right now. Hope that helps!^^))

Okay thanks :)

Scout walks up to Kopa.

"Yes...I have been resting for a bit...I wasn't feeling very good neither, but anyways, how is all going?" Kopa asked looking at him.

July 1st, 2005, 02:19 AM
Scout rubs the back of the head that still kinda hurts.

Scout: I've felt better that's for sure. So what do you want to do today?

July 1st, 2005, 03:10 AM
Subira yawned, stretching her legs and groomed her paw.

"Hey, Scout and Kopa" She grinned.

"Whats up?"

July 1st, 2005, 09:31 AM
Scout: Hey Subria.

He stretches and sits down beside her.

Scout: I got to thank you for taking care of me when I wasn't doing too well. By the way you seen Titus around? I have to thank him.

July 1st, 2005, 10:16 AM
"Nope, haven't seen Titus all day"

"Have you tried the waterhole?"

July 1st, 2005, 10:18 AM
Scout thinks about Mizani's question.

Scout: I don't think I have just yet. Come on Kopa I'll race ya down to the watering hole.

July 1st, 2005, 01:14 PM
"Think you two can put run me?" She said with a laugh, racing off.

July 1st, 2005, 03:55 PM
Scout watched as Subria took off. Scout using all his speed runs up along side her.

July 1st, 2005, 04:24 PM
On his way Scout sees Karifu.

Scout: Hey Sharifu what's up? Haven't talked to you in a while.

July 1st, 2005, 04:27 PM
Sengalo halted in his tracks, thinking he heard something, voices. He listened for a moment, then shrugged it off. Just waking up, he was pretty thirsty. He headed to the waterhole, on the far side farthest from where Twilight, Shine, and Katai were having there swim, also unaware that Scout and the group were heading over there.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
On his way Scout sees Karifu.

Scout: Hey Sharifu what's up? Haven't talked to you in a while.
Karifu :i'm ok,ha you look so small now,the thing is,i might never be able to change back,but oh well

July 1st, 2005, 04:34 PM
Scout smiles.

Scout: I like you this way. Now you don't need for me to literally kill myself trying to stop a bigger lion from attacking you.

He laughs.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:36 PM
Karifu:haha yeah,*she goes over to a river and sees her reflection*i think i look a little big

July 1st, 2005, 04:40 PM
Scout nuzzles his head against her paw.

Scout: I think you look fine just the way you are.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:41 PM
Karifu:you think,well when this 'war 'is over i think i can change back normal,but i think something else will happen *she sighs*

July 1st, 2005, 04:42 PM
Scout hides behind Karifu when she says this cause he was scared about what could happen.

July 1st, 2005, 04:43 PM
Sengalo's ears twitch as he hears the voices again. He looks up from his drinking to see Karifu and Scout on the opposite side of the water hole. With Karifu looking so different, Sengalo barely recognized her. Not really caring, he went back to his drink.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:44 PM
Karifu:look it's nothing scary...just my life could change...you don't wanna know about it

July 1st, 2005, 04:47 PM
Scout sits there with his ears up in the air and smiles as if saying he really does want to know what Karifu meant by that.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:48 PM
Karifu:*thinks*shall i tell you or what ??

July 1st, 2005, 04:51 PM
Scout: I'd love to hear it Karifu.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 04:56 PM
Karifu:well if i descide to change i would be a cub again ,dumb huh

July 1st, 2005, 04:58 PM
Scout: No, that ain't dumb at all. Then I'd have a second cub to play with.

Opera Ghost
July 1st, 2005, 05:01 PM
Karifu:yeah your right *she laughs*but it is gonna be kinda weird

July 1st, 2005, 05:14 PM
Scout: Not to me. I thought you were a lot of things Karifu but I have never and will never think you're weird.

July 1st, 2005, 06:22 PM
(Shenzi please clean out your inbox)

This user's mailbox is currently full, and cannot be sent any messages until it is cleaned out. An email has been sent notifying the user of this. Please try your request at a later time.

July 2nd, 2005, 01:22 AM
"Turn into a cub?" Subira asked, slightly confused.

"Then I'd have to take care of one more cub" She sighed sarcastically.

July 2nd, 2005, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Mizani
"Turn into a cub?" Subira asked, slightly confused.

"Then I'd have to take care of one more cub" She sighed sarcastically.

Scout couldn't help but laugh at this.

July 2nd, 2005, 02:55 AM
Subira tussled Scout's head and laughed.

"Your already a little handful fluffball" She smirked.

July 2nd, 2005, 02:58 AM
Scout laughs.

Scout looks angry at himself.

Scout: Sorry for being so much trouble when I ws recupperating.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:09 AM
"Trouble? not at all" she laughed.

"Though I have to say, you may want to loose a few pounds there chubby. Took me forever to carry you up those stairs" She joked.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:12 AM
Scout laughs weakly.

He was pretty sensitive about how much he weighed especially since he hadn't had anything to eat for at least 3 months.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:14 AM
"on that subject, how about we catch some breakfast?" She asked.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:16 AM
Scout licks his lips and his stomach starts to growl.

Scout: You Know that sounds like a good idea and by the sound of it my stomach thinks that's a good idea too.

He chuckles at his own joke.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:18 AM
"Well it ain't the stomach that gets you your meals, thats for sure" She said, look at a Zebra herd in the distance.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:20 AM
Scout looks unassurigly at The Zebras and then looks to his friend.

Scout: Uhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,, I was never really taught how to hunt food. My parents were going to teach me but, of course they can't do that now.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:22 AM
Subira looks at Scout with pity in her eyes.
"I'll teach you then" She said with a slight smile, trying to change the subject.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:25 AM
Scout: You will? Oh thank you so much Subira. You really are a true friend. He hugs her around her paw.

Scout: Don't worry Subira, I'm a real quick learner.

Scout smiles eagerly.

Ready to learn.

July 2nd, 2005, 03:33 AM
"S'all right kid" Subira said, patting him on the head.

"Okay, number rule, don't let yourslef be seen" She looked at Scout to see if he understood

July 2nd, 2005, 06:00 AM
Kotanu wanders into this new pride, wondering if he will be able to actually exist here in peace. He looks around for a minute, and then sits, wondering what to do and wishing he had some water...

Opera Ghost
July 2nd, 2005, 07:58 AM
karifu goes up walks up to Kotanu and smiles "hey can i help,i haven't seen you around here"

King Simba
July 2nd, 2005, 08:10 AM
Simba doesn't spot Kotanu yet and is still resting. He is aware of all the new pride members that are joining though.

July 2nd, 2005, 08:15 AM
Mizani notices Kotanu.

"One sec kid, lets go meet the new guy"

July 2nd, 2005, 08:18 AM
Kotanu is almost shocked at the (so far) positive attention he is receiving from these people he has never met before.

"Hello, I'm Kotanu," he said wearily. "I'm just looking for some place safe to live." At the same time he feels quite worried for himself.

July 2nd, 2005, 08:23 AM
"Hey there" Subira smiled standing next to Karifu.

"If you want a safe place to live, then your in the right place, as long as your not a murderer" She said.

July 2nd, 2005, 08:42 AM
"Don't worry, I'm definately not one of those."

Kotanu then smiled sheepishly. "So, is there anything I need to know a this point?"

July 2nd, 2005, 08:44 AM
"Like what?" Subira asked flicking her tail.

July 2nd, 2005, 08:47 AM
"Well, do I need to talk to someone to officially join y'all or something?"

July 2nd, 2005, 08:58 AM
"King Simba of course" She said.

July 2nd, 2005, 09:22 AM
Kotanu thinks to himself, "I wonder what he will be like"

"Would you mind taking me to him?"

Opera Ghost
July 2nd, 2005, 09:45 AM
karifu:we wont mind will we Subira ?

July 2nd, 2005, 09:53 AM
"Sure!" Subira said with a warm smile.

July 2nd, 2005, 04:54 PM
Scout is kinda shy around Kotanu.

Scout: Hi, I'm Scout. I'm kinda new here too. The king is real nice he let me stay with his pride I'm almost sure he'll let you stay too. Come on I'll show him to you.

July 2nd, 2005, 07:44 PM

Then, after a second Kotanu also says, "Would it be possible for me to get a little water first? I came a long way to get here."

July 2nd, 2005, 08:03 PM
Shakou was still laying in the grass lookinh up at the sky. "It'll be too move.." the black lion said to himself as he got up to his feet and began his walk back the same way he had come...

July 2nd, 2005, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by csyria

Then, after a second Kotanu also says, "Would it be possible for me to get a little water first? I came a long way to get here."

Scout laughs and walks out of Kotanu's way enough for her to see the river.

Scout: Help yourself.

July 2nd, 2005, 11:09 PM
Kotanu makes a audible squeal for a second, and walks over and drinks for more than a minute.

"So, may I go meet him now?" Kotanu was noticable happier not being so dehydrated.

July 2nd, 2005, 11:21 PM
Scout: Sure, follow me. See that big pointy rock over there? Something tells me that if you want to find him that's the best place to start looking. But, I'll show you the way in case you get lost.

July 2nd, 2005, 11:40 PM
Kotanu: "Excuse me for a sec." He then takes another long drink.

Kotanu looks at what these new friends are showing him. "Wow, that is interesting looking. Would you mind taking me there just in case I do get lost? I've been known to do that before..."

July 3rd, 2005, 12:22 AM
Scout laughs.

Scout: Don't worry I can not tell you how many times I almost got lost here. Tell you what I'll be your first friend here and go with you. And we can learn some stuff together.

July 3rd, 2005, 12:33 AM
"That sound really great."

You could tell that Kotanu was noticibly calmer and more open than when he first ventured into this pride.

"So, do you want to go with me there now or do something else first?"

July 3rd, 2005, 01:19 AM
Scout: Well my friend over there was gonna teah me how to hunt. I never really learned how cause I lost my parents to Hyenas some years back. But it all depends on what you wanna do. I can learn how to hunt a little later.

July 3rd, 2005, 02:58 AM
"yea, maybe next time Kid" Subira said with a grin.

"You show this guy to Priderock and I'll catch some breakfast"

July 3rd, 2005, 04:36 AM
"Am I messing up y'all's plans?" One could tell that Kotanu was worried about causing trouble in any form.

"Also, I kinda know how to hunt, I am just really terrible."

July 3rd, 2005, 05:01 AM
"Na, we I can always teach Scout how to hunt later"

"Besides" Subira said, getting up on all four paws "You'd better meet the King before you go hunting on his lands"

July 3rd, 2005, 05:21 AM
"Good point. I just always worry that I'm intruding."

July 3rd, 2005, 06:18 AM
Shakou kept walking through the savanna grass before he ended up beside the waterhole. Looking out over the savanna with a deep sigh. Looking at the Pride Rock in the distance, "Will meet soon... very soon" the black lion said to himself with a stern face before turning back to the savanna resumeing his walking...

July 3rd, 2005, 07:07 AM
Subira lowered her head and focused her attention on the herd of antelope.

Placing each paw carefully on the ground, she inched her way closer to her chosen target, who was blissfully unaware that its life would soon be at an end.

Finally when she was atleast five metres away, Subira sprang out of the grass.

Startled, the herd bolted in sight of the predator but Subira only needed one of them.

Leaping on her target, Subira aimed for the throat and clenched her jaws tightly as the antelope struggled for its survival.

But to no avail.

Subira licked the fresh blood off her muzzle and lifted her head to see if any of her friends were near by.

July 3rd, 2005, 07:55 AM
Kotanu looked in shock at the sight he had just seen.

"Amazing. I've seen hunting before, but never as good or as smooth as that."

July 3rd, 2005, 08:16 AM
"Um, thanks" Subira said blushing slightly. She was never boastful about her hunting skill's even though she had many compliments and about them.

((ooc: Congrats on the 100 posts Csyria mate!))

July 3rd, 2005, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by csyria
Kotanu looked in shock at the sight he had just seen.

"Amazing. I've seen hunting before, but never as good or as smooth as that."

Scout stood there with an equal amount of shock on his face staring at his friend. He had never seen anyone kill an antelope so gracefully.

Scout: Wow, That was so cool. I wish she could teach me to do that.

Scout remembers that he has to introduce the new guy to the king.

Scout: Come on let's go meet the king Kotanu before my brain forgets again.

He runs off in the direction of Pride Rock.

He looks back to see if Kotanu was coming.