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View Full Version : Your Opinion (Video game related)

December 23rd, 2006, 03:01 PM
Last week i was remebering an old (end of 90?)brazilian tv show about videogames, i had some episodes of it recorded and lots of people askedc me to share some material in you tube.

One of the best atraction of this program were a section called "debulha??o" where they got a game and teached how to finish it (i never saw one tv program doing this before or even today)
If you want can see two examples: Tomb Raider 2 (http://youtube.com/watch?v=AUAefS0g2W0) and Metal gear solid (http://youtube.com/watch?v=NFqBofMmfaw)

But i was sad because today we haven?t a way to see th games being finished on tv this way (indeed we have written walkthroughts but watching the scenes and reconizing parts of the scenarios, is much much better.) in you tube i saw that some people have evn tried to do that by just recording it playing, for me this is good but we could enhance it using some video editing to 1- show more things in a less space of time, 2- don?t let the video become so boring, then i made my own version based in the old tv show for the game Tomb Raider Legend

here is one example Bolivia level of tomb raider legends (http://youtube.com/watch?v=v0dA_YFzHNQ)

Can you give me your opinion about this version? i would love her your comments.

Thanks everyone,

December 23rd, 2006, 05:14 PM
Definatly somthing I would have loved to do, but unfortunatly I don't have the equipment needed, most of all a computer in my house(I am at a library).

I will have to stick to writing walkthoughs.