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View Full Version : changing to a new server?

March 3rd, 2013, 09:27 AM
As some might know there is talk on face book about getting our own server as we have way too many problems with the forum crashing time to time due things that are out of our hands.

So I thought of asking what do people think of this. it might be as cheap as 36 dollars a year, but the cost may increase if we want to do more with the site. Now I do not want anyone offering to pay the server on their own, a server of their pals or that they would be willing to pay for it... I solely wanna know how people feel about the subject. pros and cons... etc.

March 3rd, 2013, 10:53 AM
If this means we are starting over one more time... Then, honestly, I'm out. I've had enough of putting my time into something that keeps disappearing again and again because we can't find a decent server host. The last time we changed hosts was for the same reasoning - we wanted things to be in our hands and not someone else's. Didn't work out this time either, did it?

This is ridiculous. It really is.

[/endvent] But, seriously, guys. There seems to be no end of absolutely rubbish servers/hosts that Lea ends up on; how are we gonna know that this suggested new one is gonna be any better?

March 3rd, 2013, 11:07 AM
If it means we have to start over but the server will STOP crashing, then I am in of course.

King Simba
March 3rd, 2013, 11:43 AM
I'm not really up for starting all over again, but if moving to a new server means that it'd be better in the long run, then I guess it'll just have to do.

This Land
March 3rd, 2013, 01:33 PM
Im not sure if i have a legitimate say in this because i hardly post on this forum. But it doesn't mean that i dont keep an eye on it. Every time you have mentioned a "better" server it hasn't been.

Why not use a forum service like proboards ?

-Their new V5 software that came out this year is brilliant, its got full customizability and can change it to how you want it to look and be used.

-Proboards also have Free customer support

-All server management is done by them, all you need to do is take care of is the forum itself and the members

-I have never had a single server problem with proboards in the whole 7 years i have used it!

-The service is completely Free

-Yes, there are ads but they can be taken off for $6 every 50,000 pageveiws. You can even set it so only members of the forum take up the pageveiws and not random guests/bots.

-You can transfer your own domain name (even one that you have already bought) to your proboards forum for a annual fee of $13.99 (thats $1.16 a month)

No brainer in my opinion.... :P

March 3rd, 2013, 03:29 PM
I have a fórum, which is running in phpbb (free software) since 2005 and i don´t remeber losing any post of it, and note we already were hacked, our servers already broke the HD several times... how whe achieved that? frequent backups.

Lea runs invision, which is a paid software (very expensive in my opinion) and for the Money that is spent on it, we should not had lose any post since lea started! The biggest problem of lea in my opinion is because there is no "backup team", actually there is no one even caring for problems of it (a "support" team).

There is no need to start over, as the fórum database can be restored, but there should be people specific for backup the site and people specific for fix its problems, because if not, we will keep losing its data, as always happened.

I think the price is paid for keeping lea is too high for the volume of acess it has, my braziian phpbb fórum, have more traffic than here, and are in a shared server whch i pay R$ 20 (10 US$) for month, no head aches with it until now, Lea runs in a dedicated server. so, if we increase the cost of keeping it, but not acting for this money have a cost/benefit, i don´t think the server should be changed, those erros we had last days i think it were just punctual problems.

Just my opinion.

March 3rd, 2013, 04:12 PM
I don't know how much my two cents really counts since I'm so new, but I will still come back if there is a server move. I will go anywhere there are LK people to talk to! :)

I haven't had any errors since joining here, but, again, only just joined. From what I can tell though everything is working just fine and you head honchos are doing a fine job. :3

Also, this is probably a super fandom faux pas or something and I'm just not aware of it (and if it truly is, then feel free to ignore everything I'm about to say), but if there are so many problems with servers here for whatever reason and it comes down to moving but everyone is tired of starting over, why not just mutually agree to reconvene at another pre-existing forum like Lilymud or something? Or is there some kind of ancient rivalry between the two that I am not aware of? xD If so sorry to even suggest it. I only say Lilymud because, from what I've heard, the MLK forums are terrifying and that's the only other fandom forum I know about, hehe.

The only reason I suggest this as an alternative to moving (again, only if it comes to that) is because, at the end of the day, it's all TLK fandom. Why not gather together in the same place? And if one server is historically more reliable than another and already all set up, why not just slide on over? It'd be all the same Lea people anyway, plus whatever lurkers that still hang around over there...and who knows? Maye seeing posts every day on Lilymud will bring them out of hiding. xD Not to mention encourage new members to post if they see active topics. It has certainly encouraged me being with you all! I have never been so active on a forum in my life as I have been since coming here. xD

Maybe I'm saying something super offensive somehow, so sorry if the answer to this is an obvious "no" due to bad blood, loyalty to Lea, etc. it just makes sense to me to put everyone together if the decision to move is going to deter so many people from hanging around. Not to mention there is a link to Lilymud on the FAA main page so I feel Lilymud is a lot easier to find for new people.

Aaaanyway, before I get things hurled at me, I like Thia's idea of a support/backup crew if that is the main problem. If I knew the first thing about what that even meant I would volunteer to do it....but it sure sounds helpful! xD

March 3rd, 2013, 04:58 PM
Why not use a forum service like proboards ?

This. This this this, INFINITE THIS.

Going to Proboards (or something like it) is a suggestion that keeps coming up - perhaps it is time to try it?

I admit, I'm on my last leg with Lea. I don't want to leave/move, but I also don't want to stay on a forum that I feel could go *POOF* at any time.
Like Thiago said, we need a "backup team" or some kind of solid tech support that's going to be easily accessible if/when things to wrong.
At this time, I'm not inclined to think that this is something that members of our community are capable of doing - which is, once again, why I think using something like Proboards should be heavily considered.

King Simba
March 3rd, 2013, 05:04 PM
Yeah, I've used Proboards before, and I think it's a really good option. It's very easy to use and customize. I'd say it'd be worth giving it a try. :)

March 3rd, 2013, 05:48 PM
I remember mentioning just moving from VBulletin to something else a few crashes ago. I think that's still the way to go.

March 3rd, 2013, 07:40 PM
I haven't understood this clinging to vBulletin for years. It seems like an obsolete system and with the new Proboards software I'm pretty sure we could make Lea look exactly like Lea anyway.
Whether I'd join another reset is another question, like I said above. When it comes down to it I doubt I'd be able to really leave... but this time had better be the last time we lose everything.

March 3rd, 2013, 10:51 PM
Agreed. I think if it goes down again, we might as well just migrate to the Facebook group and keep Lea alive that way.

March 4th, 2013, 07:44 AM
I am for the Proboards thing then.

I mean, is it really worth spending so much money on a new server then?
When Proboards is free, and I used to be on many of those, and can't remember any of them breaking down.
Also, anyone can contact them by mail, so we don't have to wait for someone who ran off like Lea 2, or like now, someone who's been unreachable for 5 months already :/

March 4th, 2013, 08:04 AM
Whether we shift servers, go to proboards or all bound on over to lilymud. Wherever Lea goes, there's probably a 110% chance I'll go too :p Though if I'm honest, I'm not really a fan of a facebook Lea. I much prefer a forum base than that.

March 4th, 2013, 08:57 AM
I just post stuff on FB Lea, because it seems that sometimes over 30-40 people do see the new posts.

While they don't "bother" to look over here anymore.
I think there's 10 of us left right now? If all the others who do look on FB would just come back then, we'd have a nicely running forum again, like we used to :)

Just my thought.

March 4th, 2013, 11:10 PM
I agree with you Nathalie. If they'd just come over once in a while. :lol:

March 5th, 2013, 02:48 AM
Hmm this is a lot to absorb, thought it is clear that people do want to go on a new server for sure as this one is not really working out as well as thought. Also it seems that most people are for proboards, which runs of phpbb. As this seems to be majorities wish I wont be against the idea, but as I don't have time to learn how to use phpbb nor time to create lea from a scratch we will need someone else to create it. I'm more than happy to provide all the files I have as well as make the necessary changes to get the .org address on that board once it's ready. If that is the way people really want to go.

What comes to Lea's activity. Activity part shows we have 34 active members currently, meaning those people have logged on at least once in last 30 days. Even if FB numbers are greater than that, I personally refuse to make that primary Lea even if the majority of people decide to ditch the forum. Facebook is facebook, it's good for events and to notify if the board is down, but I personally really dislike facebook as a way discuss about anything, which was primary reason why I created the thread on the forum rather than keeping the discussion going on facebook.

Now I don't think I saw anybody being for staying with Vbulletin which I personally prefer due the fact that at least I can get around it and have easy time finding information how to do things on as we already bought the membership on it. Now I haven't really research how much it would cost to move it to another server as after creating this thread I saw how strongly people feel about the Vb. Now I would like to point out that none of our problems have ever been directly a fault of using Vb. First the database got corrupted due Mufasa updating his version of Vbulletin without backing up. Yes partly the problem was Vbulletin, but more carelessness. Second the forum went poof as we out sourced and had some random person running the forum. And now the server has been a bigger issue as well as the fact that I never been informed when there is going to be a change on the server. Thought I know I have been quite bad about creating back ups, but I was told the forum backsup itself every 2 weeks. Now what happened in september I have no idea, what I heard was that when Vbulletin was installed it chose the backup that was created during the hacking instead of the newest one and it was realized too long after server was already moved due the problem in server protocol.

As final words I want to say that no matter where the forum goes I follow. I also would like to ask out of curiosity if anyone here has still the Vbulletin database from the first board on their computer as I was reading something interesting a few days ago about corrupted databases and I would very much like to take look at it... I do know I have it on my old computer, but there is 7000 miles between us so I quite can't pull it out... I also found a way to combine databases on Vbulletin which means I should be able to connect this database to the database that was backed upped in June 2012 when ever if I ever have an access to this forum server to pull it out.

March 5th, 2013, 04:37 AM
Now I don't think I saw anybody being for staying with Vbulletin which I personally prefer due the fact that at least I can get around it and have easy time finding information how to do things on as we already bought the membership on it. Now I haven't really research how much it would cost to move it to another server as after creating this thread I saw how strongly people feel about the Vb. Now I would like to point out that none of our problems have ever been directly a fault of using Vb. First the database got corrupted due Mufasa updating his version of Vbulletin without backing up. Yes partly the problem was Vbulletin, but more carelessness. Second the forum went poof as we out sourced and had some random person running the forum. And now the server has been a bigger issue as well as the fact that I never been informed when there is going to be a change on the server. Thought I know I have been quite bad about creating back ups, but I was told the forum backsup itself every 2 weeks. Now what happened in september I have no idea, what I heard was that when Vbulletin was installed it chose the backup that was created during the hacking instead of the newest one and it was realized too long after server was already moved due the problem in server protocol.

I can't speak for anyone else, but as for myself...I don't think vBulletin is the main issue, at least not software wise.
The problem is what it takes to have a reliable vBulletin forum running - the things behind the scenes, whether it's software updates, money, or a reliable maintenance crew.
You want to have a stable vBulletin board, you need to have the support for it - a reliable server (which will cost someone, somewhere, money...unless you want Lea to be a parasite), accessible tech support (someone who gets back to you within a couple of days, not a couple of months), updated software and patches, etc.

In short, I don't think the problem is the vBulletin software. The problem is maintaining the resources for vBulletin.
I hope that makes sense.

As for Proboards:
I'm not saying that Proboards is perfect - I've frequented several and even ran one for 8 years and there have been some issues, but in those 8 years I can't recall anything that would even come close to what Lea's been through. The best part about it was that I didn't have to worry about maintaining databases, I didn't have to worry about servers, I didn't have to worry about keeping my forum software updated, - Proboards took care of all of that, and if something glitched, a support team was a mere email/forum post away.

But now I feel as though I've talked about Proboards ad nauseum. In the end, I don't really care where Lea ends up, as long as it's somewhere stable...which, considering Lea's history, is probably a pipe dream. Seriously guys, I think this forum is cursed. Maybe we should sacrifice a virgin or something?

This Land
March 5th, 2013, 07:46 AM
I have a day off tomorrow =3

Im currently going to be doing work to my own forum, so i can have a go at making a Lea aswell if you want, im easy =3.

March 5th, 2013, 09:29 AM
I think that's a very good offer of you TL, would be great to see how it turns out for you, if you need any help, just let me know as I'd be happy to, though I wouldn't be comfortable setting it up on my own, happy to help though.

I think it's worth creating Lea on proboards and developing it over there, I'm not sure how the site address works, but if possible we could always have both forums opens for a period of time as a transition period, especially for people that don't regularly visit. Unless of course we can keep the address (though I'm not sure if that works with proboards)

Dare makes a very valid point, as it's not so much about the software, but the people backing it up, we just don't have the constant man-power that proboards would have. I'm not saying people have done a bad job, it's just that volunteers aren't always going to be around when you need them and doing every constant update.

This Land
March 5th, 2013, 10:11 PM
Thanks for the offer azzy ^^, if i need help tweaking etc i will let you know =3.

I said I was going to have a goand making a forum on my day off, but I decided to do it this evening after work ^^

I present


Only done one skin at the moment, but i will do more if we decide to move =3

King Simba
March 5th, 2013, 10:20 PM
Looks great TL! :D Now I don't know whether to register or not. :lol:

March 5th, 2013, 10:22 PM
Ooooh, it's so new and shiny!
Nice job, TL!

This Land
March 5th, 2013, 10:25 PM
@KS - Ive turned registration off at the moment =P

I don't want to start anything until we all have a final decision. I made this forum just to show everyone at the moment and make sure they like it. hehe ^^ And thanks for the compliment ^^

@Dare - Cheers :D

March 6th, 2013, 12:50 AM
wow - that looks great! :D

March 6th, 2013, 01:42 AM

March 6th, 2013, 04:36 AM
That looks great, Adam! :D I know it's just the looks of a skin right now, but my faith in Lea is being restored... little by little :lol:

March 6th, 2013, 05:51 AM
I like the proboard idea, it is coming a long nicely I see. Also, having used probaords a lot for everything my past I can soundly sya it will not be going through the death throws like VBulletin has provided.

Dare makes a really great post. We do not have the staffing or the ability to sustain Vbulletin for optimum performace.

I'll just say, I'll move as many times as I have to to remian with the Lea group. 40 server crashes wouldn't stop that. I'm just happy to see a new opportunity for stability around here so we can keep the people we have and grow as a community.

March 6th, 2013, 07:32 AM
NOW it makes more sense... when I looked earlier today, it was just the plain old proboards default skin and no offense, but I couldn't work out the big deal. :lol: It's working now though :p

It really does look great TL, pretty much an exact replica. Nice work. :)

March 6th, 2013, 03:33 PM
I'm warming up to the idea of changing over... Because if we did it this way and transfered to Proboards (come on, there are no arguments for staying with vBulletin at this point) we wouldn't lose what little fragments are left here straight away and we'd have plenty of time to copy and repost what we want to save on the new board. We could still go back and take what we want from here to over there.

March 6th, 2013, 10:57 PM
I'm not so inclined by this idea, because from bad experience in the past with these forum hosters we know that it can turn out pretty badly. For instance when ezboard were hacked, we lost most of our posts and they were not recoverable. I won't go for this solution when there is no easy way of backing up the posts and no feature to import the old ones from here. Since this community is really strong, it survived the past data losses, but usually this means the end, especially when it happens more often and therefore I don't think it is worth to risk it.
On the other hand a more permanent solution would be nice as well, but as far as I remember we already payed for the vb license, right?

March 6th, 2013, 11:49 PM
I'm sorry I didn't have chance to post yesterday even thought I did check the thread out. First of I must say that the beginning TL has done looks great, if that is the route we going to go I'll make sure to provide everything I have for the site including all the other themes. What comes to keeping domain name. YES 14 dollars a year for keeping the domain name is like nothing as we already paid 3 years on this URL. The only issues with Proboards I can see after reading things about it is mainly the advertising as I like to keep lea clean. Now when I checked they charge 7 dollars for 50,000 free page views and that is per calendar month so if we started the service on 20th and paid 7 dollars we would have to pay again the first of April. I also looked up how much parking the server on server and I think Hostgator was the cheapest I could come up with and that was 3.94 I think per month if paid for 3 years at once. They do allow SSH access, unlimited Bandwidth, unlimited space for one website. That is if we stay with Vbulletin. Now the main reason I didn't post anything yet on here yet is because I haven't yet been able to test combining the database from June last year with the one we have here... the problem I'm having is installing Vbulletin on localhost which I did do on my own computer but as Vbulletin 4 is not fully compatible with PHP 5.4 and as new XAMPP has that I have to find older version. I did manage to install the June's and current database on XAMPP without getting any errors so both of them should be good but before I get Vbulletin up I cannot test this. It might not be until the weekend I get to play with this too much thought as I got transfer to the day shift which means I work 6am to 2pm and I'm pretty sleepy after work as I'm really not the morning person, but I'll try everyday a little bit if I feel mentally capable of trying to figure it out.

Also as I was asking earlier if anyone knows anyone or anyone here has the first forums corrupted database I would like to take look at it as I was reading that it's possible I can pull out members as well as some of the posts from that forum as the part that was corrupted shouldn't effect on tables with posts and members. I know I have it somewhere but as I wont be going to Finland until the Summer the earliest it would be nice if someone else could provide it :cheese:

March 7th, 2013, 12:12 AM
Really though, isn't all we want a forum to post on? :\ One that is stable and doesn't disappear every once in a while? At least, that's all I care about at this point. Unless we can get a hold of the resources Dare pointed out I'm really very, very hesitant to keeping this forum on a private server after all we've been put through time and time again. Why can't we just hand it to professionals and get on with the posting?

This Land
March 7th, 2013, 12:51 AM
Aye, sorry to repeat myself but i have had a pro boards forum for 7 years and i have never had a problem with forum software or servers. Going with the odds we have here i think its a safer bet to use proboards.

As for the add free, you don't pay full amount twice, the price goes down as the end of calender month gets nearer, so you only pay for what days you have left ;). Didn't lea used to have Ads before and we were all fine with it anyway ?

Well my offer is there if you guys want it, if you decide to go with pro boards i will make the rest of the colour schemes for Lea and all admin powers will be given to STM's user account and he can then continue to do what he does best =) . I will then go back to lurking around but always a PM away if he or anyone gets stuck in how to do certain things on the forum.

P.S @STM - I have sent you the old database too ;)

March 7th, 2013, 02:08 AM
ZOMG how exiting. I knew someone would have it :cheese: Thanks TL! :hugs: No matter what way this goes, if I can reconstruct it in any useful way I will make sure to share it.

What comes to Lea having ads. Yes Lea mk.2 had ads the whole time, pretty much the sole reason the person running the site was to make money off of it. And I do think the first Lea had ads on it too for the last year or year and a half. I think... and main reason Mufasa let it go was because it was costing him more than he was getting out of it. And the reason we don't have ads is because I do not like ads, not a one bit. I'm rather bothered by the fact that no matter where you go online, you do run into ads. The decision about if proboards is used and if ads will be kept or moved by paying monthly, will be solely upto the members here. I have never intended to run the board in any other way than the community wants it to go.

Now if you excuse me... I have meeting with the past... :evilgrin:

This Land
March 7th, 2013, 02:22 AM
hehe, i managed to somewhat decode the database, but didn't get far, tis fun looking at random posts in it now and then xP. I knew my OCD of keeping computer files would be of some use xP

As for the ads, since we are a small community we could just all install an ad blocker plugin into our browser xP.

But yes, we should all decide what we are going to do about the forum, like a poll or something. As i mentioned, if we do decide to move i will take care of all the skins and forum settings no problems, then i will take a back-seat and hand it all over to Yourself (STM) and whoever was a moderator just like it is now. ^^ But I will always be at hand if you need any help =)

March 7th, 2013, 03:38 AM
haha I have my old computer files from 12 years ago still on my desktop in Finland but I didn't have chance to move on my laptop as my mom gave me her laptop like 3 days before I moved. Anyways I did get error with Admin part of the database but besides that it seems to be at least transferable on Mysql so at least there is a chance to take the post table from it. Not sure where users were saved on that as back in Vbulletin 2 I think they had far less tables than they do on new one... currently I only see 26 tables where this forum has 250 or so :lol:

March 7th, 2013, 03:42 AM
I was just about to mention an ad blocker. Much easier than having to worry about paying for the service to remove ads. :p

March 7th, 2013, 04:37 AM
Yeah, I used AdBlock when I had Proboards - didn't even notice that there were ads.

March 7th, 2013, 03:09 PM
^ Ditto :P The only website really figuring out how to bypass my adblocker right now is Facebook, haha.

March 9th, 2013, 04:00 AM
Finally after playing around for couple of days I was able to get none of the three databases I have to stop giving me any errors or claims that one of the tables is corrupted... I did have to empty the poll table thought on two databases so I guess we wont be getting the vote results on old threads back. None the less it's exciting to see if it's possible to recover the first database, even if we still go the proboards way :cheese:

Now I just gotta figure out how Impex works which is a program made for Vbulletin to combine databases. So far I haven't had luck getting it to work. But then again I'm getting sick it seems so making sense on things that don't make sense to me is not the easiest of the tasks :lol:

March 9th, 2013, 04:59 AM
Is there any way of transferring post content to proboards?

March 9th, 2013, 05:37 AM
I don't know. I have learned it's possible to switch databases types between phpbb and Vbulletin. The question is if proboards allow users to provide old database. Thought if they do I'm sure they want it to be already converted as I doubt they want to go through that trouble.

March 9th, 2013, 11:15 AM
Ask on the Proboards forums perhaps? I hear they're very good at quick responses :)

And that about the database is exciting. Good luck, STM! Hope you can recover something!

March 9th, 2013, 03:11 PM
I'm not 100% positive on this, but I vaguely remember a discussion I had in the days of yore about transferring content from a vBulletin to a Proboards - I believe the answer was that it couldn't be done.

Another thing to consider about Proboards - if, for some reason, you wanted to transfer off of Proboards and back onto vBulletin or onto a phpBB, I don't think you'll be able to export your Proboards content and import it into another forum. There are site scrapers you can use, but I believe those are against Proboards ToS, so unless you're willing to take a chance of having your Proboards deleted (or do a a LOT of cutting & pasting), your content is pretty much stuck there.

March 9th, 2013, 06:51 PM
Yeah I think even if we can port data there, I don't think they give you the backups even if they make them regular bases. So if we go that route then that is the Lea we are going to have. Even if down the line we decide we want to go back to Vbulletin or do something else we're going to have to start fresh again. Not that we're not used to it XD

And I haven't been able to import anything exciting yet... I think the only thing I was able to import so far was Avatars :lol: all 170 000 posts failed, 22 forums transfered but gave me a database error in the end which made me restart the import process... and I can't import threads without the forums and posts fail because threads are not there. But so far no place I gone to have said directly that it's not possible. So I keep trying I know the data is still there :cheese:

March 9th, 2013, 09:11 PM
I don't think it is as easy as using some import software. You most likely don't have another choice than writing a shell script to import other and corrupted databases, even e.g. for merging old posts with current user IDs you need some kind of mapping to correctly identify users from different databases to have a proper connection between them. That's quite some work, I unfortunately also had to do a couple of times and the most quickest way was always to directly write it on your own. Once it is correctly imported into one of the major forums db it can be easily converted into anything.

March 9th, 2013, 10:46 PM
If it wasn't corrupted it would be that easy as it's Vbulletin database. But as it seems to be corrupted pretty bad I can't say yet if there is anything I can do to get anything useful out of it. I just submitted a question Vbulletin forum about errors I'm encountering to see if anyone there can show me in new direction.

March 10th, 2013, 07:50 PM
I was able to get 965 posts out of the database yesterday night thought couldn't do anything with them as I couldn't pull out any threads or users yet... but it's a start. gives me hope at least XD not that 965 out 178200 posts is that much... dang that is a lot of posts lost thought...

April 1st, 2013, 05:51 AM
Any updates on whether we'll be moving servers or not?

April 11th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Yes, I would also be interested in any updates.

On a semi-related note, I just got this a few minutes ago:


Browser used: Mozilla Firefox 19.0.2
Time error encountered: 9:20 am EST

Obviously, I am having no trouble posting now but I figured I'd make a note of this, just in case.

Encountered the same problem again a few minutes ago (circa 2:30 pm EST) in both Firefox and Chrome Version 26.0.1410.65.

April 11th, 2013, 07:24 PM
STM's parents have been with them for a while, though I believe they are gone again now, but I'm guessing he had very little time these past 2 weeks.

April 11th, 2013, 10:38 PM
I think it was just the database server that gone off-line for a few moments, so its no reason for huge concerns

April 11th, 2013, 11:10 PM
If you need technical help with Lea, I'm at your service! I'm senior PHP developer so I can help you with everything you'll need. I can do hacks in PHP, administrate DB or LAMP server. Whatever you'll need. I'm going to read this whole discussion to get myself inform about situation.

April 11th, 2013, 11:17 PM
I think it was just the database server that gone off-line for a few moments, so its no reason for huge concerns

Normally, I'd be inclined to agree with you.
However, this has happened to me 3 times today, over the course of several hours (most recent being within the past couple hours, between 5-7 pm EST) and from two different locations (twice at work, once from home, different computers, different ISPs, cross-browsers). If it had been a one-time thing, I would probably write if off as a random hiccup, but considering Lea's history, I'm not 100% confident that that's all it was.

April 15th, 2013, 12:49 AM
Oh I didn't even notice people had posted here. I been pretty tired past few weeks... pretty much ever since I got switched to day shift as I'm not morning person at all and needing to get up 5.25am is just never going to get easy for me XD...

Anyways what comes to moving... I haven't made any moves on it. It does seem majority of people prefer going to Proboards. I mean it seems to me besides me and handful of other members that is pretty much the way people do want to take the board to. It will mean starting over thought as they don't allow databases from other boards so it would be Lea mk4. Staying here is fine now, but whenever something will happen I cannot restore anything even if I'm taking backups now. So yeah I'm currently just sitting on tight and waiting to hear that the community talks it over and weights every possibility so we can do what gotta be done.

What comes to the corrupted database if anyone is interested... Sadly it cannot be restored... the backup got interrupted leaving the database without thread and user info making it pretty much impossible to import posts into the threads without writing pretty much the whole user and thread table from the scratch and with amount of threads there is it would take probably months if not years to rewrite it.

What comes to the database error... unless the problem persists for hours I'm not really concerned about it.

April 15th, 2013, 01:55 PM
Thanks so much for all your hard work Sadiki :) :hugs:

November 3rd, 2016, 08:46 AM
I am not necessarily up for beginning once again, but when moving to a different server implies that it would be better over time, i then guess it'll have to do.

November 3rd, 2016, 10:47 AM
Please don't post things that aren't usefull, look at the date of the last post before you post something ;) This is an old thread already, there's not going to be a server change ;)