View Full Version : Life Moments

April 22nd, 2011, 05:52 AM
Not too sure if this has been done before. Memory is a little meh at the moment. I have been away from the community for awhile. Heck I'm not entirely sure if I put this in the right spot. :confused: Haha anyway if this has been done before or if it really isn't your thing...then don't mind me and just uh pretend I never said anything :evilgrin: . Heh this probably won't catch on. I never was great at starting threads. :hehe:

I figured it'd be cool to have a place to share life experiences if you so desired. Moments in your life that made you laugh or cry or put you somewhere in the middle. Who knows perhaps someone else on here has had a similar experience and can relate to how you felt at that point in time. Think of it as a place to post your mini memoirs. :vitsm: Probably should of just said that in the beginning. My apologizes in advance if I bore you to death with my experience. :lol:

I'll start!

This happened the other day as a matter of fact.
I work in a retail store. I help unload tucks, receive freight, take it out to the sales floor, stage it and finally stock it. It's a lovely process. :p Well anyway, I was in the back of the truck throwing the boxes onto the snake (that roller belt thingy ) when suddenly from behind me I hear, "Clint watch out!"

The box I had reached above my head for had, once moved, caused what I like to call a freight avalanche ( It happens >_< ). In that moment, I looked up in time to see the stack falling towards me. I backed up quickly, but not fast enough. A box containg two cans of paint thinner had hit me. I guess somehow during the avalanche one of the cans had opened. Anyway I ended up spending the rest of the day smelling like paint thinner. And oh man was that some strong stuff. :eww:

May 1st, 2011, 07:05 PM
Oh man i'd die if that happened to me. I can't stand the smell of thinner.

Life moments, let's see...

A corner of my glasses chipped off when i was at the swimming pool (which was a terrible experience that day which i'm not about to share here, aha).
I thought it could be fixed with some super glue, so i got home and attempted to glue the corner back.
The tube came with a metal cap, so i poked it with a toothpick.. bad move. It spurt all over, my hand, the glasses, the table, everything.
I rushed to the sink to save my glasses, and my hand.
Just when i thought i washed away most of the glue that mattered, i discovered that the right hinge of the glasses was completely covered in glue.
It was impossible to save. The box of the glue said "dries in 10 seconds". That it did LOL

So now i continue to wear this pair of glasses, the chipped corner got glued back eventually, but the right end can never be folded in again.
But it has inspired me to change.
Looking at the unfoldable side of my glasses has reminded me of how stubborn i am about certain stuff.
So i decided henceforth, to stop being stubborn and accept changes.
End of story. :p