View Full Version : What's your favourite Christmas Carol?

December 3rd, 2013, 08:54 AM
Just wondering what everyone's favourite Christmas carol is.

Mine is 'O Holy Night, particularly the rendition by Andy Williams. But that particular carol gives me chills every time. I absolutely love it.

I was never much a fan of the more upbeat, modern carols, but after spending time in the US where they seem to be slightly more prevalent, I've learned to enjoy them more.

As a kid I loved the little drummer boy (for some reason, lol) and we also used to sing this song in primary school called Christmas in the Scrub http://users.adam.com.au/lnewton/citslyrics.html, it was a fun song but I think I mostly liked it because of all the animals in it :lol:

December 3rd, 2013, 09:35 AM
I'm going to ruin this thread by saying "NONE" :lol:

December 3rd, 2013, 10:06 AM
Awww... you grinch, you :p :lol:

December 3rd, 2013, 10:10 AM
Why yes I am :) lol.

Maybe if my family was closer to one and other (you know, more family-like) I would be more in a holiday spirit and such, but I've never really cared for the holidays and family gatherings.

December 3rd, 2013, 12:53 PM
Ah, I love Christmas music... :lol:

My absolute favourite is "The Christmas Song" as sung by Nat King Cole :) It's so very, very lovely. And I really like O Holy Night too. I've been trying to find the best rendition of it for some time, but I haven't heard the one by Andy Williams. I shall check it out!

I also prefer the more "classic" Christmas songs, but I do enjoy some of the more upbeat ones as well. "Fairytale of New York" is another of my favourites :3

December 3rd, 2013, 01:20 PM
I do not particularly care for any Christmas carols, but I do like the Christmas song "Silver Bells".
Eh, if I did have to pick a carol, I'd have to go with "Carol of the Bells" - it's a lot of fun to sing. ^__^

December 3rd, 2013, 07:44 PM
Yeah, mine is not christmas carol either... And it's not very joyful one either. I don't know but ever since I was a kid I always got shivers when this song was playing but at the same time a warm fuzzy feeling. It's translates as Sparrow in the Christmas morning and here are the translated lyrics.

Sparrow in the Christmas morning

Snow has already covered the flowers in a valley,
the comber of a lake frozen in the winter freeze,
A sparrow, little one, has eaten the summertime food,
the comber of a lake has frozen in the winter freeze.

On the stairs of a little cabin there was a dear girl,
come, sparrow, with joy, take a seed from me!
It is Christmas, homeless my sparrow, miserable,
come here with joy, take a seed from me!

To the girl the dear sparrow flew joyously:
with gratitude I do take the seed from you.
The God will want to reward you sometime.
With gratitude I do take the seed from you!

I am not, my child, a bird from this land,
I am your small brother, I came from the Heavens.
The tiny seed, that you gave to the poor,
the small brother of yours, from the land of the angels, got.

I'm depressing person aren't I... :lol:

December 4th, 2013, 12:37 AM
Mine is "Holly Jolly Christmas", followed by "Deck the Halls" because my beloved childhood dog was named Holly, and she was a festive reddish color, too. So I pretty much spent 17 years of my life belting these songs out and 'serenading' her at random all during the Christmas season.

I still have to sing along with "Holly Jolly Christmas" at least once each year, I save it for in the car now though. My current dog would think I hurt myself, LOL.

December 4th, 2013, 04:49 AM
I feel like there are basically two camps when it comes to Christmas songs--you either love them or hate them. Very few people are grey on it that I've met.

I happen to be in the love them camp. I don't know why, just something about the chilly weather mixed with this warm, family, loving feeling of Christmas and then turning that feeling into song--it's just a beautiful idea to me. That in spite of the dreary, freezing weather, there is this warmth and closeness prevelant for a season. x3 *purrs and curls up next to the fire*

Anyway....favorite songs! I've always liked Silent Night and I'll be Home for Christmas. And pretty much any traditional ones with pretty melodies like The First Noel, and O Little Town of Bethlehem (I third O Holy Night! I like the Josh Groben version myself.). The slower ones tend to get me. For instance, Sarah McLachlan's entire Christmas album is seriously one of the best out there. Full of melancholy longing and unique remodling of tons of classics, I listen to it on repeat for hours. But then again I love the upbeat songs like Joy to the World and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. x3 ....so, I'm just going to post some links to some of my current faves, if you don't mind:

Sarah McLachlan - Wintersong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qbw3Weu8rQ
Owl City - A Christmas Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLBanCTbVpk
Rainn Wilson & Selma Blair - Baby it's Cold Outside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hEJQbEYjRg This one is actually a commercial, but it was the first time I'd heard this song and I still think it's hilarious and cute x3 Just say No Rainn! Just say no.
The Snowman - Walking in the Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubeVUnGQOIk
Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6xNuUEnh2g
Muppet Christmas Carol - It Feels Like Christmas (my favorite Christmas movie ever): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL5_P8Wn_Pw

And of course, this classic that Kanu already mentioned. One of the first songs I start singing this time of year:
Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOszvL9lgSs

December 5th, 2013, 03:53 PM
I do like a few Christmas songs, but probably not the traditional ones.

I like this one "Chi-qui-rri-tin".
I have NO idea what it means, and what it's about ... Spanish *tss*.
All I know is, that's it's a Christmas song, haha.
But you can hit me on the head, even though I've been a Kelly Family fan for most of my life, I do not know if this song is theirs or from someone else, lol.


I'm not really that fond of the CD version.
I've heard this song live back in the days, much better ^_^

December 5th, 2013, 10:13 PM
I'm not very fond of the most traditional ones, but I admit I like "Trains and Winter Rains" from Enya and "The Closing of the Year" from a Hans Zimmer production (Toys) if I remember correctly. Also I have a compilation of traditional Christmas songs in German, but sung by the Smurfs. xD
That's sounds so great and is really old, from 1983 and the songs are embedded in a story. Still have the LP, but I recorded it. ^^

December 22nd, 2013, 10:11 PM
Just stumbled across a really pretty version of O Holy Night I thought you fellow fans of the song might like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1n7wo1RYp8

December 23rd, 2013, 06:28 AM
That was pretty cool, she sings it well. I really liked what I'll call the "tumbling" notes on the piano, sounded good :) Thanks for sharing.

December 23rd, 2013, 07:46 AM
I enjoy Christmas music, but I don't know that I really have a favorite one. I like Carol of the Bells and Little Drummer Boy though.

December 23rd, 2013, 12:52 PM
Oh, and I completely forgot my other favorite: Feed the wooooooorrrld! Oh BandAid, how historic are you? :lol: And yet it's the Christmas carol of my generation and it just speaks to me.

I also usually like listening through the first Transsiberian Christmas Orchestra's first album, it tells a story if you give yourself some time to sit with it, I just haven't been able to do that this year. x_x

December 23rd, 2013, 08:08 PM
I love basically any Christmas carol done in old style country music - Alan Jackson, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson etc. I love country music anyways, but since I was a kid the old style country Christmas music has been my favourite.