View Full Version : Character Profiles

October 12th, 2004, 06:40 AM
While not required, feel free to post a brief bio or profile on characters you will be roleplaying in here.

October 12th, 2004, 06:42 AM
Name: Simba/Simbaji
Age: Unknown (~6-8 months in appearance)
Species: Lion (cub)
Pride: Mizaati Mara
Parents: (See History)
Description: Simba's pelt is a beautiful, deep golden amber - like that of the sun's fire reflected through the serengeti grasses. His eyes show a little more red than his pelt but hold the insatiable curiosity of youth combined with a highly mischevous nature.


Simba has had many adventures and made the best of friends and found a family dear to him. Although his dealings with the Coste Modre number among the most traumatic of his life, he has been fortunate to have adopted his bestest brother Tkovu and caring dad, Nyamaza. kiara, though not mates with Nyamaza, has also adopted simba as her son. At one time he had also been adopted by a second set of parents; Adiemus Shadows and Lian of the Zendalii family.

Much of the memory of his past has been hidden from him. Now and then he has flashbacks, revealing to him pieces of that past. His real parents were both killed during a brutal attack on his home pride. His older brother was killed while trying to protect him from an attack from a band of hyenas. To his knowledge, his two older sisters were also killed in the attack.

October 12th, 2004, 07:53 AM
Name: Roshaun
Age: 20 in human years
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Pride: None (Nomadic)
Parents: Mother-Femi (deceased) Father-unkown (deceased)
Discription: A light brown with a tint of gold. Short, light-medium brown mane and tail-turf. Blue eyes.

History: Ran away from pride as an older cub after his mother's death to escape the cruelty of the ruling males. Has lived as a nomad ever since then. His father was killed by the ruling males of his abandoned pride when they took the pride over. He was spared being slaughtered by the new males by his mother hiding him in a secret den and passing him off as the offsrping of one of the new males...this worked because he was only a week old when the pride's new rulers arrived.

October 12th, 2004, 08:47 AM
(( ok I don't wanna interupt your charracter profile but because Lion_roog PM box was full I wanted to remind that 20 years in human years is same as veryold lion... ofcourse I could get it wrong what you mean by that... but 5 years old lion have mane.. so it is same as 20 years old human.
and sorry for this interuption again ))

unregistered user
October 12th, 2004, 08:55 AM
(Well, its easier to say in human years so you dont have to check lions age and compare and such, so its easier to say if he was a human he would have been 20 years :E IMO)

Name: Mosi
Age: 18 (human years)
Species: Cheetah (male)
Pride: none
Parents: Bakari (dad) and Taariq (mom)
Description: has yellow fur with plenty of small spots and he got a scar on his left paw.

History: Mosi was born in a little cave in a savannah, he was the only child in his family, his parents took care of him and loved him until the day he had to go out in the world by himself, when he left he knew they would meet again some day one way or the other, and now he is walking from lands to lands trying to find his place

October 12th, 2004, 08:56 AM
Ahhh....I mean that if he were human, he'd be about 20 years old...:cheese: ....like Boos said.

Now, quit confusing me...:D

unregistered user
October 12th, 2004, 10:30 AM
Name: Sonique
Age: 2
Species: Savanna Hedgehog
Pride: None
Parents: Mother (Julie) Dad (Patrick)
Description: Being the fastest animal on the savanna. Sonique is always finding himself in unique & fascinating situations.

History: Abandoned at birth, Sonique was born at the heartland of the savanna. The inquisitive hedgehog, throughout his 2 years of reconnaissance, he ponders of new and exciting things of what to come. Sonique's past is practically mysterious. Sonique hopes to make new friends & enjoy new explorations.

October 13th, 2004, 07:36 PM
Name: Malaika
Age: 6
Species: Lion
Pride: Mizaati Mara / Heart
Description: A warrior lion with a firey red mane that usually cvers his scared face. The scar crosses between his eyes from the top of his right to the bottom of his left. His sky blue eyes are hardly ever seen if ever they are shown with an outline of black. The black rings around his eyes show a dark past.

Born prince of the Heartland lion pride. Malaika's Family was well known throughout Africa. The pride itself had been the mane pride in the Pride Wars. Malaika lost his father to humans who had enveloped the land. Trained by his uncle he bacame a great warrior. When his uncle died he fought in the first of the Poacher wars and then left the pride. The scar in which crosses his face reminds him of the price he would have to pay if the humans had ever found him, death.

Ndugu, a cheetah, had found him half dead in the desert. Taking him back to the mizaati Mara,Ndugu saved him from certin death. Malaika remaind there and and told his tail to all who would hear. he was then mated to a white lioness, The Princess Kida. He also adopted her daughter and son. Imbali and Akaro. Imbali did have another father at the time, a human by the name Fernando. Fernando after a while told Imbali that she needed a father like Malaika to watch over her.

After a while Malaika became a banner knight for the Mizaati Mara and had to leave on a quest back to his homeland. The lioness he had placed in charge, Hurul_ayni, had been captured by the humans. He sent every one out to gather the prides that had fought with his family during the Pride Wars as he, himself, went back to the Mizaati Mara to seek help there.

Upon his return he and Kida had broken up. The reason has been forgoten. Malaika fell in love with simba/simbaji and stayed with him for a while untill he left for the war.

Malaika fought hard against the humans. In the final hour of the last battle Malaika was about to be killed but a lioness's shadow took out the final human. They both had gone over the cliff edge.

Malaika awoke with no memory and thought of only one word. Mizaati Mara. He ran back to the mizaati only to find he couldn't remeber anyone. He had attacked simba/simbaji and fled to a cave with in the eastern jungle. He had fallen in love with simba/simbaji's son Elemental fox. while talking one day a strange creature had come upone them asking for protection. Another right behind him asked for us to hand him over. As the creature tried to leave he was killed on the spot. We attacked the killer but was interupted by simba/simbaji. simba/simbaji kept a war from breaking out by talking to the creature as Malaika and Elemental fox waited to tell there side of the story.

Elemental fox decided to end his life that sam day. He took his fathers claw and slit his own throat there in front of us both. In a fit of rage Malaika tried to take the body to burry it but simba/simbaji wouldn't have it. Malaika threw down the Mizaati Mara banner not knowing where he had gotten it and fled.

Imbali, a full grown lioness, helped Malaika regain his memory. Malaika then went back to simba/simbaji and tried to work things out. Everything is better now but still in shaddy area's.

Malaika still thinks about Kida from time to time thinking he never got to say good-bye to her. He thinks she is dead and fears his time is coming soon.

October 14th, 2004, 09:04 PM
Name: Tabansi
Age: 2?
Species: Asiatic Lion
Pride: ((Does this mean the Pride the character came out of? or the one he/she hopes to join?))
Description: An adolescent with, on scale, a smaller mane than most other lions. His coat is a rich tawny color that shimmered in the light. Almost like a gold color, and a slightly darker mane of the same color as his pelt. Eyes were a orange with a golden tint amongst them making them a light mahogany type color. Half of his left ear is gone and a claw mark in the same ear half way to the middle of the ear that starts from the back, and cuts halfway into the ear. ((sorry if that sounds confusing.)) And puncture scars along his left fore-paw from teeth marks.
History: Tabansi was born different from the other lions around him, often picked on because he was the 'runt' of the litter. He had no brothers and sisters.. just one friend named Nahara that would stick beside him through hard times. He was often shunned by others of the pride because he was framed in most bad things others had done. Obviously he was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. The king was the next best thing to a father to him because what his mother often said was, that his father was a very rude self-centered lion that traveled on his own most of his life.. and his dad before that. The whole community exiled him without second-thought when a fight broke out between the two. His mother and friend was the only thing he had left in life, aside from the king and on one gloomy day Tabansi's mother had got into a fight with local hyenas, bitten on her fore-paw, it was nothing serious.. but she got sick... and being the good friend Nahara was would keep the wound clean.. what she didnt know is that the disease that the hyena had transfered to Tabansi's mom was now transfered to Nahara. The hunt mistress on her break had found Tabansi being once again picked on the larger cubs of the pride. The hunt mistress surely didn't mind it she being a more of a 'natural selctionist.' In terms of idiology, but she scowled at the bullies and took Tabansi to his dying mother. Tabansi had no clue where he was going at the first time, but once her mother was visible and friend lying beside her limp, with no life it was obvious that Tabansi's mother, and best friend were dead. He cried long hard days feeling as if he lost everything, the king let him stay in the special cramped den for a while and then the hunt mistress took him under and cared for him. Obviously she taught him how to hunt. His lack of weight and slim body made himself faster and a lot easier to catch meals than other males. Though he didnt know how to fight he was taught basics of fighting and practiced with the hunt mistress. A year and a half later had gone by and his training was complete.. he knew all the hunt mistress knew from hunting. Yet he felt as if he could stay in the pride as long as he want. Yet one day a rogue male, strongest he had ever seen came in and killed the old king. The other males had no quarrel with the rogue and respectively ran off as they were chased away. Tabansi however, felt as if this was his only home.. and it was. So in the end he stood up to the male lion, as stupid as it might be and payed the price. The rogue surely wanted to make him dye painfully and slowly, with a cuffing to the face, slicing half his ear off and gnawing away at his left limb. In a cry of anger he let his right paw furiously bat at the new kings visage until he hit a vunerable spot.. The eye. The king roared in agony and Tabansi, filled with adrenaline and sudden instiction to run, did so. Leaving the pride once and for all. He limped for a few days, generally in the same direction he left his pride in. Now he looks back on his old pride and regrets his sudden choice of leaving, having an obvious advantage over the male after blinding him. Now alone.. hungry from days of not eating and the obvious limp keeping him from hunting he felt as if he would now slowly die with out a food source.

((Sorry for not detailing or clarifying this further, I just wrote this up in 20 minutes. In my RP im usually more Detailed.))

October 18th, 2004, 04:34 AM
am playing Shadow and Sunshine as cubs :cheese:

Shadows bio" young cub

spices white eyed panter

History i told it so manny times now so i make it short.

is from the jungle he watsh hes whole pride die his sisters and mother so he runs of to pride rock.....

and meat Sunshine and they get in love.....


Shines age young cub " a litel younger then Shadow"

spices lionesses

History....a lonly lionesses whit no freands and parents exsept when Shadow is cuming to Pride rock.....

desderping marks....Shine has a sun on her chick and 3 scars over it...thes scars and sun are glowing and showing how she fels....is she angry the scars glows very red...is she happy the sun glowes very strong is she a bit of bohf they are mixsing....and if she is just normal not glowing at all....and this only shows at nights

outsiders ?

no they are not outsiders they are just dont liked from the rest of the pride....but ofcurse you decide if you want a new friend our just bring them more down....whits i like to try.....

relationship.....no one knows abut there relationship so if this coms out they wold be in big truble....."blinks".....

November 17th, 2004, 03:07 AM
I will be playing my new charrie Alden. (Since STL has decided to play Kiros whom I made up in another RP!)

Name: Alden
Gender: Male
Age: About 18 if he were human.
Father: Tryce (Where-abouts Unknown)
Mother: Leyauna (Deceased)
Sibling/s: Renny (Resides in the Jungle)
Species: Strangely colored Lion

Description: Pale golden eyes and a flowing auburn mane adorn his rusty-copper colored pelt. Long three pronged ebony nose (Much like Kovu's) rests on his strong muzzle. Creamy-beige colored chin fur and undercoat. Posseses abnormally large paws and wickedly strong talons. Raven tipped ears, left has a tag in it from previous battles, and tail.

History: Though he appears an Outlander he was not raised as such. His mother, Leyauna, escaped with him from the dreaded wasteland before he could even open his eyes. They were raised on the outskirts of a foreign Pride but were soon forced even further into the darkness by patrols. His mother was killed by a rogue named Eshom and he was raised by the large black lion. Eshom died of old age before Alden was nine years old in human terms. Now Aldren, not really knowing who his parents were/are wanders the area alone.

Personality: Extremely stubborn yet good-natured (If you get to know him) courageous, daring, and bold are three words that describe what he shows on the outside. On the inside he is a helpless romantic and simply searching for a friend. (Traits he can never let others see.) Though his past was a dreaded, dark one, he seeks the light. The virtue most important to him--Trust.

November 17th, 2004, 05:50 AM
Um if its ok to join I'll play my character Simrick...
Let me fix it up a bit and I'll have that brief bio put up in a bit.......

unregistered user
November 17th, 2004, 05:53 AM
((Good to have ya FCSimba & Simrick =)))

November 18th, 2004, 03:10 AM
((Thank you Sonique, pleasure to be here. -dips head- Thank you all for being so accomidating so far. ;)))

November 18th, 2004, 03:30 AM
Thanks Sonique ^__^ =P

November 29th, 2004, 05:23 AM
I will be placing updates here about what is happening in role play with my character.

Of paths and tale's
Having watched simbaji for some time the small journey takes them outside the pridelands where the cub comes across another lion. Malaika is called out of hiding by the cub. After consulting with the cub Malaika tell's him about another journey that he must make and asks the cub to come along. Agree's to come and watches as the lion slinks back off into the grasses. Malaika watched while slowly falling asleep. When Simbaji fell asleep Malaika got up and laid by him.

Second journey
Malaika woke in the morning hours after dreaming and looked at himself in the watehole remeber all that he had been through. Near-by the cub still laid asleep in the grasses. Malaika had let him sleep in a bit. After a while Malaika tried to wake the cub for the journey ahead.

unregistered user
December 12th, 2004, 05:05 PM
I will beplaying various carchters but mostly Sky, Butterfly, Sun dance and Moon Dance. I have only wrote one. It is called the Jungle Kingdom:
The Gem pride's enemys, the Dark heart pride, creapt into the caves and killed as many lions as they could get. River nudged her five cubs and told them to leave. The cubs left reluctantly. As they left they saw River and Night be slaugtered by teh Dark Heart pride's leader kill thier parents. soon they arrived in the pride lands. A hyena lept out and killed Midnight, thier big brother. Sky, Butterfly, Sun Dance and Moon Dance wept and ran for thier lives. they reached the water hole and began to lap rapidly

Name: Princess Sky
Age: 4 (Lion Years)/16(lion years and 20(lion years)
Animal: Lioness cub/ adesolent/ adult
History: She was princess of the Gem pride.
Family: Mother: river(dead)
Father: Night(dead)
Brother: Midnight(dead)
Sisters: Sun Dance, Moon Dance and Butterfly

Name: Princess Butterfly
Age: 4 (Lion Years)/16(lion years and 20(lion years)
Animal: Lioness cub/ adesolent/ adult
History: She was princess of the Gem pride.
Family: Mother: river(dead)
Father: Night(dead)
Brother: Midnight(dead)
Sisters: Sun Dance, Moon Dance and Sky

Name: Princess Sun Dance
Age: 4 (Lion Years)/16(lion years and 20(lion years)
Animal: Lioness cub/ adesolent/ adult
History: She was princess of the Gem pride.
Family: Mother: river(dead)
Father: Night(dead)
Brother: Midnight(dead)
Sisters: Sky, Moon Dance and Butterfly

Name: Princess Moon Dance
Age: 4 (Lion Years)/16(lion years and 20(lion years)
Animal: Lioness cub/ adesolent/ adult
History: She was princess of the Gem pride.
Family: Mother: river(dead)
Father: Night(dead)
Brother: Midnight(dead)
Sisters: Sun Dance, Sky and Butterfly

unregistered user
December 26th, 2004, 11:30 PM
Name: Tyreene
Age: cub (female,about 6 mo.)
Species: lioness
Pride: none
Parents: deceased
Description: http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Ice_Furr/Tyreene.jpg
History: Tyreene grew up a rouge in the jungle with her adoptive parents,a pair of leopards. She was extremely happy in her thick foilaged home and grew to know every inch of the area (at least,the area she was allowed to explore). At an early 6 months of age,Tyreene's parents died of a disease only leopards could catch. Now,having gotten over their deaths,Tyreene focuses on surviving on her own. She hopes to find someone to help her out sometime.

unregistered user
January 13th, 2005, 03:10 AM
Name: Thandi Zakiya
Age: Currently Unknown
Species: Mandrill (monkey)
Troop: Morake (Currently exiled)
Parents: Marcus and Nikki
Sibling: Dawit
Description: She used to have beautiful golden fur but now has black fur. *Picture Forthcoming*


The lifeline of Thandi Zakiya

Teneki lands (Sowetan and Neramis Troops): Thandi Zakiya was born to Marcus and Nikki of the Morake Troop. Soon after she was born, her family was attacked by two cheetahs. Thandi survived the ordeal but many believe that her parents didn't. She was found to be the Fifth Chosen One as prophetsized by Santonem (a prophet who lived in Mengesha). She was taken in by Reggie and Nomvula of the Sowetan Troop. At the age of 5 she began training as a shaman from Morenthino. At the age of 12 she met Magduane (at the time, he was the 3rd Chosen One) of the Neramis Troop. Magduane later tells the first Chosen One, Grenefeke, of Thandi. Grenefeke muses and decides her fate.

At age 16, Thandi watches two of her good friends die. Reggie dies, his son Woza becomes leader of the troop. She hears of her friend Vernon's death later. Reggie's other son, Nefu, takes Thandi aside, drugs her and rapes her. Embarresed and greatly humiliated, Thandi leaves Tenenki.

After she leaves, a member of the Morake Troop named Zathiki meets up with Woza and finds out that Thandi is alive..or was. He goes in search of her.

Unknown Lands (Zuluisi Pride): Two seasons later, Thandi stubles accross unkown lands. She collapses due to starvation and a pain in her abdomen. A pair of lionesses finds her (Nthabiseng and Shondise) and helps her. It is discovered that she is pregnant. Thandi then gives birth to a male and it is believed to be stillborn. After a short healing she leaves.

Pride Lands (Zendalii Pride): Thandi meets up with a lion who called himself Mendonu (Goldenmane, Adiemus..among other alias). He spoke with her and then met his arch enemy Harssii. Harssii casted a spell and Thandi counteracted it. Mendonu's life was saved. He thanked her and they parted.

Dark Lands (Morkeleb's Lair): Thandi came accross some dark lands and met up with the second Chosen one (Morkeleb) and the fourth Chosen One (Shinshe). Knowing her training level was Initiate, Morkeleb challenged her. Following the creed of shamans, Thandi accepted. Then in a terrible battle, Thandi was defeated. Shinshe and Morkeleb dragged her body and dropped her off in some unknown place.

Kuracha Lands (Shinshe's Lair): After healing up again, Thandi met up with Shinshe again, prepared to fight she looked at Shinshe. Shinshe told her she didn't want to hurt Thandi. Instead, she gave Thandi some advice. Thandi listened and then left.

Guanda Lands (Morake Troop): Thandi meets Hangebo of the Morake Troop..she then meets half of the troop which she was told was dead. She stays for a short while to nurse wounds she still had.

Unknown Lands (Other Half of the Morake Troop): Thandi wandered off again and found a lion attacking a mandrill. She fought the lion with magic and won. She then used the last bit of magic to heal the mandrill. She then meets all of the rest of the troop, including her father and brother. She tells them to go to Guanda. They listen.

Unknown Lands (Unclaimed): Thandi wandered yet again and met Zathiki. The two fell immediately in love.

Guanda Lands (Morake Troop): The other half of the troop meets the other half. The Morake Troop is whole. Zathiki goes back, Thandi stays behind. Later Thandi sneaks in and mates with Zathiki.

Teneki Lands (Neramis and Sowetan Troops): Thandi meets Obike. He tells her that he is Zathiki's real father. She tells him about the troop getting together. They both go back to the troop.

Guanda Lands: Thandi and Obike get back to Guanda. Thandi doesn't tell anyone that she is the 5th Chosen One.

Almost a season later, Morkeleb challenges the troop. Thandi takes charge and secides to battle him. In battle, she uses one spell and unleashes it, just as he stabs her in the chest. The spell took off the previous spell he had from Grenefeke. As they both collapse, Grenefeke curses Thandi. With the spell taken off of him, Morkeleb challenges Grenfeke. Mork takes all of Gren's magic, Gren is left to survive alone.

Thandi, in a disheartening state, begins to die. Zathiki revives her with his crystal in combination of a spell by Morkeleb.

Later, Morkeleb trains Thandi. Thandi becomes Grand Master Shaman. It is later discovered that she is pregnant.

Mizaati Mara Pride Lands (Mizaati Mara Pride): As Thandi wanders around searching for the sixth Chosen One, she meets young Simba. They become fast friends. She later meets Fernando the human.

Guanda Lands: Thandi gives birth to a son (Xolani), one season later.

Six seasons later, she goes out to find the sixth Chosen One.

Pride Lands: Thandi meets Jabari Tunzo, a natural shaman. He tells her about his scars. She talks with him and gives him advice. She then leaves.

Teneki Lands: Thandi discovers her firstborn is still alive, although he is very mentally unstable. She takes him with her back to her home.

Guanda Lands: Thandi brings her son (Thepiso) home to meet her other son. Zathiki accepts him.

Grenefeke, having been very distraught about losing his magic, returns. He attacks both Thandi and her son with the Verm Troop and Moran Troop. Creedom of the Verm troop attacks Thandi.

Having seen this, Jabari steps on the lands after tagging along with Thandi. He discovers his power and attacks Creedom. He defeats Creedom and kills Grenefeke. He then frees Thandi's mother, Nikki and her two children (Balele and Tale). Jabari then looses his scars.

A season later Thandi has another cub..a daughter whom she names Amaranthine. Thandi Sangoma, Thandi Zakiya's grandmother, informs her that Amaranthine is a sangoma (spiritual healer). She sends her daughter to a troop of sangomas to raise her and teach her.

4 seasons later, Thandi has her last child, a son named Zakithi. He is a "natural" and the next in line to take his father's place.

3 seasons later, Thandi leaves on a mission. She had to leave her children when they were the ages of 7 (Amaranthine) and 3 (Zakithi). She didn't want to leave them but Tixo* had requested her. (* Tixo = Great Spirit)

Mizaata Mara: Thandi meets up with Fernando and Simba. She then leaves.

9 seasons later, Thandi found her old friend Buru and the cubs he cared for, Meisha, Obi, Fortisque and Orion. She cared for the cubs as her own though they were not hers.

Thandi's daughter, Amaranthine, returns guided by Suncloud and Silvermoon. She is informed her mother is on a mission, she decides to wait it out.

Endless Moornland (THEM): Thandi's end of the mission with the THEM (Trecherous Hyenas in the Endless Moornland) was her demise. They attacked and she was unable to fight them back. The four now grown, cubs, saved her. They then took off to find her home.

Guanda Lands: Obi (a sangoma) and his friends brought Thandi home. She was cared for by some of the shamans. It was thought she would be okay, when she got up and walked around, but the head wound brought her down. Thandi begins to have headaches.

Thandi's abcess on her head finally takes it's toll. The pressure in her head collapses her skull. She is pronounced dead. She was buried with honors in a cave in Guanda. Her tomb cave was marked by a leaf symbol drawn by Morkeleb.

Thandi's age at death: 42


5 years after death, Thandi's soul was still in limbo, not ready to goon to the next life. As luck would have it, on another planet, in another galaxy a summoning was taking place by an elemental. Abbay of Akasha (spirit element) was summoning someone of equal power to herself, minus the magical abilities of course. Thus she summoned Thandi Zakiya. Thandi was afraid of Abbay at first sight. Abbay, who looked much like a mandrill but more than half as big as Thandi and with stripes all over, a long tail, large teeth (much like a tigers), and retractable claws on her hands. Thandi, hoever had no real control as Abbay was her
'master' and commanded her to go to war with the humans. War lasted less than 6 months before the humans were exiled from the planet. Thandi's work was done and she asked to go home, to be reincarnated. However Abbay opened a portal to Earth and sent Thandi to Earth saying it was good for her to live again.

Once back on Earth, Thandi realized she was no longer one of the chosen ones, instead she was a normal old mandrill. She sought her tribe whom she vaguely remembered. At sight of her, the tribe thought her a ghost. But as she proved she was real, the other chosen ones knew better. Called an imposter, she was promtly exiled and sent away. Shortly after this, Thandi began to notice a change in her golden fur...a tinge of black...

PS: The character Abbay and the world of Heshimu is (c) to Kirin S. Used with permission. (She wrote it.)

March 11th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Name: Mizani
Nealy an adult
Best friends: Titus and Karifu
Status: wandering Rogue

Mizani is your average lioness (except for her golden pelt) and is now a rogue because her fathers pride could not support her. She now travels through Africa, searching for a pride, or some one to talk to.

:cheese: HI people this is my first made up char here.

March 11th, 2005, 02:32 PM
(smiles) welcome aboard! hope to see you around : )

March 13th, 2005, 12:55 AM
Thanks, its good to be here:browlift:

July 24th, 2005, 07:35 AM
hey can i join in?
I'll exit my character as soon as i finish my net for day :D
so i wouldn't stay on lingering there

Name- Firo (pronounced Fyro)

Race/Species- Lion

Age- Young cub (equivilent to 8 yrs old in human years)

Gender- Male

Name of family members- Firo has a brother in another rp name Raimi, but not in this one. Firo will be happy if he had a family member here .

Best Friend- Will make one soon

Place of residence- Pridelands

Eyes- Dark brown eyes

Fur colour- Orangy gold

Height- SHort, since he's still a young cub

weight- LIght, since he's still a young cub...hehe

distinguishing marks- Spots on his body from his babyhood that seems to have stayed there even though he was old enough to be free of them.

History/biography- Born in the pridelands, he doesn't exactly know who his mother is as lots of lionesses helped rear him up since his very early cubhood. Confused as he is, he treats all lionesses as if they're his mother and loves snuggling up beside them at night.

Physical apparence- Relatively strong for his age, with all the signs pointing to him growing up to be a strong and musclar lion.

Personality- Very bouncy and cheerful. He's extremely curious and this trait always gets him in trouble with the elders of the Pride. He loves to crawl up behind unsuspecting lions and scare the brains out of them. He loves to play but his all time favourite game is hide and seek.


July 24th, 2005, 07:39 AM
others are always welcome : ) i'm going to be going to bed here but wanted to say hi (smiles)

unregistered user
July 27th, 2005, 04:53 AM
Name: Mieaka
Age: Young Lioness Cub
Species: Lion
Pride: None
Description: A young cub, she is a light gold with bright green eyes. Her claws are always unsheathed amongst her left forepaw. She has one bold scar under her shoulder from previous engagement of the hostile nature. Her tail tuft is black with a one streak of white.

History: She befriended a young cub named Aleta, he whom befriended her with more than friendship in mind. Over time, they were separated, but always expected to see each other. A year later, her love still was within her, however Aleta felt different, and had forgotten her. Crushed and opressed by this, she tried to regain him. It had setteled a darkness in her that would never leave her. It grew within her, and she struck him down amidst the darkest of night, and paid for it with a scar. Aleta's father, Ukaout, assembled the council and hereby set down a curse amongst Mieaka, which took upon her and sent her away from the lands. She rooms with a darkness in her, and a curse. Could it ever be cured? Or would she turn downt he road of destruction, forever?

August 3rd, 2005, 07:19 PM
Name: Kijana Mfariji (also known as "Kij")
Age: Around five years
Species: African Lion (adult male)
Pride: Amber Plains (former), Burning Embers (current)

Parents: Ayubu and Anasa
Siblings: Niara (older sister), Mtenga ('twin' brother), Rukiya (sister)

Description: His eyes are of an emerald green and he has a mane of reddish hue. His pelt is between a dark golden and amber which has darkened with age. A few scars, which have dulled with age, marr his appearance, the most notable being the result of a lion's paw having raked across the left side of his face.

History: (More in line with what I have written and sketched out rather than RPed.)

Kijana had an average cubhood while growing up in the Amber Plains and upon reaching adolescence he left his natal pride. The motive behind him and his brother Mtenga leaving was due to the incursion of Jahi and Taamuli, two brothers from the rival Running Bloods Pride. Upon the successful defeat and death of their father, Kij and his brother literally fled for their lives while the two Running Blood males established their territory, along with additional support from their own pride. The two evicted youths eventually met up with a coalition of rogues led by a lion named Mataraja and so for a couple of years they were wanderers between pride territories.

By the time Kij and Mtenga were around four years of age they made their way back to the Amber Plains where they overthrew Jahi and Taamuli. They, with the help of other Amber Plains members, evicted Ujanja (Jahi and Taamuli's mother) along with her daughter Ukatili and two others. A few months later the two brothers had to contend with Darkflame Jifya, leader of the Running Bloods, and they came close to losing the battle with him. Not long afterwards the Amber Plains Pride had to deal with another incursion by Ujanja and the remaining Running Blood lionesses. Despite the defeat of Ujanja and the Running Bloods, it was a pyrrhic victory, for the losses had been substantial on boths sides. Of the older members of the pride, two survived, while those remaining were of Kij and Mtenga's age-mates. Ujanja and Ukatili had fallen and those of the Running Bloods who had survived feld with Mnongona.

A final blow to the Amber Plains Pride came when Mnongona returned with her supporters in a surprise attack. Kij lost his mother, older sister, and brother in the battle, as well as his mate Kichanga. The Amber Plains survivors scattered, with Kij and his daughter Asikari becoming rogues, later meeting up with Damu Kunguru, a lioness shaman, and Uumikaji, discarded son of Mnongona. Together with a handful of others they became the Burning Embers Pride.

August 3rd, 2005, 08:29 PM
Kijana!!!!! (x10 31st power)

(grins and smiles way happy)

awesome to see you around : )

can't wait to run into you!!

August 4th, 2005, 03:15 AM

Hey, Simba. I figured sooner or later you'd come pouncing in. Well, I'll certainly look forward to RPing with you again.

August 4th, 2005, 05:46 AM
(smiles happily)

The feeling is mutual : )

Kovu The Lion
August 4th, 2005, 06:19 AM
Lol i see you two know each other, can't wait to rp with ya also I guess :S a friend of Simbaji's is a friend of mine ; ) (Smiles)

August 5th, 2005, 02:30 PM
Hello.... can I join? I'd be using my fursona, Star....

Name: Star
Age: Adolecsent-Adult
Pride: none
Color of Fur: dark grey
Underfur, muzzle, paws: light grey
tail: black
Eye Color: blue/violet
Other: She also wears a dark blue star necklace, given to her by the Nova pride.

Background: Born into the Nova pride. Lived with her mother and father and younger brother. She was a young cub when lightning stuck their lands and the fields caught on fire, killing many members of her pride, including her parents. She never knew what happened to her brother. She ran from the fire, dodging trees and firey grasses. She came to the edge of a small cliff, and was trapped. She jumped, and landed unconsious on the ground below. She awoke to barren lands of nothing but ash. From then on, she has been a loner, wandering from pride to pride. Her father's spirit is always there, guiding her.

August 5th, 2005, 09:13 PM
Name: Feirefiz
Age: 5 years
Species: White Lion/Panther
Pride: Mizaati Mara
Parents: Names unknown at this point to me.
Description: Sported on his thin body is a mix of black and white.Most notable is the band that runs the length of his body and his belly. Other areas of black appear on his fur. His eyes are a pure blue and can seem to stare through you. He also sports a semi mane, given his family line he lacks in the department of a full mane. The mane on the back of his neck stands up as a cat who has been scared.


History: Once a member of the Mizaati Mara, Feirefiz felt he was no longer focused enough to perform his role. After a near accident at a cave mouth with Vitany and being unable to protect Simba from Adiemus, he felt ashamed that his mind wanderings had clouded his judgement and abilities. In the dark of night he slipped away to answer that question that clouded his mind. He wanted to find and gain the respect of his father. His father had been ashamed of his sons pelt and that he (his father) had taken a panther as his mate. So his father abandoned his mother and him. All Feirefiz had wanted was to be a knight like his father and hope this would bring him closer.

Many months had past, following clues and leads he had finally found his father. Only to be rejected because of his looks and lack of pure genes. Heartbroken he left his fathers lands and wandered with no purpose.

Over the years he tried to find himself, only to realize he'd left behind others who accepted him and so his journey to find the Mizaati Mara Pride began.

August 5th, 2005, 10:16 PM
(smiles even more at seeing yet another distant and well-loved friend)

August 13th, 2005, 07:45 PM
Name: Murok
Age: Almost Adult
Parents: Khan(Tiger) and Killress(Lion)
Gender: Male
Pride: Currently none, born into Harmony Gorge
Fur: Orangeish brown color; stripes- light tan and dark brown
Underfur, muzzle, paws: Cream
Eye Color: Redorange
Other: Ears are black with white spot on back

Background: Murok had no idea of who his real mother was, or father that matter. He wouldn't know of how his father had tried to rip the 4 cubs out of Killress's womb upon finding out she was pregnant. Needless to say, thier mother kicked some major butt and escaped with only a few scars over her belly. She retired to Harmony Gorge with a dear friend, and had her cubs there. Upon finding herself back in perfect hunting form, she knew she could no longer take care of the cubs, not with the life of killing she lead. She left the 4 of them in her friend's care, and has yet to see them sense.

Murok was perhaps the only normal one out of them, mostly normal. His sister Ashiki was vicious and bent on revenge for thier abandoning mother, and his other sister Alhana was to freaking nice, she'd taken after thier adoptive mother. Murok was simply methodic, he was more a thinker than a fighter. And upon reaching the age of near adulthood, he figured he should strike out on his own. Thus he has. No ill intent, just trying to find something to make him complete, to fill the void.



August 13th, 2005, 08:47 PM
Name: Azaria

Nick name:Aza or Ria

Race/Species- Lionesses adolescent

Age Teen (around 15)

Gender- young female

Name of Family member: none

Mate:O.o none

Best Friend(s),None

Friend: um..none

Place of Residence: small cave outside of Pridelands

Eyes, blue

Fur colour, Mahogany

Paw Color: Black'

Underbelly and muzzle: Tan

Weight, can't really say

Height, adolescent size

Distinguishing marks:She has a Scar like mark coming down her forehead and on both cheeks that are red in color.

History/biography, Azaria has always been a young rogue who has lived all alone for as long as she could remember. She doesn't recall having any relatives...or at least any that have been involved in her life. She's live many places but has decided to call a small cave outside of the Pridelands her home. She hasn't any friends, other than herself and hasn't had contact with another lion in quite some time.

Personality:She quiet, calm and mostly to herself. She isn't very open at all about anything and only speaks when spoken to. but on the inside she is a very kind person who just wants to be accepted into normal society.

I hope this acceptable info. Need anything else just ask. Oh yeah.. and here is the link to her picture. It's the cub version because i haven't had time to draw up an adolescent version yet.

September 18th, 2005, 02:14 PM
Name: Prey
Spices: leopard
age: adolescent
Location: somewhere in the jungle
History: Parents were killed recently by 2 lions, ow she is trying to survive
Personality: Hiding from everything and everywon, still frustrated couse seeing the murder of her parents
this is her as an adult, I don?t have any young pics right now

September 26th, 2005, 07:49 AM
I thought I'd post my character's profile here first, I have a little site that includes almost everything listed here...so everything 'ta learn is here: http://www.geocities.com/akikos_aiyana/farrenpage.html, you can even check out a little of her story there...it's far from finished however. ;) Alright, so there's Farren for ya...now I return to reading the roleplay here.

September 26th, 2005, 06:39 PM
European wolf, they live in Europe, right?

September 26th, 2005, 08:16 PM
No, ethiopian wolf...from ethiopia ;) It's in africa, so they really are the only true african wolf. I've had many people either not know of them or think they're actually a type of jackal, :p however science has proven they're actually more closely related to grey wolves and coyotes of north american. they're quite interesting really, and of course all too cute.

September 27th, 2005, 04:17 PM
he is really cute:cheese:

April 11th, 2006, 07:54 AM
Well I did say I'd like to start RP'ing again, but I personally don't think I'd like to continue Role Playing Mizani, so I'm posting a new character profile just so y'all know.

Name: Jardyn

Species: Serval

Age: Near end of adolescence

Location: (None, was previously living in a land that bordered the Outlands)

History: Her childhood was fairly normal, but her mother was killed in her early teens. With little knowledge and skills, hunting and hiding were something that she had to learn, and still is even now.
The population of lions in her area increased so much, that it became a threat to her living there, as the lions had apparently developed a taste for serval meat. Whether it was a tale to merely frighten cubs, or just a myth, Jardyn decided not to take the chance, and took to the life of a rogue.
She is now currently somewhere in the vicinity of Malaika and co.

Art (c) to me.

April 23rd, 2006, 09:20 PM

Psylant Darkeen
April 24th, 2006, 04:53 AM
I'd luv to continue playing as my wolf self... but I'm begenning to wonder exactly how that'd tie into Malaika's new plot setup

April 24th, 2006, 05:37 AM
It's totally up to you. We all have chars that we try to wander and involve ourselves with. There's nothing wrong with your char as is. Some players have multiple chars, in which if you'd like you can always create a new one as well. : )

April 24th, 2006, 04:24 PM
Is this picking up where the last left off? I'm just feeling a little lost is all : P

April 24th, 2006, 09:08 PM
Yes it is going from where second journey ended.

April 30th, 2006, 07:12 PM
(So... I just post a character bio here?)

April 30th, 2006, 07:49 PM
yup : )

May 1st, 2006, 09:51 PM
(Righteous. *finds a good name*)

September 28th, 2006, 09:41 PM
hmmmm........ I'll add 1 of my past RPG(on different site) chars.

if I can still post a bio?

September 28th, 2006, 11:30 PM
blah, I am just typing this the way I can think of it.

Name: Nasibu (means fate & destiny)
Pronounce: nah-see-boo
Nickname: Nasi (nah-see)
Age: probably around Malaika's age
Species: Lion
Gender: female
Pride: Mizani Mara/Heartland

Eyes: "clear" amber that seems to stare into the abyss.
Appearance: she has light brown fur with honey underfur. Nasibu is rather average in build though bizarre in markings. under her right eye is a triangular gold marking and on each ear there is gold tipping. she also has 2 teal markings, 1 above each eyebrow, that a human permantly put on her. her right ear has a piercing with feathers dangling.
Personality: Nasibu has been through alot, which she hides behind those dazzling eyes. however, she can make some of the most gloomy situations bright. aside from interest in being a shamaness, she loves to have fun. though, she does know when to set play aside for priorities.
History: She was born far away...really far away. It took a while before they truelly accepted her. Being daughter of an advisor and apprentice of a shaman kept her busy. But once everything fell back into its rightful place amongst the 2 prides there, she felt another calling. In finding this she had 2 brushes with death. The first 1 was a hunter's spear nearly killing her from blood loss. Miraculously, she survived only to become lost in desert. A kind young woman took her in and nursed her back to health. Nasibu stayed with her for awhile and got several new "features"(markings & earpiercing). Now her journey has lead her here. And so she makes her final placement of alliance.
Pic: working on it!

September 29th, 2006, 01:50 PM
Cool, nice to have you aboard : )

September 30th, 2006, 02:29 AM
thanks. mind if I add another char? don't wanna overcrowd:browlift:

September 30th, 2006, 04:10 AM
Hehe, not at all. The more the merrier. Can't wait to rp with some of them : )

October 5th, 2006, 10:15 PM
alright then ;)

Name: Maulishio (means death)
Pronounce: mawl-EEsh-EE-O
Nickname: Prince of Death
Age: Adult
Species: Lion
Gender: male
Pride: he's a rogue

Eyes: soulless grayish blue
Appearance: His form is large and menacing, it's no wonder he's so intimidating. His fur is dark grey with dark reddish underfur. he also has a magnificent black mane.
Personality: do you really wanna know? this guy puts the venge in revenge. always out for his next fight, don't expect this guy to be friendly. Maulishio doesn't care what happens to who, as long as he's the one still kickin' in the end. nothing seems to matter to him. however, he is on the look out to change that; appears he's looking for a wife.
History: Nothing much really. He has lived the life of a rogue for years. This guy was born in horrible war far away and has learned to fight to stay alive. Apparently, all that stayed with him through the years. There's no doubt he could scare even the mightiest of lions, but there isn't any proof...yet. In the deepest, darkest jungles he finds peace. Otherwise, you're in for the fight of your life. Literally.
Pic: just a matter of coloring it ;)

May 2nd, 2007, 05:54 PM
Ug. Me want join.

Name ? Bahati.

Meaning of Name ? Lucky.

Race/Species - Lion.

Age- She?s just becoming an adult, so she?s about the same age as Kiara was in TLK2.

Gender - female

Best Friend - none, as she?s just gotten here.

Place of residence - She?s a wanderer, well has become one until recently.

Eyes - deep green.

Fur color - she?s a bit of Dark sandy Brown. Her muzzle, a diamond-shape?thing... between her eyes, bottom of her legs, top of her tail and stomach is a creamy white.

Height - She?s average; Nala?s Height?

Weight - she?s become very light as of late, having not much to eat.

Distinguishing marks - her creamy white diamond in between her eyes.

History/biography ? Bahati? has led a very normal life, since birth. Her uncle was leader of the pride So Bahati had always had a good time. But A neighboring Pride (Haleo?s, Malahari.) had been attacked, and Her uncle felt obligated to help, taking with him Bahati?s Father.
Bahati?s mother stepped up to be temporary Queen, leaving Bahati with adulthood to battle.
With her pride on the verge of war, Bahati did more work than her mother. One day, her pride was invaded and Bahati rounded everyone up and left to the Malahari Pride.
Safe when upon arrival, Bahati was given the rank of Princess and future Queen, since her uncle hadn?t a son or a daughter. Bahati did not except it, and was told that she would never make it outside of the pride once she did become Queen.
Furious with this, Bahati left off to make it on her own. She has just recently spotted the Shadow Lands and has decided to stay, maybe finding some friends and escaping her parents and family.

Physical appearance ? Bahati is, for the most part, Muscular, and definitely not the Lioness you want to mess with.

Personality ? Bahati is very caring and is blessed with both brains and brawns, as she almost always thinks things through. Occasionally though, she gets a little reckless and just does whatever she wants. Once she matures more, Bahati would make it as a great mother. Bahati is very aggressive at times, but good as a friend. She?s good at giving orders and is an excellent leader.

May 2nd, 2007, 08:43 PM
Nice to have you along : )

November 16th, 2016, 01:00 PM
It's Great Post.....