View Full Version : Travel: where have you been? Where would you like to go?

October 28th, 2013, 07:38 AM
Sorry if there's already been a thread like this, I couldn't find one, though. I know a lot of people on this forum have done quite a bit of traveling, so I thought it would be fun to talk about the places you've been, why you went there, where you'd like to go and why, etc ^^ Travel is a favorite topic of mine, so sorry if I ramble a lot... xD

I'll start;

Places I've been:
* Los Angeles -- well, obviously, since I live here!
* San Francisco -- I'd love to go back, it's actually one of the cities I'm looking into moving when I transfer schools.
* Washington, DC -- I went (along with the next two spots) on a school trip. I'd love to go back here too; as a journalism student and a politics/history nerd, it holds a lot of intrigue for me ^^
* Philadelphia, PA
* New York City -- did a lot, but not even half the stuff I wanted to; I'd love to go back! And it's another city that I definitely wouldn't mind living in, though I know it's expensive as heck.
* Munich -- (this and all the European cities below were part of a post-graduation high school trip)
* Schwangau, Germany -- home of the famous Neuschwanstein castle, which Disney's castle was based on. Not only the castle but the surrounding area was breathtakingly gorgeous, I definitely wouldn't mind returning (and touring the other castle in the area).
* Lido di Desolo, Italy -- a tourist-trap beach town near Venice, for a bunch of dumb American kids that had just graduated high school, it was pretty much our first opportunity to party, meet people, drink, etc :lol: And swim in the Mediterranean, of course, the beaches there were gorgeous!
* Venice -- this was #1 town to visit, and it completely lived up to my expectations. Going on a gondola ride was like a dream come true =) My only complaint is that I only got to spend less than one day there, so there's still so much left to be seen, I definitely want to go back!
* Milan
* Lucerne, Switzerland
* Engelberg, Switzerland -- it's a small ski resort town, but we went in the off season, so it was pretty deserted and what few shops there were closed early. It was still breathtakingly gorgeous, though, what with the rolling green hills and rivers and stuff. Definitely would go back
* Paris -- I like to think I'm not overly idealistic about Paris. Of course any big city is going to have its share of danger, rude people and dirty areas, and my former French teacher lived there for many years and had plenty of horror stories to tell, not to mention our hotel wasn't exactly in the safest area itself. But even after all that I still (perhaps naively) hold a quite romantic view of the city, and I'd love to visit again or even study abroad there for a semester. And... go to EuroDisney, of course, hehe.
* Austin, TX -- I went there for a convention but I ended up utterly falling in love with the city. I'm definitely going back next summer for the same con, but it's another city I'm looking into to transfer schools there (I know, all my dream cities are really expensive, shh, I'm a dreamer!)

Places I'd love to go:
* London
* Berlin (probably #1 on my list)
* Helsinki
* Moscow
* Munich-- for Oktoberfest :lol:
* Rome
* Prague
* Tokyo
* Amsterdam
* --I'm sure there are places I'm forgetting, but that's all I can think of right now

But yeah! What about you guys?? Tell us some interesting travel stories :D

October 28th, 2013, 08:20 AM
Doesn't really matter if I name some places, they are very unfamiliar to most of you I think :lol:

Some bigger cities I have been:
- Cologne (Germany)
- Aachen (Germany)
- Essen (Germany)
- Rotterdam (Holland)
- Amsterdam (Holland)
- Maastricht (Holland)
- London (UK)
- Echternach (Luxemburg, the country)

I've been to many many many places in Germany & Holland (because I live very close to both borders)

I've also been in so many places in Germany, Holland, France purely for concerts, but never actually saw something of those cities.

And well, I've been in every big Belgium city, I guess that's normal :p
(Hasselt, Liége, Bruges, Antwerp, Brussels)

Would love to visit:
- Ireland
- Spain
- Portugal
- Czech Republic
- Finland
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- U S of A
- Hong Kong & Tokyo Disneyland ^^

Mostly for history & nature purposes, I'm not a beach/sun person.

October 28th, 2013, 09:55 AM
Oooh interesting read :D I'll split this list in countries

-Chihuahua (My current home)
-Cd. Juarez (Border city with the US)
-Creel (Where the awesome Copper Canyon is)
-Aldama (Home of the Uncle Albert's Cabanas and water park xD)
-Monterrey (A major city in Mexico, and a great place to visit for concerts)
-Mazatlán (A seaside city I've been going to countless of times during my childhood)
-Puerto Vallarta (I have so many lovely memories from my trip with KS there ^^)
-Manzanillo (Another seaside city from my childhood, really relaxing place)
-Playa del Carmen (Simply the best beach in Mexico, rich in Mayan culture history and celebrations. Also a place full of good memories with KS :love: )

-El Paso, TX (Border city with Mexico, I've been going there ever since I have memory :P)
-San Antonio, TX
-Ruidoso, NM (Great place to ski)
-Santa Fe, NM
-Carlsbad, NM
-Durango, CO
-Pagosa Springs, CO (Both this and Durango are awesome places for skiing)
-Tucson, AZ
-Phoenix, AZ
-Las Vegas, NV
-Los Angeles, CA
-Orlando, FL

-Poznan (I lived there for 10 months during 2004-2005)
-Krakow (Awesome castle, and full of so much history. It's also close to the old Auschwitz concentration camp)
-Zakopane (Where I celebrated New Year 2005. Also where I tried hot red wine for the first time, excellent for the cold. Yay good memories xD)

-Essen (Yes Nathalie, I've also been in Essen, nice place ^^. A friend of mine lives there, so I went to visit her during the year I lived in Poland)

-Bern (An exchange student who came here for a year lives there, she stayed at my house for a while in exchange for my sister when she went on her exchange year to France. So I went to visit her too after visiting my friend in Essen. Her family took me to ski in the Alps, an unforgettable experience ^^)



Czech Republic:
-Prague (Awesome city, but my camera was stolen there then :( )


-Hønefoss (Yet another exchange student that came here I went to visit xD)

-Barcelona (My cousin lived there for many years, and invited me to go to his place once)

-Doncaster (Where mah KS lives ^^<3)
-London (Where I lost my TLKoB virginity xD)
-Coventry (Where I got to meet This Land, Kanu, and Stu :D)
-Edinburgh (Scotland)
-Fort Augustus (Scotland, where Loch Ness is. Many lovely memories from that trip ^^)

Places I'd like to visit: (Sooo many, but I'll name a few)
-Kenya (I won't die without having gone to a real Safari xD)
-Perú (Machu Picchu, of course!)
-New Zealand (LotR locations, yeah! xD)
-Mexico City (Yeah, it's ironic that I've never really been in Mexico City :P maybe once when I was a toddler though)
-And many other places I can't think of right now....

King Simba
October 28th, 2013, 10:08 AM
^Don't forget you've been to Sheffield as well. ;) There are probably many other places you've missed but I can't think of them right now. :p

I'll post here later. I've been to a lot of places that I'll probably be here all day, plus I'm using my phone right now, so it's better if I post from a computer.

October 28th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Wow, you're all so well travelled. o_o I'd love to hear more about the things you each saw & did at these places, so I can "arm-chair travel" and live vicariously through you all :D

I'll do my list/real post later, it's a tad boring though, lol.

October 28th, 2013, 12:44 PM
Ugh, I'm so jealous of you guys ...

We didn't have any money growing up, heck, we lived in a garage that was converted into a "home".
So we never went anywhere.
(besides an amusement park every summer)

The places I've been, I would hardly call them "traveling" (besides Disneyland Paris & London).
Most places, are just "around the corner" because I live 10 minutes from Holland, and 30 minutes from the German border.

October 28th, 2013, 01:40 PM
The only two places I have visited outside brazil Was Santa Cruz de La Sierra (Bolívia) (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685275131484254&set=exp.685278804817220.unitary&type=1&theater) and Rosário (Argentina) (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685284791483288&set=exp.685285851483182.unitary&type=1&theater)

Inside Brazil, I have been in Several Cities: São Paulo (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685849544760146&set=exp.685851724759928.unitary&type=1&theater) ,Rio de Janeiro (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685523081459459&set=exp.685526411459126.unitary&type=1&theater), Porto Alegre (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=600242676654167&set=a.555747707770331.132160.100000053194983&type=1&theater), Belo Horizonte (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685335264811574&set=p.685335264811574&type=1&theater), Aracaju (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685858698092564&set=exp.685863561425411.unitary&type=1&theater), Campo Grande, Maceió, João Pessoa, Natal, Mossoró, Teresina, São Luiz, Açailândia, Campina Grande, Caruaru.

Inside Brazil, I still want to visit: Curitiba, Florianópolis, Salvador, Fortaleza and Belém

Outside, I place that i really wanted to visit is Japan. But i would like to visit USA and some places of europe.

October 28th, 2013, 09:09 PM
For me, inside the United States, I have been to:


West Virginia




South Dakota ( don't remember it. I was really young)

Maryland (live there)



New York

(If just passing through counts and not actually visiting/residing I have been through every state up and down the East Coast. As in the states that actually touch the Atlantic Ocean. )

Outside the States:

The Bahamas ( Nassau and Freeport)



Hungary ( only for a bus ride to Ukraine and then back to the airport later)

Germany (if you count not leaving the airport)

Countries I want to visit:











October 29th, 2013, 01:24 AM
Well, prior to this past summer my list was pretty boring. But now I have some places to list!

Places I've been:
States: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Florida, Virginia, New York, DC (not a state, but still), Colorado, Nebraska, Arizona, New Mexico
Northern Ireland
The Netherlands
Switzerland (I want to go back and hike more, aaauuughh so pretty)
Czech Rep.

Places I'd like to go:
New Zealand
The Amazon Rainforest

I'll come back and update later, but almost all of this travel has been done in the paste few years, in my childhood we never really went anywhere other than the neighboring states...which is a significant amount of driving time in any direction since Texas is so huge. e_e Just getting down to the Gulf of Mexico takes about 8 hours and it's all the same stat

October 29th, 2013, 03:11 AM
Wow Leor, you've been so many places! Why were you living in Poland? =o (if you don't mind me asking lol)

This thread reminded me, I'd like to visit Mexico too! It's funny, one time we were driving down south and almost ended up crossing the border by accident lol, but I've never actually been there :lol: I'm not sure where I would like to visit there... maybe the Mayan ruins, or some of the famous beaches =)

I'd like to go to Iceland too! It looks absolutely gorgeous

I'll post some armchair travel pictures for CGW, sorry if I look weird, it was a few years ago :lol:

Germany: me outside Neuschwanstein (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maw7r5589U1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), Hohenschwangau Castle (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo1dg88fyT1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), some forest we hiked through (http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo1cc4isbM1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), driving on the freeway (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo1b75RoIn1qa0e9no1_500.png), Neuschwanstein (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnych5o4BT1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), Neuschwanstein again (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889652323805&l=f20c159da0), some beautiful Bavarian countryside (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889652523810&l=de90612c93) (Schwangau)

Italy: me in Venice (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maw7jm1Jn51qa0e9no1_500.jpg) (I look so unhappy xD), gondolas in the canal (http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq4aj3Q7jo1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), my friends laughing about something while I filled up my water bottle in Venice (http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpb9bbFCFT1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), the beach (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo1eszUxaM1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), taking a gondola ride (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo18byvy371qf0zqoo1_500.png), the Grand Canal (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnybqhFXG81qa0e9no1_500.jpg), a backstreet in Jesolo (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889658403957&set=a.1889651843793.2095263.1316397653&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-b-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ash4%2F206022_1889658403957_4179703_n.jpg&size=720%2C540), more Venice (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889658923970&l=d67e2d72b6), me with all the pigeons in Venice (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889659563986&l=6f622d4ae0), Venice Disney Store (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889659683989&l=8237983323)!!!, the view from our hotel balcony in Jesolo (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889659883994&l=ec75180894), sidestreet in Venice (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889681644538&l=92343af4ab)

Switzerland: Engelberg (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo15b8vkcS1qf0zqoo1_500.jpg), some nice scenery (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889681404532&l=5cd101f955) (this might actually be in Austria lol... we drove through there), some more scenery (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889683084574&l=1361ace758) (it was foggy hence the gloom)

France: in front of the Arc de Triomphe (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnyq9wwMNL1qf0zqoo1_500.jpg), shopping on Champs-Elysee (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnybf7m68J1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), Fontaine Saint-Michel (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnyb63qMtO1qa0e9no1_500.jpg), me in front of the Eiffel Tower (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889652083799&l=1b6ffea066), at the Louvre (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1889661484034&l=63d6162f0f)

...haha it was fun to see those again :p

October 29th, 2013, 04:26 AM
Wow, you have some really gorgeous pictures there, Sombolia. I'd love to add Italy to my list of places I'd like to visit :cheese:

Wow Leor, you've been so many places! Why were you living in Poland? =o (if you don't mind me asking lol)

I don't mind, no xD I went there as part of a youth exchange student program by Rotary International when I was 18. Basically, a family sends a young son or daughter to live with another family in a different country for a year, and at the same time, they recieve a youth from another family from another country, and so on. In 2004, me and my brother were both sent away. I went to Poland while he went to France, and in our place my family recieved a girl from Switzerland and a girl from Brazil.

It was a great year, and I was so glad I got to stay with a really nice Polish family. And of course, I didn't know then if I would ever be able to be back in Europe, so I did as much travelling as I could during that year, visiting some of the exchange students that went to Mexico in the year before, and such.

After coming back, I didn't think I'd be going back to Europe again in a long time, but then 5 years later I went to England to meet KS for the first time, and I kept going there since then ^^

Don't forget you've been to Sheffield as well. ;) There are probably many other places you've missed but I can't think of them right now. :p
Oh, right xD I'll add it, thanks ^^ I also forgot Nottingham, so I'll add that too xD

October 29th, 2013, 07:22 AM
Hmm... I don't think I should start putting cities in as that would take forever as most of the time when I travel I go to multiple cities...

Countries I been in:
U.S.A ( California, Oregon, Washington, Florida and Hawaii. Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts and New Jersey if you count airports )

And also Belgium and Netherlands if you count airports.

King Simba
October 29th, 2013, 08:15 AM
I'll just put a list of countries here now. I might add cities later.


UK (England and Scotland)
Spain (Majorca, Menorca, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Gomera)
Greece (Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Paxos, Anti-Paxos)
The Netherlands


The Gambia

The Middle East:


The Caribbean:

Dominican Republic

North America:

USA (Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico)

South America:


Places I'd like to visit:

South Africa
New Zealand
Las Vegas, NV

I'm pretty sure I missed something, but I'll come back and change that if I think of it... xP

October 29th, 2013, 06:48 PM
Countries I've been to:

USA (Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Washington DC)

Also UK if airports count :P

Countries I'd still especially like to visit:

New Zealand

Seeing as I've been studying Japanese for 2 years now, I'd like to have a chance to go test my skills there, possibly as an exchange student. Although the work ethic there is ridiculous, I don't know if I could handle the amount of school hours I hear other exchange students have been having. Also I guess some part of Africa would be nice to visit. And French is very pretty and I studied it in high school, so it might be fun to pick that back up once I finish me Japanese studies. :)

October 29th, 2013, 11:43 PM
Countries I've been to include:
Singapore - we did a short bus tour during our airport layover
Germany - student exchange, small towns in Bavaria, Nürnberg, Berlin
Austria - skiing in the Alps = best thing ever
U.S.A - various location in Florida, Medford OR to visit Audra and Petteri and Philadelphia and the Pocono Mountains

Places I've been in Australia:
QLD - Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
VIC - Melbourne, the Great Ocean Road, Halls Gap and the Grampians
NSW - We drove through some of it to get to QLD, oh and I was in Sydney airport once, lol.
SA - My home state, I've been quite a few places, Flinders Ranges, Victor Harbor, Kangaroo Island, Innes National Park and many places camping. The furthest West I've been is a little town called Ceduna on a school trip to see the total solar eclipse back in 2002 or 2003.

Places I'd like to visit:
In the U.S.A. probably Yellowstone and Sequoia National Forest, skiing in the Rockies, and really any place I can see new birds/wildlife.
Other countries include Tanzania/Kenya for the whole African Safari experience, otherwise I don't really have too much interest in travelling overseas.
In Australia there's lots of places I would love to go, south-west WA, central anywhere for the arid zone/desert, Strezlecki track, Cameron's corner, central NSW, far north QLD, Great Barrier Reef, Alice Springs and Uluru, Lake Eyre, Kakadu National Park, I could go on but it's endless.

November 2nd, 2013, 12:59 PM
Well, ok. I've never been out of the country unless you count Niagara Falls as real Canada, and I don't lol. I don't have a passport, I should probably get one but at $150 unless its necessary for the immediate future it's going to have to stay on the back burner.

For within the US, though, I've gotten around a decent bit:

--NYC (live about an hour outside of it, so I still count it, I'm not there ALL the time and only go about 3-6 times a year total because it's a friggin $30 trip just to get there so it's still an event.)
--Philadelphia & other eastern points, Pennsylvania
--Bar Harbor, Maine
--assted Connecticut
--New York State & Upstate
--Boston & other eastern points, MA (Salem was my very first road trip when I got my license. I do not recommend driving in Massachusettes to anyone of ANY age ever, it was definitely an immersive driving experience :-P ....)
--Savannah, GA
--Charleston, SC
--assted Florida
--assted Vermont
--assted Virginia
--Washington DC
--San Antonio, Austin, Houston, & southeast TX
--Lake Charles area, LA
--Las Vegas, NV
--Grand Canyon & Flagstaff area AZ
--San Francisco, CA
--Various points Southern CA (an uncle used to live there)
--San Jose, CA (where above uncle currently lives)
--Alaska (the vacations winner so far!)

States that I still want to visit:

--the North West states (Washington & Oregon)
--Manhattan, Kansas (don't ask. I was supposed to go on a road trip there to help move a friend but their business there fell thru and I felt cheated out of the experience, lol. So yes...me and Manhattan, Kansas, we are ON one day.)
--New Mexico

For other places on my "Someday" list:
--Nova Scotia, Canada
--Australia (did a project on it in elementary school & its been on my very short list ever since, so Azerane & Safila, if you ever feel like suggesting things to do & see in your regions, even if I won't be using any of the info soon I'd still love to hear suggestions. If you ever feel like it, lol, I know I always CRINGE when people ask me questions about New York City--IDK man, I don't KNOW these things, haha.)
--Kenya (but of course)

That's not all, if I think about it enough there's a ton other places but.

For some reason though, I have zero interest in visiting the Far East. I don't know, I just don't feel it at all :(

November 3rd, 2013, 02:33 AM
D'oh, seeing lionloversam posting reminded me, I've been to Baltimore, MD many times, I actually have extended family that lives in the suburbs of the city in a rather rough area that my mother & I pool our mental resources and visit as a team every-other year or so. Combine and conquer family obligations!

November 3rd, 2013, 03:15 AM
Oregon isn't a north east state :p

And yes, you must come to Australia, so much to do, so much wildlife to see and vegemite to try :D

November 3rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
Oregon isn't a north east state :p

*head-desk* Proofreading, it's A Thing, huh? :lol:

November 3rd, 2013, 01:46 PM
I've been only in Spain for several times ('cause my grandparents used to live there)

I wish I could visit in South Africa, Kenya or USA (NYC) one day

November 27th, 2013, 03:25 AM
Wow, you guys are so well traveled!!
One thing about living in Canada is that airfare is sooo expensive.. we only really have one Canadian airline so they have a huge monopoly. For example - getting from one end of the country to another (where I'm living now to where I'm from) costs $1000 at Christmas. It's insane.
I've been very few places compared to you guys but here's my list! Good idea for a thread!

Provinces in Canada (since I've been to so many cities):
British Columbia (Vancouver is my hometown)
Ontario (Lived here)
New Brunswick (live here now)
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

States in America (not including airports or one night stays):
Tennessee (lived here)
New York

France (spent a month here)

Random Places on Cruises (only spent a day in each place):
Cayman Islands
St Maartens

December 15th, 2013, 05:18 PM
Inside USA ;

California (Los Angeles & relative areas)
Texas (Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Galveston)
Louisiana (Lafayette, New Oreleans)
Colorado (Colorado Springs)
Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells)
Pennsylvania (Gettysburg, Hanover, Pittsburgh, Philidelphia)
Maryland (Baltimore, D.C.)
Virginia & West Virginia (numerous areas)
Missouri (Saint Louis, Saint Chalres & numerous areas)
Illinois (Chicaga, numerous areas)

Pleases I'd like to go inside USA ;

New York City & Brighton Beach
Chicago again.
the state of Montana

and there are other places I've been and such but for USA this is it that I can recall.

September 22nd, 2017, 11:31 AM
I'm in Finland right now. :3

September 22nd, 2017, 12:45 PM
Oh, that sounds really cool Nit! I've always wanted to travel there (and try Koskenkorva, lol). Hope you' re having a great time. :)

September 22nd, 2017, 08:59 PM
My sister might be going to Sweden again, by bus, haha! Took about, 24 hours to get there, lol, but WAY cheaper then flying, and well, if you got the time ... which I got ... haha.
(from Belgium to Sweden that is)
So I may join her if I can. She's been there for 6 months going to school, and 2 weeks ago, she actually went by bus for a few days.

I can scratch USA of my list, been twice now in the past 4 years *wOOp*wOOp*

April 22nd, 2018, 06:37 AM
I haven't done much traveling in my life, and I've never been outside the USA :( .

Here's where I've been:
- Santa Fe, NM (born and raised there! :D )
- Pretty much all over central and north-central New Mexico
- Most of the Colorado Front Range (including where I live now)
- Estes Park, CO (passed through on the way to Rocky Mountain National Park, and found heaven on Earth!)
- Many places in the San Luis Valley in New Mexico and Colorado (I really love Crestone, CO)
- Petrified Forest National Park, AZ
- Philadelphia, PA area
- New Jersey
- New York, NY (Saw the TLK musical there :irule: )
- Orlando, FL (DISNEY WORLD!!! :D )
- Texas panhandle
- Oklahoma (BORING!! :cs_blah: )

I'll edit this post later to add places I want to go.

April 23rd, 2018, 07:09 PM
I've been to a few places!

In Europe...
- Sweden (where I come from :p There's still so much to see here though.)
- Denmark (Copenhagen and Helsingör mostly. Mainly have lovely ice cream memories from there xD)
- Norway (near the Swedish border, with grandparents, who have a summer house right on the border)
- Germany (I've passed through a lot on road trips with my family, but I went on a proper visit to Berlin. Lovely Christmas markets :) And me and my friend returned home the day before the market attack in 2016...)
- France (Paris, Normandy, Alsace. Beautiful, beautiful places <3 Normandy was a very powerful experience especially, as we made a point of visiting a lot of historical WW2 sites.)
- Switzerland (for skiing~ We used to get to borrow a small mountain chalet (cottage) from friends of my mum's, so we went there almost every winter when I was little.)
- Italy (Milano and Rome. Milano will always be a special place to me, I think. I went there on a weekend trip with my former student union colleagues and it was both fantastic and rather melancholic for me. Never done a trip like that before, probably never will again.)
- Greece (when I was very little, so I don't remember much. I'd like to see Athens someday!)
- England, of course (London is my favourite city in the world <3)
- Scotland (to Edinburgh! Amazing place, I need to go back there again)

I've also passed through Belgium and the Netherlands, but I don't really count them as I didn't exactly stop and see the sights :p

- Hong Kong (as a layover before we headed to Australia/NZ!)
- Australia (<3)
- New Zealand (<3 <3 <3)
- USA (New York City and Miami/Orlando, twice, so far. Managed to convince the family to go to Disney World the first time, at least :D)

Australia and New Zealand were always my dream destinations growing up, so I've checked the main goals off my list of where to go already :P After them came Scotland, and I've been there too now! But, I really, really, really want to revisit all three. Someday I will :D

Otherwise I think the north of Sweden is top of my list right now. I've been around the world (sorta), but I've barely explored my home country and the north seems so, so beautiful. I just need to find a companion to go with me and the money to make it there and I'll be off :lalala:

I'd also really like to go to the US west coast, and a bunch of the US national parks, but I think that's a goal for further down the line. Someday when I have a decent job and pay xP

May 17th, 2018, 08:17 AM
A few places?:p That's a very impressive list, Kanu!:D

Places I've been to:

-Greece (where I'm from...I've visited most of major sites and cities on the mainland, but not as many islands as I would have liked to...)
-Italy (Milan, Florence, Rome)
-Netherlands (where my bf lives...I've really lost count of how many times I've travelled there. I've also lived there for 2 years. I've been to almost every major dutch city multiple times.)

I've passed through Germany as well, but I wouldn't count it as sightseeing...Also Switzerland.

So yeah, my list is pretty small...But I intend to change that in the future.;)

Some of the places I've dreamed of visiting include:

-New Zealand
-Disneyland (the one in Paris would probably be the easiest to travel to, but any other would do too)
-Somewhere in Africa for safari (the child in me demands this)

I'd love to travel more through Europe by car or train as well. For a longer period, like for a month or something.=D

I'd like to see Athens someday!

Hey, I live in Athens.:p Let me know if you ever drop by.:D

May 18th, 2018, 02:44 PM
I've been only been to Zurich, Luzon, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Singapore, and Hat Yai. Maybe for the next concert maybe to Bangkok? Let's see where Slayer, Megadeth or Fleetwood Mac goes.

October 8th, 2020, 10:54 AM
I've been dying for years to get an Interrail global pass and just travel around Europe by train for a month. Just take my time and visit as many places as possible. I love travelling by train, it's such a chill experience to take your time and enjoy places in my opinion. But yeah, another thing that will have to wait with the whole covid-19 situation. Plus money I don't have right now.

But it's definitely one thing I still dream of doing someday.:)

October 8th, 2020, 11:26 AM
Oh that's cool Kossu! Sounds like a great adventure. I love being on trains too. Sit back, relax (usually) and just look outside, hehe.

October 10th, 2020, 11:24 PM
I've been dying for years to get an Interrail global pass and just travel around Europe by train for a month. Just take my time and visit as many places as possible. I love travelling by train, it's such a chill experience to take your time and enjoy places in my opinion. But yeah, another thing that will have to wait with the whole covid-19 situation. Plus money I don't have right now.

But it's definitely one thing I still dream of doing someday.:)

I would LOVE doing something like that because i love trains and also love to visit new places. unfortunately, Brazil no long has long distance rail lines, so i would need to go somewhere else to do such thing.

October 11th, 2020, 12:20 PM
I have been to many places, though mostly within Europe!

England - Where I'm from, specifically Yorkshire. I still live here now!
Scotland - Only been to Edinburgh, but planning a trip to Glasgow in the future.
Wales - Cardiff, Bangor, Blaenau Ffestiniog, and of course Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio gogogoch (I went here for my 30th birthday) :D
Ireland - Been to Dublin a few times, but need to see more of the country

France - Paris and Disneyland Paris, naturally :lol:
Spain - Too many to mention, I've been to so much of Spain and the Spanish islands!
Netherlands - Amsterdam but haven't been for 20 years, really need to fix that and see more!
Germany - Berlin, Münster, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Magdeburg, Suhl. I love Germany :D
Poland - Gdańsk. I love this city. Also want to see more of Poland someday.
Ukraine - Kyiv, Pripyat/Chernobyl. Another awesome country!
Norway - Sola, Stavanger
Sweden - Malmö, Gothenburg. Need to see Stockholm someday!
Finland - Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Rovaniemi, Oulu. My most favourite country ever! :D :D

I've also connected in Denmark and Belgium airport :p

North America

Mexico - Mexico City, Mérida, Valladolid, Cancún, Chetumal. Visited Mexico in 2014, had an awesome time :D
Bahamas - Nassau

USA - see below :p

The USA is probably my most frequently visited country so it gets its own category :lol:

New York - Syracuse, Rochester (need to visit NYC one day!)
Florida - Orlando, Tampa, Daytona Beach, St Augustine, Cape Canaveral
Georgia - Atlanta
Washington - Seattle, Renton
Oregon - Portland, Clackamas, Tillamook, Cannon Beach, Medford
California - San Francisco, San Jose, Burbank, Anaheim (Disneyland yay!)
Nevada - Reno, Las Vegas
Arizona - Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Page
Utah - Monument Valley

I've also connected in Minneapolis/St Paul MN, Charlotte NC, and Salt Lake City UT :p

I _think_ that's everywhere I've been! No doubt I've forgotten some places though.

As for where I'd like to go, Australia and New Zealand definitely, as well as places in South America like Chile. I think I'd also quite like to visit Japan. Oh, and Canada!

October 11th, 2020, 12:32 PM
We go to Yorkshire for our holidays, Adam's mom has a holiday home there (Filey). Love it there!

October 11th, 2020, 01:36 PM
I love Filey, it's so calm and quiet compared to Scarborough and Bridlington. Friend from school had a relative that lived in Filey when we were little and we used to spend hours on the beach and on Filey Brigg. Should really go back to the coast someday :)

October 11th, 2020, 02:21 PM
Bridlington and Scarborough are nice, but like any "small-ish" town, you seen it once or twice, you've seen it all, lol. When we were in Bridlington last month, after 10 minutes I was like: meh, been here so many times now, I'm done. Haha!

It's just nice at the holiday home, view of the sea, quiet (just how I like it, I can't stand a lot neighbour noise).

October 16th, 2020, 07:37 PM
It's just nice at the holiday home, view of the sea, quiet (just how I like it, I can't stand a lot neighbour noise).

Same, I quite appreciate a quiet hotel/ room/ etc., especially if it's close to nature. Also did I mention how I'm dying to go to a place by the sea, aaaah.

Taneli; That's quite an impressive travel list!:wow: I'm so impressed by how much some of you fellow Lea members have traveled.:o

ThiagoPE; That's a pity Thiago.:( It quite surprises me to hear that, since Brazil is quite a big country. Northern and Central Europe has a pretty good train system, the Balkans not so much, still possible to travel though. Other than Europe, I only know of the Transiberian railway, which also seems reaaaally cool(also kind of in my bucket list, haha). Perhaps the US has also an interesting train system for such a journey? I wonder.:thinks:

October 16th, 2020, 08:00 PM
Kossu, I'll happily join you through the US, haha, that would be so cool in America.

October 22nd, 2020, 11:20 AM
Haha, indeed that would be pretty cool! Europe is more likely of a destination than America for such a trip for the next years, I suppose. Unless I win the lottery or something.:lol:

Would make a pretty amazing trip for sure though, especially with friends.:)

October 22nd, 2020, 11:21 AM
Well, you know, there's Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World :p

October 22nd, 2020, 11:30 AM
Haha, yeah! And those are also on the bucket list as well(which is pretty long by now).:lol:

October 22nd, 2020, 11:36 AM
We'll start at 1 park, then just go accross the country, and end with the other park. There, planning done :D :lol:

I'm very glad I managed both parks. Can't believe it's already been 4 years ago since DLR. My fave *huggles* (untill I visit the Asian parks, looking at their merch, parades, charater costumes, rides, one of them will probably bump DLR from first place).

October 23rd, 2020, 01:38 PM
We'll start at 1 park, then just go accross the country, and end with the other park. There, planning done :D :lol:

Sounds like a good plan! And all that merch!:cheese:

In all seriousness, if I ever go to the US, I'm honestly more interested in going to some of the major nature areas like Yosemite etc. than visiting big cities. I am kind of obsessed with mountains and natural parks, it just brings my mind at peace(I really miss mountains! At least we have some nice hills nearby, that's not something everyone can brag about in the Netherlands.:p).

October 23rd, 2020, 02:03 PM
Oh yes, I love nature too. Would love to see the Grand Canyon and all those places.

I've seen San Francisco city, and honestly, it wasn't all that "great". Stores are different off course, loads that Europe doesn't have, but I guess it's kind of the same everywhere you go, high buildings, stores, food places (annoying people, lol).

But I would love to see some cities though, like New York (just because that's what you always see on TV, and it looks so impressive with all the billboards, cabs, etc).

December 31st, 2020, 06:25 PM
[...] Perhaps the US has also an interesting train system for such a journey? I wonder.:thinks:

AS a train lover, I like to watch youtube videos with trains around the world and so i can say that USAhas some very interesting rail journeys. Recentily I saw a video of trip from Anchorage to Fairbanks in Alaska, i loved the scenarios and sure would love be able to make a travel like that.

the only problem is the price, because both in the USA and europe, mostily is cheaper go by plane than by rail...

January 6th, 2021, 06:02 PM
I wonder if there's something similar to an interrail ticket for North America. Would be very intriguing, if it did.:hmm: