View Full Version : douse you carecter have a meaning ?
August 26th, 2004, 05:55 AM
hi all i wold like to ask you all if your carecter has a meaning in its name our the colers the type of anamal you wold be.
my self are representing the inside of me i have a very bad past not only abut my mother.
so the fur of Shadow is black rperesenting al the bad thigs i go throw and the white spots around Shadows eyes are representing hope and love.
so as long as i have a litle pic of hope and love from my famaly i will never stop fighting never give up.
that my carecter is standing for how abut your carecter ?
August 26th, 2004, 06:00 AM
The name Ngatuny means Lion in the Masai language, as for my avatar that changes frequently right now it is clipart of cub Bagheera from Jungle book.
August 26th, 2004, 06:02 AM
I see so in your banner:
"Lion! LOL" is he mocking Lions? :lol:
August 26th, 2004, 06:06 AM
In a way yes!:gasp: a cheetah can sort of afford to do that. :p
EDIT: It is meant more as a joke than for real.;)
August 26th, 2004, 06:10 AM
:lol: hes lucky hes to fast for my lioness freinds!! lol.. Well that clears that up, I thought he was mocking.. ummm... i dunno himself/you... lol..
Thats a really cool pic btw!! awsome mate!!
August 26th, 2004, 08:56 AM
nafklt=tlkfan :scream: Suprised?;)
King Simba
August 26th, 2004, 09:08 AM
King Simba = King Simba. :cheese:
Lion King Stu
August 26th, 2004, 09:14 AM
Twilight is just basicly based on me. I like the night hence the stars and the moon. He always down just like me. and a few others which i can't remember at the mo lol
King Simba
August 26th, 2004, 09:26 AM
For my characters, Namabi, Katai, Lunara etc. mean nothing. I just came up with them straight from my head. :confused:
August 26th, 2004, 10:06 AM
nafklt...blah.:scream: I always do rearrange the letters backwards since it's less likely for it to be taken on email services.;)
August 26th, 2004, 10:10 AM
Nephilim= the offspring of mortal women, fathered by the angels who were sent to purify mankind, but became corrupted and evil. Basically, a devil that looks like an angel.
August 26th, 2004, 11:38 AM
I have tried to make some history for my charracters... but somehow always when I start doing stuff my mind go pitchblack
unregistered user
August 26th, 2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by SimbaLKD
:lol: hes lucky hes to fast for my lioness freinds!! lol.. Well that clears that up, I thought he was mocking.. ummm... i dunno himself/you... lol..
Thats a really cool pic btw!! awsome mate!!
Cheetah is teh cool :cool:
August 26th, 2004, 01:01 PM
cool names meaning you all have=D.
and for thos how dont have a meaning name cool names
August 26th, 2004, 03:15 PM
Kovu = "scar" in Swahili (in case anyone really doesn't know, in case.)
Various reasons, many of which i'm trying to find out myself.
Basically these two:
1) Kovu (the character in SP) rocks. I was nothing like him, and thus wish to be like him.
2) Kovu was named after Scar. The meaning of his name later changed to that of his new scar (that Zira gave him), and no longer has anything to do with Scar. But for myself, i haven't got a scar, and neither do i have anything to do with Scar. It's just the scar in me, my disturbing past, and my uncertain future.
In conclusion, regardless all the crappy stories that i made up, Kovu's just... Kovu.
unregistered user
August 27th, 2004, 01:40 AM
Nyeupe means "white" in...I think it was Swahili =X:alone:
August 27th, 2004, 11:51 PM
August 27th, 2004, 11:55 PM
i be the liger :D
no real reason, i just love lions and tigers, so now i can be them both at once :)
August 30th, 2004, 05:30 AM
hehe why not ;D
September 1st, 2004, 04:33 AM
Well when I hear Garfield I think about a fat orange , black-stripped cat =P but for my Character Simrick...I don't think has a meaning, but a disturbing past. Since he is a liger ( Love Lions and Tigers ) =P
unregistered user
September 1st, 2004, 04:38 AM
I'll keep the meaning behind mine a secret for now :p
September 1st, 2004, 05:07 AM
hehe ok :D
unregistered user
September 1st, 2004, 07:02 AM
Kenyi Khairi Safara is my main character's name.
Kenyi means: Male Born after 3+ Girls.
Khairi means: Kingly.
Safara means: Her place.
So if I had to convert his whole name into a meaning, it would probably say: "A True King born after 3+ Girls(Lionesses), in a place." I don't know, lol. Just something I made up, don't want to get into a huge conflict or argument about it, just saying what I think.:cheese:
September 1st, 2004, 01:25 PM
September 2nd, 2004, 02:25 PM
Ghalati means a few different things in Swahili. It means lie, falsehood, fault, or mistake.
September 2nd, 2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Ghalati
Ghalati means a few different things in Swahili. It means lie, falsehood, fault, or mistake.
also it means aeRo :evilgrin: ;)
September 2nd, 2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by nafklt
nafklt=tlkfan :scream: Suprised?;)
:woeisme: Oh my god, i'm a dork:eek: I didn't saw that it was TLKFAN backwards, i thought it was just made up:hehe: Hit me with a beef or whatever, as long as you won't hit me with the s***k please;) :lol:
The name Xanahti doesn't got a meaning, i just made it up. And i'm quite fond of it, so i get pretty :grrr: when somebody else uses it. Anyway, about the colors of my char, they don't got a special meaning really, i was just very interested in the outlanders when i created her, there for her dark brown colors. I don't really know so much about her acctually, still she's about one and a half year now, but i guess it's because i'm more interested in the canon chars than the fan chars.:evilgrin:
unregistered user
September 2nd, 2004, 07:27 PM
Nuka- Stink
Alden- Old
Akuji- Dead & Awake
Ravoc- I took the word ?Havoc? and switched ?H? with ?R?
Shaylan- I got this from experimenting with the name ?Shelia? and slowly began to change it bit by bit.
Draco- From the constellation
Nyati- Water buffalo, but I liked the sound of it
Leo- Lion
Ashki- Love
Tamaa- Hope
Aiden- Fiery
Adlai- Refuge of God
Jamali- Faith
Kovimbu- I just mixed Simba?s and Kovu?s names hehe
Kimoni- King
Tuta- Heartbeat
Eshandra, Zynx, Xenti, Hesh-They just popped up in my mind.
unregistered user
September 2nd, 2004, 08:18 PM
My name means Devil or Demon or something like that. I just spell it differently.
September 2nd, 2004, 10:38 PM
kcnmttcnn is... ????????? for now.
unregistered user
September 2nd, 2004, 10:44 PM
Not again *smacks self in face*
September 3rd, 2004, 04:07 AM
*throws a rock on Nuka* :evilgrin: & Xanahti, that gave me a really good laugh :lol:
September 3rd, 2004, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by kcnmttcnn
kcnmttcnn is... ????????? for now.
if heard what it mean befure but i cant remember it aaaaaaaa please say it please please :D
September 3rd, 2004, 11:43 PM
I am pretty sure I know for a fact you have not heard it before ;), there are only 2 people that know it, one doesn't go to this forum and the other is me :cheese:
September 3rd, 2004, 11:44 PM
nope i heaird it ones some scrwed upp and said it on a chat i remeber it :bleen:
September 4th, 2004, 12:41 AM
you have no idea what it means ;)
September 4th, 2004, 12:50 AM
You don't know what it means, I think :S
September 4th, 2004, 10:00 AM
you like to know...dont you :evilgrin:
King Simba
September 4th, 2004, 11:25 AM
Funsani (Namabi's father) - a request
Pronunciation: foon-SAH-nee
Gasira - (Namabi's mother) - bold, courageous
Pronunciation: GAH-see-rah
September 6th, 2004, 02:19 AM
Jannali is the aboriginal word for moon ;) she's gray because when i created her i was really gray...yup hehe...but i love her, I am her and she is me =)
oh yea and she is a cheetah cuz i likes there :p
September 6th, 2004, 04:37 AM Horray for Cheetahs!!!!!;)
September 6th, 2004, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Ngatuny
Awesome smilie!:cheese:
September 6th, 2004, 07:08 AM
Oh, geez. I guess Suki's kinda like me. I don't have any siblings, and I guess I chose a tiger since a tiger is our school mascot. Or maybe because I love them? I don't know.:confused:
September 6th, 2004, 12:56 PM
Well, i got my username from a character in 'The Chronicles of the Pridelands - The Legacy of Ahadi'.
Basically, Mabatu is a character who faces quite a difficult situation growing up. Scar forces him out of the Pridelands to fend for himself. I think there's more to it than that, but i can't remember any specifics. All i know is that i found him to be a good, honest character (not unlike Kovu actually :))
Anyway, by the end of the story Mabatu grows up to be, uh, triumphant, and he keeps a promise he made long ago to one of the lionesses. In short, he's got integrity :cheese:
When i signed up to this forum, i knew that i'd need a username, and instantly i thought of Mabatu, and so the rest is history. ;)
unregistered user
December 19th, 2004, 11:04 AM
Miliski is my made up word but it means beautiful and elegant but adventourous and mischecivous
unregistered user
January 13th, 2005, 10:58 PM
Thandi means 'beloved' in Zulu and Zakiya means 'the smart one' in Swahili. I had a huge database on African names from various sources but it was recently destroyed so I don't have it anymore.
January 14th, 2005, 09:49 AM
MehndiX used to be Mehndi, but then I got together with SimbaX and took on the X. So it's no "addition" to the name like other people do when the name they want is taken. She got her name when I was trying to think of a new character that would best identify me. I had the idea of a tiger cub but I couldn't think of a name when I spotted my tube of mehndi ( Perfect for a Bengal tiger ;)
As for her colour, I call her a minimal white tigress. She just has white on her checks and head hair. I'm not a fan of the colour white ; P The white is in her hair because at the time it seemed I had a light area in my bangs and I was always putting some other colour just there (Blue, Green, purple, pink) The only stripes that matter are the >X< on her tail (Nopw the whole X family has this mark, SimbaX in anthro form has a "birthmark" X on his neck and AliaX has it where her mother has it) And the three stripes on her face as well as the 4 stripes on her front legs two short and two long >. She used to have a head band and sash but I gave them away in the old tlk role play chat : P
She's changed very little since I first made her (Jan. 23, 2000) She did grow up from cub to adult, that as well mirrored the way that I changed, so she and I have grown together. And she's a tiger because of dream connections that I still have.
January 14th, 2005, 10:28 AM
While I know there are plenty of people out there who have the nickname simba by now and plenty before me I'm sure, my name does have a special meaning to it.
When the Lion King first came out I immediately became a fan of the movie and of Simba in particular. It wasn't long before I aquired the nickname from others due to my continuing reference to the movie as well as starting to draw that character. (p.s. the pic in here is actually Mehndi's work, not mine - my everlasting gratitude for capturing my spirit so well in anime form)
Then some time later, in December of 1999, I chanced upon a chatroom located at The first time I logged in I used my real name - not knowing that the chat had become more of a role-play room than general Lion King chat. At seeing this I quickly logged out since I knew inside I'd be going back and wanted to use a name that fit me better than anything and one I'd become known by. Silly as it sounds it took me some time before I realized I already knew the name I'd become - simba.
simba and I very quickly became the same person in every respect - the way it is still to this day. One thing you'll notice is that unless coupled with a title of some sort, simba, for me, is always spelled using a lower case. This is grammatically incorrect to do with a proper noun - such as a name - but I do so to make a statement that I/my char is a cub. Odd I know, but I'm the only one who consistantly does it.
Also, I have a nickname beyond that - simbaji. This has much more meaning and comes from a special circumstance. Fernando, one of my closest friends, gave that nick to me. The suffix -ji is added in Sanskrit language to denote fondness and used as a term of affection. My name is my char and my char is myself. Everything that I've role-played is that char and that name and consequently me.
January 22nd, 2005, 03:08 PM
I have so many characters, it's not even funny....But my main ones(Tala, Pacem,Raca, and Kavu) are pretty unique in their own way. I made them each when I was feeling a certain emotion.
Tala: Tala I made for when I'm unsure of things, especially loving someone.
Raca: Raca is when I'm being an idiot.
Pacem: Pacem is when I'm really calm about something, like maybe a death.
Kavu: Kavu is ME. She's my normal self...sarcastic, cunning, sad occasionally,etc.....
Kovu The Lion
November 6th, 2005, 03:46 AM
Wow well seeing that there is a lot of characters now in RP's and new people, I guess I could bump this up and let them post why and where they got the name so x)
My characters:
Tumai - I didn't really get the name, Mizani made the character for me, and I fell in love with him, and everything about him and He's even my fursona so yay ^_^ I like him a lot, He's a lot like me In real life, to nice xP
Tekua - Tekua, It means fire, and I picked that name because his fur remind people of the red in the many colors of the fire, and well yeah x) It sounded nice so meh xP His fur is darker than red though, almost the red of blood ;)
Kovujin / Maovu - Lmao, I have NO FREAKING CLUE where I got Kovujin from >_> Idk lol, So dont ask me, I got Maovu because when he became evil, He needed his new name, and I picked it because I think it means death, not to sure and he brought death to many in his past so ;) yeah :D
November 6th, 2005, 07:59 AM
My two main characters are Sombolia and Sirius...
Sombolia's name came out of the blue.. dunno where from, just made it up. Originally, Sombolia was the main character in a half-arsed fanfic - Scar and Zira's daughter. Her fur was black because she was "dark", evil-ish.. silver tail tuft 'cause I just thought it looked pretty :p She got her green eyes from Scar, though they're not the shame shade.. >> After a while, I was thinking about it, and she looked NOTHING like either one of her parents.. so I entered her in the Circle of Life RP on Neopets, where she was sent to the Pridelands to seek refugee from a war brewing in her homeland.. she grew up there, and fell in love with Nanuk's character Tuka, and they had tigon cubs =3 So uh.. there ya go. XD
Sirius was originally a white wolf, then the animagus form of a Harry Potter oc.. but due to ontopicness at TLKFAA, I changed her to a jackal. She was actually designed by another artist there - who's name escapes me, but there ya go. Sirius is another name for Canis Major, the dog star.. it also means dog in Latin I think but there you go. I chose the name because I love the night.. and so I love stars. :3
I ramble, huh?
Anyways, let's think..
Rio: A character I RPed in TAY for a bit. Her name came from the song "Rio" by Duran Duran.. she's from the desert.. yeah. :P
Eusi: Is Sombolia's big brother in the COL RP.. name means "black" in Swahili.
Hindaru: My serval character. :3 His name was modified from the Swahili word "hodari" - I liked it, but it meant brave, and uh.. he's not brave. >> So I changed it a little. XD
Eupe: Hindaru's son.. name means "white" in Swahili.. he's white with ashy grey spots, so yeah.
Um.. I have more.. but I'm lazy. >> *runs*
King Simba
November 7th, 2005, 09:41 AM
Right, call me sad but I just did so research on some of my characters names.
First off, well over a year ago I thought the name 'Katai' meant nothing what so ever. Decided to "google" it and came up with this;
According to google, his name his either Japanese, Brazilian, or Hungarian. In the Hungarian language, his name is 'K?tai' whilst his name stays the same in the Japanese and Brazilian languages.
And the name 'K?tai' simply just means the same after it's translated into English.
So anyway, on to a few more characters I RP;
Akintunde aka Sunlight; Just decided to create a lion based on the sun and the morning. Shadow sorta suggested that he was a cross between his character, Sunshine and LKS's character, Twilight. His name means 'a boy has come again' in a language called 'Yoruba' from the West African country of Nigeria. It's pronounced ah-KEEN-toon-deh.
Jaini; One of Katai's sons. His name doesn't mean anything in particular - just something I thought up there and then. I RP this lil' guy a lot. I decided to call him this cos' I thought it sounded pretty much African/Swahili like. Again, I googled this and it seems to be Chinese or somewhere along the lines of that.
Melody of Scar
November 8th, 2005, 08:07 PM
I made most of my names, except a few who actually draw from Swahili names. But none of my madeup names have actual meanings. I just take names I know of and MUTILATE until I find something I like. Liena, my name on Ulaya and is the name of my lioness Goddess of Shadows in my fanfic. xP
November 11th, 2005, 08:33 PM
Well before I came up with my fursona I had Kiros who is someone I would look up to if he were real.
Kiros means 'King' in Swahili I believe, I know it means King but the language...I'll have to do some reserarch. Anyways, his origional storyline was he was sent from a rival Pride to befriend the King of the Pridelands and kill him. (This was in Simba's Pride--STL's guild.) But instead, Simba (STL's character) took him in as his own, loved him, cared for him, and shaped him into a respectable lion. In the end, Kiros ended up saving Simba's life and the two were best friends.
Kiros is basically just a brave, noble, loyal, kind and trustworthy lion who thinks with his heart and often knows right from wrong. He has a good sense of what must be done, etc, etc. Basically like Mufasa, except with a little more color in his personality. =)
And as for the good ol' FC. FC stands for Feline Compadre and I pride myself on being "friend of the cats" so...there you go. FC has brown fur because that's the color of my hair and I'm often tan. FC wears the hat because I have a bit of a punky style and I wear that hat constantly...And FC having green eyes represents my favorite color AND my optimism and love for friends and family.
Heh so those're my main characters and the ones I love most. I adore Reth and Asha too (Not to be confused with STL's Asha or Neph's Reth) but I won't keep yeh. =D
November 11th, 2005, 09:15 PM
Many great names and meanings here :cheese:
Avalon- Well this name I picked up after seeing Merlin, and the phrase; "There are no mirrors in Avalon". Later when I joined, I didn't register as Avalon though, that later applied once I got my fursona thereby called Avalon. The only thing is that I haven't managed to find the names meaning to this day. The closest thing I got is Avallon?(Av-a-ll-o-i), it's elvish(LOTR) meaning "sendt from heaven"..
Rac- Well this character is my oldest, his name means abandoned, but I forgot the language :confused: Anyways :p
Atar- This is name is taken from a crater on Jupiter's moon Io, called Atar, later I checked an elvish(lotr) dictionary and found out that it means father. Which suites the character who is a father himself :D
Adhai- Adhai is simply an anagram of Ahadi, Adhai means therefor messager It was created after a simple misspelling of the name :D
King Simba
November 11th, 2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by FCSimba
Heh so those're my main characters and the ones I love most. I adore Reth and Asha too (Not to be confused with STL's Asha or Neph's Reth) but I won't keep yeh. =D
Heh, STL's Asha is Katai's mate. Doesn't mean to say I'll get confused with your Asha though - I mean, they have major differences and such which is a good thing, right? Hehe.
However FC, I like your Asha. ^^ I think she's very cute as well as many of your other characters - FC has gotta be my fave though. Gotta <3 da hat. ;)
Oh and the name combination of FC is cool too - very imaginative. :jejeje: Friend of the cats, huh? Awesome. ^^
November 12th, 2005, 06:17 AM
Hehe yesh. =) Thanks KS, I like FC the best myself. Kiros is definately second though. STL loves him haha. =D
But I lurve Katai's design. ;) Rawr. :rawr:
King Simba
November 12th, 2005, 08:40 AM
:lol: Haha, thanks. ;)
Anyways, I was just looking through my original characters list on TLKFAA and I came across a very OLD character which I created last year. His name's Union Jack. Weird name, yes? Sorta somethin' random I made up at the time. I haven't drawn him for about a year - a year tomorrow exactly. A picture of him is here (
And here's his lame description;
Union Jack was born in Africa. He just has a British personality. He is said to represent the UK, mainly because of his Union Jack mark.
Hurrah for British lions! xD
November 27th, 2005, 06:56 PM
Tokala means fox. foxes are my favorite animals.
December 5th, 2005, 07:07 PM
Altough i dont use this name here on lea,I used to have the name of Damu meaning blood in Swahili...i know u probably think im crazy to have this name:hehe:
December 5th, 2005, 07:25 PM
i dont think thats crazy! its cool!
December 5th, 2005, 07:28 PM
ty then...many ppl said its crazy and that I'M
December 10th, 2005, 10:37 PM
My character Kivoru is really the combination of his parent's name Kiara and Kovu, in the new era rp it mentions Kivo's parents being rouge killers but actually thats a lie told to him because no one knew about him or his dark powers. the truth is, the Kivo in a new era RP is the reincarnation of the original prince Kivoru son of Kovu and Kiara who died because of unexpected visit from Scar's spirit when he was an adult...Oh and his sister Kamaria is really the reincarnation of prince Kivoru's twin sister princess Kamilah..her death still remains a mystery. ((pretty good story huh? I'm still working on the fan fiction.))
December 11th, 2005, 07:48 AM
My two new RP characters in Kopa's Reign:
Ashkifura are the words for "rage" and "love" combined.
Katao means denial.
Um yeah, they're kinda based on the American Idiot characters. XD Ashkifura being JoS (I'm the son of RAGE and LOVE, the Jesus of Suburbia..) and Katao based loosely on St. Jimmy (I'm the patron saint of the DENIAL). Um.. yea.. xP
January 2nd, 2006, 11:17 AM
okw ell i have two main char.s that i use Safila, the safi means pure, in swahili, coz thats what my name means(kaitlyn) and my other char. Askari means soldier in swahili. dunno where i got that idea from but hey!
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