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View Full Version : Collection Of Lion King Goodies For Ya!

March 28th, 2007, 08:17 AM
Hey! I posted a link in another thread but was informed that this would be the better spot to put this. I will be selling stuff because I need floor space! D: Currently I have a lot of books up on half.com for under a dollar and there will be more on the way, including plushies, games, figurines, and some odd items I can't even remember. Don't worry, I'm keeping my most beloved toys but I just don't need so many. I'll be keeping you folks informed as more stuff becomes available.

Half.com Store (http://shops.half.ebay.com/mirelmture)

March 28th, 2007, 01:01 PM
I take it you go to school at California State University at Chico...:D

And I don't see any Lion king stuff...

March 30th, 2007, 01:18 AM
Actually I go to the Butte community college. Yeah you have to make it show all the books and then scroll past all the icky boring stuff unfortunately. They are there though! :)

March 30th, 2007, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Nyrhtak
Actually I go to the Butte community college. Yeah you have to make it show all the books and then scroll past all the icky boring stuff unfortunately. They are there though! :)

Aww...I almost went to Chico State and would've played basketball for them...is Butte near by?...And I'll check out your stuff...I might know someone who may want to buy something...if I can find them...:D