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November 8th, 2006, 10:47 PM
Found these via a Deviant journal by someone named Dolphy. And I thought TLKoB's attempt at anthromophizing the characters was horrific. I take back everything I ever said about it after seeing this.

Now I've seen everything.

Wow all this time Scar and Pluto were related and we never knew it until now.

Feel free to post pics or links to weird or strange TLK merchindise...

November 8th, 2006, 11:48 PM
If you think those are bad the cars are worse.

Oh, and TLKoB wasn't trying to create anthropomorphic characters. It's stylized yes, but it's not anthropomorphic. At least no more so than the film already had them. They're people playing animals not people pretending to be animals.

November 9th, 2006, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by HasiraKali
If you think those are bad the cars are worse.

Oh, and TLKoB wasn't trying to create anthropomorphic characters. It's stylized yes, but it's not anthropomorphic. At least no more so than the film already had them. They're people playing animals not people pretending to be animals.

CARS!!! They made TLK cars? I have a feeling you're not talking about the Nascar stock cars they painted when TLK was released on DVD. I think I do remember seeing some die-cast cars in the shape of Scar's head. I was hoping maybe I dreamed it.

November 9th, 2006, 01:40 AM
They're the ones shaped like Simba and Scar's head. The Scar one is pretty cool really but the Simba one is freaky looking.

And the more I look at those robots the cooler I think they are. I shall have to find a set. And then use them as models to built my own supergigantic robot to take over the world and fill it with TLK stuff. :evilgrin:

November 9th, 2006, 05:56 AM
Yes...replace the Lincoln Memorial with a memorial to Ahadi-and tear down the Capital that only took forever to make, and make a scale model of Pride Rock....I love it! :D

November 9th, 2006, 06:12 AM
Now I have plot bunnies... :lol: It's bad enough that Simba is managing to show up in my NaNo novel, now he's wanting to smash things. :lol:

I wonder where to look for those. :hmm: That ebay link isn't working. I'll look later.

November 9th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Speaking of wierd merchandise, I have two really old TLK band-ades. THey are part of my collection. So, I will bleed before I use one of them. :lol:

November 9th, 2006, 09:14 PM
:lol: I've got a tube of TLK chapstick too. I've never used it and it's all a weird colour now. Does that stuff rot? I know the dyes dissociate and fade, but does the pasty bit rot? :lol:

November 9th, 2006, 10:03 PM
All that strange stuff... Wh-Hhh-Hh-H-rr--rR-Rr..!! scary.. i even don't want to know what else exists. I want to sleep at nights peacefully, not dreaming some freaking Simba's heads.

November 9th, 2006, 11:10 PM
Do any of y'all remember the TLK Shaving kit? :lol: And the big jokes about it on the TLK-L? :lol: Priceless, that.

November 9th, 2006, 11:24 PM
Someone on eBay was once selling a Nala plushie with master locks that had been sewed into her ears and nose and they were trying to pass her off for a punk.

November 9th, 2006, 11:31 PM
Yeah. I remember her. I could never do that to a plushie. :(

November 9th, 2006, 11:41 PM
i could :D

that looks so cool :D

November 10th, 2006, 12:02 AM
Maybe I should rephrase :lol: I could never to that to a TLK plushie. Y'all should see what I did to a Pooh plush once. :evilgrin: And what I plan to do to some penguin plushies. Though what I'm doing to the penguins isn't really bad. I'm just making them into speakers. :) Because I like penguins. :D

November 10th, 2006, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by HasiraKali
If you think those are bad the cars are worse.

I have those! :p i'm pretty sure it's muffy too :bleen: oh nvm, it says simba but they use muffy pictures :p

really weird stuff though. i've never seen those weirdo action figures

November 10th, 2006, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by HasiraKali
They're the ones shaped like Simba and Scar's head. The Scar one is pretty cool really but the Simba one is freaky looking.

And the more I look at those robots the cooler I think they are. I shall have to find a set. And then use them as models to built my own supergigantic robot to take over the world and fill it with TLK stuff. :evilgrin:

I will help you. :ayecapn: =D

Originally posted by Lunarcat
I have those! :p i'm pretty sure it's muffy too :bleen: oh nvm, it says simba but they use muffy pictures :p

really weird stuff though. i've never seen those weirdo action figures

It could be Mufasa. I've seen some people on eBay who don't know their stuff and label Sarabi as Nala, Simba as Nala and vice versa. Kiara as Nala. Kovu as Simba. Once someone was selling a Tarzan elephant with a Simba plushie and said the elephant was Pumbaa.

Originally posted by HasiraKali
[ Though what I'm doing to the penguins isn't really bad. I'm just making them into speakers. :) Because I like penguins. :D [/B]
How do you do that? I have a ton of plushies (not just TLK) laying around that I don't have the heart to give away. It sounds kinda intresting.

November 10th, 2006, 03:37 AM
The car is supposed to be Simba. The graphics for the one that came in the set with the Scar one just had a picture of Mufasa instead of Simba. When the car's sold individually, the graphics are correct. I've actually seen it happen a few times with other types of merchandise. :)

EDIT OF THE EDIT: :lol: This one you can actually read the letters on the vanity plate. It says "SIMBA" but there's clearly a graphic of Mufasa on it. :lol:http://cgi.ebay.com/Disney-Wild-Racers-PRIDE-LAND-FLYER-SINISTER-STREETROD_W0QQitemZ280042378985QQihZ018QQcategoryZ 223QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem

Re Penguin Speakers: I'm not sure honestly :lol: It's an experiment. I know it will involve an inexpensive pair of computer speakers and two inexpensive penguin plushes. :p That's about it.

November 10th, 2006, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by HasiraKali
The car is supposed to be Simba. The graphics for the one that came in the set with the Scar one just had a picture of Mufasa instead of Simba. When the car's sold individually, the graphics are correct. I've actually seen it happen a few times with other types of merchandise. :)

EDIT OF THE EDIT: :lol: This one you can actually read the letters on the vanity plate. It says "SIMBA" but there's clearly a graphic of Mufasa on it. :lol:http://cgi.ebay.com/Disney-Wild-Racers-PRIDE-LAND-FLYER-SINISTER-STREETROD_W0QQitemZ280042378985QQihZ018QQcategoryZ 223QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem

Re Penguin Speakers: I'm not sure honestly :lol: It's an experiment. I know it will involve an inexpensive pair of computer speakers and two inexpensive penguin plushes. :p That's about it.

Woah, HasiraKali! You're right, the Scar scar is actualy kinda cool. But the Simba one dosen't have the same detail as in Scar looks like who ever made them took the time to sculpt Scar's head shape into the car but just painted Simba on.

I thought maybe you were going to cut a whole in the base of the pengin (ouch!) remove the stuffing and pull the plushie over the over the speaker. I hope your penguin plushie speakers work. Please post some pics when it's all done.

November 10th, 2006, 06:45 AM
ha quite a falure i would say ^^

November 10th, 2006, 07:12 PM
those first thing look like Transformers xD

November 11th, 2006, 12:49 AM
This is the most unusual and rare TLK merchandise I own... this strange green cologne spray imported from Spain.

Supposed to be made with all-natural ingredients and fragrances. It actually smells pretty nice, not too strong or perfumey. Got it about two years ago on Ebay, luckily I won the auction because I've never seen this product since then.


November 11th, 2006, 03:04 AM
i hope Toilette means different on that bottle than here in the usa xD

November 13th, 2006, 05:17 AM

I so want this for my birthday...even though I will be turning twenty.




I want these too... All three of them... I want the coolest TLK party of the year...

Simba ghost?
Actualy it is supposivaly a blanket for babies



Personaly I would like to see a Lion King chess set. Simba and Nala as king and queen as the white side with Timon & Pumbaa as knights.

November 13th, 2006, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Kalahari
Found these via a Deviant journal by someone named Dolphy. And I thought TLKoB's attempt at anthromophizing the characters was horrific. I take back everything I ever said about it after seeing this.

Now I've seen everything.

Wow all this time Scar and Pluto were related and we never knew it until now.

Feel free to post pics or links to weird or strange TLK merchindise...

Whoa! Lion King meets the Transformers! Where is Optimus Prime when you need him? ;)

November 15th, 2006, 02:21 PM
Oh great... I think I have collected pictures of quite a few weird lion king merchandise things ;)

I think the baby Simba Chair is still one of the weirdest things..


Inflatable Bed


Easter Kit


Funny Straw


Simba Paddles O.o There also Timon ones...


Safari Dress Up Set... Are the kiddies supposed to shoot Simba? O.o
Well they can throw the little plastic torch after him...


How are kids supposed to eat with that thing?!


And.. yeah.. didn't you ever want to search underwater for Simba and Nala?


And last, but not least... the ultimate freaky thing...
The Lion King Urn!


And there are also Timon and Pumbaa Cars ;)
I've got all 4... As well as a Pirates of the Caribbean Car..

And they dress Mickey and the other Classic Disney Characters up on Halloween... so this is where the Pluto as Scar came from... I got a Pluto Beanie dressed up as the Dog from Pirates of the Caribbean when I went to Disneyland some weeks ago.. ;) But I don't think they did specificaly the Pirates thing for Halloween but, Minnie as Maleficient and so on..

November 18th, 2006, 02:45 AM
So Kiara and Kopa are siblings?

Leoparta, I've seen that bed thing before and thought it was just a pool toy. Speaking of pool toys...

I had one of these as a kid until it was left outside in the kiddie pool in a really bad thunderstorm and never seen again...

Originally posted by Leopatra

And there are also Timon and Pumbaa Cars ;)
I've got all 4... As well as a Pirates of the Caribbean Car..

I want to see! Those Timon paddles sound cool too (and not in the Anti-Timon sort of way)...

Originally posted by Leopatra

And.. yeah.. didn't you ever want to search underwater for Simba and Nala?


Sealion... Lionfish...

November 21st, 2006, 01:11 AM
Bowling ball...http://cgi.ebay.ca/DISNEYS-LION-KING-BOWLING-BALL-NEW-

I'll only pay $90 for vintage MIB Lion King stuff!

November 21st, 2006, 01:56 AM
That ball in on my list of things to get in Florida this January. ;) I didn't get it last time we were there because I was low on spending money, but I'm good now. :lol:

November 21st, 2006, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Kalahari

I want to see! Those Timon paddles sound cool too (and not in the Anti-Timon sort of way)...


The Timonpaddle... I can't take a picture of the cars... No batteries at the moment..

November 21st, 2006, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Kalahari
So Kiara and Kopa are siblings?

That's Kovu. Just bad colouring.

November 22nd, 2006, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Kalahari

The wierdest thing I see about this is the fact that ursela is a hero and beast is a villian... :confused: :uhno:

November 22nd, 2006, 12:45 AM
:lol: Someone got confused and put them on the wrong side of the board.

November 22nd, 2006, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Leopatra

And.. yeah.. didn't you ever want to search underwater for Simba and Nala?


I had that!!!!!!!!! :wow: x) dunno what happened to it though....

:lol: i'm gonna agree with HK on that one

November 22nd, 2006, 10:40 PM
I have that baby blanket with nala and a normal lion, lookin weird but ok ... I also have (yes a lot of the things you've show but I can't mention everything with something interest) that Disney chess game, my bro and I played it all the time before and I've been winning 80 times, he 0, so :hehe:. For b-day present I had the Disney Monopoly game, I'm always the first one buying the most expensive place called "Pride Rock" (as I say) for like $800 or what it will be in dollar from crowns .. I'm winning now and then, we're playing it constantly, yesterday 7 hours completely when we were out of all kind of houses and owned like 100,000,000 each xD I hope I'll get the TLK Trivial Pursuit thing game soon :D And I would like to have all those things here I dont have, like that jumping castle :D

November 23rd, 2006, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by TakaTiger
i hope Toilette means different on that bottle than here in the usa xD

I was watching Andy Griffeth with my parents today and this lady wanted perfume but said "I want some toliet water". Seeing how I am sometimes so litteral and sometimes down right as trouble maker I can see myself going into the bathroom and getting it for her. Well she asked for toliet water...:cheese:

Originally posted by Leopatra

The Timonpaddle... I can't take a picture of the cars... No batteries at the moment..