View Full Version : Moments when you're not sure that you've grown up...

January 8th, 2014, 11:09 AM
So I was in the shower (bear with me for a moment :p) and as you tend to do I was belting out a song at the top of my lungs. Except I stopped midway through a line, because at one point I realised that I was actually singing a song that I learned 22 years ago when I was four years old. A kids song, with silly lyrics and sounds and all. My first question to myself was how I still knew pretty much all the lyrics, and the second was why I even started singing it in the first place!

For those curious folk, it was this song here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Olyvmiz5as by a local artist (a variant on chopsticks) :p

So I suppose my question to you is, when did I fail to grow up? And how did I not notice until now? :lol:

....That being said, I do still draw art for a Disney movie that was released almost 20 years ago... :D So did I fail to grow up because I've kept up my childhood interests, or have I kept up my childhood interests because I failed to grow up? ;)
Who else here hasn't grown up yet? :cheese:

January 8th, 2014, 11:36 AM
I sometimes think I should get rid of my collection, because even though I have to like it and not someone else, I'm so sick of peoples reactions about it, and at my previous job I had to hide it aswell.
How can someone my age be involved in something like that?

I feel it doesn't make me fit in anywhere, and I can't be me if I can't just drop it once in a while.
The lion king & going to Disney so much.

Its like being bullied, because they just laugh in my face.

Maybe I need to grow up from Disney a bit.
Far to serious answer for your question, haha!

January 8th, 2014, 11:43 AM
:lol: I get what you mean though, sometimes I feel like the TLK side of my life, doesn't really fit in with the rest of my life, and I'm not sure how to mesh the two parts of me together, if that makes sense :p Not worth giving up something that you love though, I've learned to ignore people who make fun of it, if they do, they're usually people who I tend not to care much about anyway and obviously they don't care about hurting my feelings so I've learned not to mind what they say.

It can be a bit embarrassing when people come over though, if I happen to have something TLK sitting around and they've no prior knowledge of my like for it :lol: It makes for interesting conversation though, haha.

January 8th, 2014, 12:00 PM
OMGosh, that song was on an ABC dvd I used to dance and sing along too when I was 4 or such :lalala:

It's weird, cause I sort of had a conversation about this with mum a little while back as I got upset as a friend told me I needed to "quit being a baby and grow up and get in the real world".

She told me to be proud of who I was and what I liked, that nobody had the right to tell me what I can and can't like, it would be a boring world if everyone was the same. She said to me that things I love like Alice in Wonderland, and Adventure Time etc , are what make me the person I am, that people like and want to spend time with. Never change who you are just to please someone else, be who you want to be and use your imgination to live your life as fully as you can. Everyone deserves to be happy and if what makes you happy doesn't appeal to others, that's their problem not yours. Enjoy your life as you're only here once. :D

January 8th, 2014, 03:55 PM
Well, I've never really felt that way in regards to TLK or anything, it doesn't bother me. But I realized the other day that, even though I'm turning 21 soon, I still think of myself as a teenager... I mean I was a teenager for seven years so I guess it makes sense, it's just really weird to think about... :p

January 9th, 2014, 06:54 AM
:lol: Safi, we grew up on Peter Combe and playschool songs :D Your mum is definitely right though, even in year 7 (so I was what... 10 maybe) I got told that people didn't want to hang around me at school because I played "baby games" ....at age 10, they were telling me I was too much of a child :lol:

Sombolia, I find it hard to believe that I'm 26 sometimes, it just doesn't feel like. It just seems like I'm mostly the same as I was when I was 18 or 19. I just wonder where the time went :p

January 9th, 2014, 07:01 AM
I just turned 30 last October, and I do feel sometimes, that I need to quit all this, because it's just not something that fits a 30-year old, you know?

I agree on doing what you want, and don't care about others.
But unfortunatly we live in a world were people judge, and will stay like that, and since I've been through a lot in these 30 years, I guess it's harder for me to accept that only I have to like it that much, because I never had any friends in this country, and I still don't really have a good friend over here, so I need to make sure I fit in, and that means hiding everything I love.

Yeah, I like Miley Cyrus, and yeah, I'll be seeing her in concert for the 2nd time.
People are rude and childish themselves when I mention this. Now who needs to grow up then, me or them? -_-

January 10th, 2014, 10:38 AM
I don't think anyone here have failed in growing up just because like lion king our any thing that is "childish". The problem is that our society like to impose standards that we are forced to follow, so some people think that liking such things is a lack of mature, which for me, that's a non sense. If you are mature for doing other things, your job for example, I don't think you will become less mature because your likings.

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January 11th, 2014, 12:39 AM
I will never grow up! And I know plenty of 50+ people who get just as excited about silly things as I do, so I know it's possible to live a full, healthy life loving things you loved as a kid, so don't let anyone make you feel different guys. :3

I think it's important, however, to establish the difference between child-ish and child-like. I feel the former is undesirable, but the latter is a great quality in a person. One should never stop being child-like in their appreciation for beauty, life, etc...especially when it comes to innocent things like TLK or things from our childhood. I actually think it's really important to hold on to that part of you, the part of you that experiences childlike glee and happiness. Now, when someone behaves like a child or reacts childishly to something, that is a totally different matter.

All that to say, my childlike glee for Disney and all things nostalgic to me is still running strong and probably always will. And that's okay with me. :) Now, I don't let it take over my life or anything, but I'm not ashamed to say I like the Lion King. All of my friends know, and sure they tease me a little, but in a loving way so I don't take it poorly. In fact I joke right along with them usually. x3 Really though, I don't have tons of lion king stuff or collect anything other than Disney art books, so I guess I'm not the typical online fan. I just enjoy the film and what it has represented for me as far as artistic growth in the online community. :)

...and if it makes you feel better Azerane, I also belt out songs from my childhood in the shower. xD Particularly things like head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Or like, random songs from Barney/Sesame Street. And I didn't even watch those shows as a kid really! My younger brother did and the songs are just catchy enough to stick in your head. xD Of course, I do work at an elementary school, so take my admission with a grain of salt I suppose...

January 11th, 2014, 04:28 AM

"I love you,
You love me
were a happy family
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to you
won't you say you love me to
I love you
you love me
we are friends like friends should be with a great big hug and
a kiss from me 2 you
wont you say you love me 2."

I loved watching Barney too Kasei :secret:

January 11th, 2014, 04:45 AM
I always get the "I like my head, how about you?" song stuck in, well, my head. xD I actually forgot about their intro....but yeah, like I said. I really only watched it when I was around my little brother because he LOVED the show. But the songs still are stuck in my braaain. There was also a "Me and my teddy, gettin all ready, gettin all ready for school" song that I don't remember any of the words to but that and it's aaalllwaaaays in my brain. @_@

...also the theme from Blue's Clues, haha. xD

January 11th, 2014, 11:21 AM
Well, it's sure good to know that I'm not the only one :D And Kasei, I think you're right about the child-ish and child-like issue. :)

January 11th, 2014, 04:56 PM
I think it's important, however, to establish the difference between child-ish and child-like. I feel the former is undesirable, but the latter is a great quality in a person. One should never stop being child-like in their appreciation for beauty, life, etc...especially when it comes to innocent things like TLK or things from our childhood. I actually think it's really important to hold on to that part of you, the part of you that experiences childlike glee and happiness. Now, when someone behaves like a child or reacts childishly to something, that is a totally different matter.

I agree with this 9,001%.

January 12th, 2014, 11:06 PM
I still know and sometimes sing the ditties from these books-with-cassettes about dinosaurs I had as a kid. Actually this thread has me thinking about them a lot, I'm debating rummaging around in the attic to find them! :D Except it's freezing, so nevermind :P

As for the growing up thing, I try not to have that conversation with myself too often, LOL. There's gonna come a point in time where everyone that you come into contact with that has children is going to look at you like you haven't grown up completely yet if you don't want/have them, anyway.

Edit: "It's true that the Troodon / looks for food on / the bones of the Hadrosaur
But even the Troodon / has to move on / when he meets a Tyrannosaur
He's quick and smart enough to know, that he better go-go-go...."

DAMN IT! xD But OH MY GOD, I think I just discovered the seed of my admiration for scavengers!

January 13th, 2014, 03:41 AM
^Fun and educational, I like it :D

My mum got me a cassette tape of songs of the times tables, because I was bad at them. I don't know how catchy they were or how different they could be, because obviously it's a list of numbers :lol: But it must have worked to some extent because I did get better :p

January 13th, 2014, 07:23 AM
I still like to watch the old cartoons. They were SO much better then that stuff we get now. Power Puff Girls ??? o_O

I always watched Bluffers, and Ovide, Seabert, lol.
I guess that's not really "child-like" anymore watching those, but pure nostalgia, as those cartoons are my age :lol: