View Full Version : Feminism
November 3rd, 2006, 06:43 AM
I'm a proud.. and loud.. feminist!!! :D
Give us a yell if you love beng FEMALE!!!!
So anyway, who here likes/doesn't mind/hates feminists? Whatever ya know. Any opinions on females you feel like voicing? Or on males for that matter.
Go on, speak up :cheese:
Kovu The Lion
November 3rd, 2006, 06:51 AM
Males rock, we got gear shifts.
November 3rd, 2006, 06:55 AM
were all human here, some just different equipment, so whatever floats your boat!
November 3rd, 2006, 06:59 AM
I support feminism.
November 3rd, 2006, 07:00 AM
How would you feel if I held the door for you, Dyani?
November 3rd, 2006, 07:38 AM
I love being a women ^_^ and i'm darn well proud of it ;3
Being female is magical, although i don't look forward to giving birth ore anything :eww:
My ex-boyfriend once told me that females are goddesses. In his opinion, we should be treated as queens, and i agree with that. Although i'd give alot of attention back to the males, because they rock too =3
November 3rd, 2006, 08:17 AM
I love being a women too. ;)
But also like Amaryllis said, I really don't look forward to giving birth either.
November 3rd, 2006, 08:17 AM
Hmmm.. Why not...:thinks:
November 3rd, 2006, 08:31 AM
Oooooh, I don't know, the pain maybe? ...
November 3rd, 2006, 09:07 AM
TX-101, what kind of question is that?
I think Nathalie answered it well.
King Simba
November 3rd, 2006, 09:25 AM
Yeah, I love being female. Sure, some of us probably don't like it sometimes cause of obvious things, but I still love it. ^^
Originally posted by Amaryllis
Being female is magical, although i don't look forward to giving birth ore anything :eww:
Neither do I, that'd be even if I ever had kids. :cringe: Nathy gave the answer I would've given too. It's mostly cause of the pain that I'm not looking forward to it.
November 3rd, 2006, 09:37 AM
I hate-hate-hate Feminazis. You know, the kind who demand things like "history" be renamed "herstory" and think that all sex initiated by a man is rape (or that all sex is rape), think that equality for women is equal to hating men. The loud lot that make you feel bad for being a woman. ;P
Also, I don't believe that both sexes are the same at all, so... yes. Anyone who thinks it's a case of just having different organs and bone structure is, well, a bit foolish.
November 3rd, 2006, 12:30 PM
I cant belive that.. Again someone missunderstood me. This happens way too often to me.
November 3rd, 2006, 02:08 PM
Well, ofcourse being pregnant is one of the most beautiful things in life, i'd go through pain for that. I mean, its thesame like when i got my piercing, it hurts like hell for a while, but in the end its definately worth it.
Ofcourse that doesn't make me wanna look forward to it =P but hey, we women can get along with some pain can't we? ;3
November 3rd, 2006, 06:03 PM
I love women...:rawr:...Feminist, non-feminist, semi-feminist, anti-feminist...:D
November 3rd, 2006, 06:29 PM
You can't choose what gender you are, just like what nationality or race you are, so I don't get the whole thing of being so proud of it, and I don't agree with anyone who says either gender is better than the other, male or female.
November 3rd, 2006, 06:35 PM
I don't like the super-feminist Neph stated. I don't think anyone likes them except other people...just LIKE I mean...I think that goes for pretty much every activist group. The extreme people always put a bad name on the whole group...not to mention they are usually idiots. One thing that I do think needs to be changed...if any women believes that they are not treated equally to a to stop comparing yourselves to them. When you say a statement like "I can do that stuff just as well as a man!" I mean...that is basically implying that a man somehow does it the best of all..etc. It is kind of counterproductive in the end.
Anyways..I have nothing agianst I am attracted to them for I guess that's a starter. They are different than men...and that does go deeper than reproductive organs and weight, muscle etc. I mean..there are some mental differences between men and women...but at the same time we are not so different that we have nothing in common.
I like being male though..hehe. I mean..I get to be...Kiva...the Lion. Who WOULDNT like that!? I'm happy with how I am though..hehe.
November 3rd, 2006, 08:00 PM
A recent reseach in brazil asked womans two questions: "what is the thing that mens ahve an womens not have, that you most apreciate/ wanted to have?" "If you could, you would change your sex?" More than 50% answered for the frist question "The freedom they have" and about 20% said that would like to change sex, after this, the reserchers als decided to do the same with mens (What is the thing woman have and mens not have you....) and surprisely 80% of mens said "nothing" and less than 1% said that wanted change sex
I know this sounded a little offtopic but i remebered this news when i read this thread
I do have nothing against the feminists, but for me it is very useless, even because is not you that choose your sex so... so we colud think in other things than this very old war-of-sexes.
November 3rd, 2006, 10:08 PM
Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
Girl power LOL :p
@ Neph: Yeah, I know what you mean...that's why I don't call myself a feminist but I do support the whole 'women rule' thing...though they don't necessarily have to go overboard like you say.
@ TX: LOL...poor guy :p
Kovu The Lion
November 3rd, 2006, 10:15 PM
La Reina says this: Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable
Heh. That's also why 80% of all Females around the world aren't in shape.. :]
Hmm, I'm not one to say Females are smarter, or are better, nor will I say males are.
I say everyone is equal, Why?
Because Females depend on us to carry on Generations
And Men depend on females to carry on Generations.
In the end that is all that matters.
November 3rd, 2006, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
Oh yeah?!...Us dudes are stronger, have a bigger cranium...and are Far more likely to go to prison!...:diva:
November 3rd, 2006, 10:39 PM
@ Kovu: That makes sense, but I'm not surprised you assumed that I meant physically stronger. I meant mentally and spiritually. Brains over brawn.
@ Roog: LOL well, you may have a bigger cranium, but what shoiuld be in there isn't as big as say, the female's :p If you know what I mean.
November 3rd, 2006, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
@ Roog: LOL well, you may have a bigger cranium, but what shoiuld be in there isn't as big as say, the female's :p If you know what I mean.
:haha:...That might be the case generally...but it's Roog > La Reina and Moonibear...Combined!...:irule:
November 3rd, 2006, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Monai
You can't choose what gender you are,
Actually... you can. Best not to get gender and sex confused: sex is a biological aspect of a person, and gender is a social constraint. *nods*
November 3rd, 2006, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women. I hope you were being sarcastic...
Honestly, I think that men and women are equally balanced. Most women don't tend to be as unnecessarily aggressive as men (driving, fighting, etc.), and most men don't tend to be as emotionally unstable as women. Of course, both of these differences are caused by hormones. But I think that in a social structure, these differences shouldn't make men superior to women, or visa versa.
In regards to the question of feminism, I do believe that in most of the world, women are unfairly treated in social structures. Like every other minority group (although there are probably more women than men in the world, only a small portion actively stand up for equal rights, therefore causing feminism to be a minority), they do deserve equal rights. However, it seems every minority group has some type of odd urge to tip the scales in their favor, quite possibly out of a desire to get even or recompense their unfair representation in the past. I'm not completely sure about a large majority of the issues, but I know one unfair subject favoring feminism is the issue of college. Women are more highly desired in colleges, at least here in the US, so a lot of colleges have way more women than men, and it is more difficult for men to get into college.
November 4th, 2006, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
Hahaha, oh wow. Have you met many men? :confused:
November 4th, 2006, 12:24 AM
Yeah..I am hoping you were only joking as well. If you actually believe that kind of statement then I think we need to have a If it was a joke..then that's fine.
It doesn't really have to be about men and women...we are all people. Stereotypes aside..everyone is who they are...regardless of sex. Everything varies..and in the end we all depend on one another.
November 4th, 2006, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Nephilim
I hate-hate-hate Feminazis. You know, the kind who demand things like "history" be renamed "herstory" and think that all sex initiated by a man is rape (or that all sex is rape), think that equality for women is equal to hating men. The loud lot that make you feel bad for being a woman. ;P
Also, I don't believe that both sexes are the same at all, so... yes. Anyone who thinks it's a case of just having different organs and bone structure is, well, a bit foolish.
Uh, same here about Feminazis. I reckon men and women are really different socially and stuff, (I prefer to hang out with my guy friends than my girl friends on some days, and my girl friends than uy friends on others), but I think we're both equally powerful in different ways. I don't believe that there is a need for any arguments over the better/stronger sex. Human kind would be lost if either sex were missing, we'd probably all end up fertilising ourselves :eek: like some molluscs.
November 4th, 2006, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Hahaha, oh wow. Have you met many men? :confused:
Yes...I wouldn't have said that if I didn't know any :p
November 4th, 2006, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Actually... you can. Best not to get gender and sex confused: sex is a biological aspect of a person, and gender is a social constraint. *nods*
Lol, yes, you can change your gender, but I meant you can't change while you're in the womb and stuff, which probably makes no sense xD Sorry about that.
November 4th, 2006, 11:23 AM
Woah thats freaky we (my friends) were talking about Feminists yesterday at lunch lol which then went on to Borat.....
Meh i dont really have a opinion on feminism
November 4th, 2006, 11:29 AM
I think it's good that more and more woman get to say stuff, and are able to climb higher.
As for myself, I hated being a girl, since I got bullied for that in school.
November 4th, 2006, 12:09 PM
I hate feminism. Those irritating girls who make remarks like La Reina just did "females rule, males drool" My god, were you up all night thinking of that one? Don't get me wrong, I like females, but when these types get it into their heads that because they're female they pwn everything then it just gets annoying, and I don't like it. I agree entirely with Neph and Kiva on the subject, this thread is stupid.
Lion Roar
November 4th, 2006, 12:26 PM
I think it's not fair to say things like "women are smarter" or "men are stronger", etc. What I mean is that it's not fair to generalize, and think that all men and all women are the same (that's what people do when they say that X gender is better/worse)... Generalizing is not good, people that share gender, race, religion, etc. don't necessary share intelligence, strength, way of thinking, etc.
Anyway, what I mean is that any sexual discrimination is bad, as any other discrimination (racism, etc) is, and you have to jugde people individually, the gender doesn't say much about people. Everyone is different, no matter the gender.
And one last thing, you can be proud of yourself, of how you are... but being proud of something like your gender isn't very logical.
PD: It's my opinion, I don't wanna hurt anyone, sorry If I do, and it's just the way I see things... I respect other opinions.
November 4th, 2006, 02:12 PM
:lol: which one to reply to first..
Neph, I am not a feminazi and I'm sorry you think like that ^_^ I'm merely stating my opinion, however wrong you think it is.. thats the joy of individualism, otherwise if everyone thought like you or me, the world would be so boring.
I do agree with most of your comments (especially Girls Rule, Males Drool :lol:)
But I must say I'm not a crazy feminist, that sees Sex as Rape or anything.. yeash, relationships would be rather dull then, unless they mostly are lesbians... I dunno
My boyfriend knows all about this *feminist* streak in me and he accepts it, and even supports it on occation. Heck, hes not a sterotypical male.. in fact the nearest thing to perfect in my opinion.. he has feminine characteristics like me, thinking too much into things people say etc. Yeash just a second ago he's the one asking for a hug! ^_^
My argument is that females do get a raw deal in somesituations. In some countires females are repressed and I am rather upset by it.. mainly because of the whole *We Are Equal* stuff, thus I support the suppressed.
However in other situations, females get the better deals. My boyfriend only mentioned this a few minutes ago. His sister is doing the job he did when he was at home, and as a result of a female doing it.. she gets more tips! Pwned.
Pablos comment means mosly what I am driving at.. we are all equal but sometimes one side is repressed and this sucks. I have to admit though, males have been the pillars of society for too long.. TAKE OVER FEMALES!! :lol: just kiddin'
I like how this thread is going :D Keep the talk up!!
November 4th, 2006, 06:39 PM
So, then, do you prefer opening your own door?
November 4th, 2006, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Tiikeri
I hate feminism. Those irritating girls who make remarks like La Reina just did "females rule, males drool" My god, were you up all night thinking of that one? Don't get me wrong, I like females, but when these types get it into their heads that because they're female they pwn everything then it just gets annoying, and I don't like it. I agree entirely with Neph and Kiva on the subject, this thread is stupid.
True, this thread could lead to a huge arguement, but we can avoid that.
I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example.
But if I offended you, then I apologize. I'm very opinionated :p
November 4th, 2006, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
True, this thread could lead to a huge arguement, but we can avoid that.
I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example. Stupid people are stupid people, regardless of their sex. You're probably more aware of the stupidity of some male characteristics, but not very aware of the stupidity of some female characteristics. Honestly, you have to admit that the social structure in most female groups (especially in middle/high school) is often irrational and cruel. It's hard to tell who is really friends with who, with all the gossip that goes around. Also, at least out in my area, the wealthier girls tend to downsize the poorer girls (or the ones who just don't care) with their emphasis on fashion.
November 4th, 2006, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example.
That's the thing with 'generalization' ... what you said was 'all' what you should have said was 'some ones I know' which when compared to every male on earth is a very very tiny amount that you accually know... if there were one billion different apples of different colors and shapes, you choose three and one had worms, one tasted over ripe, and one wasn't ripe yet ... does that mean all one billion apples are terrible on account of just three lousey choices? ... regardless it could have just been your own bad choices that cause your thinking.
Until you know every single male on earth, can you make such a claim... for that matter until you are blameless you should not be acusing another as well... until your IQ is 300 can you say 'I am smarter than you' ... and that would be what everyone calls 'arrogance' ...
Thirdly, your view is muddled because your focus is on males... thus your view of all the females is too less to be concidered... You cannot study apples to give a good report on watermelons you know.
The answert is study each person indivisually, reguardless of race, religion, sex, etc... everyone apart of every race, gender, religion, etc will have their few whom make bad examples of the whole, just don't make the mistake of judgeing everyone, becaause of the action(s) of any less than 100% of the entire population.
November 5th, 2006, 10:44 AM
hmm my way to think of things is that people are equal so I just be me and let the others take care of their job being them.
And what comes to the fact that women get all the time more rights... I'm ok with it, but like lets say adoption for lesbian couples but not gay couples is wrong, either both or neither. if women start getting some special rights but all the same rights as men they turn into something that they have fought against for ages.
and I think this is a bit wrong thread to say this but I wonder if there ever will be black female president in US... I would really want to see that happen.
November 5th, 2006, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
and I think this is a bit wrong thread to say this but I wonder if there ever will be black female president in US... I would really want to see that happen.
Hell a black president would be amazing to start with.. a black female would be rather uber in the extreme.
Thats one thing that slightly annoys me about the USA.. they claim to be so much more advanced than any other country.. yet they haven't exactly had any female or black candidates for presidency. Thats why I like Condoleezza Rice, dammit how often does someone like that get up that high in the system?? Damn rocks gal!
November 5th, 2006, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Dyani
Hell a black president would be amazing to start with.. a black female would be rather uber in the extreme.
How about... a black-female-lesbian-disabled-Muslim President? :evilgrin:
November 5th, 2006, 05:32 PM
^ LOL what're you trying to say? :p
Yeah, a black president would be great to start off with. Then a black female president, then a Muslim president. Now we all know what kind of controversy all that will start, regardless of what the Constitution says.
November 5th, 2006, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
^ LOL what're you trying to say? :p
Just trying to get as many "minority" groups in as I could. ;)
November 5th, 2006, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
there ever will be black female president in US... I would really want to see that happen.
Oprah was concidered for a candidate... but she turned them down ... because she would have gotten a big pay cut as president than what she's making now...
November 5th, 2006, 10:47 PM
I'll be cuddly and say women rule. Nah, y'all really are great. Especially dear ol' mum. Hehe, but you have to give us our props too, riiiiight? :evilgrin:
November 5th, 2006, 11:58 PM
@ Neph: Gotcha ;) That would be something tho, wouldn't it?
November 6th, 2006, 03:18 AM
I don't see any problem with a black president or a female long as they are fit to hold the position. I don't think we need to turn the President's office into a politically correct or "affirmative action" job. What I mean is we DON'T need a female or black President simply because they are female or black. They actually have to be qualified. Not to mention, no one is holding any of those people back from giving it a go. They can if they want..they just don't choose it. It's the same with when people say "look at how there are so many male scientists and doctors! They must be holding women back!" Actually...women just don't go into that field as much as men...and I feel it is usually the same for this as well. Not to say that people wouldn't have their biases..but I doubt seriously anyone is being held back.
Condoleeza Rice is a very smart women..and she got there with hard work etc. What is funny that black people make fun of her..and say she is "white". So..just like women comparing themselves to men...apparently (according to black people) you cannot be successful unless you are white? It seems like they hold themselves back and then blame it on others. It happens a lot.
November 6th, 2006, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Only-now
It seems like they hold themselves back and then blame it on others. It happens a lot.
I'm being quiet about most of this but I just wanted to point this little bit out. Bill Cosby brought this up in an interview somewhere and got a whole heap of flames for it.
November 6th, 2006, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by HasiraKali
I'm being quiet about most of this but I just wanted to point this little bit out. Bill Cosby brought this up in an interview somewhere and got a whole heap of flames for it.
I remember that...I like Bill Cosby. He grew up in the ghetto, too, so he knows a bit about what goes on there...and as hard as it already is to pull yourself out of places like that, a lot of people make it even harder by giving into the easy way (which a lot of times is also illegal) or just shooting themselves in the foot by making too many mistakes.
And on the Presidential note...I wonder if Hillary Clinton is still thinking about running in 2008. I know that John McCain is thinking about running on the Republican side. I usually like McCain, but the last couple years many of his decisions have disappointed me.
November 6th, 2006, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by Only-now
I don't see any problem with a black president or a female long as they are fit to hold the position. I don't think we need to turn the President's office into a politically correct or "affirmative action" job. What I mean is we DON'T need a female or black President simply because they are female or black. They actually have to be qualified. Not to mention, no one is holding any of those people back from giving it a go. They can if they want..they just don't choose it. It's the same with when people say "look at how there are so many male scientists and doctors! They must be holding women back!" Actually...women just don't go into that field as much as men...and I feel it is usually the same for this as well. Not to say that people wouldn't have their biases..but I doubt seriously anyone is being held back.
well what I ment was that it seems that it is hard to get people vote for women as a president because of what some people especially men think about women and their position in sosioty. ofcourse the person on President seat.. especially in US should be responsible and rightful leader. ( can't really say Bush have been that in a lot of cases, but anyways )
and was said before about Ophra not wanting to be come a president because she gets more money on the position she is now... then she wouldn't be a good choise anyways. becoming a president shouldn't be because of money, it should be to make changes and to be able to lead the contry... I have personaly thought for a long time that USA, China and Russia are all too big to be lead by one man/woman. but that is how world works.
November 6th, 2006, 05:14 PM
Actually, I think that maybe Oprah could be an excellent candidate for president. I mean, why not? She's already doing all she can to make the world a better place, while our current president is just making things worse from what I see:p
I don't think she'd care to much for the money, why would she if she's already making millions a year?
November 6th, 2006, 09:38 PM
So, I know very little about Oprah, other than the fact that:
a) she's black, and
b) she paid for Beloved to be made into a film out of her own pocket, and stared in it as Sethe.
What does she actually do then?
November 6th, 2006, 10:10 PM
Well, she's the talk show host of her show Oprah and on it she discusses different topics everyday, all of them about helping and benefitting people all over the world. In fact, I just finished watching an episode. She showed some recaps about how she helped a young African girl that experienced the Genocide (something or other) in Rwanda and reunited her with her family whom she was separated from.
Another recap was of an episode when she went shopping with Bono of U2 for some popular items in code red like red Motorola RAZR phones, red iPods, red t-shirts from the Gap, etc. All proceeds from the purchased items went to buy treatments for pregnant African women with HIV to prevent transmission to their babies.
I really do admire her, and no, not because she's black and not because she's female, but because of what she does every single day to help make the world a better place. As corny as that may sound LOL xD
November 6th, 2006, 11:35 PM
According to my boyfriend, La Reina.. you are about as in touch with reality as an alternate dimension...
Which I ain't listening to :p But i have to admit.. from your points she sounds like a decent woman.. even if shes paid to be like that/is a bit like that herself but money makes her more like that etc
I agree with STM though, more people should help run the largest countries... cos yeash thats a hard job.
To quote from somewhere... *The greatest individuals died alone (my bf altered that a bkit.. its meant to be *The greatest women in history died alone, the greatest men in history died surrounded by women* FEMALES are the non attention *****s here!!!! or at least thats the generalisation shown by this quote..)
ignore me I'm typsy on Strongbow Xp
November 6th, 2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Dyani
To quote from somewhere... *The greatest individuals died alone (my bf altered that a bkit.. its meant to be *The greatest women in history died alone, the greatest men in history died surrounded by women* FEMALES are the non attention *****s here!!!! or at least thats the generalisation shown by this quote..)
So I'm going to die while being surrounded by women?!...Sweet!!...:D
November 7th, 2006, 12:12 AM
*Headdesk* :woeisme:
November 7th, 2006, 12:22 AM
For some reason there's this construct that women are inferior to men on some level. Each has their strong points and each their weaknesses. I often wonder what the world would be like if the construct were reversed. :evilgrin:
November 7th, 2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Only-now
Condoleeza Rice is a very smart women..and she got there with hard work etc. What is funny that black people make fun of her..and say she is "white". So..just like women comparing themselves to men...apparently (according to black people) you cannot be successful unless you are white? It seems like they hold themselves back and then blame it on others. It happens a lot.
Yes, I agree with what you said about presidents... if they hold the qualifications then that's whom should be picked
On this though, I agree too ... but it's not only blacks, it's everyone... (to a certain extent) though I can see how any would get mad at such a statement as bill cosby said, I mean, who here would like to be told such a blant statement? ... doesn't make one feel too good... but truth be told, the ones most mad about it, are the ones it is most true of... (the more guilty a conscious the more anger produced within) ... I can gaurantee the many successful blacks (like himself) didn't mind the comment... (because it wasn't true for them, they didn't hold themselves back, thus they are successful) Blaming others for their own mistakes in the process... (who likes to admit defeat anyways?) it goes for all... all races, both genders...
Originally posted by Dyani
To quote from somewhere... *The greatest individuals died alone (my bf altered that a bkit.. its meant to be *The greatest women in history died alone, the greatest men in history died surrounded by women* FEMALES are the non attention *****s here!!!! or at least thats the generalisation shown by this quote..)
note to all: this following rant is not by any means directed to Dyani... it is directed at the quote "The greatest individuals died alone" and the owner of the quote
who can say if that is true or just 'what it seems like'? ... you see, most die, and most want their family and loved ones around when they're passing away... it's comfort to them... but who was there? ... who now lives whom watched all the great names die? well? ... anyone? ... nope, no one... that's who absolutely no one... or am I being too narrowed? ... who is great anyways? ... what is 'greatness'? ... who is anyone to determine this person was great? it's all in the mind... indivisually we all have our own definition, and we all have our own chosen to admire, it's completely different from person to person...
Let me say this: During a great war between two armies, a lone soldier risks his life to save a fellow soldier from death, in the process he saves another troop, and kills 20 enemies, on top of that he saves a village by rushing the citizens to safety. a years has passed and he is lost, killed in battle... a tombstone with a name amungst a couple thousand of similar graves is all that's to show of this soldier... did this soldier die alone or with friends? how do you come to this conclution?
was he great? or was he not? how do you come to this conclution? ...
Now, as the story turns out this soldier was accually an excaped murderer running from police, wanted in three countries, and the village he saved, was saved because the villagers ran from him because he tried to kill them all off, the fellow soldiers he rescued were accually rescued because they were lucky to hide in their captivity while he murdered those holding them... and died in a shootout with his own fellow soldiers when he was caught trying to murder a comander.
again did he die alone, or with friends? was he great or not?... what brought you to this conclution?
Now say he was wanted in three countries only because he was hated for protesting freedom to an enslaved civilization... he volunteered to put his life on the line to be sent into the enemy base to enevitably die to save his people... He ambushed a village that had slaves because he was discusted with the way they threated their slaves... thus the village ran from him, he then tried to murder a commander whom had plans to completely destroy an entire village with no defense against their onslaught.
once more was he alone when he died and was he great? ... how did you come up with this? ... were you there? ... did you see him? did you know what lie in his heart? what right have you to determine if he was great or not? what right do you bear to think he is the demon from hell or a blessing from heaven? do you know how many millions of ways this story could change?
again I go back to it's all in your mind... who do you think is great and how did they die? was it some number amung millions? or a fallen hero who just so happened to be viewed opposite by his or her opponents? ... it's all up to you to decide what you want, you're free to do so... however you are not free to enforce this thought on everyone that lives.
I, myself see my uncle as great... he was a hero to my eyes... he died, not surrounded by women, not alone, but with us, his family... while his wife, had left him after bearing a child, left him because she only married him for his child... she cheated on him and took off... dispite his pleads that he be able to see his daughter, she saw to it that he could not... not until he lay on his deathbed was he able to see his daughter, spend time with her...
did he die alone? was he great? How can you know? you were not there, you did not know him and you only heard one side of the story... as have I so how can I, though I watched him die, who am I to say weither or not he was great or died alone?
I know this is a long rant but point being, stop being foolinsh and making up history to fit your view of it... quit looking to ancient history and then use that as a reason to hate or show scorn twoards another... it is for that reason we still have wars today, it is impossible to not have wars ... it is impossible that our view on who is great and who is not to be exact...
on another note, the whole 'feminism' thing... show me your proof, with absolutely no amassing many into one. (example: because men are stupid... tell me what right have you to say that?)
You do relise by all that's said and done, it is not I, being a man, who thinks women are inferior, it is all you who think that I think that way because it is yoou who whould say this thread is right, it is your OWN thinking that caused this theory on 'women are infirior' ... that's right, you... not me, because I don't... I know because I am me, and you have no right to say and/or no way to prove otherwise... think what you want it's only your own thinking... your words are not mine and mine are not yours...
so stop this whole we are better or they are better, because it's only your thinking, you were not there to witness all on this earth from start to present your view is only big in your own eye, and blantly accusing is as petty as a child arguing the other's cookie has more sprinkles, ... sounds small and insignificant to another but a big deal to the child making the complaint... but who am I to say how you should think? ... just don't shove that junk at everyone and expect a complete agreement...
there, I've said my piece... I have expirienced way too many times where girls came up to me, with hatred in their eyes because I am a man, before they even know my name or who I truely am :P
once again this rant is not directed at anyone in perticular... I am just annoyed with such flat out pre-judgement as the quote implies (and some posts in this thread implies [and again, if you think I'm jumping at you, stop and think to yourself, 'why am I thinking such a way?' ... guilt? ... or was he really terrible in saying such? {be true to yourself... there's nothing you have done, that you can hide from yourself}])
{I'm going to catch some sleep... [I'm tired{and use too many parenthesis}] (apart from that I may have even missplled that word too)
November 11th, 2006, 10:23 AM
Um, well when I posted before I wasn't saying I was a feminist, just because I said I loved being a women. :p I like being female though. Women are beautiful, and I like being treated like a women and feeling feminine... I'm not a real girly girl though, I'm kind of inbetween. I have long hair that I blow dry and straighten to make it look soft, and I like wearing clothes that are figure flattering. But I don't over do it, I don't show lots of skin or anything like that. I don't wear make up because I think the natural look is the most beautiful. So yeah were was I going with this... Yeah I love being female but I'm not a feminist. There are good men in this world, and of course not all men are, but it goes the same for women.
Originally posted by la_reina
Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
Um, I think that's kind of a mean thing to say isn't it? That is not always true. There are women who act pretty stupid at times too.
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
I think this is a bit wrong thread to say this but I wonder if there ever will be black female president in US... I would really want to see that happen.
That would pretty cool... Hehe, that makes me think of two women on some older TV shows... On The Cosby Show, Bill Cosby's wife, I can't remember her name right now, and Vivian on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. They both played women who were very strong, and independent.
November 11th, 2006, 10:31 AM
I love girls/woman, I mean.. What would the world be without them?
Girls are the best this god created since the pie. There's nothing like a lovely girl ^^
Kovu The Lion
November 11th, 2006, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Ravincal
I love girls/woman, I mean.. What would the world be without them?
Girls are the best this god created since the pie. There's nothing like a lovely girl ^^
The world would be a better place
Just kiddin gals :p
Uhh well yeah nothing to contribute, have fun ^^
King Simba
November 12th, 2006, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Um, well when I posted before I wasn't saying I was a feminist, just because I said I loved being a women. :p
Yeah, same here. ;)
Like Audra, I have a feminine hairstyle and wear feminine-type clothes, but I don't usually wear much make-up or that much jewellry. I can get away with the odd pair of earrings and maybe a bracelet or necklace, but that's about it really. I don't like overdoing my appearance with too much jewellry or make-up.
Originally posted by Sharifu
Um, I think that's kind of a mean thing to say isn't it? That is not always true. There are women who act pretty stupid at times too.
I agree with that. I'm against feminism myself, and it's unfair to say that females are better than males because it's not true. I think both men and women are equal and should be classed as equals. It's not fair to say that women have more rights than men either, or that most men are dumb and stupid whilst a lot of women aren't. There's good and bad in the world, and not all men and women are bad. It's just the odd number of both genders that can be bad...
November 12th, 2006, 12:56 PM
Oh yeah I forgot to mention I like jewerly though hehe... I wear a little. ^^
November 12th, 2006, 01:04 PM
Apart from earrings I wear nothing (and I even regret it that I ever got them).
Ow yeah, my Baby-G watch, which I love ^_^
And apart from the jeans I wear (which do come from the woman sections, haha), I usually wear boys stuff.
I grew up with boys, I was the only girl in my street, my nieces were all so much older then me they were "too old" to hang out with me, so my only clothing examples I got, were from guys, lol.
November 12th, 2006, 01:31 PM
oh noes the females are taking over the judgment day ....THE APOALYPS IS HERE!! "runs and hides under a rock"....
ear rings FTW ! "proudly flashes his left silver ear ring:cheese:
November 12th, 2006, 01:48 PM
I've got a feeling most feminists (for one thing are lesbians :lol: j/k ) are insecure people. I'm very insecure/mentally messed up thus I stand up for something with a passion.
That make sense? :cheese:
November 12th, 2006, 02:15 PM
nope but then again what in this world dose >.>
November 13th, 2006, 12:32 PM
Well, reading a few of the arguments in here, i'd think this thread is supposed to be in the 'Shadowy Place' section, don't you think?
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