View Full Version : your biggest mis-buy ?

July 7th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Have you ever bought someting that you really wanted, and then you finally got it, and you didn't like it anymore?

For almost a year now, I had my eye on the (back then it was new) Sony Ericsson Xperia x8 android smartphone.


I'm a Sony Ericsson fan (not so much the Sony part though), and I have always loved their mobile phone designs.

I previously owend a SE z250i, and currently using the w580i (walkman).

I absoluty loved the fact that the Xperia x8 has a white cover, and for some reason I just loved the design and the front screen.

I HAD to have it !!

Only thing holding me down: the price tag = 150 €

So, last weekend when sales started in Belgium, the phone went down to 126 € (still a lot, but meh ...), OMG, I had to get it !! haha

Not knowing there's also an Xperia x10 mini, little smaller then the x8.
Also on sale. I didn't knew what to do, the x10 was much cheaper now then the x8 ever was, black/pink cover (I love pink, my current phone is, haha).

Huge dilemma!

The x10 mini didn't had a full keypad, but the classic 12-keypad, which was a real positive point for me.
The x8 only has a full keypad, which I didn't really like.

So, after about an hour :o , I finally made up my mind that I want the x8.
Went to 4 stores, and all sold out o_O

I get home, start doubting again.
Go to the website to see the pro's and con's again. Now seeing a new Xperia mini is coming out next month (incl. keyboard, keyboard on-screen, 12-keypad on screen), darn ! haha

Last Monday, I went to the store, to see if they had them elsewhere on sale.
I bring home, the x8 !

I'm totally exhited over it and can't wait to use it !!!!

Then it starts ... Where's the Azerty keyboard ??
I don't like typing on Qwerty, it's just confusing, when in my daily life on my laptops, I use Azerty.

Tried installing an app for it, needed to download 5 other programs first to get it on.
Couldn't even figure out where to put it on the phone, very disturbing ...
Putted it everywhere on the internal memory and on the memory stick, using the special SE PC suite for it.
Weird, not to say the least ...

The phone is so not easy to use ! (in my opinion that is)
It has so little settings, I got all frustrated ...

I e-mail SE asking if there's a way to change to Azerty.
They mail me back within 2 days (honestly, I didn't expect any answer at all ...)
Seems I have to select "French" as another input-language, where I get the option to check Azerty or Qwerty.

After 4 days of having my new phone, I finally can type in Azerty.
I have to admit, typing a text now, goes a lot faster.
But still ... typing on a full keypad like that without being able to feel the actual button, just annoys everything out of me. I keep pressing the wrong ones :(
(when you hold the phone in landscape, the screen goes with it, and the on screen buttons are still to hard for me to handle)
Testing it in the store all went fine, but once home, being able to check it out peacefully, I got even more stressed out about it.

My old (and precious) w580i has so much more great options, which I do all use (money was well spend on that one), but the problem is my buttons are all getting cracked :( so I wanted a new phone.

The x8 is a great phone for someone who has worked, up untill now, with one of those ancient Nokia phones, and now just want something more fancier.

Sadly, the x8 is not for me :(

I still think the phone looks absolutely amazing, but it has far too little settings for, comparing to my old phone, and the menu is just horribly empty.

My biggest mis-buy of the year *tadaaaaaaaaaa*

I'm gonna try and bring it back to the store, see if I can trade it, or get a coupon.
Once did it before with a media player ...
If not, I'm "stuck" with it, till I can find a home for it *sighs*

July 7th, 2011, 07:18 PM
probably the biggest mis-buy of my life time has been a wireless bluetooth headset. I used that thing once in my life and after that I have never touched it. It just didn't work as I thought it would and I wasn't interested on using it as much as I thought I was. luckily it was only 100€ at the time ( this was the time when wireless headsets where just coming available ). So it wasn't a huge mis-buy.

But in general I'm very careful with my money so I don't buy things that I don't really care for.

July 7th, 2011, 07:23 PM
Me neither. I turn around every Euro, hoping I'll get 2 out of it :lol:

I just still can't believe it, I so wanted that thing, lol.

July 7th, 2011, 09:32 PM
my biggest mis-buy was when i got paid tv channels, because i always dreamt to having paid tv, lots of channels, los of movies, etc... buy waht i saw was channels full of ads, the movies i wanted to watch never were aired, the pay per view was too expensive, and also i lost my free time, the result i lost R$ 500 ( US$ 300) in taxes to have it and not enjoying it

July 7th, 2011, 09:49 PM
My mis-buy are always falls into clothing and attire. :lol: And of course the so called "hot debut band" CD's for 30 MYR! I only listen to that Twice in my life and sell it on a yardsale.
My biggest regrets and buying things are my new iPod Nano, that thing won't last a year because I accidentally put it on top of my car and completely forget about it until I feel something wrong with the "situation". It's a complete mess and I lost 700 MYR over misfortune and mistake like that. :(

July 8th, 2011, 07:14 AM
Plane tickets to brisbane to visit my dad that I didn't end up using because of his situation at the time.... but that wasn't really a mis-buy, just things unfortunately didn't work out. I honestly can't think of anything big that I've bought for myself though, I've bought items of clothing that I've convinced myself I would wear, but never did. But they weren't that much money and not really a big thing. I'm not really one for splurging on new phones etc. I've had the same phone for 5 years now.

July 8th, 2011, 09:48 AM
I had my nokia for 5 years ... till the buttons stopped working.
The other phone's never lasted that long, they just broke.

So I thought: time for an investment ...
yeah right ... lol, maybe I should just get an ancient nokia again ^^

July 8th, 2011, 09:00 PM
I still have a Nokia phone at my parent's place that I got in 2001 or 2002 and it still works. Even the one I have right now I have had sense 2007 and it still works and it has been in heavy use because I used it a lot when I was still living in Finland.. my average amount of hours spent on the phone per month was around 20h, luckily for me I had 1€ per day plan where I could speak as much as I wanted on the phone and still be charge maximum of 1€ per day and also monthly payment on that plan was only 0.65€ so my phone bill was never over 31.65€.... well not because of calls within Finland at least... of course there is times I racked up juicy 140€ phone bill by calling to England from Greece in 04 and by calling to US from England in 06. My parents were very pleased.. thought the second bill I paid off myself as I had job at the time.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:08 AM
My first graphics tablet. I thought I was doing myself a favor getting a refurbished off-brand larger size one from Ebay. It did not come with drivers, the manufacturer was no longer in business so there was no drivers to download from the source & had to go a thousand unreliable sites downloading stuff, finally got that worked out and the pressure sensitivity didn't work with the program I had.

A seventy dollar nightmare that I dumped for only $40 plus shipping just to have it gone out of sheer aggravation. The next one was still offbrand, but off-brand with a box and from a solvent manufacturer that was still around keeping it's stuff updated.

Lion King Stu
December 27th, 2012, 01:54 PM
My old phone Blackberry Storm, broke on me several times and froze a lot of the time it wasn't breaking....technology....oy :wtf:

December 29th, 2012, 01:19 AM
My biggest mis-buy was a used iPhone 4S purchased from a shady fellow off craigslist. Obviously, it turned out to be stolen. The plastic faux-chrome spinning rims on a busted POS cadillac and the jonesing-for-a-bump-of-coke demeanor of the gentleman should have tipped me off -- I got what I deserved.

December 29th, 2012, 10:34 AM
HTC EVO 4G...blown.
Software was unstable, stuck in boot loops frequently, wiped itself, etc.

Another was the car my father let me buy from him.
He didn't tell me all about it's problems and of course as my Dad I just trusted he wasn't lying.
Then it was totalled a month later. 1700 down the pooper.


August 13th, 2016, 10:21 PM
An Xbox One. Cost about $400, had to sell it about 3 months later for $200 because I didn't use it at all.
There wasn't anything wrong with it, but games were too expensive, and I couldn't afford a 20-60 dollar game every time I was finished with my previous one.
I couldn't have foreseen not having enough time and money to play games anymore >p<

Also, when I first got my fishtank, I wasn't aware you had to cycle it for a month. Partly my fault for not researching this more, and partly the store's fault for not telling me. I got it all set up, put the fish in, and then 2 days later they all passed away.
I feel bad for the fishies, and also my wallet because that was about $120 in fish :emo:

This isn't really a mis-buy, but I always feel bad when eating out. Knowing a $1 frito burrito or mango could fill me up just as well, it makes me sad to have spent 20-80 bucks on food.
I wish I could be more appreciative of food, and I wish I had a bigger stomach so I could actually finish my meals without getting sick... >-<