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Kovu The Lion
January 13th, 2006, 09:42 PM
This is where you will come to sign up for the RolePlay Kovu's Territory

Please post What character you want (If it is a Canon Character) and a Profile, Everyone knows what personality and stuff each Canon Character has probably. So don't worry about giving a Biography for That Character(if its Canon)

If you are signing up an Origional Character, Please post the following information about him/her and he/she will be signed up as quick as possible :)


Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-




Name of family members(if any)-

Best Friend-

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)-


Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-

distinguishing marks(if any at all)-



This is the current list of people that have Signed up for this RolePlay and said they would RP. If you would like to make any adjustments, Please contact me anyway you can :)

The Characters name is first, Then the Members name. (Ex: Tumai - Kovu The Lion)

Origional Characters

Johnathen Kile - Alex Kile
Alexander Kile - Alex Kile
Sarah Kile - Alex Kile
Tiaret - Akiko
Kashka - Akiko
Rac - Avalon
Cova - Cova Lioness
Haleo - Haleo
Sengalo - Katse
Jaha - King Simba
Jafeecae - King Simba
Kiovu - Kiovu
Tekua - Kovu The Lion
Bomani - Lion King Stu
Zabad - Mushroom
Rinoa - Lt. Trevor
Asikari - Mizani
Sabiti - Mizani
Tariku - Nicoga
Sakura - Skye
Kivoru - Prince Kivoru
Kali - Rougeoutlander
Rueiko - Rueiko
Safila - Safila
Dany - Scout_The_Playful_Cub
Yianni - Scout_The_Playful_Cub
Mino - Simba's Legacy
Pulsar - Simba's Legacy
Tahj - Tahj
Makarov - Utora
Bookisi - Skye

Canon Characters:

Simba - Kopa
Nala - Katse
Kovu - Kovu The Lion
Kiara - Mizani
Nuka -
Vitani - Scout_The_Playful_Cub
Zira - Spaz Kitty
Scar - Sanri
Sarabi -
Sarafina -
Zazu -
Timon - Mushroom
Pumbaa -
Kopa - Sombolia
Chuki - Sanri

If you are new, Go ahead and just post who you want to be :) And a description if necessary


King Simba
January 13th, 2006, 10:07 PM
Name: Jaha
Pronunciation: JAH-ha
Meaning: Dignified--in Swahili.
Nickname: Ja
Race/Species: Lion
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Name of family members: Jafeecae [mate]
Best Friend N/A
Place of residence: Originally the Jungle. Now, the Pridelands.
Eyes: Bluey-green. More of a turquoise.
Appearance: Like Kovu in appearance. Pretty boney but still able to keep his strength. Pridelander style - brown markings along his back and round his legs.

Fur: Brown/tan. Mane: Blackish-brownish, Kovu/Twilight-style with quiff covering his right eye. Slightly longer down the left side of his face. Short fur, little messy but Jaha always tries to keep it as clean as possible. You could say he sorta looks like a prideland version of Kovu and you could say he resembles Twilight in appearance though he's slightly more lank.
Distinguishing marks: Brown stripey markings along his back and round his legs.
History/biography: Jaha was born in the heart of the jungle where he learned how to hunt and live by himself. This was due to his parents deaths whilst he was just a young cub. He doesn't remember much but can get pretty upset if someone mentions or asks about his past life. Met up with the handsome Jafeecae (Jah-Fee-Say) after his arrival and acceptance at Pride Rock.
Personality: Friendly and polite. Very helpful and loving towards his male mate--always wants to help others whenever they're in need of help. He always loves to spend time with his mate since he loves him with all his heart. Jaha often gets upset when someone mentions something about his parents so he prefers not to talk about them. He lived in the jungle previously, now he lives in the Pridelands ever since his acceptance.

Name: Jafeecae
Pronunciation: JAH-fee-say
Nickname: Cae
Race/Species: Lion
Age: Young adult--around the same age as his mate, Jaha.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Name of family members: Jaha [mate]
Best Friend N/A
Place of residence: Pridelands.
Eyes: A brown, hazel-like colour with a hint of green near the pupils.
Appearance: Similar built and style to Jaha except that he's more broad in appearance. Has a quiff which hangs over his right eye. Pridelander style - strong, lean paws.

Fur: Ginger. Mane: Dark brown, Kovu/Twilight-style with quiff covering his right eye same as Jaha. Long-ish fur, little messy but always kept up to standards.
Distinguishing marks: Black, triangular markings down the sides of his eyes--over his cheeks.
History/biography: Jafeecae was born in the Pridelands along with his parents who helped raise him there. They teached him how to hunt and defend himself. On Jaha's arrival, he got to know him better and ever since, he couldn't be happier. The two fell in love as young adults and continue to share and spread their love now.
Personality: Friendly, loving and caring. Is always up for meeting new lions and Pride members. Gets a little weary when he's alone but always tries his best to defend himself when needed. He is entirely against fighting and violence, but will do it if he needs to.

I don't have any reference pics for these two unfortunately. =[ I'll try and do some soon.

Anyway, hope that's enough info. =)

Kovu The Lion
January 13th, 2006, 10:10 PM
Sounds good KS :ayecapn: Very good details :) I'll add the two love lions up :) :hugs: Thank you for joining :D


January 13th, 2006, 10:58 PM
Name: Tiaret {African for "lioness"}

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank): Tia

Race/Species: Lion {Panthera leo}

Age: Year and a half/adolescent

Gender: Female

Name of family members(if any): Kashka {twin}

Best Friend: Kashka and more to come?

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc): a newcomer to the pridelands

Eyes: An intense shade of orange, untamed as flames and giving a good hint of her persona.

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also): Chocolate with tawny/cream markings around her eyes, muzzle, stomach, ears, paws, etc. A scruffy coat almost more of an outlander-like appearance, yet not quite.

distinguishing marks(if any at all): A rough and tumble, the most common way to tell her apart from her twin is that she's usually much more gruff and unkempt in appearance.

History/biography: Originally from the a kusafiria pride, a group of nomad lions that made many a journey across the african plains, Tiaret and Kashka grew up along with a mother who gave them little attention. In their own neglect the two formed a strong connection and leaned on each other for company, seeing as they were the only young of the pride. The other lionesses were often to consumed with hunting to pay them much mind, and their father easily got annoyed so they wouldn't get too close to him for fear of angering him. Then again, they had a right to get annoyed, for Tiaret especially is quite the prankster and trouble-maker, and far too many times she accidentally attracted hyenas to the pride's food or some other form of danger, etc.
Usuaully, however, Kashka got the blame for it...as the two are so identical it's hard to tell them apart...especially as young cubs when Kashka had yet to grow any signs of a mane. It was nearing time for the young males to get chased out of the pride when Tiaret pulled another prank that would get her brother chased out far sooner than anyone knew. Pulling a comical prank on a wandering rogue male was an awful mistake for the naive cub, and when he came into sight of the pride their father was the one who had to deal with him. Although he managed to win and chase the male off, he knew one of his cubs was the cause of this trouble.
In a rage and knowing his son would soon grow in a challenge himself, he came to the conclusion that Kashka was at fault here. Tiaret, too guilty to speak up had fought to keep herself quiet as her twin's exile was announced. Although she knew it was perfectly natural within the rules of lions for this to happen, she also knew that Kashka was still far too young to make it on his own out there...and that it was her fault. It didn't take her too long to follow after him, and although he still hasn't totally gotten over what she did, he appreciates her company.
Now, together they wander, and they've found their way to an interesting new lands...
The pridelands.

Personality: Playful and a prankster, she truly cares for her sibling even if she may tease him a lot. She seems to hate the fact that he's getting a mane and she's not. Towards others she's usually not so nice. At least until she gets to know them, she'll pull a prank...not always a friendly prank either...on them if she can. If given the time to know her she can warm up to others, although she's not nearly as shy as her twin, when it comes to her it seems as if playing and joking around with others is her own way of making friends.

Name: Kashka {African/Nigeria for friendly}

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank): Kas

Race/Species: lion {Panthera leo}

Age: Year and a half

Gender: Male

Name of family members(if any): Tiaret {twin}

Best Friend: Tiaret and more to come?

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc): a newcomer to the pridelands

Eyes: Emerald green, reflecting the warm and gentle colors of a jungle

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also): Chocolate with tawny/cream markings around his eyes, muzzle, stomach, ears, paws, etc. His coat is cleaner and smoother than his sister's, and he seems to get frustrated with the mane that's starting to grow around his scruffy neck.

distinguishing marks(if any at all): Not nearly as gruff in appearance as his sister is, although aside from that and his green eyes, he and Tiaret...well they are twins afterall.

History/biography: The same as Tiaret's, more or less ;) They came from the same pride, the same thing for story/history happened for them. As Tiaret grew up a prankster, her twin is quite the opposite of her...as twins often are of course. Although as a cub he might occasionaly join in, he seems much more logical, and often warns her of things she may jump at. Tiaret is the act and then think later type, and Kashka the think and then act type, yet they're a strange yet great team.

Personality: Friendly towards those he meets, yet shy and sometimes extremely naive...he seems to apologize for his sister's actions quite a lot. He often lets her pull him into trouble, and loves her no matter. Kashka is quick to make friends, yet sometimes too shy and lets Tiaret do a lot of the speaking...and thats not usually a good thing. If another were to take the time to get to know him, they would find a true friend.

There we go, Tia and Kas :vitsm:

Kovu The Lion
January 14th, 2006, 12:00 AM
Like the story :ayecapn: They are already signed up For you :) Very interesting characters Akiko :)

January 14th, 2006, 04:09 AM
Race/Species- Lion
Age- Adolescent
Gender- female
No family members. That I know of yet.
Best Friend- Loner. Has no friends.
Place of residence- Outlands
Eyes- Crystal Blue
Doesn't have classic outlander appearance.
Darkish Tanned fur.
Light brown paws.
Light brown muzzle.
Distinguishing Marks: Three Scars (like a swipe mark) on right front leg.
Comes from actual decent pride. Parents died. (or so is thought) Abandoned by the rouge pride at birth. Fended for self ever since.
Personality- Doesnt trust anyone. Hides feelings. Is reluctant to help anyone. Secretly longs for a place with a pride.

Kovu The Lion
January 14th, 2006, 04:11 AM
Sounds good :) I'll add to the list :ayecapn:

January 14th, 2006, 04:17 AM
So what happens now?

Kovu The Lion
January 14th, 2006, 04:18 AM
We wait..


now we fight..


Now we celebrate..

Okay just kidding, On the first post it says what we're doing ;) I'm waiting till tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then Sunday the RP will start. Just giving people a chance to make modifications, and or new people to jion.

January 14th, 2006, 04:18 AM
How do I load up an avatar by the way?

Kovu The Lion
January 14th, 2006, 04:21 AM
You don't RP Here.. This is the character Sign Up Thread, It was a joke dude :|

And you change the Avatar by Doing the following "User CP > Edit Options".. Now if you have any other questions that arent related to this RP, take them to "rafiki's Tree" :)

January 14th, 2006, 10:27 AM
Can't wait kovs! :D=D:cheese::wow::diva:

January 14th, 2006, 02:29 PM
Even though I'm already signed up with Sengalo, here's his profile for future reference.;)

Name- Sengalo (means "Scar")

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)- Runt, Worthless Slug, those kinds of things, but don't use them unless you want to lose a limb.:jejeje:

Race/Species- Panthera Leo (Lion)

Age- Adult (same age as Kovu)

Gender- a shmexy Male :rawr:

Name of family members(if any)- Scar(father), Taugadi(mother), Nuka(halfbrother), Vitani(steo-sister), and Zabad(halfbrother)

Best Friend- Yeah.. right. "Sengalo with friends" Whoever heard of that?:idiot:

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Wandering the Outlands and Pridelands

Eyes- Acid green with unusually small pupils

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- *Clicketh* (http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Katse/SengaloModelSheet.jpg) His fur is a reddish brown tint, his muzzle and underbelly a light tannish color. His mane is black as pitch, as well as tail tuft and elbow tufts. His toes and ear rims are a dark brown, his claws ebony black.

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- He carries a scar over his right eye(acquired in a childhood hyena attack). His mane is slicked back, except for three stray hairs that hang over his face. His claws are always exposed.

History/biography- Sengalo was born literally minutes after Scar's death, thus, the supposed youngest of Scar's children. He was exiled with the other Outsiders, his mother wrongly accused of being part of the "reason" for being exiled. Zira had always been jealous of the affection Taugadi was showed to by Scar and even more jealous with the birth of her healthy son to Scar. As a result, Zira flooded the Outlanders' minds with false facts that Taugadi was the "reason" for their exile. She never told the others that Sengalo was Scar's son, wanting her own son to be the heir, even though he wasn't of Scar's kin. Because of the lies, Taugadi and Sengalo were treated the lowest in the pride. However, through it all, Sengalo was able to at least be friends with Kovu. He was normally more spunky than Kovu, always play fighting with him and playing dare games when Kovu wasn't training. It was, in fact, Sengalo daring Kovu to step foot over the border into the Pridelands that got Kovu actually into meeting Kiara.
On a day of scavenging with Taugadi, Sengalo and she were attacked by the hyena pack. Sengalo suffered the scar he still carries today and Taugadi had lost her life to protect her son. Overcome with grief, Sengalo fled from both lands. Zira was the first to know of Taugadi's death and Sengalo's disappearence. When the other Outlanders began to question their absence, Zira informed them that Taugadi was dead, but lied that Sengalo had run into Simba while he was fleeing and was killed by the King. It left Kovu with even more hatred towards the Prideland King and motivated him more in his training.
However, Sengalo somehow managed to live through a long trek through the desert, where he was later found in a foreign land by a cheetah named Amber. Having a soft spot for cubs of any kind, she adopted Sengalo(though he was a bit reluctant, at first) and raised him with her two daughters, Sesate and Pera, and another strange cat she found, Rokama. Sengalo had a mostly happy cubhood after that, eventually falling in love with his adoptive sister towards his adulthood. To his dismay, Sesate's feelings weren't as mutual and she loved Rokama more. In anger and desperation, Sengalo challenged Rokama, they fought, and Sengalo lost. He fled from there and subconsiously returned to the Pridelands very close to the peak of the Outland/Prideland war.
Successfully running the hyenas out of the Elephant Graveyard, Sengalo took up residence there temporarily. He witnessed all that happened from a safe distance, from the fire in the Pridelands, to Nuka's death, to Kovu's "betrayal" to the Outlanders, to, finally, Zira's death. Sengalo's warring mind actually caused him to mourn over the loss of the lioness he had always hated and the death of the step-brother who never knew of their relationship. Anger darkening him, Sengalo now seeks revenge on all that've caused him so much pain, whether they were once friend or not.

Personality- So much has influenced Sengalo, he's not sure what to believe anymore. However, one thing is certain. He's a darkened soul consumed by his own anger. One could say it has led him to mild insanity, like his father. Sengalo suffers from what you could call "blind rages." If he were to become frustrated enough, he will go into a rabid state that he'll have next to no control over and lash on anything and anyone in his path. When he's finally calmed down, he normally barely remembers what happened. Sengalo rarely shows affection or trust to anyone because of what's happened to him. He's normally very sarcastic about things and enjoys playing with the minds of others.

January 14th, 2006, 03:35 PM
Hmm this RP sounds cool, can I sign up to this :cheese: if it's okay :D

I'll be using an original character of mine called Rac, so here's his profile :)

Name: Rac.

Race/Species: African Lion.

Age: About a month older than Kovu.

Gender: Male

Name of family members (if any): Simba (father), Nina(mother), Kiara (half-sister).

Friend: None, at least he has never found any.

Place of residence (Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc): Rouge, curretly resides the Prideland outskirts.

Eyes: Light Blue.

Fur color (includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- Yellow fur, with lighter muzzle belly and below eyes, above eyes are light brown. Has a dark brown mane. See picci; http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Avalon/Rac.jpg

Distinguishing marks (if any at all): Have broken his right canine tooth.

History/biography- Rac was Simba's first born son but to a rouge lioness. And young Rac and his mother called Nina was driven out together with the Outlanders though they didn?t join them, Simba didn?t want to accept the parentage to the cub which to Simba was not of his blood. Rac he grew up with his mother (who later died in a hunting accident) far away from the Pridelands. Even though he knew about his father he clearly knew that Simba would have nothing to do about him and thus Rac didn't want anything to do with his father, he carried a sort of hatred towards him. When Rac became a young adult he didn't dare too return to Pridelands cuz wars that had been fought against the outlander and he didn't feel connection to his old home nor a responsibility for what that happened there but still he couldn't really understand why the lion prides where so against each other when they in reality where the same. However sometime later Rac decides to return to his old homeland to heal the old wound between himself and his father, find out if the stories he had been told by his mother about his father?s loath was indeed true.

Personality- He has an attitude that sometimes can get him into major trouble and he is prone to short temper. But he also has a good side to himself, even though that is most of the time overshadowed by his gloomier image.

Been a long time since I last RP'ed this guy, to give him another try would be interesting :p :D

Kovu The Lion
January 14th, 2006, 06:20 PM
Sengalo is ready to go *Locks and loads Sengalo then hands to Katse* >)...

Good to see you here Avalon! Welcome to the RP :ayecapn: I am going to have to ask the Person who RP's both Kiara and Simba if its okay if they had a Cub (Rac) First, Just to make sure if you know :)...

I am going to be signing up a character of my own now ;)

Name: Tekua (Means Fire in English)
Gender: Male
Fur color (includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- Red body fur, With a white Underbelly and muzzle, His mane is a dark brown,
Eye Color: Blue
Friends: Psh, Good luck Trying to get him as a friend. :P
Place of Residence: He resides in the Pride Lands now, But The King is totally unaware of his presense.
Age: Adolescent, (1 and a half years old)
Other facts: He is Bisexual
BackGround: Tekua As a child left his Pride, The Javara Pride, To come find a better suited place to live, he was constantly abused and tortured by his father who thought of him as some slave.. But Tekua wouldn't let that happen, and so he hated everything about his homelands, and his parents. His life there bored him extremely and he wanted something exciting out of his cubhood, Not just sit around and watch adults carry on endless conversations that made no point. Then one day he stumbled upon the Pride Lands, He has no friends right now, He has just arrived at the Pride Lands by pure chance, And hopes to use this as his new haven, A place to call home.

Personality: He is very Couragous, Brave, And will take action if the cause arrives to do so, He's not to fond of meeting new people because the creatures he does meet become his enemies almost instantaniously, He hates everything that has to do with life, and likes to end anything, or anyone's life that has signs of life in them, Breathing, or a heart beat, he wants it dead. he's not the nicest lion of all, but has a plan, and a scheme, and will carry it through. Though he likes both Genders, Tekua does have a loving side. But he has never used it because he has never found anyone worth the while, He was always mistreated when he did, and now he wonders if he should trust anyone at all. And just live a life as a loner, a rouge, and an outcast.

here is a reference for my character Tekua (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a149/goten1702/a161188d.jpg)

January 14th, 2006, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Kovu The Lion

Good to see you here Avalon! Welcome to the RP :ayecapn: I am going to have to ask the Person who RP's both Kiara and Simba if its okay if they [b]had a Cub (Rac) First, Just to make sure if you know :)...

If it's not alright, I'll just make a few modifications to the story plain and simple :cheese:

January 15th, 2006, 02:53 AM
Hey would you like me to RP as Scar too? SInce noone else wants to be him.

Kovu The Lion
January 15th, 2006, 03:05 AM
If you can RP Scar, Sure, Just so you know. TLK 1 did happen in this, along with TLK 2, So you should have a storyline between what you think happened to Scar, and how he is still alive ;)

And signed up :ayecapn:


January 15th, 2006, 03:43 AM
Name- Asikari

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)- N/A

Race/Species- Lion

Age- Adolescent

Gender- Male

Name of family members(if any)- Father: Hodari, Mother: Anisha

Best Friend- Sabiti the bird

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- So far, has had permission to stay in the pridelands, but he lives seperately from the pride.

Eyes- Blue

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-
Main fur: Light coffee brown
Muzzle: Pale Hazelnut
Mane: Light chocolate brown
Inside of ears: Pink

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- N/A

History/biography- Second born to king Hodari and Queen Anisha, Asikari was raised to be a fighter since he would not inherit the throne. He was somewhat of a gentle soul, so it was often said he didn't live up to his name.
So to prove himself worthy of his name his parents bestowed upon him, so one day he hoped to go on a quest, to travel around Africa, and make his parents proud.
He set out as an adolescent, much to his parents dismay, and he currently resides in the Pridelands.
He isn't here to fight, but more to learn, as he sometimes seeks out Rafiki and his ever aging wisdom.
His best friend from his old pride is Sabiti, the bird.

Personality- Mostly friendly at times, Asikari prefers living in peace and quiet rather then in large groups of animals. He sometimes talks to lions from the pride, and he's even had his fair share of encounters with rogues seeking shelter in the Pridelands.
All in all, he's not that bad of a guy, and he's a trustworthy friend if ever there was one.

Just wanna add a second profile if you don't mind KTL:bleen:

Name: Sabiti

Nickname: Sab

Species: Pallid Harrier

Age: 2

Gender: Female

History: Sabiti has traveled with Asikari to the Pridelands. They've been good friends since she was a hatchling.

Kovu The Lion
January 15th, 2006, 03:50 AM
Affirmative :ayecapn: Your new character has been added to the list Mizani :) :hugs:

Interesting Character, resides with a bird :) Kinda like Zazu? Or a different species? (Just curious) :P

January 15th, 2006, 04:26 AM
Different species of course. Zazu's a hornbill, Sabiti's a Pallid Harrier *points to species section of profile*

Kovu The Lion
January 15th, 2006, 05:00 AM
My bad :) I thought that was swahili for something Xx...

Lion King Stu
January 16th, 2006, 07:34 PM
Hope this is ok Kovy dude.

Bomani (meaning great warrior if I remember right)
Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-

[Panthera leo] lion

Kovu's age at the end of Simba's Pride


Name of family members(if any)-
Nina (mother), Kijana (father MIA(missing)), mateless

Best Friend/s-
Kopa, Simba, Nala, Kovu, Kiara

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)-

Dark Blue (left eye) Light Blue (right eye)

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-

Mane- Black with streaks of dark brown
Muzzle- Light faint yellow
Belly- Light faint yellow
Fur- Golden Brown
Tail tuft- Brown with streaks of black
Paws- same as fur

distinguishing marks(if any at all)-
Scar on neck, X marked scars on left, right shoulder and scruff.
Longish mane that hangs almost over his eyes.

Born and raised at Pride Rock Bomani grew up like any other cub but from the start he felt strong things for his pride especially hearing about the past and how the pride stayed together he felt his duty was to make sure as long as he lived it would remain that way; hoping it would stay that way for many generations to come.
His mother was rarely ever there for him but someone in the pride was always in there to help out; he grew up feeling close to everyone but not feeling as close to his mother as he felt he should.
He earned his scars helping others out of situations against rouges who tried there way with lionesses that wanderd away from the pride; he swiftly made them run which only seemed to make him happy knowing he was of some use.
Being close to the royal family of pride rock he felt like some sort of body guard for them and ever since has been.

Kind and very caring lion but can have a short fuse when put in a situation he feels uncomfortable in or feels threatend. Goes by the Hawiian tradition of Ohana for the whole pride as it is his one true family and would always help someone else out never leaving them behind.
Strong and muscular he is a figure head of defence for the pride.

Kovu The Lion
January 17th, 2006, 12:44 AM
Woot LKS Is in the house >) Read over, and sounds great. If I get the chance to RP with him, Sure it'll be a blast, Bomani is all signed up ^^

:hugs: Thanks for joining!


January 25th, 2006, 12:13 AM
Hiya's, I got invited to this by a friend, I'm new and would like join with you guys if its alright :)

Name- Rueiko

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)- Rue

Race/Species- Lion

Age- Adolescent

Gender- Male

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pride Lands

Eyes- Hazel

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- light brown fur, black mane

History/biography- Rueiko's past is somewhat a mystery. He lost his memory when we was a cub and was taking care of by alot of nice souls who opened up to him. He has no blood family and no real contacts as of now.

Personality- Friendly affectionate, more like a cub at heart ten adult with a strong sense of maturity. Has a problem with getting attached to others and sometimes isolates from crowds. Can also appear cold and careless at sometimes

Kovu The Lion
January 25th, 2006, 04:30 AM
Sounds good Rueiko ^^ I'll add him up :) Thanks for joining. Have fun RPing :D


January 29th, 2006, 04:21 AM
I'm going to play the part of Kovu and Kiara's second son

Kovu The Lion
January 29th, 2006, 05:11 AM
Things wrong.

1) You need the peoples permission that may affect them during RP, aka the family of Kovu (Kiara, Kivoru, Simba, and Nala) Contact the people who RP them and get permission from them first. And if they agree its okay, then you can RP him :P

2) You need to post a character profile, it is located on the first page of this thead. Please use that.


January 30th, 2006, 03:28 AM
Name- Kiovu

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-

Race/Species- Lion



Name of family members(if any)-Simba(grandpa) Nala(grandma) Kovu(dad) Kiara(Mom) Kivoru (Bro) Vitani(Aunt)

Best Friend-Hickoro

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pride Lands

Eyes- Yellow

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- Paw(Brown),Mane(Black) Muzzle(Tan)

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- brown spot on back

History/biography-Kiovu is Kivoru's bro,and Kovu and Kiara's second son,Simba and Nala's second grand son,he is second in line for the throne

Personality-Nice and Fun to be with

Kovu The Lion
January 30th, 2006, 03:38 AM
*Sigh* No.. You gave me a picture of something that says "My Scene"? Confusing me dude.


Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-




Name of family members(if any)-

Best Friend-

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)-


Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-

distinguishing marks(if any at all)-



Use that.. Not anything else, just answer those.. xX



Seeing as you provided the Info, I guess it will work. Unless you give me an okay from the people it might affect :P.. So far I think you said you have Kivoru's .. x)

January 31st, 2006, 10:19 AM
Heya kovsie dude... i hope this wouldn't effect anything if you took my name away from the char. of nala?? is that ok?

Kovu The Lion
January 31st, 2006, 08:54 PM
Hmm guess it wouldn't really seeing its started with an aye 'okay or whatever it is.. Sure I'll take her off..

Nala is now up for anyone who wants her :ayecapn:


January 31st, 2006, 09:18 PM
I'll go ahead and take her.;) I think I'll be needing to play a good character, anyway.:p

Kovu The Lion
January 31st, 2006, 09:38 PM
Whoa...oO.. Another first. Katse playing a good character! Oo....xX.. I think something has gotten into Katse xD.. :P *hugs you* Just kidding with you girl ;) And yeah, Sure thing to ya's Katse, have fun with Nala.. xD In a good way that is oO..


January 31st, 2006, 09:41 PM
Teeha, you're silly.:p I can play goodie-goodies, you just haven't seen me play them very often.:idiot: I'm just more used to playing the imperfect baddiekins.:evilgrin:

Thank ye, anyway.:licks:

Scout The Playful Cub
February 3rd, 2006, 03:18 PM
Mind if I have one more original character?

This is Dani's yonger brother.

Name: Yianni

Species: Lion Cub

Age: About 2 months old

Descrption: Black with white markings all over

Personality: Very fun loving and easy going will play basically anything.

February 3rd, 2006, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Safila
Heya kovsie dude... i hope this wouldn't effect anything if you took my name away from the char. of nala?? is that ok? What do you mean?

February 3rd, 2006, 08:52 PM
I think she was asking if it would have any effect on the RP if she was no longer Nala. I don't think we'll have to worry about that now, since I'm playing her.;)

Kovu The Lion
February 3rd, 2006, 09:07 PM
Yeah Thanks for that Katse ;) and I might pick up Scar if no one claims him seeing Rougeoutlander doesnt really come here anymore it seems >>... But not going to take him off till I find him, might just be busy IRL or something.

And She was talking to me Kiovu ;) No worries mate. And all is fine

Scout, sure thing, Character Signed up. :P I'm changing the Limit of Characters to 3 per person now, 3 is max Combonation of OC's and CC's (Canon characters) Yeah :P or just those both but you guys know that, I'm doing this because begining of RP's are kinda /slower/ or well not that but rather hard to get started without people. And I'm sure people are itching to play other charries..xD


Spaz Kitty
February 11th, 2006, 03:43 AM
I'm a new member of the forum, but an experienced RPer...especially of Zira, for those of you who know me @ ERMuck, hehe. ^.-


I checked the list, and it seems she's still open. I'd like to claim her, por favor. Since she's a canon character, does she still need a profile made?

Kovu The Lion
February 11th, 2006, 03:53 AM
Not unless you want to make her one ;)... Just one condition upon making her your character.

She did fall from that ledge, She did fight against Simba, she did Train Kovu, The Lion King 2 Did happen.

So make sure you can bring her back.. Mysteriously... :evilgrin: :gasp: :D And she's yours!

Have fun RP'ing ;P.. And if anyone wants Scar, I'm opening him back up *is thinking about taking him* but just let me know if anyone wants to RP him :P...


February 11th, 2006, 03:57 AM
*Waves rapidly* Hi, Zira! Welcome to the RP, you awesome RPer, you!:D

*Also thinks about taking Scar*:hmm:

Kovu The Lion
February 11th, 2006, 04:08 AM
Major gaspeth, Playing the father and the son oO....

Your decision if not Katty :P


February 11th, 2006, 04:31 AM
I RPed both Sengalo and Scar at the same time only once before and that was way back when I first started RPing. I made Scar turn out to be 20 gergillion times more of an egotistical, power-hungry creep thing than he normally is.:gasp:

I still don't think I can hold anything to Scar Rpers, like MoS and others, but I could take a crack at it. Let's just see if there's anyone else that would like him more than me. I'll only take him if nobody else does.

February 11th, 2006, 04:37 AM
((Snabbin' KS's post to do this, thanks goes to her XD))

Name: Makarov
Pronunciation: Mack-are-ouf (( 'r' is rolled))
Nickname: Big Mak
Race/Species: Barbary Lion
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Place of residence: Pridelands
Eyes: One black, one red
Appearance: Meaty. Well fit, big boned, husky. Flat features.

Fur: A collagae of light green, light tan, and gray.
Distinguishing marks: A burnt phoenix on her front left forepaw pad. A burnt star on her back leftleg pad.
History/biography: She grew in ot a pride but with a mother, and a father. Her name was not always Makarov, until as a young cub her father left, for unknown reasons, and shortly following, her mother died. She was taken in by her grandfather, Bykov and raised to protect herself for the times when he'd not be around to raise her. She is very skilled in battle and hunting, as well as remaining hidden. She created her own ame, apart from her real one which is unknown.

Personality: Friendly, polite and respectful. She fights boldly for her views. She's usually quiet though and keeps to herself: not out of shyness but in humbleness, and because she usually thinks to herself and is not fond of being mistaken.
Tends to be a bit sarcastic when she feels relaxed or easy hearted. Her spirit is very un-nurtured, and even though she may be found in company she is more alone than a castaway prisoner.

Kovu The Lion
February 11th, 2006, 04:55 AM
lets call it a loan

Welcome to the RP Utora :ayecapn:


February 21st, 2006, 02:41 AM
FYI, my charrie is going to be male now. Hope this is okay with you Kove? And I'm gunna join now lol XD - took me a while there.

Kovu The Lion
February 21st, 2006, 02:57 AM
Yeap :ayecapn: Just in your first post, let people know that seeing some people do /not/ read this thread at all oO.. :)


February 21st, 2006, 07:05 AM
Um wow. I managed to forget about this, apoligies. I'll still RP Kopa and I'm doing an original character too.. I'll post his profile later, but his name is Tyr. ^^

Kovu The Lion
February 21st, 2006, 12:38 PM
Okie dokies ^^ I'll be waiting for his info :)

Nala The Princess
March 2nd, 2006, 06:12 PM
Ok I wanna introduce Sakura

Name: Sakura
Age: Cubby
Gender: Female
Location: Pride Rock
Color of eyes: Blue
Fur color: Black
Underfur: White
Hair Tuft: Pink
Personality: Kind and Protective to her friends, Fierce and strong against anyone she doesn't know or is unsure of/doesn't like
Family: Unknown
History: She won't open up about her past so this is unknown. No one has ever seen underneath her pink tuft.

Picture: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a...s/SakuraYaY.png

Kovu The Lion
March 3rd, 2006, 01:35 PM
awesome, and I'm going to guess that perhaps someone will be the first to learn about her in this RP ;P

all signed up and ready for action :ayecapn:


March 7th, 2006, 03:45 PM
As I said, here's the char. If anything doesn't sit well with you, I can TRY to modify it:

Name- Tariku

Nickname- 'Riku

Race/Species- Tigon

Age- Adolescent

Gender- Male

Name of family members- "Lian Ku"[Father/Tiger], Senelia [Mother/Lioness]

Best Friend- None

Place of residence- Plopped into the Pride Lands

Eyes- Gold with green flecks

Appearance- Tariku is about the size of a lioness, vastly different than his liger ?cousins?. His muscular build is also not very great, but he gets around with what he has. He?s very long in the legs, another common trait among tigons, and has slightly longer tail that ends in a small, dark tuft. While sporting the characteristics of a tiger, his few lion traits are his heavy neck/shoulder fur where a mane should be, and his sandy pelt. Along his pelt are faint, darker brown stripes and a few spots, along with an off-white underbelly. His forehead fur is a bit ruffled, giving it a tattered look. His right ear has an outer notch cut into it. The only sign of human presence on him is his tracking collar, a slightly bulky device that keeps him tracked wherever he goes in his new wild home.

History/biography- Tariku was raised by humans after an accidental breeding of a male tiger and a lioness. The humans thought this would be a good time to experiment how a hybrid would fit into wildlife on the African plains, so they brought up Tariku to fend for himself in the wild. Once he had grown to maturity, Tariku was hooked up to a tracking collar and released into the wild.

Personality- Tariku is a very shy cat, and will rarely talk without being spoken to first. One reason he is like this is because of his relatively unsocial life. Living in human-made cages allowed him only contact with them and his parents, a male tiger and a lioness. Second is because of his social sounds. He roars like a lion, but it sounds off-key and very tiger-tinted. He also ?chuffs? like a tiger, a sound his father used a lot, which is something the African species have hardly ever heard before, so it?s usually useless in communicating. For these reasons, he is very quiet, sometimes mistaken as mute. He still retains the feline curiosity, approaching anything new on the plains, finding out the hard way whether it is dangerous or friendly. Most of all, however, Tariku longs for a place to belong? or at least accepted. Tariku?s mood can change between the moods of a tiger and the moods of a lion. Sometimes, he wants to swim, while other times he?s afraid to go in the water. He feels social phases, then phases when he just wants to be alone. This is due to his conflicting genes, which can often send him into depressive states.

Kovu The Lion
March 7th, 2006, 09:59 PM
Awesome profile, I like how the "raised by humans, want to test him in wild" Thing works out. He'll be fun to RP with I presume ^^ See you in the RP Nicoga, for he's all signed up! :cheese: :ayecapn:


April 16th, 2006, 06:40 PM
Oh I forgot all about this!

How many charries are we allowed to have? Coz I wanna try my hand at roleplaying a charrie made by rainbow fountains - for me!

Sakura's past may be revealed in this RP we'll just have to see :) but she's also in TAY now so I dunno who will find out her past first :P

May 20th, 2006, 06:13 AM
can i join the rp?

Kovu The Lion
May 20th, 2006, 06:33 AM
Sure you can join Sanri =)

and you are allowed to have two characters each Skye :)

May 20th, 2006, 06:41 AM
Name- Chuki (means bad tempered)

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)- ___________

Race/Species- Lion

Age- Adolescent

Gender- Female

Name of family members(if any)- Scar (Father ..duh..) Nala (mother) Kiara (half sister) ~Kovu,Vitani and Nuka will be half if they`re dad is Scar..~

Best Friend- ______

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pridelands

Eyes- Acid Green

Fur colour- Orande Brown..

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- nah..

Personality- rebellious and short tempered

if no one has Scar can i take him?...

Kovu The Lion
May 20th, 2006, 06:47 AM
Approved :ayecapn: :) Enjoy RPing here

Scar's not taken at the moment, so he's all yours *hands you Scar* =^^=

May 20th, 2006, 06:49 AM
aww cool..i get Scar.. yeah.. thanks KTL..

May 20th, 2006, 02:54 PM
Cool! Sengalo's got another half sibling and Nala's daughter, too? That ought to be interesting. x3 I'm interested in seeing the back story to this, so there won't be any confusion. And how did Scar live? I'm /very/ curious. This could contribute to an awesome plot. ;)

Kovu The Lion
May 20th, 2006, 06:11 PM
Yes, That's what I thought too Katse ;) Why I gave her Scar :3

RP him well..x3

May 22nd, 2006, 03:45 AM
i have planned everything...thanks again KTL *squeesy hug*

May 22nd, 2006, 06:30 PM

Sakura's already signed up successfully but I've decided when I start this roleplay she will be looking back at the pridelands and leaving to go back to her original home. (therefore I won't be roleplaying her in this thread so i can make way for another charrie later on:D)

However, I'd like to sign up Bookisi my sabertooth charrie - if sabertooths are allowed? (If not I'll keep Sakura in...)

Picture: http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b182/sailorharmony/sabertoothtiger.jpg
Name: Bookisi
Meaning: 'Queen of Sabba'
Species: Sabertooth
Sex: Female
Bio: Her name explains her. She's the queen of all Sabba's but wandered far to speak to other kings and queens to see what they think about being king or queen so she can compare it to herself and what she's told from others. She's reached her final destination - the pridelands - & is here to speak to Kovu and find out what he thinks of being king. She's also intrested about the whole Scar / Simba thing and is hoping to get some infomation on that too. She is incredibly sweet and can use her charm to get what she wants. She's very beautiful and male lions are a sucker to her beauty but, despite the males knowing she has her king back home, it doesn't stop them trying and being rather flirty with her. She has a Western Palm Squirrel as a sidekick (which TUS is incharge of desigining at the mo) and a lovely king back home.

Kovu The Lion
May 22nd, 2006, 06:35 PM
One question:

I'm guessing since she's queen, she will be role played as an Adolescent? The pic sorta looks like a cub :p

May 22nd, 2006, 06:37 PM
no she's adult - she's a new charrie so i don't have any pics of her generally... YET ;)

hmm I'll edit the picture now :)

EDIT: Link updated :)

Kovu The Lion
May 22nd, 2006, 06:57 PM
I've really never heard of a Sabretooth being in the same place as Lions, But hey.. If you can make a post about her past and how her generation survived being wiped out.. You can RP her :) Other than that, she's signed up!


May 22nd, 2006, 07:35 PM
YaY thank you :D

Alex kile
June 12th, 2006, 11:24 AM
Name- Alexander Kile
Sex: Male
Meaning of name- N\A
Age- Adult 27 years but because of his genetic past still quite young
Eye color- Brown
Fur color- Royal golden
Mane color- Chocolate
Home- Pride rock
Friends- The pride
Enemies- Edward Sentjames (poture and all round bad guy)
Other- Bigger then Kovu but happily submits to his rule

Born human Alex was turned in to a lion. He witnessed His uncles murder at the hands of Edward Sentjames. Alex ran away to find a pride and the pridelandsers adopted him as one of there own adolescents. To which Muffassa took an interest in the young Alex. Teaching him the skills to be a real lion. Eventually finding a mate.

Tradaity struck Alex's mate when a poutures bullet paralyzed her hind legs and he had to leave the pridelands to take care of her. eventuly returning to the pridelands with his twin cubs John and Sarah after the death of his mate from cancer.

He is now considered a valuable member of the pride.

Name- Jonathan Kile
Sex: Male
Meaning of name- N\A
Age- cub 10 years Because of his genetic background he is still a cub
Eye color- Brown
Fur color- Royal golden
Bangs color- chocolate
Home- Pride rock
Friends- The pride
Enemies- none because he's a cub
Other- Has a twin sister.

Name- Sarah Kile
Sex: Female
Meaning of name- N\A
Age- cub 10 years Because of his genetic background he is still a cub
Eye color- Brown
Fur color- Royal golden
Home- Pride rock
Friends- The pride
Enemies- none because she's a cub
Other- Has a twin brother.

Kovu The Lion
June 13th, 2006, 08:53 AM
I can approve him though I have to say one thing, Please.. Type in correct English or use a spell-checker before each post, I had a hard time trying to read your bio's and character infomations.

With that said.. have fun RP'ing :)

July 23rd, 2006, 01:52 PM
Haleo (a cross of my name and astrological sign.

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)- Hally

Race/Species- Pure fuzzy, Lion!! :cheese:

Age- hmm.... well she's pretty young -so I'd say about 9? still a cub.

Gender- Female all the way

Name of family members(if any)-

Best Friend- she's new. she hopes to have freind shortly

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pride lands. in my story (yes I gave her a story.) she was brought into the pack by Kiara

Eyes- Deep Orange

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-her muzzle is a dark
distinguishing marks(if any at all)-



July 23rd, 2006, 01:54 PM
sorrry, squeeze this with history and bio

Haleo was the future princess of her Pack. but chaos among the other animals broke them up. Haleo didnt care, because everyone was still alive. and she needed some fresh air.
so she wandered africa with her father, Mother, and her Grandfather. after a while, Haleo was seperated from her mother and father by Hyena's, leaving only her and her Grnadfather.
but soon those Hyena's cought up with her, off in the distance, she saw what looked like her mother, but it was the Queen of the Pride lands, Kiara. Haleo didnt say a word. in an instant, Kiara spotted he Hyena's chasing her,, and carried her to safety. Haleo hasnt seen any members of the pack, since. but is happy to be at Pride rock. so she helps Kiara anyway she can, but she's horrified of Kovu. he looks just like the Lion that appeared right before her pack split up, and tried to kill her mother, father, and herself.

Kovu The Lion
July 23rd, 2006, 04:05 PM
Theres a thing first, Called the edit button, if you miss something its under your post on the right hand side, you can edit your post for mistakes/spelling errors or whatever =^^=

Other than that, very nice Character, You can now begin RP'ing in Kovu's Territory


July 25th, 2006, 09:05 PM
I looked for. but now I see it. Thanks =^^=

October 1st, 2006, 10:19 PM

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-




Name of family members(if any)-

Best Friend-None atm

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)-Pridelands

Eyes-Pale green

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)-
Nose: Black
Fur: Dark brown
Paw tips, muzzle, inside ears: Tan
Mane and tail: Red

distinguishing marks(if any at all)-He has a scar across his muzzle.

Katai was born under Scar's rein when Simba was gone. Scar, in some what Nazi fassion, forced Sarabi to mate with him and in the end she had Katai. Katai was strong and fast as a cub and even as an adolescent he maintains these qualities. Scar thought that Simba was dead and so tried to train Katai for kingship as he thought he was worthy. Katai went along but Scar soon found him unwilling to follow in his paws. At this point, Sarabi and Katai were very close.

Katai, on that fateful day of Scar's death, finally stood up to his father. He raged at him and turned his back, vowing that he was no evil predescessor. Scar, very angry and feeling betrayed, scratched Katai across the muzzle and the deep scar remains today. Katai soon found out from Sarabi who his half brother was, Simba. Not long after, Katai walked away, just getting his thoughts cleared. He missed Simba's return but when lightning struck the ground, he turned and ran back to his mother's side. He stood there, numb, as he watched Simba fight Katai's father. He closed his eyes tightly as Scar fell over the edge of Pride Rock. And so began Katai's new life.

Although Katai is Simba's half brother, and Sarabi has tried to convinse Simba that Katai did not wish to be king, Simba is still concerned. Katai only wishes that he had time to know his "brother" before Scar, before the madness, before the storm.

Personality-Katai is strong willed but soft hearted and very meager. He is quiet yet fast and he is very smart. His head is full of thoughts but he cares about his mother deeply. He lives with the loathing of his father and often tries to appease himself by talking to Mufasa. He is not sure what Mufasa is to him but he enjoys the company of the stars.

Finished! :D

October 4th, 2006, 10:22 AM
just to make sure.. since im back after a loong time.. i still have Scar and Chuki right?.. well.. Chuki's my char but.. Scar.. do i still rp him.. or is someone else doing it??..

October 13th, 2006, 01:47 AM
Sorry I took so long but on the previous page I finished my application. :)

Kovu The Lion
October 13th, 2006, 04:44 AM
Whoops forgot I ran this Lol :$

Your character looks fine save, I think Katai is the name of KS character isn't it...?

and that is correct Sanri, They're yours.


October 13th, 2006, 12:04 PM
It is? I was using one of my names from another RPG. I can change if you want.

Kovu The Lion
October 13th, 2006, 07:35 PM
Well it doesn't seem to have the same apperance as her's so I /GUESS/ it's not a problem, if you don't mind contacting her and asking, and getting approval first i'd be appreciated :)

Her names King Simba


October 14th, 2006, 02:57 PM
phew.. i thought i lost them due to not being regular.. in that case.. im getting back to the rping..

October 15th, 2006, 07:28 PM
Name- Charlie

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-Dark_looner (dont call him like that


Age-Young Adult


Name of family members(if any)-Doesent remeber

Best Friend-New one in the pridelands.Have to find them

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pride lands

Eyes- Blue

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- All black

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- scars on the both eyes like Kovus

History/biography-Charlie dont remember anything...he was bor in the nice family.Because his family was killed,and Charlie escaped he is the only one who survived of his pride.Looking for friends,he comed to the Pride-Lands.Beacuse of his black fur everybody is rejecting him so he comed to the pride-lands

Personality-Charlie is the great friends.A little lions are known like him.He will do anything for the friends.He is very nice,polite and kind to others .He is really good lion

October 24th, 2006, 01:16 AM
Okay, can I assume my character is okay by KS? She still hasn't PMed me back about it.

Kovu The Lion
October 26th, 2006, 06:08 AM
Will do Sanri :)

Black_Lion it looks alright, have fun RPing and hmm I'll get in contact with her for you Riley :)


October 30th, 2006, 12:50 PM
Alright, thanks. :)

November 25th, 2006, 06:51 PM
Name- hALEO

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-

Race/Species- pure fuzzy Lion!! :cheese:

Age- Cub

Gender- Lioness

Name of family members(if any)- None currently alive.

Best Friend- *kind... Nala. none other than that...

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pride Lands

Eyes- Deep Orange

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also) - she's real fuzzy, think fur. she's about the same color as young Simba, but her pwas are black, and he has a marking on her forehead - its a circle, with a triangle on each side and on the top, the bottom side of the triangle facing the circle.

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- the whole circle/tirangle thing.

History/biography- she was a princess of a neigboring pride, but Hyena's invaded and she escaped to the Pride Lands, she was taken in by Nala, and is kind of like the non-Royal princess, she thinks of Nala as her Mother, but is horrified of Kovu, who looks Scar, who she hates and scares her to death.

Personality- very hyper, and fast for a cub she likes to hunt and has a bottomless pit. she currently hasno freinds other than Nala, but ones to make some! ^^ Welcome My lil' Haleo ^^

((P.S - do you like My Avatar? MS paint ALL the way.:evilgrin: ))

Kovu The Lion
November 25th, 2006, 07:28 PM
Character seems fine, One thing you should know, the person RPing Nala isn't really active here anymore, IF you're still okay with that I will add her to the list :) Just try to use proper grammar and spell things correctly ^^


November 25th, 2006, 07:31 PM
*salute* Of course, SIR! it actually makes me horribly mad when someone uses netspeak or mispells something.

(leaps through the tall grass to the realm or RPing) "WHEEEEEEE!!!"

December 20th, 2006, 02:30 PM
OOooookk...why not put mine up too ay, although joing long winded Rp's can be hard, i wait for right time ;)

Name: Cova Simova - Cova
Age: 1 (so yea youngish, early 20's human years)
Gender: Female
Species: Lioness


From head to toe, at first glance things are clear she is a teenager, Clear cut muscualr physique, creamy golden Furr running along her back and sides, with a second coating of downy snow white running from her chin down underneath her belly to her hind legs, both colours melting together up her slender tail to its tip, This is Cova


She is a very bubbly and jumpy person, her can do attitude clearly shown and is usually the first to say hello to anyone new. Forever with a smile or grin covering her face and bounding around other other lions even when they are never in the mood, and is always in the mood for anything!


Her life has been a sheltered and loving one, Princess to the throne of her farther and mother who had always been there, making sure she was happy. This life has lead her to affraid of little, and at times a little ignorant of happeneings around her. Now she is blossoming into adulthood and ventures out to seek others.


(obviously holds no claim to ownership of photo, nor claims to be artist, was done by the all talented Sarafina and any comments to wanting it removed will result in it coming down immediatly :))

December 20th, 2006, 03:18 PM
womg, that ROCKS! :O I want a pic of Haleo like that >.>
but really, nice Bio. its so cool and neat/organized ^^

December 20th, 2006, 04:16 PM
:D sara got talent!

Thank you i really worked long on it ^^

I will Join RP when there is chance, dont wanna barge in.

Kovu The Lion
December 20th, 2006, 04:22 PM
So you say Coza is.. Princess? Sorta lost on that,

You say she's princess with her mother and father who's always been there,

Who is her mother and father?

Try to follow the outline I gave :p


December 20th, 2006, 05:03 PM
Well originally, had planned Cova as further offspring to Simba and Nala, so Kiara's sister.

But If there is a Char that is needed in your realm, or you would like to see introduced, i have no problems creating this..?

Kovu The Lion
December 20th, 2006, 08:20 PM
All I require for people who wish to have relationships with Canon characters is they get the persons consent that are RPing the canon's.. In this Most of those people are inactive So.. I doubt it'd be a problem..

If it does become one, I might have to ask a few if it's alright :) Otherwise thanks for clearing it up :)

You do know that right about this time she'd be Adolescent as stated? Seeing as Kiara is of that age also, Unless she was born before or after her time of birth(Kiara's) :p


December 21st, 2006, 06:33 AM
Great :D

hmm She was born after Kiara, so younger but not by much..seeing as Kovu and Kiara run things in this realm of RP Kiara would be reasonably older..so Cova is still at age stated in my Bio.

Well i stick with Cova dont wanna cause troubles or anything :eww:

Kovu The Lion
December 21st, 2006, 06:34 AM
it's alright :)

I'll add 'er to the list, 'ave fun RPing :)


simba's sis
January 14th, 2007, 11:27 PM
name- panya
age- she can scarcely remeber any more, since it's difficult for her to know when a day begins and ends, but she's probably about a year older than simba
description- panya is the spitting image of her mother sarabi, with light brown fur and lighter paws. she is very thin, there is not a drop of excess on her body. panya is blind, and her eyes have no color in them whatsoever
personality- panya is very calm and gentile. she is very philosophical and understands things that the seeing cannot
history- panya is the first child of sarabi and mufasa. she was born blind, and it was decided that she should not rule due to her disability. panya ran away as a small child, because she felt she was a burden to her family. she was presumed to be dead. panya then became a wanderer with no true home and traveled far away.

April 8th, 2007, 10:41 PM

Name- Wawili

Nickname(if same as above, leave blank)-

Race/Species- Cape/African Hunting/Wild Dog

Age- only 1 and 1/2-considered to be a young adult in her pack

Gender- female

Name of family members(if any)-several....none that travel with her.

Best Friend- N'gama and Karove

Place of residence(Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc)- Pridelands

Eyes- green

Fur colour(includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- She is colored in mostly beige, brown, and black. There are several white spots on her body, and white at the tip of her tail.

distinguishing marks(if any at all)- scar on neck and a scar over each eye

History/biography- Due to a complicated birth, Wawili gained a scar on her neck that is still able to be seen today, as well as a deep, raspy voice.

Personality- Wawili is eccentric, spiritual, and outgoing. She is a dreamer, but also has a very short temper. She loves to star gaze and to watch the sun rise.

July 10th, 2007, 07:05 AM
May i be Sarafina?

September 3rd, 2007, 10:35 PM
Where do we RP Kovu's Territory you know the actual RP :D:D :D. I'm back guys sorry i've been gone.

October 1st, 2007, 11:36 PM
That's OK. I was gone for a while too, but Now I'm back! >;D

Prince Kivuli
March 23rd, 2016, 12:35 AM
Age:Young Adult
Family: his mother was Uziri and his father was Mwanga. (Both died)
Appearance:Grey fur,Black mane,Black tail tuft,slender body build.
Distinguishing Marks:two scars over one eye.
Eye Color:Red
History: Kivuli was the Prince of a neighboring Pride but a group of Rogues attacked and killed his parents and took over,he escaped to the Pridelands.
Personality:Sarcastic,Friendly,Short-tempered,Sometimes he enjoys being alone,He doesn't trust others easily.