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April 24th, 2011, 03:49 PM



New codename to succeed Wii, but with a lot of spec, price, and the device rumors. =)

Edit: Mods, could you change the topic name from Project Caf to Project Café? it's an mistake from me. :(

Wide Eyed Wanderer
April 24th, 2011, 05:47 PM
It will be interesting to see if they're really going for the mainstream market again...they haven't really done that since the N64.

April 24th, 2011, 05:49 PM
They won't comment or speculate anymore rumors at the moment until E3 official days. =) Beside, it will have backward compatibility on Wii and hopefully GC.

April 26th, 2011, 07:29 AM
Alright guys, it's officially announce that Wii II or Project Cafe will be display at E3 Expo and will be expect to launch on 2012.


June 8th, 2011, 02:27 PM

Ladies and Gentleman, it is official... It is Nintendo Wii U!

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 8th, 2011, 05:16 PM
It is official....ly fail.


;) :lol:

June 8th, 2011, 05:19 PM
The price ain't right, it just turn into..... HD.

Well I bet they won't win this time around. ;)

Except for New Super Mario Bros Mii. ;)

June 8th, 2011, 05:31 PM
It's look ridiculous.
I really don't see the point in that thing.

But hey, who am I? :p

June 8th, 2011, 06:24 PM
So are they basically making a new controller for the Wii, I mean by looking at that, some of the features seem to require Wii in order to work, or does this thing also come with a system of some sort as it's not very clear by looking at the video. I'm sure Audra will get that thought as she loves Nintendo... I in another hand would love to get the new portable PS Vita once it comes out... right now only because of new Uncharted coming on it. :lol:

June 8th, 2011, 06:51 PM
You're right, Nothing new except for the big controller and HD compatibility!

What I am looking forwards are New Super Mario Bros Mii!

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 8th, 2011, 08:11 PM
Sonic FTW. Sega are planning a huge console comeback...I can feel it in my waters.

June 8th, 2011, 08:26 PM
Sorry to say this but Sega should concentrate on developing games more and more. ;) Increase their profits by selling more household game before moving forward into consoles.

That is only my opinion to share WEW, no hard feeling. :hugs:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 8th, 2011, 09:17 PM
But...but...I want the Mega Drive 2! :tears:


June 8th, 2011, 11:48 PM
Come on guys, am I really the only one here who sees potential in this thing? :woe:
I'm not a Nintendo fanboy, I love PS3 games and capabilities as well, but I quite like what this new Wii U offers.

So are they basically making a new controller for the Wii, I mean by looking at that, some of the features seem to require Wii in order to work, or does this thing also come with a system of some sort as it's not very clear by looking at the video.

Actually, it's not a peripheral for Wii, it's for a totally new console which happens to be compatible with Wiimotes. It'll be an HD quality console capable of matching PS3 visuals.

Here are the specs (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/06/07/wii-u-specs-detailed.aspx)

About the controller, for what I've heard, it's really light and has quite a nice grip, it can be held pretty much as a classic controller without problems, and the screen does offer some good ideas.

Yeah, I also see fail in Nintendo using footage from PS3 and Xbox 360 on their press conference (jeez! xP), but is that bad considering it'll be capable of displaying those visuals? and that those games are coming to the system all the same? Take in mind companies can't develop their games on the Wii U so darn early.

I'm quite excited about the stuff coming up for PS3, looks like it'll be a great season for it, but I'm quite curious and excited about the Wii U as well, and it's kinda disappointing hearing the kind of feedback it has from some people here. But ah well... each one has their own opinion, I understand that. I just prefer to not judge things at first sight, and look into the good potential they offer before anything else, but that's just me :p

/ends rant

June 9th, 2011, 07:38 AM
Hmm yeah it does open up new depth for it's gaming.. the features look a lot like the features on PS Vita as well.. touch screen, motion control, blue tooth, Internet, etc. Thought PS Vita wont have as good graphics as PS3.. they said they could have made it as good but as portable system, battery would only last 5 minutes, which make me wonder... The controller can't possibly be as powerful as PS3, because if it was it would run out of power very fast as I don't see any cords attached to it.

I'm totally sony fan myself, thought I do enjoy a lot of Nintendo games ( actually as I'm writing thins I'm playing SMB galaxy 2 ). I do admit I'm very skeptical about the new Nintendo console being as powerful as PS3 or Xbox 360, even after taking a look at the spec sheet Leor provided I still don't see any specific information about the system. It doesn't even say what kind of memory it has or how much. multi processor? That doesn't tell anything of the processor either.. I guess they want to keep the information hidden, but by using video from other game systems, something tells me they are running into problems they didn't expect.

King Simba
June 9th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Come on guys, am I really the only one here who sees potential in this thing? :woe:
Nope, you're not... I see potential in it too, and I'm actually curious about the Wii U. I just don't look into the technical side of it as you do. I enjoy playing on my Wii (or any games console) for the fun of it, not because of the specifications it has in there. I'm honestly not fussed as far as that's concerned. ;) Must be a man thing... :p

As far as the Wii U goes, I probably won't get it, at least not until the price goes down, but we'll see what people say about it when it's finally released.

October 7th, 2013, 10:55 AM
Ladies and gentleman,

I'm going to give out one of the best Wii U Game on the second half of the year.

Sonic: The Lost World

Super Mario 3d World

The Legend Of Zelda: The Windwaker HD.

From now on I will post Nintendo Direct here in this thread if anyone interested over it.

January 1st, 2015, 07:39 PM
Alright folks, Lost World sucks to be honest.

Here's something you might like on 2015




Ladies and gentleman, prepare for Wii U 2015

The Legend of Zelda 2015

Super Smash Bros for Wii U (which released end of last year (also last 3 weeks ago).

There's 2 co operative game for the Nintendo lovers, so Have Fun guys in 2015.

October 16th, 2016, 02:53 PM

Did you know "Satoru Iwata".

the video is telling history of Satoru Iwata from his first experience on technology and rise to be a superbeast programmer and developer from Hal Technology. Check this out and you will know how and why the whole world wept when he passed away.

RIP Satoru Iwata 1959-2015.

November 24th, 2016, 11:40 AM
Hi Guntur It's Great Video.....Thanks for Sharing