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October 11th, 2004, 11:14 PM
Post your original character Bio's here or just give us thier names and etc.
Only if you wish to, and thank you. :evilgrin:

(I was originally going to keep it in the other thread, but it might be easier just to keep them all in this one. :) )

Mamela's Characters

Name: Mamela
Name Meaning: Listen (I think..at least thats what I was told. :P )
Background:..? I'm not sure, I may change it for
this RPG. :)
Check out my avatar. ;)

Species:Lion..maybe ;)
Special Abilities:He can walk on air, and he can well
make it snow..;) He has other powers, but I doubt i'll
use any of them. Keep it simple if I even play him. :)
Background: No one knows his background, this big cat
only shows up from time to time on a random whim.
Appearance:A big white fluffy lion larger then a normal sized
lion, with soft blue eyes. ^.^


Appearance:She's almost half the size of a normal creature of her species, and it's a surprise she's survived, but she has. She has a very soft cream coat, and blue eyes. She has a white stripe down her head ( I guess think..Zira ish?) and it goes down her back almost to her tail.


Appearance: She has Panda-ish markings. ^_^
Check her out:
(That's her baby picture)
(Adult picture)

Species: Mutant Lioness
Special Abilities: she has control over plantlife.
(Picture by Chui because I love it!)
I may add more characters to this post later. ^.^

October 12th, 2004, 12:29 AM
Name: Uzuri
Name Meaning: Beauty
Species: Lioness
Age: Young cub
Appearance: as an adult - http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Kippy/Uzuri.jpg

October 12th, 2004, 12:30 AM
My character is me. ;) I write a story called "Suki: The tiger cub with a heart" because she has a heart-like mark on her cheast like that's where her heart is.

October 12th, 2004, 03:56 PM
Name: Marinya
Species: lioness
Age: about 18 in human age
Appearence: the pale lioness with long black stripe on her back.
Here's the picture of Marinya:

:D :cheese:

October 13th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Name: Calais
Species: Cheetah
Appearance: A small male cheetah, around 18 (in human years). Very lightly coloured compared to other cheetahs, but still yellowish.

October 14th, 2004, 05:20 AM
this never exsist :D

October 14th, 2004, 05:29 AM
just todaly forget this :cheese:

unregistered user
December 15th, 2004, 08:00 PM
name: Sari
Type: Cheetah
eye colour: blue
apperance: small, cute, fluffy and fast.
age: 4 (lion years)

Name: Butterfly
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and Pink with a butterfly on each shoulder blade.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Sky
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and Blue with a cloud on each shoulder blade.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Sarafina
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and sandy.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Black Gem
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and Black with a black pearl on her forehead.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Midnight
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and black.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Miliski
Eye colour: green
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin and reddish brown fur.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Novu
Eye colour: Green
Apperance: large, cute, bulky and reddish brown.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Misan
Eye colour: blue
Apperance:large, cute, bulky and white.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Primrose
Eye colour: blue
Apperance: small, cute, slender, thin, brown and reddish brown hearts on each of her shoulder blades.
Age: 4 (Lion Years)

Name: Nocona
Eye colour: green
Apperance:large, cute, bulky and Golden.
Age: 4 (Lion Years

January 7th, 2006, 10:59 PM
Name: Takeru "Tak"

Species: Meerkat

Eye color: Light Blue

Appearance: Short, skinny. And has brown spiked hair.

Age: Meerkat Cub. "12 in meerkat years"

More "In depth" description: ~TLK 1 era.
Takeru. A young meerkat, was born during the time period of Scar's dictatorship of the pride lands. He is one of the top workers in the digging crew of the meerkat colony. But even though he has a strong talent for digging he is not liked by many of the other meerkats simply because he is shy, qiuet, and nice. Making him easy to pick on and tease because he wont do anything to stick up for himself. No matter what happens he tries to keep a smile on his face, even though deep down the tension and stress is building and when he reaches the breaking point....
The only bloodline family Tak has is his cousin Zephyr, who is his only close companion. And Zephyrs mom. His father was killed before he was born in a tunnel collapse, and his mother died during a surprise raid by some hyenas. Leaving him orphaned in his aunts care.
Takeru though being quiet has a nack for getting into trouble. Always seeming to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also a cause of the matter would be that he likes to explore above ground. And has great interest in traveling someday to the "big pointy rock" off in the distance of the colony.


Name: Zephyr "Z"

Species: Meerkat

Eye color: Hazel brown

Appearance: Tall and and athletic. Has red hair that is long and goes down nearly to his shoulder.

Age: Meerkat Youth. "15 in meerkat years"

More "In depth" description: ~TLK 1 era.
Zephyr is pretty much the complete opposite of his little cousin Tak. He is rude, rebellious, and hates doing any form of work whatsoever. His arrogance goes to the extent that he once, on sentry duty, threw rocks at a group of hyenas he spotted taunting, and running from them for 10 minutes before warning the colony of their presence.
Zephyr many a time has come to his cousin's aid while he was being bullied by the other meerkats. Determined to protect Tak as much as he can. Though he cant protect him forever.

February 24th, 2006, 12:48 AM
Just adding mine. :)

Name: Mina
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Age: 29 (er in human terms I suppose so lol)
Appearance: She has soft, white fur and green eyes. She may look vunerable and easy to take advantage of due to her slim build and almost 'quiet' look to her. However she is very capable of taking care of herself. She can also take on a commanding sort of role, (if she wanted to) and doesn't take war lightly.

Personality: Mina, for the most part, has an even temperament and is easy to approach and talk to. However, the death of her husband thrust her into an almost unshakable melancholy which she is slowly trying to pull out of. She is very protective of those she is close to, and when angered, unleashes a fury unlike any other.

History: Mina grew up in the pridelands as normal a life any lioness would. Her father died when she was young by a rival, and so thrived under the care and protection of her mother, who was herself a strong lioness.

Her mother died when she was only a teenager, Mina then lived with a aunt in a neigboring land for a time until she was ready to return to her home. Mina was told that she would meet the lion she was to marry when she arrived. It was an arranged marriage a long time ago, and she had never met nor heard of this before. A thought that frightened her at the age of a young adult.

At first, she was hesitant about the whole thing, until she eventually grew to love the him. Some years passed and their life was a happy one, Mina now thinking she could move on from her loneliness and start a new life. That is, until strife came between two countries, and her husband was called upon to fight. Mina never heard or saw him again.

She now lives alone, spending her days quietly in the pridelands. Mina is not as out-going or trusting of anyone. Preferring to keep herself guarded around strangers for fear of one day loving someone else. She feels she has now lost everything she held dear to her and has little hope of anything.