View Full Version : At least something made my day today ...

September 17th, 2013, 12:26 PM
My summer was crappy, these past weeks were crappy, I've been sick for a long time (bad cold, cough, blah) it just keeps dragging on.
The nausea from my anxiety, misery, job-stuff, unemploymnet-stuff, been down a lot *sigh*

So, I just decided to check the website for F.A.C.T.S. which is an anime/sci-fi convention in Belgium every year.
I've been going every year since 2009, and that first year Christopher Judge was there (Stargate).

I've seen some actors from the A-team, Tom Felton, and some others I don't know.

Back in 1998 my nephew gave me a VHS from Stargate, the first movie, and I was hooked.
Dr Jackson was played by James Spader, but in the 2nd movie, James was replaced by Michael Shanks.

Instant love !! <33

He's coming to Belgium, 4 days after my birthday *yay* !!

I'm not one to pay for autographs, pictures and such, but if there is 1 person I would do it for, it's Michael *sigh*
(well, there's Eddie Izzard, but you can try and catch him backstage before or after the show, lol)

I'm a bit bouncy right now, I wasn't going to go this year, as I already thought last year wasn't as good anymore, but I'm definatly going :D

September 17th, 2013, 12:30 PM
Michael Shanks is awesome, Pat and I have just been going through the stargate sg-1 seasons, currently up to season 4. That sounds exciting though, hoping you manage to meet him and get his autograph :)

September 17th, 2013, 12:34 PM
You need to pay for an autograph, and you need to pay for a picture.
Even though I absolutaly HATE taking my picture, haha, I am willing to pay 30 $ for it, lol.
(if that's what's making me bounce and smile, then why not? hehe)

So I'll just make sure I'll be there early enough, so I can get a ticket ^^

Ooooh, I just LOVE him in the first 3 seasons, with his longer hair, hehe ... *sigh* he's so dreamy.
He did a great job taking over from James Spader, the way both of them portray Dr Jackson are just so similar.

Whereas you can definatly see a big difference in Kurt Russel vs Richard Dean Anderson as O'Neill.

September 17th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Oh I agree with you there, at the adelaide show the other day I paid $5 to hold a wedge-tailed eagle... I was like... heck yeah and practically threw my money at them :p

The two actors do transfer well. When I first started watching the series I used to think they were the same actor that played Daniel. I prefer him with his shorter hair to be honest :p

September 18th, 2013, 06:56 AM
Oh I definatly knew it wasn't James anymore, lol.
But yeah, they did an awesome job finding Michael.

Kurt Russel is much more serious in the movie, where Richard takes over in the 2nd movie, he's much more "funny". You know, "O'Neill funny", lol.

Is it a movie over there?
On TV it got split in half, and got counted as episodes, but I've only really seen it as a whole thing (movie that is).
Also the DVD I got shows it as 1 entire movie, instead of 2 episodes.

And in my younger days, I would fall for any guy who would have his hair like that :lol:
JTT had it like that too, and I fell in love with him, haha. The short hair was definatly something I had to get used to o_O

God, I'm so exhited :D

September 18th, 2013, 08:11 AM
I had to look it up because I honestly didn't know anything about a second movie :p Wikipedia lists two movies made for DVD and TV in 2008, Stargate: The Ark of Truth, and Stargate: Continuum. I haven't seen either of them, but I've seen most of the tv series. We're currently watching through it as it's been years since I'd seen it and I wanted to go through them again. It seems the tv series ended before the other two movies were made, so they must be set some time after then I suppose.

September 18th, 2013, 02:01 PM
I used to have this banner on Lea # 1 haha :lol:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v431/moorhunhe/avaters/stargate2.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/moorhunhe/media/avaters/stargate2.jpg.html)

Ah yes, so I guess the 2nd movie where Michael & Richard came into the picture is just counted as 2 episodes then from season 1 I guess.

Though, my silver DVD boxes have the 2nd movie seperate, it's not on the first season DVD box.
(it might be now with the new white DVD boxes)

I have a few DVD boxes from the silver series, if you put them all together, it shows "stargate" at the backs.
I only have the 2nd movie, season 1 + 7 though, haha, they were so expensive :( and now they are retired *sigh* they have white DVD boxes now, will still try and get the silver ones to have them all complete someday.

September 19th, 2013, 11:33 PM
I want to say I vaguely remember that banner :lol:

That's one reason why I don't buy tv shows on dvd or anything, they're just so expensive.

September 20th, 2013, 06:45 AM
I still buy many DVD's. They usually drop in price after a while, and when it is to close after release date I ask them for Christmas or a birthday :p

October 21st, 2013, 05:58 AM

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v431/moorhunhe/DSCN6979_zps7fe45f8b.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/moorhunhe/media/DSCN6979_zps7fe45f8b.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v431/moorhunhe/DSCN6982_zps808c9f77.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/moorhunhe/media/DSCN6982_zps808c9f77.jpg.html)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v431/moorhunhe/DSCN6992_zpsba3bc036.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/moorhunhe/media/DSCN6992_zpsba3bc036.jpg.html)