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August 6th, 2004, 04:28 AM
Being a TLK message board I just thought you would all want to know how bad Bush seems in this e-mail. Here is one of the e-mails to The White House showing just how bad Bush is:

SUBJECT = Safari International Club
NAME = Hugo Penteado
MESSAGE = I would like to ask if someone had already included in the GEORGE W.BUSH biography the fact that he likes to kill lions and he signed a mailing list to pressure Botsuana government to allow hunting practices there? Could someone tell me if there is a problem to make a compaign to inform US people that his president likes to kill animals and to use some photos to illustrate how the animals are killed? To inform that the president was invited to join a conference in Las Vegas of the SAFARI INTERNATIONAL CLUB and that this club in Brazil is responsible of killing endangered species?

Thank you very much, I hope God forgive you all to think that the only living animal on earth with living rights is the human beings,

Hugo Penteado

August 6th, 2004, 04:32 AM
sob :grrr:

August 6th, 2004, 05:33 AM
grr i hate bush aswell, he is a moron. sorry to say so but Im just exersising my right to free speech, though if you say something like that bush makes it out that you are unpatriotic...k..my dad is retired military, dont tell me im not patriotic. but anyways, yea bush is a loser, at one point he was trying to get rid of the endangered species act, his reason being that it cost too much money. um..hello, maybe we would have money if we werent spending it all in Iraq. i support our troops, now that they are there, but they shouldnt have been there in the first place. Kerry better win...thats all i have to say

:cheese: hehe (dont wanna get too upset now)

August 6th, 2004, 05:46 AM
i'm voting for bush. :irule:

August 6th, 2004, 06:14 AM
WOOT! yay STL! I absolutely agree with you *nod* we need a new president and very soon.

August 6th, 2004, 06:16 AM
I like bush too.. especially burning bushes :evilgrin: :jejeje: shessh, what a dope *sigh*. *wonder if Bush was a TLK fan.. other than the lion's hides ...:grrr:

August 6th, 2004, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by jannali
WOOT! yay STL! I absolutely agree with you *nod* we need a new president and very soon.

how bout me ? I'm 3 years old ;) ( don't know how old that is in lion years :confused: )...

don't you have to be 30 something to be Presidnent? oh, Ngatuny!!!! *whistles* .. ( sorry if I spelled your name wrong ) heh,

August 6th, 2004, 06:20 AM
lol yes, we need a tlk fan for president x3

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 06:24 AM
I'm voting for Bush as well :irule:

August 6th, 2004, 06:25 AM
You know, I'm not from America, have totaly nothing to do with Bush, and still, I never ever liked him, since he is president. :confused:

August 6th, 2004, 06:28 AM
bleh, I rather vote for me .. or Nuka's Mr.Stick man!!! he's sooo hot! *lovesigh...* I wonder how old you have to be to be a first lady? :hmm:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 06:30 AM
Yes! My stick people shall make up Congress!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!

August 6th, 2004, 06:37 AM
*bites Nuka's head off for mentioning the s**** word*

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 06:38 AM
Starlioness said it first :p

Lion King Stu
August 6th, 2004, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
:eek: Why???

I absolutely hate bush... he's a two faced swine and a right stupid b*****d, and this just tops it off. Thanks for telling me that information, I'll post it on the largest forums in the world, you feel free to post aswell, I'm sure they won't mind hearing it a few times, there are a LOT of animal lovers there:

Between those forums I think there are in excess of two million users, the have are the ten most posted on message boards in the entire world. I think about 55% are from the USA, that's 1.1million people. Let's estimate than 90% of these are over 18 (no kids forums above) and you've got 990,000 US voters. One of the latest opinion polls shows that 48% of the US public say they will vote for Bush. That's 475,200 people. There are a LOT of animal lovers as I mentioned before on those forums, perhaps about 70% of people there own at least one pet, and therefore are at least a little concerned with animal welfare. That's 1.4million people, and from these using the statistics above, 55% are from the USA, that's 770,000, and of these, 90% are over 18. That's 693,000 people. From these, 48% are going to be voting for Bush at the moment, that's 332,640 votes.

We could stop those votes if we tell them this. A lot of them are very outgoing to prevent things like what Bush is doing, and if we can dent his popularity at the ten most popular forums in the world that must be pretty darn good :cheese: !
Maybe he should sign something which would allow him to be hunted down instead oh helpless indangerd speices:evilgrin:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 06:44 AM
I don't care what you say, I absolutely hate Kerry. Don't give me any reasons or ask me why please. I just hate him is all. I think Bush is an idiot too. Basically you can say that I don't like either sides.

August 6th, 2004, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Nuka
Starlioness said it first :p

well Nuka made the stick man ...:p :kiss:

August 6th, 2004, 06:54 AM
Okay, I am only 16 years old, so I can not vote......but if i could, my vote goes to Bush. For one, about 80% of the people who say they do not like Bush have absolutly no reason. It isn't the fact that they SAY he did a bad job on the war, or anything that has to do with the economy, it is just hate, and for no reason. i want one of you to please explain to me WHY you do not like Bush. Please, I am a serious animal lover, but I don't wanna hear this crap. We do not choose our presidents based on what they like to hunt, regardless of how bad it is, and I totally disagree with the killing of lions. This however is no reason to elect anoter canidate that is in almost every way, less qualified and "bad, for the office. I will not post my entire opinions on this situation, because it would take up too much space. He has handled the war excellently, from a military standpoint, it is the most successful war in all of human history. There is no mass chaos in Iraq, because more people die in Wachington DC a year than in Iraq.....is DC in chaos? I never want to here this ignorant crap about oil as well, because if we wanted it, we could have taken it in 1991. This war was necessary, and as David Kay, the chief weapons inspector of Iraq said...."I don't believe Iraq ever had large stoakpiles of WMD......" and here is the part they cut off....".....but Iraq was actually more dangerous than we had assumed, because Saddam had lost control of his weapons program." His scientists were lying to him, and thus this leaves these deadly weapons open to terrorists. There are aspects of the war that could have been handled better, but if Kerry would have been in charge at this time......we would be in MAJOR trouble. He doesn't keep a point of view for a moment, before he switches sides, and this "bleeding heart" point of view realy gets on my nerves. Has the United States lost its spine? We cannot leave now, for the terrorist will win, and everything we lost was in vain. No one seems to realize that this was the right thing to do. Can no one see, that regardless of political aspects.....Saddam is pure evil, he killed 300,000 of his own people, and for moral reasons....is that not enough? Remember the preamble to the Constitution.....it doesn't just refer to the U.S, but to everyone.....it is "God given". We must help those who cannot stand up for themselves....for the U.S has always been there for the little guy.....and then we are criticized for it. I'm sorry if I am starting an argument, but this is what i believe, and I really can't see how what some of these left wings have said, can make sense to any, intelligent person...no offense. Thans for letting me rant...and I'm still friends with all of ya.....:D

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 07:02 AM
Go Only-now :cheese:

On top of that.. Kerry is a stinking snake in the grass!!! He can't make up his mind what he wants even! First he says the war was good, then bad, and now he's saying he could've done a better job.

I think Kerry doesn't even know what he wants anymore xD

August 6th, 2004, 07:03 AM

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 09:22 AM
The return of the sticks thanks to Nuka..*sniff* Im proud

About US presidency..I dont know..I dont live there so I cant get a good clue what bush is doing over there :)

August 6th, 2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by CheshireCat

That was hilarious CheshireCat!,

:hmm: As for the presidential elections, I'm not sure what to think right now, I voted for G.Bush last time and have been disappointed with SOME decisions he has made, but with all the things I have heard of Kerry I don't know what will I do on election day.

August 6th, 2004, 06:33 PM
hmmm... I'm not even going to partisipate in the up-comming election... but if I were, I'm going to probably vote for bush because of all the stuff I've seen kerry do, I'd say that he'd be a worse choice...

HEY! did someone say *eyes dart both ways*


*bashes nuka on the head with a stick*

*whew* I was beggining to think that I was out-of-practice.... hehehehehehehehehehehahahahhahahhaaa :jejeje: :lol:

August 6th, 2004, 06:49 PM
*passes a spare stick to Simbathelion*

Here you are! enjoy! :lol:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 06:57 PM
*has termites eat the stick* hehe

Anyway; Teddy Roosevelt was a hunter, he went all over the world and was known for it. However, he was also a great president.

Just because Bush hunts does not make him a bad president, people.But, if you're going to hunt humans down, start with some in Hollywood :p

August 6th, 2004, 06:58 PM
well, at least a president does something

our king, does accually ... nothing

August 6th, 2004, 07:13 PM
Kerry hunts too.

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 07:37 PM
Bush does not only do bad things :idiot:

August 6th, 2004, 07:49 PM
The decision on who is the leader of a country should not be determined by what someone does on their free time, as much as I dislike people that hunt for fun, it is legal and in some cases beneficial, but back to my final comment on politics, who you vote for should be determined by what a candidate will do for a country.

August 6th, 2004, 08:31 PM
WARNING: Mad Quoteage ahead!

...that (SCI) in Brazil is responsible of killing endangered species? Proof...?

Originally posted by Dameon
I don't care what you say, I absolutely hate Kerry. Don't give me any reasons or ask me why please. I just hate him is all. I think Bush is an idiot too. Basically you can say that I don't like either sides.Can you vote? If so, make sure to vote for someone else...

Originally posted by Nuka
Anyway; Teddy Roosevelt was a hunter, he went all over the world and was known for it. However, he was also a great president.

Just because Bush hunts does not make him a bad president, people.But, if you're going to hunt humans down, start with some in Hollywood :pGood point, I was just going to mention Teddy Rooselvelt. Yes, he was a hunter, but if not for him the National Parks system would not be what we know it today. And I agree, there are many in Hollywood desperately in need of being pwned.

Originally posted by CheshireCat
[B]Kerry hunts too.
http://iraqi-freedom.com/kerry-priceless.jpg Heh.

Yet one more reason not to vote for either of those losers.

Originally posted by Ngatuny
The decision on who is the leader of a country should not be determined by what someone does on their free time, as much as I dislike people that hunt for fun, it is legal and in some cases beneficial, but back to my final comment on politics, who you vote for should be determined by what a candidate will do for a country.Excellent point.

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 08:33 PM
I'm not going to join the political debate, but I'd like to point out a fun video I think pretty much everybody can enjoy. Go to http://www.jibjab.com/ and hit "Click to play" under the picture of Bush and Kerry.

August 6th, 2004, 08:41 PM
The Bush and Kerry JibJab animation is hysterical. I was going to post it here last night.

August 6th, 2004, 08:44 PM
My friend emailed me that last week, that was hilarious :lol:

August 6th, 2004, 09:43 PM
Nope. Cheney hunts too. About a year ago he came under attack from the Humane Society for a "canned kill" but it turned out to be legal hunting grounds.

August 6th, 2004, 10:04 PM
I don't think Tony Blair hunts but he does support and fund the the hunting and killing of foxes in Wales and Scotland. Part of a pest control thing.

August 6th, 2004, 10:12 PM
ive allways hated him, and that me hate him EVEN more?!... i wish i could hunt him and see how he likes it :evilgrin:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 10:40 PM
That animation rules xD

August 6th, 2004, 11:18 PM
Eh, so he hunts. I am by no means a Bush fan, but I can't hate or condemn someone for doing something that's perfectly legal, nor can I let something like hunting skew my vote, especially since I hunt myself.

In the full panorama of the current world situation, whether the president hunts or not doesn't register much on the importance meter, imho.

August 6th, 2004, 11:39 PM
=/ i wish i could vote. i would definitely vote kerry, but not because bush hunts. that shouldnt matter. What matters is that Bush totally lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We should have been concentrating on finding Osama Binladen, he's the one that was responsible for 9/11, not damn saddam hussein. and second of all, he has completely erased the line between church and state. "vote for me, I'm christian" I have nothing against christian people, but church and state needs to be kept separate! aside from that he is a complete idiot and a jerk.
Bumper sticker words of wisdom: "BUSH LIES, WHO DIES?

August 6th, 2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by jannali
=/ What matters is that Bush totally lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We should have been concentrating on finding Osama Binladen, he's the one that was responsible for 9/11, not damn saddam hussein.

There is much more going on out there that what you know. I know this for a fact.

Though I believe we should have the right to know everything that goes on... there is some things that we can't know. To keep us safe.

August 6th, 2004, 11:50 PM
its simple.. bush is an idiot :evilgrin: if he wins the election, he will prolly blow up the world ><

August 6th, 2004, 11:52 PM
Ye gods help us, the world is in the hands of politicians.

unregistered user
August 6th, 2004, 11:53 PM
And yet kerry is for the war now, saying he could've done it better even. So they could both blow up the world.

At least Bush knows what he's for :p Kerry can't make up his mind xD

August 6th, 2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by TakaTiger
if he wins the election, he will prolly blow up the world ><

I highly doubt that.

August 7th, 2004, 12:44 AM
I'm with bush for his moral issues. I hadn't hear this stuff about killing endangered species & all before...But it's for the sake of our country that i'm going with him. Sometimes it seems like America's in a moral downturn...so that's why I'm going with bush.

August 7th, 2004, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Wicked
Ye gods help us, the world is in the hands of politicians.

God help us; we're in the hands of engineers.~Ian Malcolm :p

August 7th, 2004, 03:39 AM
No argument here, but first of all, the president (Bush) had every reason to believe that Iraq had WMD. Lets see here, the CIA said he had them, MI6 said he had them, the russian intelligence said he had them......what would you believe? Saddam Hussein didn't have a connection to 9/11, but he did have connections to Alqueda (however you spell it). The fact that those weapons that we know he had, could be so easily aquired by terrorist, IS threat enough for us to attack. For one, we know he had them, because we have the "receipts". We sold him some of those weapons during the Iran Contra affair, even though that was wrong, we still know he had them. Answer me this....the main goal of a dictator is to stay in power...right? Well, why would a dictator then, be willing to give up all his power, lose his country, and be jailed, if he never had those weapons? I would also like to reinerate that the opinion that "Bush is an idiot" is just an ignorant statement, and doesn't add anything to this "conversation". I know for a fact that I could not handle running this country, and no one here can say different.....it takes a special type of person to run a country....let alone the most influential one in the world.....and on top of that, war, and terrorism occurs during his term.....he is by far, NOT a stupid man. That's the end of my new "entry"......no arguments...lol.....:D

August 7th, 2004, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by TakaTiger
its simple.. bush is an idiot :evilgrin: if he wins the election, he will prolly blow up the world ><
my sentiments exactly

Originally posted by CheshireCat
There is much more going on out there that what you know. I know this for a fact.

I know there is stuff going on there, my dad almost got sent there. But there is not enough, if we were doing as much there as we are in Iraq we would have Bin laden by now.

k im not coming back to this thread anymore, since im tired of certain threads ruining this whole forum for me...*goes off to the water hole*

August 9th, 2004, 04:31 AM
Ugh, not politics...
If I could vote, I'd vote for Kerry though. He's a bad democratic nominee, but I really dont like Bush.

August 9th, 2004, 05:50 AM
I hate Paul Martin, George W. Bush and politics...;)

August 9th, 2004, 12:27 PM
Me too...
:ayecapn: :ayecapn: :ayecapn:
:evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

August 9th, 2004, 12:30 PM

August 9th, 2004, 12:55 PM
:ayecapn: :ayecapn: :ayecapn:

August 9th, 2004, 09:30 PM
well... ok.. for me. hunting is not wrong.. hunting is really ok. but.. hunting animals what are extreamly rare and just because of skins/rugs/teeth or fun is deffinedly against my will. Like what would be your first wish if you wander in forest and bear get front of you and is ready to attack... I guess it would be something like that humans and animals could live together... but humans are cruel so... why anyone cares... or well most does but do they do anything... maybe they can't or maybe they scare... I like to and I guess some day I will...

(( today I gave my singerature for rain forests and animals in there to WWF ))

unregistered user
August 9th, 2004, 09:45 PM
I agree with ya STM ^^

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 01:42 AM
I have always HATED George Bush. His father lied to us and now George W. Bush! It's his fault that there is an Iraqui war!! He won't let homo sexuals get married.! (I'm not gay. Neither will any other Republicans let Gay marriage exist.) And above all because of him this will probably become a religious country! The armies killing people who aren't christians! Bottom line. I HATE BUSH!!

August 25th, 2005, 01:45 AM
And you brought back this thread that has been dead for a year because?

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 01:50 AM
Oh my gosh, what the heck are people bringing up these old topics for?! >< This is becoming monotonously annoying =/ If you actually have something to contribute, perhaps but this is just lame -_-;

August 25th, 2005, 01:52 AM
Wow..'tis old. :bleen: All I want to do now is throw a pie in Paul Martin's face for making that French-Canadian gal the governer general. :hmm: I'm mean she's got dual citizenship, she and her husband supported Bloc Quebecois and who needs a governer general, I mean they just waste tax money...:evilgrin::bleen:

August 25th, 2005, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Oh my gosh, what the friggin hell are YOU, Marimba, bringing up these old topics for?! >< This is becoming monotonously annoying and you're probably gonna get banned if YOU keep doing this, MARIMBA =/ If you actually have something to contribute, perhaps but this is just lame, Marimba.

Edited your quote to what you should have said.

A la Carte, I used to support Bush, but after what he's done in the recent years, I decided to call the white house and leave a message with the operator that I will never vote for a Republican president.

In Ravoc's defense, because I know someone may start complaining, he didn't actually say that quote, I edited it.

August 25th, 2005, 02:11 AM
I thought all threads over one month were deleted... that's what is annoying me.

August 25th, 2005, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Darkslash
I thought all threads over one month were deleted... that's what is annoying me.

You can select what threads will appear. It's at the bottom of any sub-forum.:ayecapn:

August 25th, 2005, 02:14 AM
I remember this thread. I laughed my head off when I read it. :lol:

*ahem* Yes. Erm. Don't bump threads, dear child, if you have nothing to contribute and such.

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 02:15 AM
No Darkslash, only the topics in Upendi, and that is still underway itself actually I believe.

The threads in the rest of the forum are still very much all there.

Lion King Stu
August 25th, 2005, 10:47 AM
Just lock the damn thred and be done with it instead of *****'in and arguing :cheese:.

But yeah seriously its so lame with reviving old dead and done with threds...oy!!!
Now children have a cookie :p.

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 10:48 AM
uhh.. Politician...
like LKS said Lock the thread ;)

August 25th, 2005, 04:38 PM
GRRRRRR! DAmn that son of a B**** i hate his guts, someone shoot him, well there is a saying "everydog has it's day." Animals will turn on humans eventually...

War of the worlds starring all the animals in the world:die:

I have to say this.
"Is Goerge and tony havin' an affair" They always stare each other in the eyes, it is kinda spooky...

George must go now...:grrr:

August 25th, 2005, 04:52 PM
No, threads in Upendi are being deleted older then 1 month.

You know, when I first came to Lea, I was browsing through the forum, and digged up some old threads aswell.

As long as people have something to say in them that actually has something to do with the first post / or related to the subject ...
And not just bump up an old thread because it's fun ...

But I can see, not everyone agrees on that *lol*

And @ Hanshilo: please, stay a little bit friendly :)

August 25th, 2005, 05:25 PM

unregistered user
August 25th, 2005, 05:28 PM
^ That's hilarious, Monai! :lol:

August 25th, 2005, 06:35 PM
Ooh! Ooh! I have one!

Senator one: Knock, knock!

Senator two: Who's there?

Senator one: Internet political humor.

Senator two: Internet political humor, who?


Senator two: Ha, ha, ha! Good Joke, Tim!

August 25th, 2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by jazonhyena
Ooh! Ooh! I have one!

Senator one: Knock, knock!

Senator two: Who's there?

Senator one: Internet political humor.

Senator two: Internet political humor, who?


Senator two: Ha, ha, ha! Good Joke, Tim!

You know what? I really like you :cheese:

@Hanshilo: Bud, calling for the assassination of the President of the United States can get lea closed down in a heart beat, not to mention that as an American, I'm peeved, even if I don't support my President's views.

August 25th, 2005, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by pntbll248
You know what? I really like you :cheese:

:ayecapn: Much obliged, friend. Just doing my self-appointed duty.

@Hanshilo: Bud, calling for the assassination of the President of the United States can get lea closed down in a heart beat

S'true. Resident internet funnyman Seanbaby (seanbaby.com) got a visit from some FBI dudes after making a joke involving someone planning to assassinate the president.

Apparently there is a rule, although I see it as asinine, that states that if you call upon such a thing and it comes to pass, no matter how related or unrelated the action is to your calling for it, the responsibility is yours as much as it is the perpetrator's.

To review: Abe says "Someone ought to kill Carl." although he doesn't really mean it. Bob, hearing Abe, kills Carl. Both Bob and Abe are hauled away to prison, whether they think it's fair or not.

So, careful with yer words; you never know what kind of trouble you might accidentally get into.

Kiara Serengeti
August 25th, 2005, 10:53 PM
Wonder if its for real (the lion hunting thing.)

Edited to say: But I am also losing faith in Mr. Bush...not that I had much to begin with. I agreed with him on his views that abortion is wrong, but that's not the argument here, and it's JMO. But Bush hasn't even been backing that; he hasn't done ANYTHING. And this stupid war...sorry if I offend anyone with friends\family in Iraq, but I hate this war. I support the troops for trying, but I hate how Mr. Bush suddenly said, "oh, let's go to Iraq even though they have\had nothing to do with the Taliban or 9-11." It might have HAD to be done eventually, but not right now. We (meaning the troops and the president, etc.) should have gone after the 9-11 terrorists first. At least we've captured SOME of Bin Laden's followers.

On a related note, did you hear about that Cindy Shannon...or Shennin...or whatever her last name is? She's protesting the war outside Bush's Crawford ranch. She wants to sit down with Mr. Bush and ask him WHY her son had to die in this war.

Well, I've put my 2 cents in.

Melody of Scar
August 26th, 2005, 02:14 AM
My two cents?

I'm a woman. I'm a lesbian. I'm a proud liberal.

I think that's all I need to say for myself - it's a bit self explanitory.

Oh, by the way, liberal isn't an insult. xD So I don't know why people insist on using it as one. And neither is conservative.

August 26th, 2005, 10:20 AM
Well, i was not going to comment in this topic but i need to say a thing: i love the internet jokes that the people made with george bush and its govern policy, heheheeheh

This is one example: Bush ploting how cancel the votes of kerry in 2004

Here the translation of what they talks:
>>This ****ing electronic system of voting is trusteable?
>>So, i can trust that it will do whatever i want?
>>Well, I could say that in this election, the entire country will will become an big florida...
>>Perfect, but explain a thing, how we will cancel the votes for the ****ing Kerry? i could acuse how voted for him of incentivate for the terrorism. but is impossible put a ****ing soldier in each voting place!
>>I know, They are quite busy in iraq...
>>We need to cancel the votes for kerry, but we need to find a way that no one, no one discover that im behind it .... behind in the good sense
>>But we already find a solution , mr president. See by yourself, This is a simulation unit, try vote in Kerry in it..
>>Alright, alright
Kerry, confirm
>>YES! Perfect! Absolutely convincent! hahahahahahahah!

Kiara Serengeti
August 26th, 2005, 02:23 PM
Does anyone here know that the FIRST LADY'S approval ratings are BETTER than his? Lol! She's okay, I like her better than the Hill' (Hillary). But seeing a first lady's approval ratings be better than her husband's is weird, because of just that, she's not the president...her jobs aren't as important (no offense to Laura). Uh...am I sounding weird here? :confused:

unregistered user
August 26th, 2005, 07:47 PM
I don't find that odd at all Kiara S, they're saying she does a better job at what she does then the President does at what he does. I'm sure there are many people who do better jobs at whatever they do for a living, and I'm sure there are a lot of people that do a far worse job at what they do for a living. *shrugs* I see nothign strange in it.

As for the jokes. They've all become quite mundane.. like this thread.

unregistered user
August 27th, 2005, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by jazonhyena
Ooh! Ooh! I have one!

Senator one: Knock, knock!

Senator two: Who's there?

Senator one: Internet political humor.

Senator two: Internet political humor, who?


Senator two: Ha, ha, ha! Good Joke, Tim!

Pwned by Jazon. X)

Anyway, all this "Bush-is-a-freakin'-monster" talk is old. Election is over, we're stuck with the dude, get on with it until the next election. =P

August 27th, 2005, 02:56 AM
I'mna hafta agree with John. You can't do anything about him; he's in office. If it makes you feel bad, just remind yourself he's leaving in another two years.

Oh, I also love how, once I join the thread, it's "mundane", i.e. boring, over the hill, past its usefulness.


August 27th, 2005, 05:00 AM
I regret to say this, but

Although I am a democrat, I really think we should get rid of this thread. Sure, I think Bush sucks, but I still respect those who like him. ;) So I wouldn't insult republicans here like that. I'd maybe close this if I were a mod.

Sorry if I seem like an idiot, I'm just ticked off cuz I didn't get AmiYumi tickets in time for the concert here and the concert is TOMMORROW. -_- XD

EDIT: Anyways this thread tiz ye olde :p

Melody of Scar
August 27th, 2005, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by Suki
I regret to say this, but

Although I am a democrat, I really think we should get rid of this thread. Sure, I think Bush sucks, but I still respect those who like him. ;) So I wouldn't insult republicans here like that. I'd maybe close this if I were a mod.

Sorry if I seem like an idiot, I'm just ticked off cuz I didn't get AmiYumi tickets in time for the concert here and the concert is TOMMORROW. -_- XD

EDIT: Anyways this thread tiz ye olde :p

I agree with you here - political discussions will only create rifts on this board. And as much as I hate the president, this sorta chat doesn't belong here anymore I don't think.

It's time for us all to be friends! :D

August 27th, 2005, 05:56 AM
I don't think it's too bad if we're discussing Presidents, not parties. I mean, if you say "Bush sucks!" I don't think people should be offended (unless you're Bush xP), but if we start going "OMG I HATE REPUBLICANS D:<!" then we've got a problem...

unregistered user
August 27th, 2005, 05:59 AM
haha i guess i can't trust bush anymore ;)
that my opinion ;)

unregistered user
August 27th, 2005, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I don't think it's too bad if we're discussing Presidents, not parties. I mean, if you say "Bush sucks!" I don't think people should be offended (unless you're Bush xP), but if we start going "OMG I HATE REPUBLICANS D:<!" then we've got a problem...

One man's choices whether they be mistakes or successes do not mean that the people who agreed or even still agree or will agree with him later.. it doens't make them that person nor should they be labeled with his faults or successes as they were his own.

On the other hand, the people tat voted him in our responsible for him getting there. What he does after that is no one's fault but his own though <<

It's also Michael Eisner's fault too.. somehow. (had to throw him in here somehow) Blame Canada.. no.. blame Eisner! =D

Erm.. yeah.. anyway hehe ^^; I hope you all managed to read between the lines of insanity there..

August 27th, 2005, 08:04 AM
I don't really care for the job Bush has been doing as President. I am still unclear on the reason(s) we are in Iraq. It started off for one reason, then it changed it seems like.

And I don't think I will vote for President next time, unless I really agree with him on issues and think he will do a great job, but until then I have no real interest in paying attention to millionaires who think they know what America needs. Well, not what America needs, what Special Interest needs. The entire election system needs to be redone so that Corporations aren't the ones deciding who is President.

I really wish John McCain would've won the Republican Nomination. I would vote for him in a heart beat.

August 27th, 2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I don't think it's too bad if we're discussing Presidents, not parties. I mean, if you say "Bush sucks!" I don't think people should be offended (unless you're Bush xP), but if we start going "OMG I HATE REPUBLICANS D:<!" then we've got a problem...

I most certainly think there's reason to be offended. I get really peeved when a non-American insults Bush; no, I don't like our President, but ya know what? He's still our President, he represents the United States and was put in office by the people of this country, not the people of the world. I remember a topic somewhere in lea a while back where a non-American was bashing Bush like no tomorrow, I made a comment about their leader, and they got defensive.

August 27th, 2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Melody of Scar
It's time for us all to be friends! :D

Yeah! And get Puffy AmiYumi tickets for each other! :D

XD I bet they're having teh concert right this second! Sorreh XD But I still wish I went to it! XD

EDIT: I'll shut up now XD