View Full Version : my Eddie Izzard day/evening

April 22nd, 2013, 09:52 AM
So, Eddie Izzard was in town yesterday!
I was supposed to go and have a steak-out with 2 friends.
1 of them bailed on me long time ago, the other one said it was still fine last week, but when I asked her the evening before she said "no, sorry".

Oh well, off I went on my own then!
I arrived at the hall at about 2.45pm.
I was so scared if security would send me away.
Walking to the back of the hall, I already saw 3 of his trucks in the parking lot, of which 1 was stickered with a picture of him, and in the "force majeure" colors.
But when I arrived at the back of the hall, the security guy came up to me, and asked me if I was actually one of the volunteers that work there whenever something is going on there.

I told him I was hoping to catch a glimps of Eddie.
And he's like: hard core fan ??
I told him I was dying to meet him, because he just means a lot to me.
We then started talking for about an hour, and then he said he was getting cold and went back inside his booth.
I had some magazines with me, so I sat down somewhere and tried to read something.
But with every car passing by, I had to look up to see if it was him :p

Then about 15 minutes later (by then it was about 4pm) a British bus pulls up, drives inside the gates, and the security guy is looking at me like: could be him ???
So I get up, and walk to the gate ... some people came out of the bus ... and suddenly, there he is, getting his suitcase out of the trunk!
And I'm like to the security guy: that's him, that's him, THAT'S HIM !!!!

The security guy then went back into his booth, because they can't have anthing to do with the artists coming there, as he thought Eddie might come to the gate.
But he went back inside the bus :(
A few minutes later he comes back out to go inside the hall, and I totally yelled EDDIEEEEEEE and waves, he saw me and waved back :lol:

I had already taken my DVD box out of my backpack, just in case he comes out of the hall again, so I could yell at him again and wave the box around, hoping he'd recognize his own DVD's and come to me, haha!

Before Eddie would go on stage, a famous Belgian stand-up comedian would do a little pre-show, Alex Agnew.
At some point, Alex his manager arrives, and the security actually knew him.
Suddenly he's talking to the manager like "this girl has been standing here for 2 hours already, she really wants an autograph, could you maybe ask Eddie's team if something can be arranged?"
The manager said he'd try and ask, but off course, no promises.

At about 5.50 pm one of Eddie's entourages comes up to me, introduces herself, she was the tour manager, or his assistant, can't remember.
Telling me that unfortunetly there is no time anymore for him to go outside, as he needed to take of things with staff inside, but she would gladly take my DVDbox to him to have it signed :o
The only thing I could think of, is that he would write my name on it, so I'm like: my name is NATHALIE! haha :lol:

About 10-15 minutes later she comes back, with my DVDbox, singed twice! *YAY*
I was soooo happy!

I got to see him a few times when he was going from the bus to the hall and back, he waved at me, and he signed my box *sigh*

Then it was already 6.15 pm, I thanked the security guy, because if it wasn't for him asking Alex his manager, it would have not had happened.

The doors to the venue would open at 6.30 pm, so I decided to go and wait at the front of the building to get inside.
At 7 pm the doors to my seat finally openened, but when I wanted to go up the stairs, there were people sitting down, askin what color my seat had, bleu, and unfortunatly, the balcony seats did not sell really well, so they replaced me.
I had a great seat, looking down straight at him.
Now they had putted me all the way across from the stage. Well, nothing I could do about that :(

I got the whole show as mp3.
Got the 2nd part also with my phone, whish I had done that with the first part too, as the one with my phone was slightly better.

He made lots of references to old jokes.
Like, something about taking countries ... he'd go like "take take ... flag ... take".
And only if you know the "we stole countries by the cunning use of flags" sketch, you were able to get it, hehe.

As his encore he did a new version of the Death Star Canteen, I thought I was gonna loose it, haha :lol:
But in this version, he was also God.
God coming down wanted to have something to eat, why not go to the Death Star ...
Luckily, many people in the hall knew what he was talking about!

God asks what kind of food there is, and the other dude goes like this and that.
And then God asks: is there any ... penne a la arabiata

The crowd went wild :lol:

The guy says: yes, the last portion, but it's being saved for Mr Lord Vader
And also says at some point: this IS a game of who the **** are you!
(Original sketch says: this is not a game of who the **** are you)

God also says: do you know who I am?
And the caterer says: NO, I don't ... but I remember this asking a long time ago

I think Amanda and Anna know what I'm talking about :lol:

It was great!

I bought 2 things.
I usually don't buy stuff at concerts and such (maybe a glow stick).

I got a "Cake or death" mug.
You can actually check the box which one you choose, as it comes with 2 chalks :lol: and you can wash it off again.
And the tour book.

He had 4 trucks of these with his posters on, I was actually very much impressed when I saw them.

April 22nd, 2013, 10:24 AM
Nice! That's great that he waved to you and that you got not only one but two autographs from him. Certainly a very cool occasion. I can understand why you were excited :D

If I'm completely honest, I knew the name, but had no idea who he was/what he did. I had to google him :p *hides*

April 22nd, 2013, 10:25 AM
You must check youtube for his "Glorious" and "Dressed to kill" show.

He doesn't dresses like that anymore though, he just wears a suit on stage now (and nailpolish normally, but I couldn't tell from where I was sitting, lol).

April 22nd, 2013, 01:58 PM
So cool! Awesome that you could get the DVD signed and that he waved at you, haha! :D Someday I'll make it to an Eddie Izzard gig... Someday... :lol: He was here in Sweden just a few days ago too, and some acquaintances of mine went to see him, but unfortunately the venue was too far away from where I live now... Maybe next time :P

April 22nd, 2013, 02:10 PM
Today he's in Holland again, 15 minutes from where my parents live.
I really wanted to go too, but then I thought it might be a bit too much, seeing the same show 2 days in a row, not to mention the cash I'd needed for it.

Really hope there'll be a DVD from this.
I hope so, since all his other shows have been made onto DVD.

I so love my Cake or Death mug :lol:

Too bad you couldn't go see him :(
This show was definatly much better then Stripped.
But then again, the version of Stripped he did at Madison Square Garden (also on DVD, or has been broadcasted on TV) had some different bits in it then his first Original Stripped show.

Eva Janus
April 22nd, 2013, 10:05 PM
Omg wow that is amazing! Eddie Izzard is amazing <3 That's so cool that you got to see him and get your DVDs signed by him! He's sooooo funny. You gotta have a special sense of humor for him ;3 I love his bit on Paul writing to the Cornithians lol. "From saint paul? who writes a letter to an ENTIRE city??" xD

April 24th, 2013, 05:25 AM
Haha, that IS indeed one of his best sketches!!

Along with the "I'm covered in beezzzzzzzz", "Death Star Canteen", Languages, Cats & Dogs, fruit in a bowl, Armegeddon, and well ... basiclly the entire shows of Glorious, Definate Article, Dress to Kill, haha :lol:

Whenever I see a postcard, I'm like: I should write someone a card and end with "I'm here ... you're not, bye!" :p

I really hope there'll be a DVD of this new show.
For some reason I don't think so, as I heard so many references to other shows, the people next to me had no idea most of the time what he was talking about :s

(like when he brings up Mrs Badcrumble in his Glorious show, if you haven't seen Definate Article, you don't know who she is, and the joke gets lost)

December 6th, 2013, 06:40 PM
I have his DVD of the show, and I'm quite dissapointed. Since I have my own recording, I know that it's quite a different show.
And also the Death Star Canteen joke is somewhere in the middle, while when I saw it, it was the encore.

And the best jokes, specially about the Tour de France & the joke where he mentions sticking a flag in to own a country, isn't on there :(

December 6th, 2013, 09:49 PM
*writhes with jealousy*