View Full Version : The Life Dreams Thread

January 25th, 2013, 01:35 PM
What are your life dreams?

Mine is as follows: I really want to open an Equine Facilitated Learning centre for people who have life struggles to come and find comfort with horses. There's all sorts of ground exercises that are out there that are proven to help people who are struggling with everything from anxiety to mood disorders to addiction. (I could explain how but I'll spare you :p) Basically, it combines my life long love of horses and wanting to help people - and I'm already starting work on the business plan. I went to business school knowing I wanted to start a non profit and now it's finally coming together! Best part is, I already have the land - my boyfriend has a 240 acre farm and his family has already given us the blessing to use it.

So basically, in a few years my life will involve living on a farm and working with horses and people everyday. It's a dream come true for me and I can't wait.

What are your dreams for yourself in this life?

January 27th, 2013, 12:51 AM
That's a very noble life dream, SS. I really hope it all finally comes together and you can fulfill it :)

I'm sure I've mentioned my life dream here before at some point. Besides wishing to provide the best dental service and raising a family, my dream is in writing a book with stories based in prehispanic cultures, with animals as the main characters. I'm aware that I might not accomplish much with it (my life's future is much safer with dentistry, of course), but at the same time I wouldn't want to leave it incomplete. I feel I'll only be able to die in peace until after I finish it, if that makes any sense :lol:

January 27th, 2013, 04:44 AM
Well, as cheesy as this sounds, one of my life goals was for Petteri and I to be together and to not be separated by distance anymore. Back before we got married, it did seem like that goal was so far away and hard to reach. For Petteri to live in the U.S. with me, it was way more complicated then just getting married, like most people think. :p

Now that we achieved that goal, my life dream to work on now is to work in animation in some way, Petteri and I are planning to move to San Francisco this September, so I can go back to college and study animation. Thanks to our friend Eric (Vidan) he is letting us rent the master bedroom of the house he inherited from his grandma. I feel like we can't let this opportunity pass us up... It costs so much to live in San Francisco, but with the rate he is charging for rent, it will be so much cheaper then we can ever get anywhere else in California. And community college is so much cheaper in California then in Oregon. (One of the few things that is cheaper in California then Oregon, the cost of tuition in community colleges) So even if we got our own place up north in Oregon and went to college there, in the end, I think think it would be much more affordable for us to go San Francisco and rent from our friend. I am kind of sad about leaving my mom and my dog and cat, but we can always come up and visit. We just bought our first car last month, and it's only a 6 hour drive. And Eric said I can even bring Bella (our dog) to his house for visits for weeks at a time, my mom is ok with that, since Bella is originally her dog. (I probably wouldn't be able to do that with an apartment) So it's exciting. I have a lot to plan to make it happen, but I think it will work. I am excited to make a change in my life. I just don't want to work retail forever. :lol: The people I work with are really nice, but I just feel like I was meant for something more.

King Simba
January 27th, 2013, 09:39 AM
Everyone has some really good life dreams. I wish you all best of luck in those. :)

Kind of predictable, but my life dream without any shadow of a doubt has to be for Emilio and I not to be separated by distance anymore. I really hope we can achieve that someday. <3

Otherwise, I would really love to work with animals, or get a job that I really want to do, like in animation. I do enjoy my job right now, but like Audra I really don't want to see myself working in retail forever. :p

January 27th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Man, I'm sort of jealous that you guys all know what your life dreams are, I have no idea. D:

I guess a dream I can say I've had for a while is to be a children's book illustrator. In a way I have already done that, but it was a self-published book. I would like to get to the point where I feel confident enough in my abilities to actually get my stuff out there to publishing houses and get on their list of freelancers, I just don't feel I'm at that point yet.

I guess my long-term goal since I was little has been to retire to a horse ranch in Colorado, so I'll just go with that I suppose. Pretty mellow goal, but it seems like a calm and beautiful way to spend my life, so I'd like to get there as fast as possible. xD

January 27th, 2013, 02:34 PM
I knew what mine were and then I feel like I don't really know what they are anymore. Not sure if that makes sense. I know being with Pat is certainly one of them, but beyond that, all I know is that I don't want to work where I currently am for too much longer, and I've always wanted to work outdoors doing conservation/wildlife things, but it all feels so hard. It's difficult to know what to do sometimes I suppose.

Jazzy B Bunny
January 27th, 2013, 03:45 PM
Well, as cheesy as this sounds, one of my life goals was for Petteri and I to be together and to not be separated by distance anymore. Back before we got married, it did seem like that goal was so far away and hard to reach. For Petteri to live in the U.S. with me, it was way more complicated then just getting married, like most people think.

My friend met her husband on a forum, she went out to the US and married him. It's taken a good couple of years of interviews etc for her to be able to move over there to be with him. She finally left in November and has the life she always dreamed of. Although she had to leave one of her doggies behind due to her having a heart murmur. I help her mum out with walking Maya and I send my friend photos of her.

As to my life dreams, hmm well I'd love to be a zoo keeper I would love to work with giraffes or reptiles. I would love to travel the world and help out with conservation projects in Africa.

January 28th, 2013, 04:49 AM
Aww, I feel kind of bad for not mentioning this before :ohno: But of course! my strongest dreams are placed in my future along with Tara. When we finally get to live together, any other dream is just secondary :love:

January 28th, 2013, 09:54 PM
Well, I should think that anyone who knows me even slightly knows that I am utter animation nerd... :lol: So, naturally, my biggest dream in terms of jobs is to be able to live off animation work. But I could easily settle for working at an advertising agency in the graphic design field, which is what I'm going to uni for at the moment. I'm really enjoying life here and I could easily see myself being happy with this "next best thing".

Otherwise, in terms of smaller scale dreams, a real, actual dream of mine is to be part of "Legionen" at my university. To put it briefly, they are an awesome group of people arranging the "reception" for the new students every new academic year. They plan loads of activities and do tons of fun "farces", all while being dressed up in cloaks and sunglasses... :D I just feel that to be part of that would really develop me as a person, and I really could do with something like that to rid myself of my social shyness. Not to mention all the cool people with the same interests and humour I'd get to meet, hehehe. One of my friends made it in this year, so next year is definitely my turn... xD

Aaand of course to have me and Adam living together on a permanent basis, but I think that goes without saying :p

Also, wow, Audra, it's so cool to hear that you're actually making plans to move and start studying animation! I'm really glad things are progressing for you guys! :)

February 8th, 2013, 10:11 AM
That all sounds great guys, I'm happy for those of you who are realizing your goals :)

As for me, well my biggest dream has always been to travel and see as much of the world as possible! Which is quite scary for me also since I'm a big introvert, but yeah. Career-wise, I'm not so sure. For a long time I wanted to go into journalism--either writing, television or photojournalism, or some combination--but I'm not sure anymore. I'm also pretty interested in computer animation and stuff like that. I don't know, I have time to figure it out I guess :p

May 23rd, 2018, 09:54 AM
Bumping this...

Life dreams, huh. For the most part, I don't know what mine are anymore. I used to be so confident and certain of the path I'd choose. I struggled for years, trying to achieve my goal (becoming a veterinarian). I got close to my goal, I was happy and the situation seemed perfect. But life goes to show, that things don't always go as planned, even when you feel like you have it all.

The only certain life goals I have right now, is not having to separate anymore with my boyfriend of 12 years (he's a fellow TLK fan I met on TLKFAA and we've been in a long-distance relationship all this time ). And finishing my current studies, which I don't like very much. But, I'm almost there, so no turning back now.

I haven't felt more lost, career-wise though. What I considered my dream is all blurred and disconnected in my head. I don't know where or when I could pick it up anymore. My motivation feels to have completely evaporated. And this lack of drive really bothers me.:simbasad:

May 23rd, 2018, 05:19 PM
My lifetime dreams is actually mastering sound engineering, But I love to make or do open source digital audio workstation software on any Unix-like OSes. actually taken from Gratis vs Libre. I also just want to make a perfection on DAW so people could share their ideas and plugins just to make things easy and perfect for the sound engineering community.