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View Full Version : Funny things other people say about TLK...

October 24th, 2012, 10:29 PM
So, somehow TLK & SP came up at work, and in the course of overhearing (my coworkers think I'm bizarre enough without bringing TLK into it, haha,) a coworker was explaining what SP was about and this exchange took place, all the more funny because L* is the boss.

F*: So there's these other lions that are Scar's family, and his son falls in love with Simba's daughter.

D*: But Scar's the bad one, how does he have a family?

F*: He's got a bunch of kids, one of them's retarded, there's a whole load of them.

L*: THAT MANWH-RE. He's a manwh-re, D.

When they had no idea L* was even listening to the conversation.

....I think I died a little on the inside, LOL :lol:

Any other stories of overheard TLK?

October 25th, 2012, 08:26 AM
That's pretty funny. Always interesting to listen in on other peoples conversations regarding TLK.

October 28th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Oh geez, was he talking about Nuka being "retarded"? Wow. :lol: