View Full Version : Secret Santa 2013

August 1st, 2013, 05:50 PM
I can't believe it's already time to start doing this, but here we go... It's time to start organizing Lea Halalela's Secret Santa for 2013! :cheese:

So for those of your who haven't done this with us before, it's a real Secret Santa with members on this forum. You will be sending a real gift through the mail. (So if you are uncomfortable giving out your address, you can't join, sorry.) Please be aware you could be shipping internationally, so don't send super heavy gifts. :p

We don't really have a price limit, but I think anywhere from $5 to $15 is ok. But it's up to you, you can spend a little bit more, but don't go crazy. :p Really it's not the price that matters.

So here is how this goes, if you want to join, go ahead and PM me your email address. On September 1st, I will use a Secret Santa website we have been using for years, where I enter in all the email addresses, and then emails are sent to everyone, and in that email, you will get a link where you enter your wishlist and your address of where you want your gift to be sent to. Once everyone has done that, people will get an email with someone's wishlist and address so you can send them a gift! Make sure to send it in time so they receive their gift by Christmas. I know this seems early but we have been starting it this early for years so hopefully everyone has a few months or so to shop and ship their gift in time for their person to receive their gift by Christmas.

Gift Received List:
Sharifu - Gift Received
Sadiki - Gift Received
Leorgathar - Gift Received
King Simba - Gift Received
cleargreenwater - Gift Received
ThiagoPE - Gift Received
Azerane - Gift Received
HasiraKali - Gift Received
Safila - Gift Received
nathalie - Gift Received
Simbaspirit - Gift Received

August 1st, 2013, 07:14 PM
I'm in, of course :) Lea might not be in its most active days, but we gotta keep the Secret Santa spirit alive, right? ;)

King Simba
August 1st, 2013, 07:17 PM
I'll join again this year, why not? :) And I might have already bought a gift anyway. :lol:

August 1st, 2013, 07:41 PM
Awesome! Do you two want me to make it where you can't draw each other again this year?

August 1st, 2013, 11:54 PM
I'm in too I suppose. :p

August 2nd, 2013, 12:17 AM
Yay, stuff in the mail! Twist my arm, I'm in :D

August 2nd, 2013, 02:06 AM
Of course I'm in :)

August 2nd, 2013, 08:52 PM
Amanda, don't forget to PM me your email address. ;)

August 3rd, 2013, 02:22 AM
Awesome! Do you two want me to make it where you can't draw each other again this year?

That would be convenient, yeah :D

August 3rd, 2013, 05:25 AM
I wasn't going to.. but I'm in :lalala:

Lion King Stu
August 3rd, 2013, 05:19 PM
Sounds like it could be quite interesting and fun, however going to be very hard for me to really do this considering my current location and work situation till January : /

August 5th, 2013, 12:49 AM
Sure, why not :cheese:

August 7th, 2013, 01:58 PM
For my first 6 years on Lea I lived with my parents and they didn't want me to give out my address so I couldn't join.. Since I moved out I've been able to do the Secret Santa for the past 2 years and there's no way I'm giving it up now :P I'm in!

August 7th, 2013, 03:15 PM
Hmmm, I don't know....I want to join but my schedule is a little crazy right now and I'm afraid if things don't slow down I'll forget. x_X I'll keep this in mind and post back at the end of August once I know how the school year is looking for me and the new apartment and everything else.

September 1st, 2013, 05:06 PM
I started Secret Santa! You should all be getting emails now to join the group, and you can enter your address and wish list. :)

September 6th, 2013, 01:07 AM
Eep, sorry for holding everyone up! D: Uhm....I forgot from last year, do we put our addresses in the list part or is there somewhere else I have to go to enter that?

September 6th, 2013, 04:41 AM
Eep, sorry for holding everyone up! D: Uhm....I forgot from last year, do we put our addresses in the list part or is there somewhere else I have to go to enter that?

Yep, address goes in the list part =)

September 6th, 2013, 08:53 PM
Names have been drawn! :D Go check your email. ;)

King Simba
September 6th, 2013, 09:25 PM
Thank goodness for the e-mail notifications on my phone, I got it straight away. ;) Now to start shopping! :D

September 6th, 2013, 10:31 PM
So exciting :D

September 7th, 2013, 10:51 PM
My person already asked me a question. :D I feel all special haha. I've already started shopping. I'm hoping to avoid the backorder and slow shipping fiasco from last year. :/

September 7th, 2013, 11:21 PM
I haven't sent my wishlist and my address :lol: sorry, I'll get to it right away :uhno:

September 19th, 2013, 11:41 PM
Can I request that this year, that we only post when we receive our gift? And that we don't post when we have sent it. Otherwise it can be easy to link up who sent to who, and I would rather not know.

September 20th, 2013, 01:08 AM
I agree. :) Just when you've received.

September 20th, 2013, 03:44 AM
Thank you, I forgot to mention that. I agree 100%.

October 10th, 2013, 04:44 PM
I received my gift a couple of days ago. I was surprised to see it here so early. :lol: But, I do think it's better to receive it early then late. :)

October 10th, 2013, 10:44 PM
Haha that's awesome. Someone is on the ball.

December 4th, 2013, 08:18 AM
I have just received mine :D

December 5th, 2013, 06:01 AM
My person should feel really special :p , he/she will be the last one to get a Lea SS pressy from me.

December 5th, 2013, 09:59 AM
The last one? How come, Nathalie?

December 5th, 2013, 10:10 AM
I already stopped organizing this a few years ago, when Audra took over, due to some things I couldn't find myself in anymore.

But I just couldn't help myself, and kept entering haha, but it's time I'm going to listen to myself about why I didn't want to enter anymore, and I think it's time now to do it.

I feel proud I made a Lea-tradition though :p

December 5th, 2013, 12:53 PM
I can see taking a break from it for a few years, especially if you don't have work for a while, you have the international shipping to worry about too.

December 17th, 2013, 01:25 AM
Got mine today :D I managed not to look at the description of the contents :D There's a lovely wrapped present inside that I'm going to put under the tree. Very exciting :) I just love the wrapping paper too!!

King Simba
December 18th, 2013, 11:22 AM
I just received mine. :D But unfortunately I found it hard not to look at the contents. Darn me. :lol:

December 18th, 2013, 11:20 PM
I just received mine. :D But unfortunately I found it hard not to look at the contents. Darn me. :lol:

That's the only trouble with shipping gifts. We all need one of those memory neuralisers from men in black :p

December 20th, 2013, 06:23 AM
I go back and forth between my apartment and my parents for Christmas and since I had my apartment address listed I won't see it until the 4th of January - so just because I won't have my gift before Christmas since it wasn't there when I left doesn't mean it wouldn't have been there for Christmas :) basically if you're my secret santa and you don't see me posting that I got it don't feel bad!

December 20th, 2013, 09:38 PM
Hopefully some more people receive theirs soon. There's still a few days of postage left before Christmas and it's a shame to see that half of people haven't received theirs yet. There's a reason we organise it so early every year :p Oh well, there's still time :D

December 21st, 2013, 07:14 AM
Well I checked the mail today, and one of the items in the mail was Petteri's Secret Santa package. :)

December 21st, 2013, 09:59 AM
Yay! Now we're just over halfway there with received gifts! Are we going to wait until everyone has theirs to share, or do we just share after we've opened them at Christmas?

December 21st, 2013, 10:12 AM
Got a message that mine is on it's way, will probably arrive after Xmas (and I'm guessing after New Year, because the mail is TERRIBLE this year -_- )

December 21st, 2013, 11:01 PM
Hopefully it doesn't take too long. But at least you know it's coming :)

December 22nd, 2013, 04:15 AM
I reakon we should share as soon as we open them :D

December 22nd, 2013, 08:04 PM
Well, I think that is ok, as long as we don't say who it was was gave us those gifts. Well I think we should eventually, but not until everyone receives their gifts, so it's still a surprise to the people who hasn't gotten their gift yet.

December 22nd, 2013, 09:41 PM
In my case, Im sure I will not receive mine... we are having a lot of losess and delays here. I think Audra that 2 or 3 packs you sent me this year never arrived. I also had bought some things on ebay in august that not arrived. some people are saying in facebook they are receiving now the gifts they bought for 2011 christmas! (you donīt read wrong its a 2 years delay!)

So, If i donīt receive mine, i donīt want people waiting for me, as you donīt have anything to do because those local problems of here.

December 23rd, 2013, 03:30 AM
One of my cats opened my presents. :lol:

December 23rd, 2013, 04:24 AM
That's so sad that the post is so bad where you are ThiagoPE. Even though it's very delayed, I hope it eventually gets there, it would be a shame to see the gift get lost.

One of my cats opened my presents. :lol:

:lol: Surprise!

December 23rd, 2013, 06:50 AM
Oh my God ... not that again ... -_- You keep screaming and yelling this every single year, and you've recieved yours every single year. You're taking the fun out of it, and not only because of the posting!
I'm verry sorry, I really don't wanna be rude, but when it comes to posting stuff, we just simply do not get along!

My package got sent somewhere, and it's been travelling since October 18, with tracking, so we can see where it is, and it's still on the road.
I've shipped a letter to the US on November 19th, and it still hasn't arrived.

It's CRAZY this year with post and I can definatly say that with experience, so hold your horses and just wait.

December 23rd, 2013, 07:25 AM
Take it easy Nathalie, he wasn't screaming and yelling, he was just saying that we didn't need to wait because he didn't expect to receive it anytime soon.

December 23rd, 2013, 07:30 AM
I am taking it easy. But it's been like this for at least the past 3 years now. It's not fun anymore, and I think he knows the other reason why it's not fun anymore eather.

December 23rd, 2013, 12:46 PM
Yeah, I didn't take it as complaining about the Secret Santa, I think Thiago was just complaining about the post in his country, unless you work for the post office/international shipping I wouldn't get personally angry about it.

I didn't get mine yet, but it's no biggie.

One of my cats opened my presents. :lol:

And how pray-tell did you bribe them to do that? :psst: :p

December 23rd, 2013, 07:16 PM
Yay, it's Christmas Eve! I think I'm going to take mine with to my mum's place (since I'm staying there tonight) and open it there tonight. We usually do presents Christmas Eve but since my brother isn't coming till tomorrow we'll probably be doing them then so I want something for tonight.

December 23rd, 2013, 07:57 PM
Add me to the list of people not to wait for before revealing gifts - I ended up leaving my apartment for my parents house across the country much earlier than I normally do (on the 15th) and I won't be back until the 4th, so since it didn't get there before the 15th I'll be opening it in January. Definitely not the fault of the Secret Santa, but since I know I won't have it before Christmas don't hold off on posting gifts before I get mine :)

December 23rd, 2013, 10:03 PM
Take it easy Nathalie, he wasn't screaming and yelling, he was just saying that we didn't need to wait because he didn't expect to receive it anytime soon.

Was exactily my point, I just made an alert of REAL things that were not delivered

If you think im lying about things of 2011/2012 arriving now, please check here: (use your favorite translate tool)http://bjc.uol.com.br/2013/09/14/milagre-encomendas-amazonicas-do-inicio-de-2012-estao-chegando/

But if donīt mind waiting, you can wait, i donīt care.

December 23rd, 2013, 11:22 PM
Got mine! :D

December 23rd, 2013, 11:39 PM
Nothing here, as tomorow and after tomorow there will be no mail serviįe here, and will go South brazil thursday and will stay there at least until 7 of january, donīt expect anything from me until there.

December 24th, 2013, 03:01 AM
Just in time CGW :D I edited the first post :)

Hope you have fun on your time away Thiago!

December 24th, 2013, 05:54 AM
I haven't got mine yet, but I was contacted by my SS a while back when my gift was sent over. I'm not sure when will it arrive, but I'll keep optimistic. I look forward to recieve it soon :)

December 24th, 2013, 07:14 PM
I know my Fu'ey already updated the status of my gift being received, but I may as well announce it here. Also I never seen the gift, if it's wrapped or what size the box, envelope or whatever it is in.

December 24th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Well each year I bet you all to it being in Aussie and Santa stops here first :lol:

Thank you SS.. Love my Alice in Wonderland mug *hugs*

http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l214/sassafrazz/IMG_2372.jpg (http://s97.photobucket.com/user/sassafrazz/media/IMG_2372.jpg.html)

December 25th, 2013, 12:41 AM
Actually it really depends as Santa stops in Finland in Christmas eve ;) So whatever time difference and present opening time makes it... Man I don't understand why Santa is bouncing back and fourth the time zones though... :confused:

King Simba
December 25th, 2013, 08:01 AM
I don't know whether I should post mine yet since the gifts kind of give away the country it was sent from. :p

December 25th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Haha, awesome :D I like that mug Safila, very cool :D

We usually do presents here on Christmas Eve (which was last night), although since my brother couldn't make it to my mum's until today we did them today. However, because I went to my mum's yesterday and stayed the night, I took my secret Santa present with to open on Christmas Eve. Long story short (too late) :p I opened it last night.

SimbaTheMighty was my Secret Santa. He got me some delicious looking Finnish chocolate, and also this cool figure of an Ivory-billed Woodpecker with a nifty wooden stand. It was hilarious because I pulled the stand out of the box first and my hand was covering the gold label so I had no idea what the heck it was :lol:

Here's a pic :)


December 25th, 2013, 08:56 AM
mmmmm finnish chocolate, you'll love it! haha

that mug is cool Safila!

December 25th, 2013, 12:48 PM
Oh I didn't think we were meant to say who our secret santa was.. well seeing Azzy has.. lol mine was ...drum roll... Sharifu.

I collect Alice in Wonderland stuff, so love my mug :D

December 25th, 2013, 03:44 PM
Omg, Amanda, you have the most perfect neatest giftwrapping I think I ever saw, LOL.

My Secret Santa was HasiraKali, and I have to confess, I opened mine already last night--what, Christmas Eve counts as the holiday already! :p And she gave me...the Enesco Lion King figurine of Ed!


This thing has been a constant source of Ebay regret for me. They used to be for sale everywhere (IDK if they released them with the 10 yr anniversary or what) so I always passed them over. Suddenly when I went to look for them a couple years ago, they were only available in groups/lots. Never just the one I wanted, annoyed the crap out of me so I gave up looking for it! Plus, unexpected but totally awesome, it's the same size/scale as the fantastic Shenzi figurine Leor made last year out of dental cement (http://leahalalela.net/showthread.php?307-Figurines!)! So it may or may not have bourn a new obsession to find a Banzai to match :P

Just when I thought I'd be asking for more normal stuff next year ;) J/k, as always, it has been a lot of fun sharing Christmas with and on the Internet! ^^

December 25th, 2013, 09:21 PM
That's awesome :D We've always done out presents on Christmas Eve, so you're safe ;) I think it's a Lutheran thing.

King Simba
December 25th, 2013, 09:29 PM
Ok, I guess I can post this here now then...

Azerane was my Secret Santa. That's twice in a row now, I believe. :lol: As you can see, the gifts give away the country it was from. But they're great, I especially like the purse and the fridge magnet. The purse will come very well in handy for my trips abroad. :D As for the chocolates, I haven't tried them yet. I feel too full to eat any chocolate right now. :yuck:

Thanks so much Azzy! :hugs: And thanks for the picture too, it was a very nice addition. :)

December 26th, 2013, 07:15 AM
Yay!! I'm so glad that you like it and that it came in time for Christmas! I don't remember when I posted it but it felt a little late (I was waiting for some slightly cooler weather so the chocolate wouldn't get destroyed! But it got there and that's the main thing. I almost wanted to keep the magnet for myself but had to resist :lol:

December 26th, 2013, 07:13 PM
Omg, Amanda, you have the most perfect neatest giftwrapping I think I ever saw, LOL.

My Secret Santa was HasiraKali, and I have to confess, I opened mine already last night--what, Christmas Eve counts as the holiday already! :p And she gave me...the Enesco Lion King figurine of Ed!


I'm glad you like it! :D I was actually able to find him all on his own, so it's like he was meant for you. ;)

My person was Safila! She sent me a super cool handmade Doctor Who card, a 4th Doctor apron, and a cute little penguin plushie. I'll add a photo later.

December 29th, 2013, 04:52 AM
CGW was my secret santa again. Though I heard she kind of revealed herself before by asking if someone wanted to trade I could not remember that so it was a surprise to me XD. She got me TLK pin as everyone knows I collect pins. It's limited edition pin of 1500.

I love it. Thank you so much. And as I Audra and her mom got me 2 TLK plates I finished also the collection of Bradford plates I been collection though not too actively. So it was really nice Christmas for me as far as adding on to our TLK collection. Though the pins going to add on to the 2lb of pins I'm already drag along when ever I in Disney parks, but hey... IT'S WORTH IT! :cheese:

December 29th, 2013, 07:41 AM
That's a very cool pin :D It's lucky she got you one that you didn't have yet!

December 29th, 2013, 02:44 PM
Yes, you were oblivious still! :D Glad you liked it!

I didn't know you could have the same exchange two years in a row, when we do these at work they make you redistribute/rechoose the gifts if you end up with the same person so I sort of blabbed x_x

So between that and knowing you don't have to ask for *just* TLK stuff anymore (dur-hur, eureka moment!), by next year I should finally have this down, LOL. XD Third time's the charm! :P

December 29th, 2013, 04:27 PM
Still, with the website we use, even the person organizing it, doesn't know who got who, but yes, the website can't keep track of previous years, so it is possible to get the same person.

December 30th, 2013, 05:31 AM
There is the option to type in names of who can't select who, such as if Sharifu and Sadiki didn't want to get each other you can set that up as an option, but we tend just to keep it random. We technically could set it up so that next year we wouldn't be able to get the same people as this year, but I don't mind too much. We've got such a small group that once you start limiting who a person can pick, it can become too narrow of a field left in my opinion.


December 30th, 2013, 12:42 PM
Yeah, no, not necessary. I just never thought about it before until I opened the same person on the email, I thought I had to trade off with someone x_x

December 30th, 2013, 07:18 PM
Oh I didn't think we were meant to say who our secret santa was.. well seeing Azzy has.. lol mine was ...drum roll... Sharifu.

I collect Alice in Wonderland stuff, so love my mug :D

I'm so glad you like that mug Safila, I bought that at Disneyland when I went there last October with Petteri and Dan. I wanted to find something from Alice in Wonderland for you while I was there. :)

My Secret Santa was King Simba! She got me a little velociraptor figure/toy.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/birdygirl85/d5fb04f8-a86c-4c65-8d55-5680b0cf6b07_zpsa8b396a1.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/birdygirl85/media/d5fb04f8-a86c-4c65-8d55-5680b0cf6b07_zpsa8b396a1.jpg.html)

I like it, but, I already have that exact velociraptor toy... :lol: I bought it at Toys R Us a year or so ago. If you don't mind, I think I am going to try to take it Toys R Us, and pretend someone here bought it for me and see if I can exchange it for a different dinosaur. I bet the UPCs on the tags are the same, but I will see. I know of a couple stores that sell those Schleich toys.

Thank you Tara, I really appreciate the gift, velociraptors are one my favorite dinosaurs, because of Jurassic Park, haha...

That's a very cool pin :D It's lucky she got you one that you didn't have yet!

Well he does send a photo to his Secret Santa in his wishlist with the pins he already has. It's a good idea to do so since he has so many pins already. :lol:

Still, with the website we use, even the person organizing it, doesn't know who got who, but yes, the website can't keep track of previous years, so it is possible to get the same person.

Well actually I guess it can keep track of previous years, because in October I got an email from that website saying:

"Hi Sharifu,

It's time to draw names again!

With the link in this email you can easily draw names again with the same Group that you set up last year. The names and email addresses are already filled out for you. We will make sure you don't draw the same person as last year."

I had no idea till then that you can do that with that website. Although I don't know if this is a good idea, not ever getting the same person again because our group is so small. And I'm not sure we can add and/or subtract people from the list of the previous year. I bet you can though.

January 6th, 2014, 02:46 PM
My Secret Santa was Leor! :D I'm on my phone so I can't attach a photo right now but he sent me a lovely stocking with a plush white tiger and some gumdrops along with a Christmas card. What an awesome gift - I love it! Thanks so much Leor :)

January 7th, 2014, 07:28 PM
So annoyed ... The gift I got my person got sent back to where it came from *sigh* -_- person said it was impossible that someone was always home, so doesn't understand why the post service sended it back ... bozo's -_-

Let's hope the other gift I've sent does arrive soon, holiday crazyness should be over.

January 13th, 2014, 08:30 AM
Santa just came!

My SS was Thiago.
He got me a DVD from a Brazilian singer Michel Telo. I think most of you know the song "Nosa"?
I really love the Brazilian language, and I think his music is just happy and cheerfull.

It's really sweet he remembered I liked this guy.

The card has a Brazilian text in it, which he translated in English.
Really love the card, it's so pretty!

Thank you!

January 13th, 2014, 10:57 AM
That's fantastic :D Glad it arrived safe and sound for you nathalie :)

Santa's dropped the ball a bit, delivering in January :p

January 13th, 2014, 11:04 AM
He had already let me know it was sent a bit late and would arrive after Xmas.

January 15th, 2014, 06:56 PM
This DVD I gave to Nathalie was very difficult to find, as this was an out of print edition. I looked every where here in Recife metropolitan area but didn't found it, So I had to backorder it from Sao Paulo, wait it arrive here then send to her, because of that she received after Christmas. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.

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January 15th, 2014, 06:58 PM
I don't care it came it late ;) it came, that's the important thing.
It's cool that over a year you remembered I liked this guy.

Still waiting on news from my person.
I think next SS should be held at Easter. No postage problems then :lol: last year holiday-postage was pure terror and horror and miserable :cringe:

January 15th, 2014, 07:57 PM
So, I received the dinosaur today that I bought to exchange with the one Tara gave me because I already had that one... I bought an Allosaurus! His/her mouth opens and closes just like the raptor's did.


I found some pretty epic pictures of this toy outside, like it was a real dinosaur. :lol:




I hope you don't mind Tara that I did that, but it's only because I already had what you got me. But at least I replaced it with something similar. :) I really appreciate the gift you gave me, I do love dinosaurs. :hugs:

King Simba
January 15th, 2014, 10:17 PM
It's ok, Audra. :) I'm glad you could replace the velociraptor figurine with one you hadn't already got. That's a cool figurine. :ooo: I kind of suspected that you did actually, but couldn't be sure. Still, I'm glad you appreciate the gift. ;)

January 16th, 2014, 05:59 AM
That's so awesome, I'm glad it worked out :D

January 18th, 2014, 02:18 AM
That is really epic. I think that line also has a T-Rex that's pretty sweet. If it's the same company at least.

January 18th, 2014, 07:47 AM
That toy is made by a French company called Papo. They make a lot of toys it seems. I do have one of their t-rexs and a raptor, they are really detailed and look just like the Jurassic Park versions of the dinosaurs. :p I bought them at a Rainforest Cafe at the Downtown Disney area at Disneyland Paris. :)

January 18th, 2014, 08:43 AM
That's them. There's a couple of hobby shops here that sell their figures. I have a couple of the dragons and I want the anthro warriors :lol:

January 30th, 2014, 03:36 AM
Well well, guess what, I finally got my SS gift! :D Well, at least part of it, since my SS let me know she sent me another gift separately with the help of a little helper (which I later learned it was Audra ^^), but that one had to be returned because they expected me to show up at the post office to pick it up instead of bringing it to my doorstep, and they never let me know until I went there to ask about it much later xP

But at least I got this directly from Belgium, so my SS is none other than Nathalie! ^^

Inside there was a CD wrapped in awesome TLK wrap paper and a card

The CD turned out to be The Lion King Original Soundtrack in Dutch! :wow:

And I gotta say, the card is also really cute, I mean, look at this xD

It's a really awesome gift, thank you SO much, Nathalie ^^ I'll give it a good listen ;) And don't worry about the other gift, it was an inconvenience what happened, but I'm very patient with this. And Audra, I think the gift was sent back to Oregon, but since you moved I understand it might be a while for you to be able to retrieve it. I'd still appreciate it if it can be sent again eventually, but you can take your own time for it, there's absolutely no rush, so don't worry about it either :) Thank you so much as well ^^

January 30th, 2014, 06:43 AM
How were you supposed to know you had to go and get it there, without them notifying you? If I were you I'd put my foot down, and demand a refund on the postage ... But that's just me, and knowing me, I'd get what I want from them, I'm very well known at post offices where I live (lived) :lol:

Great at least one package arrived ^^ Only took about 8 weeks, hehe.

January 30th, 2014, 07:36 AM
Could it be possible they sent you a slip in the mail, saying a package needed to be picked up at the Post Office, but it got lost somehow? I think the whole thing is a little ridiculous, that package was sent October 18. But I will try sending it again when I have the chance.

I sent that package to you for Nathalie since we thought it would of been cheaper then shipping the items from the U.S. to Belgium, and then to Mexico, then just me shipping the items directly to Mexico from the U.S. But now it seems it might of not been cheaper... Oh well, it was beyond our control.

January 30th, 2014, 07:39 AM
If it gets re-send, we'll arrange for it to arrive at his cousin in the US :)

February 2nd, 2014, 09:35 PM
My mom told me today that Emilio's package arrived back at her house. I told her to hold onto it for me and I can send it when I go back to Oregon for a visit during my spring break, which would be the end of March or beginning of April. Is that alright?

February 2nd, 2014, 09:52 PM
That's just fine Audra, it'll get there eventually, I'm very happy it didn't get lost in the end.

February 2nd, 2014, 10:22 PM
Thanks Audra, that's relieving to know :) I'll let you my cousin's address when I have it, and if he come here in April I'll ask him to bring it to me. Otherwise, if he doesn't, I'll be going there in May to pick KS up anyway ^^

April 1st, 2014, 08:38 PM
April Fool's: I finally received my gift...

Well, it's not a joke, i received it today.


30 postcards from the movie
3D stickers
And a nice mufasa card.

Thanks SimbaSpirit. I really enjoyed them.

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April 2nd, 2014, 01:15 AM
That's great. I know the second package for Leor did make it to his cousin's place, so hopefully he'll get it soon.

April 2nd, 2014, 02:15 AM
:D I'm so glad you finally got the gift!! I sent it long before the deadline for shipping and the post office person said it would get to you in December but I guess not.. oy. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I'm really glad it did get to you in the end.

April 2nd, 2014, 04:07 AM
I guess another SS has been finished 100 % :)

April 2nd, 2014, 04:25 AM
Thiago, I just googled Brazil's postal system and it seems that it was on strike for quite some time - is that correct? If so I feel mildly better about the time it took to get there as it doesn't mean that I was as bad as I thought, I just wish it got to you sooner though!

April 2nd, 2014, 09:26 AM
yes, it indeed was on strike (in my case there were two strikes, a local folowed by a national strike...)

Acctually., i really lose the faith in our postal system, because it are taking to long even too deliver letters and the number of lost packages are out of control. do you remeber the Chichen Little Bluray you sent me SimbaSpirit? it never arrived here... also two packages Audra sent me never arrived.

waiting 2 or 3 months are the usuual for us receive things from outside brazil, but some people are reporting here in internet they are receiving now thing that had been posted in 2011!

Well, i donīt know if i will take part in next secret santas mainly because of that, but i want to register that was fun participate in 4 consecutive years.

April 11th, 2014, 04:50 AM
A little update on my gift. My cousin told me that the mailman put it in his mailbox, but he got it stuck in there xP So until today, my cousin's only option was to take it out of the package to be able to pull out the box from there. He sent me a picture of the result, so here it is xD

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/10013902_10203415768984686_4399741068252719609_n.j pg

I didn't expect those figurines, thanks a lot, Nathalie :D He'll bring them to me here soon

April 11th, 2014, 06:39 AM
At least they finally arrived, safe and sound. :p As long as your cousin keeps them safe until you get them, which I'm sure he will. ;)

April 11th, 2014, 07:55 AM
*yay* what a mess that was, lol

I can finally sleep now :p

April 15th, 2014, 10:54 PM
Wow, 4 months? That's nuts! Glad it got to you!